Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day


Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

Other options are throw in trash and consider it a learning experience, yes expense one. Or like me sell it to someone who wants it. Not sure Netgear is ever going to get this router right. 

Message 51 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

I have already ditched it.   I will never give Netgear another nickel.  However,  I am blasting them on every website I can.  No,  I am not selling it to someone else, I don't want to be guilty of selling such a crappy piece of s#&t.  It's going to be a shooting target in the next few days.  Video will be taken off what I think of Netgear and their non-customer customer service!

Message 52 of 71
NETGEAR Moderator

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

Hi All,


A new firmware is available that believed to address the Internet connection or intermittent connection issue. Please update the firmware to 





Community Team

Message 53 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

I updated to and so far it’s been smooth sailing, I see another update has arrived I’ll try it too and report back in a few days.
Message 54 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

Just got mine yesterday. Hooked up, updated, noticed two things. Immediate boost to my wifi range from their older ac1900 models which is great, the second thing is the problem. It too drops connection of networked devices be they wired or wireless. For mine it seems to do it initially upon usage. As in, if I open a web browser, any web browser, and enter something to search, the first result is an error (failure to connect, no internet, not found etc....). I have to refresh tbe page, sometimes repeatedly, before it connects. It is the same for any applications that require some form of internet service, on an th device. Try playing a game on ps4 for example, first it will fail to connect to the servers, then sometimes it will connect, eventually. Many games wont even boot all the way without that connection though... so....

While running the speed test built into the router comes back fine, running it from aPC, a phone, a console or tv or any other device will result first in straight failure to connect, then some other failure, eventually it will connect only to show a failure in upload and download speeds.....

It seems odd tk me that it doesn't want to shake hands and reluctantly does so only after trying several times.. I have to do this anytime I want to play a game, watch tv, surf the net. And trying to fill out forms online is a nightmare as reloading a security page often is finicky and results in having to start all over again......
Model: R8000P|Nighthawk X6S—AC4000 Tri-Band WiFi Router
Message 55 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

Make sure you update the firmware. Theres a new firmware update. When you update you have to be hardwired to your router. The new update should fix your connection issue.


Model: R8000P|Nighthawk X6S—AC4000 Tri-Band WiFi Router
Message 56 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

It is the latest, and did not resolve the issue, so I got rid of the issue all together and replaced it with another router, which works great, as it should. I honestly can't believe you are willing to sell defective products, and in the nearly 10 months it has been out you haven't fixed it.......

Thanks for not helping, and being useless.
Message 57 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

Fyi, that second half was directed at Netgear, not you. Good luck!
Message 58 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

@YungSynthlord wrote:

Make sure you update the firmware. Theres a new firmware update. When you update you have to be hardwired to your router. The new update should fix your connection issue.


Not sure what you are smoking/drinking. How many here is a new firmware to fix connection issues have been issued so far? Would not hold out hope for a fix other then replace with some totally different router or even brand. 

Message 59 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

I don’t smoke anything and don’t understand why that’s necessary. There was one firmware release that I saw that fixed the issue which was the that I mentioned a couple days ago. I updated it and have had no issues with connectivity. So just because YOU had a problem and hate the device does not mean that an actual work-around and a fix by Netgear actually happened. So enjoy that hatred hope it makes you feel better.

For anyone else looking for a fix they have fixed the issue just make sure you update the firmware to the newest update while you’re hardwired to the device.
Message 60 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

@YungSynthlord, if you read https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-WiFi-Routers/Beta-Firmware-for-R8000P-only-if-you-have-th... (and the previous nine pages in that thread), you will see that Netgear has released many new firmware releases which they claimed would fix the problem of the R8000P needing to be rebooted regularly, and all of them, including the most recent firmware release, have failed to solve the problem for many people.

So while you may be lucky enough that one of the firmware releases fixed the problem for you, many other people have not been so lucky, and claiming that the problem has been fixed for everyone is simply not true. I'm glad the router is working for you, but please don't assume that just because it's working for you, it will work for others as well. There is ample evidence to the contrary.

Furthermore, the firmware version number you mentioned in your most recent comment, "", does not exist. The most recent firmware release is

Message 61 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

Is completely wrong, they have NOT fixed this issue. The firmware he mentions does not exist, my best guess is he meant which was a known working version that is literred with security vulnerabilities, since it is years old.


They released the new version last friday which fixed a QoS kernel problem but that did not fix the itnernet issue.

Message 62 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

It was a typo i was referring to 1.4.0 that was released before this most recent 1.4.1.

1.4.0 was released specifically addressing the disconnecting issue and other things. I posted the other day that i updated to it and would message back the results and as stated I have not had any issues with the router losing any connections. I then also stated that i saw there was a follow up firmware update that just released the other day and that i would update to that and then comment back. I havent updated to the newest one yet. the 1.4.0 has worked and fixed the issue. So if it didnt fix YOUR issue that isnt my fault. The point is I replied that they released a firmware to fix the issue and the issue is fixed. Period. All your other issues have nothing to do with me so kindly stop directing things my way.

Message 63 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

@YungSynthlord wrote:

It was a typo i was referring to 1.4.0 that was released before this most recent 1.4.1.

1.4.0 was released specifically addressing the disconnecting issue and other things. I posted the other day that i updated to it and would message back the results and as stated I have not had any issues with the router losing any connections. I then also stated that i saw there was a follow up firmware update that just released the other day and that i would update to that and then comment back. I havent updated to the newest one yet. the 1.4.0 has worked and fixed the issue. So if it didnt fix YOUR issue that isnt my fault. The point is I replied that they released a firmware to fix the issue and the issue is fixed. Period. All your other issues have nothing to do with me so kindly stop directing things my way.

All versions are four digits long. In other words 1.4.0.??. Do you mean Newest with the sequence you give. Latest is not 1.4.1. Got to give the last digits to be a valid version number. 3 does not do it.  Need the whole thing to be valid info.


Message 64 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

Can you guys recommend a router that is actually reliable? That seems to be the best way to help at this point.

Message 65 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

Having owned a r8000p. I can tell you that the r7800 with Voxel firmware or Asus RT-AC86U with RMerlin firmware will run much better and no outages like the r8000p. In both of the 3rd party firmware the developer takes the OEM source, fixes some bugs and maybe add a few features. They both install same as a manual OEM firmware install and look just the same as the OEM for management. 


They aren't as flashy as the r8000p from a numbers standpoint, but for most folks the r8000p is overkill. 

Message 66 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

ugg...i am replacing a netgear and this one is giving me internet connectivey fits.  i am going to try the new firmware and if that doesnt work return it and try a linksys wrt router.


Message 67 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection for good

I have been rebooting my modem and router for the last 7 months. I have been doing the firm updates when needed but I recently tried again and my wireless router won't broadcast or connect to the internet now. I did all troubleshooting advised but nothing works. At this point, I am asking Netgear to replace it since it still under hardware warranty. The worst is that I have been a netgear customer for over ten years. I am considering to change to another brand at this point if Netgear doesn't resolve this very soon.

Model: R8000P|Nighthawk X6S—AC4000 Tri-Band WiFi Router
Message 68 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection for good

@Daddymojica wrote:
I have been rebooting my modem and router for the last 7 months. I have been doing the firm updates when needed but I recently tried again and my wireless router won't broadcast or connect to the internet now. I did all troubleshooting advised but nothing works. At this point, I am asking Netgear to replace it since it still under hardware warranty. The worst is that I have been a netgear customer for over ten years. I am considering to change to another brand at this point if Netgear doesn't resolve this very soon.


First thanks for your service. i was in army '59-'61 and also made sargent. 


I will also say welcome to the I hate Netgear club. Netgear used to be my go to vendor. I play with routers and spent a couple of years playing with the Linksys WRT series routers. They never, while I was active, got the drivers right for the 3rd party folks and the OEM firmware was limited at best. So I jumped over to my go to vendor and got a r8000p. Never had such a bad experience with a router. Now have moved it on to a new loving home.


Experience with the r8000p is  what chased me over to Asus and the RT-AC86U running Merlin firmware. What a difference, now my network was rock solid, no drops, no reboots needed.  As I said, I like to play so looked around and found the r7800 that is supported by Voxel, dd-wrt and Openwrt/LEDE. Reading forums indicate issues with OEM, but I don't run that anyway. Now have LEDE installed on the r7800 and could not be happier. No reboots, on drops of any kind, It just works. Having teen in house means max up time on network.  

Message 69 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

The current firmware I am using is this seems to be working rather nicely. I won't update to the newer versions until there is more evidence that it works. I also purchased the x10 router and updated it to its newest firmware( apparently it's different )but never had an issue with it. I returned that router to purchase the x6s  I have now.  Originally I had the x6 r8000, but once I uploaded the firmware the problems began. 

Model: R8000P|Nighthawk X6S—AC4000 Tri-Band WiFi Router
Message 70 of 71

Re: Nighthawk X6S AC4000 R8000P-Lose internet connection every other day

Not up to date= security flaws. Might as well just ask the Russians if they need any help. I had connections issues with both the x6s and the x10. The x6s was mostly wifi, the x10 had lan and wifi issues. I resolved the x10 by reducing the MTU size a little bit, now the network is more stable. Definitely a firmware issue. Apparently the lynsys wrt has similar problems atm...
Message 71 of 71
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