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XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

NetDuma Partner

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

It's a known issue on the latest firmware so if it is a big issue for you then downgrading the firmware will fix this. Do be aware that you will lose some security updates by downgrading.
Message 126 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Crazy part is it’s almost been a year of hundreds of people having the same exact issues and your company is doing nothing to fix it. I have the same issues as all these people tried every setting you can think of in the world and the only way to get the wired Xbox one x to show up connected it to reset the router. That’s a dame joke man for a router to coast this much and your joke of a “team” has not even addressed it. I can’t even add my Xbox or PS4 to geo filter if I do my chat don’t work in game and it take 20-30 minutes to find a game. I gonna post a in depth video on YouTube so everyone can see how terrible your router is and how horrendous the technical support is. Garbage products again just like the R9000 paper weight I got.
Message 127 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

With my xr700 only issue i get is devices showing offline when they are connected My xbox one s and one x is always shown though. With geo filter the party wont work if people or the host should i say is outside the geofilter radius. Ive experienced that myself. I forget if everyone in chat need to be within radius or just the host. But thats what causes that issue. But i agree with this man. Why hasnt any of these issues been address ? I bought the router in march 2019 and one update and no patches for devices showing offline even though they still are online and connected
Message 128 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Dude the new Asus routers are unbelievably good. I was going to get it I bought this crap I always fall for the lies that Netgear puts out in the marketing. They really need to be held accountable though for something this much money that they have no intentions on fixing and they tell thousands of customers the same line “Our team is working on a fix“. Go look at every form online there’s literally hundreds and they all say the same thing we are working on a fix with an update our team is working effortlessly to fix it😂 such a joke.
Message 129 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Fixes don't come over night. 

Message 130 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Do you have any idea how stupid you sound? Updates don’t happen over night lol it’s been a year bro a year that’s over night next time think threw what you are typing say it out loud and think about how it’s gonna sound. A year is not enough to fix two issues lol this guy.
Message 131 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Good Luck with that. 

Message 132 of 155
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Regarding the Geo-Filter and party chat, your friends need to be added to the allow list otherwise it is essentially working as expected by blocking everything outside the radius. It can't tell who your friends are without you telling it. Follow the guide here and that will be resolved (specific section at the bottom): http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000077072-dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-g...
Message 133 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

It’s not party chat it’s any chat in game not even in a party just trying to chat with random people in game it will not work with Geo filter enabled I did every troubleshooting step you can possibly do with your level two support and your engineer team. This just proves another garbage product super overpriced. Again I bought the Asus RX-88U and that puts to shame any product you ever came out with. I have owned the Netgear X4S I have owned a night Hawk r9000 Now this garbage XR 500 that literally does nothing that you say it does. Again people you want to real router with real customer service who doesn’t BS their customers saying “our team is working on a fix“ get your self the ASUS RX-88U. And by the way I have zero latency issues and my ping is lower using the ASUS RX-88U then the XR-500 it’s all Marketing to take peoples money and provide them the same old garbage in a different shell.
Message 134 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

And by the way that link you sent me I literally did them settings three different times after factory restoring the router over and over and over. Already been followed them steps and it did nothing. Engineer and he responded back and said there’s something wrong with the firmware they put a patch out that was 6 1/2 months ago. Every time I turn any of my Xbox’s or PS4’s Nintendo switch or PC on I have to restart the router for any device to show up again engineering almost a year ago sorry for the inconvenience were working effortlessly on a fix it’s a bug in the software or year later same garbage in a diffI have to restart the router for any device to show up again engineering almost a year ago sorry for the inconvenience we’re working effortlessly on a fix it’s a bug in the software or year later here we are. GARBAGE!!!!!
Message 135 of 155
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Ah game chat, well that is because you'll be blocking people using the Geo-Filter. If you want to chat with them then you'll need to increase the size of your radius but you may then get servers that aren't as good. Regarding the devices downgrade to .40 as it will work on that firmware, not a solution by any means but that's the available option at the moment.
Message 136 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Brah I open the geo filter circle as big as the page meaning the whole world it did NOTHING. Your level 3 support and engineering even said it’s screwed up they have no answer. I’m not looking for help there is non I’m trying to make people aware of the marketing scam and to buy a real router ASUS rog gt-5300 or the ASUS 88U. And by the way there customer service don’t lie to the customer and then keep the lie going for a year.
Message 137 of 155
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Sorry to hear you feel that way, I'll respond anyway just in case someone else has the issue.

I'd suggest checking with the device removed completely from the Geo-Filter, if it's still an issue then it is very likely due to a NAT issue which should be resolved by following this guide: http://support.netduma.com/en/support/solutions/articles/16000076587-dumaos-optimal-settings-guide-o...
Message 138 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

You are absolutely wrong again this is the problem there’s so much wrong information being passed on to customers. It has zero to do with the nat type all ports are forward to every device even had DMZ enabled. Set static IP’s to devices iPv6 enable/disable just please stop spreading wrong information that you have no idea this is part of the biggest problem on these forms. Have a good day thank you please stop responding.
Message 139 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Hes talking about whats wrong with not being able to connect to certain people party chat. I can confirm this as i figured this out on my own. Once i widened the radius to my friends states too it worked
Message 140 of 155
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

If you've port forwarded all ports to every device then you will have port conflicts and that could cause issues such as this. UPnP is recommended to be used with multiple devices with port forwarding disabled. As above widening the radius should fix the issue so if it's not then there is another issue as the Geo-Filter wouldn't be blocking anything.
Message 141 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Bro if you read what I wrote and can comprehend it will be great I widen the radius as high as it can go that means the whole entire world is in the radius and it does not work I repeat I widen the radius as far as it can go and I still can’t chat it does not work do you understand I don’t know any other way to explain that. If you want I can gladly upload a picture so I can show you kind of like a picture book for three-year-old kid.
Message 142 of 155
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Have you got anything at all in the block/allow list? If your Geo-Filter radius covers the whole earth, nothing should be being blocked.


Does it still happen in spectating mode? If it does still happen, then it suggests that it's not a Geo-Filter problem. If it stops happening... Well that's confusing.

Message 143 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

There is nothing in the block/allow. And it does work with no issues if input my Xbox or PS4 in spectating mode. That’s why I’ve been so angry and saying over and over Geo filter don’t work at all. Because if you have the device and spectating mode it’s a literally doing nothing for your ping.
Message 144 of 155
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

I understood the issue, I previously asked to test with the device removed completely to indicate whether it was a Geo-Filter issue or not.

When you have it in Filtering Mode is it added with the 'Console' service or are you able/have selected a different service?

When it doesn't work do you see anything on the map at all that has a blocked triangle?
Message 145 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

No blocked no triangles at all. I tried it the Xbox in Xbox/pc/PS4 service all did not work. Also had it in filtered modes with Xbox/pc/PS4 service all did not work. Also had it in spectating Xbox/pc/PS4 service that works with all three services. It only works in spectating or when it’s off if it’s unfiltered even if you widen the circle to the whole world it does not work at all.
Message 146 of 155
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Could you just provide a screenshot of the entire Geo-Filter page please with the map zoomed out when it doesn't work please and another for when it does work in spectating mode? Try to take them when the issue happens/when it works. Would be good for us to see the difference between the two.
Message 147 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Mean it’s pretty simple it dose not work in filtered no matter what setting I use pc/PS4/Xbox/other nothing works even if the circle is around the world or the size of a dime. Nothing blocked nothing in a triangle nothing. If it’s in spectating it works perfectly fine zero issues whether the circle is the size of a dime or circled around the world. Spectating mode works with or with out PS4/Xbox/pc/other option enabled it’s simple best way I can explain it. Netgear remote accessed my computer today and seen exactly what it was doing it’s terrible software on a terrible router all marketing gimmicks all it is you guys got this XR series being the greatest thing since sliced bread but these 2 ASUS routers have a lower ping and perform 100 times better. They also seen how five of my gaming devices don’t show up in the router software it says they’re disconnected but they are connected and have Internet on them. They were connected to my gaming laptop today your router software was showing them it was disconnected when they had remote access on it it’s garbage.
Message 148 of 155
NetDuma Partner

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

Reason I ask is because it doesn't make any sense why that is happening, you would usually see something if it doesn't work. I've not seen this issue before.

Here are some suggestions as I'm not sure what you've tried specifically.
Disable any Ad blocker you may have installed on your browser.
Add routerlogin.net or the LAN IP to any Anti-Virus you have installed. The Ad blocker and Anti-Virus can interfere with some processes on the interface - that could explain why nothing appears with the filter on.
How are you accessing the interface - via HTTP or HTTPS? If HTTPS use HTTP please. Google Chrome is our recommended so please try that.
If that fails could you do a factory reset and see if it works when setting up the filter from fresh? (You can do a backup first and restore it later if needed but best to see if it works from scratch)
Message 149 of 155

Re: XR 500 Network map not showing wired xbox one x

I did a factory reset three times. I had the router replaced twice RMA with brand new xr500’s. I use google chrome. I have no fire wall I opened it in the router and I use windows defender I tried it with that off and on.
Message 150 of 155
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