Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Getting an error in R7000 "The IP address conflicts with the WAN IP subnet".


Getting an error in R7000 "The IP address conflicts with the WAN IP subnet".

When I try to make (aaply) changes in DHCP, I get the following error when pressing "apply":


The IP address conflicts with the WAN IP subnet. Please eneter a different IP address


Of (potential) interest:

  • I have assigned dozens of static IPs, and never seen this until now. It has been running smooth for several years in its current position.
  • My router is behind a modem/router from my ISP (Sagemcom f@st 3686), but this has been put in bridge mode, and has an IP of
    • However, the Sagemcom does still broadcast a WiFi. One of the four wifi SSID ("normal" plus "guest", 2.4GHz + 5GHz) that the Sagemcom router used to broadcast before being put in bridge mode is still broadcasting (the "normal" 2.4GHz SSID). It has been doing that forever, though, and I gave up on doing anything about it, since everything has worked for years with that "bug". Therefore I think this is unrelated.
  • My router has IP, and my subnet mask is (for now at least, running out of addresses once I finish adding static entries for a bunch of stuff)
  • I'm using R7000 as DHCP for -
  • I haven't changed anything in WAN setup (ever, and cerytainly not from it was working to it was not). "Disable IGMP Proxying" is checked, nothing else is.
  • I have a DNS server locally (, and I have set this as primary DNS, and as secondary.
  • I have a Nighthawk X4 AC2200 connected via ethernet, set up as AC.
  • A few days ago, I was trying to follow a guide to set up a network bridge on a server (running Ubuntu Server), and the guide said to do "ifconfig eth0". That meant I lost the SSH connection. Network came back as normal after restart of R7000 + server.
    • I'm not saying this is related, but it's the only thing I can think of having done between when it worked, and when it didn't, where I'm not exactly sure what I actually did. Well that, and set up the DNS server (PiHole).

I saw a bunch of other people with this issue in the forum, but that was usually someone trying to use the modem as DNS, something about DNS on WAN port of router (not sure what that means), unsolved, or just plain weird with no real useful info for fixing.


Rebooting the router did nothing, and there's no new firmware (see attached screenshot).

Model: R7000|AC1900 Smart WIFI Router
Message 1 of 10

Re: Getting an error in R7000 "The IP address conflicts with the WAN IP subnet".

It seems to be an issue related to DNS, but not super straight forward.


If disabling the PiHole DNS, the error no longer appears. But the static IP set in the Netgear Router DHCP are not actaully assigned correctly regardless (it just doesn't give an error message).


The only workaround was to disable DHCP in the Netgear router, and use DHCP on the PiHole instead. That works just fine.


Come to think of it, I have had issues with DHCP on the R7000 before, and someone mentioned that Netgear routers are notorious for bugs with DHCP that they just never seem to fix. So maye the only real advice is to avoid using Netgear routers for DHCP.


Message 2 of 10

Re: Getting an error in R7000 "The IP address conflicts with the WAN IP subnet".

> When I try to make (aaply) changes in DHCP, [...]


   What are these "changes"?


> o I have assigned dozens of static IPs, [...]


   Terminology: A "static" address is configured on the device itself.

What you configure on a (DHCP server on a) router is a reserved dynamic
address, not a static address.  Either one should fix the address of a
device, but some implications are different.


> [...] but this has been put in bridge mode, [...]


   Your Screenshot 2020-12-15 at 22.38.26.png seems to agree with that,
but if you get that "IP address conflicts" message, then I worry that
the Internet Port : IP Address has changed since the time when that
picture was taken.


> o o However, the Sagemcom does still broadcast a WiFi. [...]

   I would not expect that from a modem-only, but your experience with
that device exceeds mine.


> o I have a DNS server locally (, [...]


   You might try without that.  Users have reported problems on some
Netgear router models/firmware versions when using DNS servers on the


> o I have a Nighthawk X4 AC2200 connected via ethernet, set up as AC.


   "AC"?  Wireless Access Point?  Shouldn't matter, but a simple
configuration is usually easier to diagnose than a complex one.  I'd
switch it off for now.


> [...] and there's no new firmware (see attached screenshot).


   Says who?

   Visit http://netgear.com/support , put in your model number, and look
for Downloads.  (For older versions, under Firmware and Software
Downloads, look for "View Previous Versions".)  Find the kit(s).
Download the kit(s) you want.  Read the "Release Notes" file for
instructions.  (In the User Manual, look for "firmware", and,
especially, for a topic like "Manually Upload Firmware to the Router".)
When that fails because of a deficient User Manual, try:




   A Web or forum search for that version should find a few complaints,
as well as many suggestions to try V1.0.9.42_10.2.44.


> If disabling the PiHole DNS, the error no longer appears. [...]


   That was: "I have a DNS server locally (, [...]"?


   I'd try different firmware.  One of the newer ones might have solved
this problem.

Message 3 of 10

Re: Getting an error in R7000 "The IP address conflicts with the WAN IP subnet".

@Aephir wrote:


If disabling the PiHole DNS, the error no longer appears.


PiHole issues crop up here pretty regularly. Did you do the usual community search?


Search - NETGEAR Communities – PiHole



Message 4 of 10

Re: Getting an error in R7000 "The IP address conflicts with the WAN IP subnet".

@Aephir wrote:
  • I have a Nighthawk X4 AC2200 connected via ethernet, set up as AC.

Even if you mean "AP" AC2200 isn't a Netgear device that I can find.


Many devices come with an AC2200 tag, but it is essentially a label that Netgear, and other brands, attach to hardware to describe wifi speeds.


It looks like the only AC2200 routers are Orbi devices.

Message 5 of 10

Re: Getting an error in R7000 "The IP address conflicts with the WAN IP subnet".

Here you go:



I guess it's also called ex7300, but listed as "AC2200 WiFi Mesh Extender (EX7300) Nighthawk® X4"




@michaelkenward wrote:

Even if you mean "AP" AC2200 isn't a Netgear device that I can find.


Message 6 of 10

Re: Getting an error in R7000 "The IP address conflicts with the WAN IP subnet".

Thanks for the thorough answers. I've replied to them below, but the conclusion in my second post is going to be the solution I'm going with, at least until I upgrade hardware. I've had too many issues with Netgear and DHCP over the years, and with others echoing the sentiment that Netgear has a bad rep for DHCP (can't remember, but I think that was some answers on Quora the last time I had DHCP issues with this router, before running my own DNS), I'll just stay clear of letting the Netgear hardware run my DHCP.


> When I try to make (aaply) changes in DHCP, [...]


   What are these "changes"?


<< Reserving an IP for a device, as I have done for ~100 before.


> o I have assigned dozens of static IPs, [...]


   Terminology: A "static" address is configured on the device itself.

What you configure on a (DHCP server on a) router is a reserved dynamic
address, not a static address.  Either one should fix the address of a
device, but some implications are different.


<< OK, I'll take note of that.


> [...] but this has been put in bridge mode, [...]


   Your Screenshot 2020-12-15 at 22.38.26.png seems to agree with that,
but if you get that "IP address conflicts" message, then I worry that
the Internet Port : IP Address has changed since the time when that
picture was taken.


<< No, the picture was taken after the issues started (and was the same a couple of years ago when I initially set it up.


> o o However, the Sagemcom does still broadcast a WiFi. [...]

   I would not expect that from a modem-only, but your experience with
that device exceeds mine.


<< It's a buggy as hell modem/router, but it's what my ISP provides, and they say that a lot of third party modems will not work. SO I've been using it out of necessity.


> o I have a DNS server locally (, [...]


   You might try without that.  Users have reported problems on some
Netgear router models/firmware versions when using DNS servers on the


<< I did, see my next post. It no longer throws an error when I try to "apply", but it still doesn't give the correct IP.


> o I have a Nighthawk X4 AC2200 connected via ethernet, set up as AC.


   "AC"?  Wireless Access Point?  Shouldn't matter, but a simple
configuration is usually easier to diagnose than a complex one.  I'd
switch it off for now.


<< Yes, AP (typo).


> [...] and there's no new firmware (see attached screenshot).


   Says who?

   Visit http://netgear.com/support , put in your model number, and look
for Downloads.  (For older versions, under Firmware and Software
Downloads, look for "View Previous Versions".)  Find the kit(s).
Download the kit(s) you want.  Read the "Release Notes" file for
instructions.  (In the User Manual, look for "firmware", and,
especially, for a topic like "Manually Upload Firmware to the Router".)
When that fails because of a deficient User Manual, try:




   A Web or forum search for that version should find a few complaints,
as well as many suggestions to try V1.0.9.42_10.2.44.


<< Well, I tried upgrading from router settings web UI, so the R7000 is "Says who" 🙂

It says "No new firmware version available." when trying to update (tried again today, same message). I'll look into a manual update, since the router UI can't find it.


> If disabling the PiHole DNS, the error no longer appears. [...]


   That was: "I have a DNS server locally (, [...]"?


   I'd try different firmware.  One of the newer ones might have solved
this problem.


<< Yes, but as noted, I've moved all my IP assignments to the PiHole, and everything works fine now. Even if a new firmware would fix the issues, I don't think there's an easy way to import 150 IP assignments in bulk in the R7000 (there is in the PiHole, which is why I tried), and I'm not going to manually input them all in the R7000 again 🙂


> If disabling the PiHole DNS, the error no longer appears. [...]


  PiHole issues crop up here pretty regularly. Did you do the usual community search?


<< I didn't, since I only found out that it could be related to the PiHole after my post. But even then I didn't, because using a different DNS still didn't allow assigning IP reservations, it only stopped the error messages. So even with no PiHole, it couldn't assign the correct IPs.


Message 7 of 10

Re: Getting an error in R7000 "The IP address conflicts with the WAN IP subnet".

> [...] so the R7000 is "Says who"


   I feared as much.  Trust no one, I always say.  (Netgear-related
entities, especially.)


> [...] I don't think there's an easy way to import 150 IP assignments
> in bulk in the R7000 [...]


   I know of none.  People ask here from time to time (and leave


> [...] everything works fine now. [...]


   Thanks for the report.  With that many address reservations to
handle, I, too, would probably be reluctant to shovel all that stuff
back onto the R7000.  But I might load the new firmware, and see if it'd
be possible, just in case.  When you have some time to kill.

Message 8 of 10

Re: Getting an error in R7000 "The IP address conflicts with the WAN IP subnet".

I'm unlikely to try, since I'm going to upgrade hardware to be able to run a bunch of VLANs and seperate server, IoT devices, "Guests", etc. So don't think I'll try handing DHCP back to the R7000, but I'll be sure to update here if I do.



Message 9 of 10

Re: Getting an error in R7000 "The IP address conflicts with the WAN IP subnet".

@Aephir wrote:

Here you go:



I guess it's also called ex7300, but listed as "AC2200 WiFi Mesh Extender (EX7300) Nighthawk® X4"


In that case, if that really is what you are trying to fix, this isn't the best place to look for previous conversations about that device that might be useful


You have posted your message in the section of this community given over to Nighthawk WiFi Routers. Your device is a wifi extender.

You might get more help, and find earlier questions and answers about your hardware, in the appropriate section for the EX7300. That's probably here:

WiFi Range Extenders & Nighthawk Mesh - NETGEAR Communities

Routers and extenders are very different animals.


Visit the support pages:

Support | NETGEAR

Feed in your model number and check the documentation for your hardware.

Message 10 of 10
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