Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware


Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

@JamesGL, It continued to drop.  I reset to factory settings (but with the v1.0.9.26_10.2.31_beta) and it continued to drop repeatedly.  I downgraded to v1.0.9.14_1.2.25 and reset to factory settings and it's still dropping repeatedly.  By repeatedly I mean it sometimes doesn't keep internet connectivity for more than a few minutes.  In Genie, it shows internet status as red and it can be fixed by pushing the "Test" button in the "Internet Setup" window but that's not a viable fix over and over again. 

Message 776 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

Hi  Pfamerca,

Did you try to disable DLNA server ?

go to the advance tab
click on USB storage 
click on media server
deselect the Enable Media Server option
click apply and that should do it.

Message 777 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

DLNA is creating bottleneck with scanning too aggressive and building up catch file faster than it should be.
Netgear is fine running it for next trial FW. My trial FW failed and the extensive logs have been seen by software engineers. Hope they will find the way to fine tune memory catch file problems as soon as humanly possible..
This would take care of problems for most of other models as well.
Message 778 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

Its very quiet here, all problems solved?

Message 779 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

Yes, don't we all love the quiet moment? It's precious....
Message 780 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

Quiet before the storm? lol.

Message 781 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

WiFi Sweet spot. Note 5. R8000 trial FW. x.xx
Model: R8000|Nighthawk X6 AC3200 Smart WIFI Router
Message 782 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware


Quiet before the storm? lol.

No issues since running V1.0.9.26_10.2.31.  Wifi speed is good with 110 MB which is what I was getting prior to issues starting (420 MB wired).  

Model: R7000|Nighthawk AC1900 Dual Band WiFi Router
Message 783 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

Nice, thnx for the feed back dude.

Message 784 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

Looks like v1.0.9.26 hot fix resolved the wifi dropping issues due to google home devices connected. Had been on the new firmware for the past couple of days, and no issues so far.
Model: R7000|Nighthawk AC1900 Dual Band WiFi Router
Message 785 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware


WiFi client Note 5/android 2.14. This is quite good comparision to what the Router WiFi capable of putting out the speed. Model R8000.

You can start the thread and I will follow. That is perfectly fine. 

I am an easy goer, anyway. Been there, done that so I am quite flexible...

Message 786 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

Model: R7000



Updated to .26 last night, did a full paper-clip factory reset. Now I'm experiencing that my Sonos speakers are not being detected on the network. I've rebooted the speakers, and they will come up for a bit then disappear. They all run on the 2.4GHz channel. .20 did not exhibit this behavior. I'll roll back to that version.



Model: R7000|Nighthawk AC1900 Dual Band WiFi Router
Message 787 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

It breaks Samsung smart TVs.


No - I didn't do a factory reset.  WTF should anyone have to factory reset these days - It's 2018. 


I rolled up to & the TV stopped working.

I rolled back to  & the TV worked.

 I rolled up to  & the TV worked. 

I rolled back to & the TV stopped working.

I rolled back up to & the TV works. 

Not once did I perform a factory reset. 

Conclusion - a factory reset is BS & is borked.


Message 788 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

You have no idea what you are talking about dude.. Seriously..


If you have problems a factory reset can help in certain situations, i speak out of experience. I had a problem once with Netgear firmware and a factory reset solved the issues.. So NO a factory reset is NOT BS...


When i update to the latest BIOS on my motherboard i also have to do factory reset becaus if you don't you can get errors or issues so its best to do it forehand, its common sense actually..


Message 789 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

You've totally missed the point hurricane28.  You can talk about experience & common sense all you like, but a factory reset is total BS. It's BS coz some **bleep**ty coder can't process an out of range or re-used variable from an old configuration.   Just because it may fix it, doesn't mean its the right answer.  It's like if I ask you to be quiet, and you keep dribbling **bleep**  ... and then I rip your arms off & beat you around the head a bit just to shut you up - it may work, but it's probably no the right way to go about it. 

Message 790 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

@snoo, since you don't know how the code is written, you can't be sure if a RESET is needed or not?


Consider this, there is only limited RAM. In it resides the present code and data settings. Do you know the size taken and free space?


Now you have to load the new firmware install s/w somewhere. Probably need to at least retain a bootstrap set of code to start the initialization of the new code once downloaded and possibily verified. I'd suspect it would be wise to overlay the old firmware in case the d/l was bad.


Assuming all that is true, can you be sure no data settings were overlaid during the firmware install? Even windows code comes down compressed and needs to be expanded when installed, and that requires some 'scratch area' to do that.


Are you sure that even IF no data settings are overlaid that the new code wasn't using a different location for some settings. The new firmware did NOT move the data though?


IF a new setting was added or removed (like Disney Circle and Arlo support) can you be sure that the data settings area wasn't changed and compressed or expanded, thus moving the address of some settings?


Yes, all that is BAD CODING, but you just don't know, do you?


The PERFECT way would be for NG to require you to SAVE the settings before upgrade, have the new firmware CLEAR all settings when first initialized, and then have you load the saved settings and the saved file have information what each item was and the firmware set those for you. That would be the best for all involved, but it isn't the case.


I'm always trying the new flash without a reset. If I do hit a problem (rare) I'll do a reset. I think in the various releases I've only had to do this twice. I also think the reset code has changed? I think it used to actually clear all settings but it doesn't now.


Want to read the source code, see https://kb.netgear.com/2649/NETGEAR-Open-Source-Code-for-Programmers-GPL, you'll find R7000 in the list and code for various flashes. You can get it sent to you on a flash drive for $20 or d/l it. Not worth my time doing that. The latest code is a 491MB zipped file. 2 files in it, a readme for building and a .TAR file for the code. Oh, you'll need some specific tools to build it too:



      This package has been built successfully on 32-bit i386 Fedora 6 Linux
      host machine. Compiling this package on platforms other than Fedora Core 6
      may have unexpected results.


Message 791 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

Oh my god, are you really arguing over this?

If you want to see all the settings you can just log into the router and dump them with the nvram command. There's no big mystery to it.

It's rare that you need to factory reset the router, and he already showed that the issue clearly affects one specific version by both upgrading to that version and downgrading to it.

I personally don't know what the point in trying to make 1.9.18 work is anyway, it clearly is not a stable version, why even have the argument?
Message 792 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

I have this router and Netgear emailed me to say that there was an important security update ( I read this thread first and got scared about doing the update and having bad connectivity as a result so I haven't done it yet. At this time, what do you recommend - continue to wait, or update to which version? Thanks!

Message 793 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

At this point, don't fix what's not broken.



I have this router and Netgear emailed me to say that there was an important security update ( I read this thread first and got scared about doing the update and having bad connectivity as a result so I haven't done it yet. At this time, what do you recommend - continue to wait, or update to which version? Thanks!


Message 794 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

Speed is 27 mbps. On a 100mbps plan any help with that
Message 795 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

So, I have been following this thread for a long time now. My take is that TerryPH has it right that it is a memory issue due to volume and introduced at some point after v1.07. So, the latest beta hotfix release notes from netgear seem to indicate that they have now agreed that this is the issue (instead of blaming it on Android) and tried to fix it. But, I am stuck in the following state:
1. Many of you seem to have updated to the latest beta and still experience the issue. Is this true?
2. I don’t like betas and am scared to move off of 1.07 for fear the issue will come back with the latest release
3. I am unclear what risks and security holes exist in 1.07 and am worried about being on this old version too long
4. I have seen nothing from netgear that officially admits to the problem, explains the root cause, and communicates to all of us when an official fully 100% tested release will be available

Do any of you have any answers here? Netgear, are you still out there? Do you still care? Will you be releasing an official version that solves the issue and communicate with transparency to all of us?
Model: R7000|Nighthawk AC1900 Dual Band WiFi Router
Message 796 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

Hi Redtarheelhawk ,


1. Many of you seem to have updated to the latest beta and still experience the issue. Is this true? -Many users have confirmed that the issue has been fix with the latest hotfix. You have to check as well if you have google home devices or chromecast or any other device the uses casts feature that contributes to the issue. There is a known issue with those devices.


2. I don’t like betas and am scared to move off of 1.07 for fear the issue will come back with the latest release. - This is considered as official firmware since it is released in official website. 


3. I am unclear what risks and security holes exist in 1.07 and am worried about being on this old version too long. - Then you might have to consider upgrading to the latest firmware. Please take note that not all users have the same environment and network setup. 


4. I have seen nothing from netgear that officially admits to the problem, explains the root cause, and communicates to all of us when an official fully 100% tested release will be available. - It has been confirmed by NETGEAR that it is an issue that is why the firmware was released.

Message 797 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

1. Many of you seem to have updated to the latest beta and still experience the issue. Is this true? -Many users have confirmed that the issue has been fix with the latest hotfix. You have to check as well if you have google home devices or chromecast or any other device the uses casts feature that contributes to the issue. There is a known issue with those devices.

The hotfix is by no means a complete solution as evidenced by those with continuing problems. I used screen cast on an earlier firmware without problems. It's Netgear that has the problem, trying to pass it to others is pretty poor.


2. I don’t like betas and am scared to move off of 1.07 for fear the issue will come back with the latest release. - This is considered as official firmware since it is released in official website. 

 If it is considered official firmware why does the broken remain as the first download available?


3. I am unclear what risks and security holes exist in 1.07 and am worried about being on this old version too long. - Then you might have to consider upgrading to the latest firmware. Please take note that not all users have the same environment and network setup. 

 Or you may consider moving to a third party frimware that does not have the issues provided by Netgear


4. I have seen nothing from netgear that officially admits to the problem, explains the root cause, and communicates to all of us when an official fully 100% tested release will be available. - It has been confirmed by NETGEAR that it is an issue that is why the firmware was released.

Has it been admitted by Netgear that they have not completely fixed the problem, because they can't find what they did to break it? I've seen no explanatory communication from them, has anyone? An apology would be a start.

Model: R7000|Nighthawk AC1900 Dual Band WiFi Router
Message 798 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

I have in fact seen the opposite from netgear. Rather than admit fault they blamed Google. They released firmware that caused the problem for me. While I have Google products I had no problems until I upgraded and then I could not make it more than a few hours.

I downgraded after trying the betas and still having the problem. Granted I did have an issue a few times after downgrading (twice in two weeks) it was not every few hours like I was seeing. I believe the continued issues were based on the Google products because after updates were released I have been stable again on old firmware. Since I am not paid to be a beta tester I bought a new router, not netgear sadly, but it seems this has spread to other devices of theirs as well so I am now out.
I also have issues that the problematic firmware continues to be posted with no warning or updates and this is not an acceptable practice to me as I work in the wireless industry and if we did this it would be in the news. Communication from netgear is poor. I have seen a few posts from them that you need to hunt for but nothing on their support pages press releases and they continue to act as if this should be business as usual.
Message 799 of 897

Re: Feedback for R7000 New firmware

Do you know how many people i meet online that claim to work as or Engineers or "in the industry" ?


I mean, if you are really an professional you have other ways of contacting Netgear instead of posting on forums...

You can call them, email them and send PM via this website.. I had a problem once with my router to witsh i called them and they solved it pretty fast via Email.


Anyway, as to the problem, this is greatly caused by Google devices. Its not only Netgear but TP-Link, Asus they are all affected by it and Google released an update to fix this issue. Even without using the Chromecast it can cause issues as you have to reset your hole network in order to get rid of it. Even resetting the router and or the modem is needed. This is where factory reset is made for.


On another note, what did you expect from Netgear? That they simple come here to argue with people and take the **bleep** from people who have no idea what they are doing and blaming Netgear for it? I mean, did you read the comments that some people wrote here?  That wouldn't be very professional imo. Instead they are working on a fix which worked for many users.



Message 800 of 897

Orbi 770 Series