Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem


R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

Attempted update to Firmware ver V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 via Nighthawk iOS (WiFi) app this morning. The update failed in the app and I was prompted to Try Again, which I did. Failed again. Then, went to Win 7 PC (which is connected to router via Ethernet cable) and went to access Admin page in order to try update from admin page via PC. Greeted with an error message that the router's admin page could not be reached (ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED). After attempting in several browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox) and receiving same message, unplugged power from R6700v3, rebooted PC and, after starting everything up again, tried accessing routerlogin.net several times and encountered same issue. 

Performed a factory reset of the R6700v3 and was able to get to routerlogin.net again (showing current firmware as V1.0.4.122_10.0.95). When I went to restore my R6700v3 config file (backed up in Aug 2021 - with all of my network settings such as SSIDs, assigned IP addresses, etc), the restore of settings went through; however, upon reboot, the router is, once again, refusing every attempt to access routerlogin.net from a PC to which it is connected via Ethernet cable (ref: attached screenshot). Very weird as I have been able to access the Admin page via the Nighthawk iOS app (smart phone via WiFi connection) and I am able to access Internet on the PC and WiFi devices through the router. Apparently, the only way to access the router's admin page is within the iOS app over WiFi and all attempts via PC (wired) are refused.

Has anyone else had success getting to ver V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 and preserving (or restoring from backup) all of your R6700v3 config settings while also maintaining ability to access routerlogin admin page?

Thanks in advance...

Model: R6700|Nighthawk AC1750 Smart WiFi Router
Message 1 of 34

Accepted Solutions

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

Update: After doing a factory reset on my router, I was able to successfully access the Admin page via PC. Then, after restoring settings via backup from the previous firmware version, I once again lost access to the Admin page on the PC. However, I was able to access the more limited Admin pages via the iOS app (missing such key items as SSID config's, backup/restore settings options, etc.). Internet connectivity was actually fine via PC (wired Ethernet connection) as well as via WiFi devices (able to confirm all devices connected within the iOS app's Admin panel). Even though I was able to access Internet from that point on from all devices, being completely unable to access the full router Admin site from the PC was not going to be acceptable long-term.


I wound up doing another factory reset to the router (which, again, preserved the firmware update itself to ver and then manually restoring all of my settings as best as I could recall from memory (*not* from a previous backup file), making sure to turn OFF the auto-update firmware setting (default setting was to ON) and resolving to never again initiate a router firmware update via the iOS app's Admin panel, as others have also suggested. Since doing this, everything appears to have been working normally in terms of Internet connectivity and access to full Admin page via wired PC, as well as the more-limited Admin panel on iOS app via WiFi.


Although those steps resolved my problem, it is still disappointing that Netgear did not proactively note this was a possibility before proceeding with the upgrade. Also, that it is, apparently, not possible for me to view my earlier backup file's settings in order to confirm that I've correctly set all of my router's settings manually to match the way that I had it configured before. 


I would suggest that Netgear disable the ability to update firmware via WiFi app (restricting firmware updates to be initiated from a wired PC only) or, at the least, include a warning that starting an update via WiFi app can lead to inability to access router's Admin page from PC going forward. Also, please set the default setting for auto firmware updates to OFF so that a user must opt-in for auto-updates or manually start update process when convenient for user to do so...


Thanks to all for your suggestions & attempts to help!


View solution in original post

Model: R6700|Nighthawk AC1750 Smart WiFi Router
Message 14 of 34

All Replies

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

I recommend you reset the router back to default setting and then setup the router from scratch. Once setup again, save off a new back up configuration to file. Newer FW may cause problems with loading older backup configurations as FW changes over time. 

Message 2 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

The firmware update from Netgear v1.0.4.122_10.0.95 bricked the login page for my model (R6400v2).  Netgear WTF!  I login to and see a prompt that a firmware update is availlable.  I look up what security vulnerabilites it fixes and decide to click update.


When it finished the router still works, but the login screen now just gives "unable to connect" errors.


I would recommend NOT to reset your router.  Because if the reset doesn't fix the login address, then all you've done is brick your router completely.


The only way I can see this getting resolved is Netgear fixing their mistake.  Announcing they fixed it and have the firmware pushed out.  Then when you reset the router (maybe?) it'll fetch the firmware automatically since the default is Auto Firmware Update = ON. 


Can't say it'll work. Might not work unless the router is set up.  So for now I have a router bricked by Netgear.  Awesome.


Model: R6400|AC1750 Smart WiFi Router
Message 3 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

@JayInTech wrote:


I would recommend NOT to reset your router.  Because if the reset doesn't fix the login address, then all you've done is brick your router completely.



Not really. The term "bricked" is widely abused. It is best reserved for devices with corrupt firmware. A reset isn't going to cause that.


Then again, it is very hard to understand most of this message.



Message 4 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

@michaelkenward wrote:

@JayInTech wrote:


I would recommend NOT to reset your router.  Because if the reset doesn't fix the login address, then all you've done is brick your router completely.



Not really. The term "bricked" is widely abused. It is best reserved for devices with corrupt firmware. A reset isn't going to cause that.


Then again, it is very hard to understand most of this message.



What can't you understand?  Before the most recent firmware update the router works fine.  Then update to firmware v1.0.4.122 and it disables access to the router's default setup address ( aka routerlogin.net


Now there is no access to the router's menu.  If you reset your router you will (likely) be unable to access the router's setup options because of the new firmware making the login screen inaccessible.  This is a new bug.  You're assuming a reset will fix it.  How do you know? You don't.


Since this is caused by firmware it's very likely that the user would NOT be able to setup the router after a reset.  What would you call that?  Don't liked bricked?  Ok, how about disabled? blocked, stopped, broken, inaccessible. 


This same firmware version has caused the same problem on my R6400.  The firmware messed up the ability to log in to the setup address.  The advice to just "reset the router" is ill advised imo.  Especially if the router is currently "working" with the current config in place.


If the user has Auto Update = ON, then all they can hope for is a firmware fix that auto-installs and fixes the problem this version created. 



Message 5 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

I never have that automatic firmware on for that same reason. If your router is actually bricked, try unbricking it with tftp method.

Message 6 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

Need to press the reset button for 30 seconds then release, then it send to PUT the command and upload the FW. 
I had a problem on a Windows 10 PC where this didn't work to use TFTP, so I switched to a WIndows 7 PC and the TFTP worked.
Try nmrpflash:

Message 7 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

I have a R6700v3 router. I updated to firmware version V1.0.4.122 this moring and I also can not access the router using a web brower. Everything was working before the update from V1.0.4.120 to V1.0.4.122. The router still works with firmware V1.0.4.122 except for accessing the router with a web browser.


I am hoping that Netgear comes up with a solution to this problem. If they do not, then I will be forced to try using TFTP to downgrade back fo firmware V1.0.4.120.

Model: R6700|Nighthawk AC1750 Smart WiFi Router
Message 8 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

@Brian_R wrote:
I have a R6700v3 router. I updated to firmware version V1.0.4.122 this moring and I also can not access the router using a web brower. Everything was working before the update from V1.0.4.120 to V1.0.4.122. The router still works with firmware V1.0.4.122 except for accessing the router with a web browser.


OK. That adds up to enough cases to warrant escalating this.


If they do not, then I will be forced to try using TFTP to downgrade back to firmware V1.0.4.120.

You may even have to use TFTP to apply any fix they do come up with. After all, the usual way in requires access to the GUI, which is bust.


Has anybody actually been through the process set out by @FURRYe38 earlier? 


Did it work?


Message 9 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem



The TFTP method did not work.  The router seems not to reset correctly as per the instructions on the support page. I turned on the service in Win10.  But when I sent the command from the cmd.exe window it would always return a connection refused error after about a minute.


How did I make the Firmware rollback work? I had to mess around with holding reset down (on power up) for 10 seconds.  then while router was booted up and on, hold reset for 10 seconds.  The router did not want to reset (or at least it seemed that way) regardless of what instructions I found online.


Used a Windows10 laptop.  Static IP  Subnet  Gateway

I unplugged all cables (except my laptop with the direct connection). 


On one of the attempted resets I plugged the modem cable back in and I finally got to the start genie page via a non-SSL connection in Firefox with all add-ons turned OFF and auto-https mode turned off


From there I went to the Advanced | Administration | Router Update


Made sure auto-update was turned off, and then uploaded the last firmware version that worked: V1.0.4.120_10.0.91


Once it reboot and everything looked correct I re-uploaded a backup config file and everything works again.  I can sign in from the


This was a pain in the ass. It took a long time **bleep**ing around with the router's reset button and getting the dam thing to actually reset and populate the Start Genie page.





Model: R6400|AC1750 Smart WiFi Router
Message 10 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

I am wondering if this latest firmware broke something with the ssl certificate for accessing the router via https.  I cannot afford to have my home network offline again, but I am wondering if this is the culprit to not being able to access the router's menu pages after updating.


Access Router via HHTPS.png



If someone can turn this off (uncheck the box), then update to firmware v1.0.4.122_10.0.95 and see if that allows access via http only.




Model: R6400|AC1750 Smart WiFi Router
Message 11 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

Yes that feature sets up HTTPS for local side access to the routers web page, Disable it and you can use http. This is only for this feature. 


Message 12 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

I'm surprised that HTTPS turned itself on.


It didn't here. (R7800)


I turned it on. All hell broke loose. So I quickly turned if off.


Netgear may have provided this option because it got complaints from people who consider http access to be a security risk. It is if someone on your local network gets through your defences.


There weren't reports here that I saw. But when people get these fixations in their heads there is no changing their minds with science or logic. (Just ask the anti vaxxers.)


Access from the outside world, with Anywhere Access for example, where security issues are much higher, does need https.






Message 13 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

Update: After doing a factory reset on my router, I was able to successfully access the Admin page via PC. Then, after restoring settings via backup from the previous firmware version, I once again lost access to the Admin page on the PC. However, I was able to access the more limited Admin pages via the iOS app (missing such key items as SSID config's, backup/restore settings options, etc.). Internet connectivity was actually fine via PC (wired Ethernet connection) as well as via WiFi devices (able to confirm all devices connected within the iOS app's Admin panel). Even though I was able to access Internet from that point on from all devices, being completely unable to access the full router Admin site from the PC was not going to be acceptable long-term.


I wound up doing another factory reset to the router (which, again, preserved the firmware update itself to ver and then manually restoring all of my settings as best as I could recall from memory (*not* from a previous backup file), making sure to turn OFF the auto-update firmware setting (default setting was to ON) and resolving to never again initiate a router firmware update via the iOS app's Admin panel, as others have also suggested. Since doing this, everything appears to have been working normally in terms of Internet connectivity and access to full Admin page via wired PC, as well as the more-limited Admin panel on iOS app via WiFi.


Although those steps resolved my problem, it is still disappointing that Netgear did not proactively note this was a possibility before proceeding with the upgrade. Also, that it is, apparently, not possible for me to view my earlier backup file's settings in order to confirm that I've correctly set all of my router's settings manually to match the way that I had it configured before. 


I would suggest that Netgear disable the ability to update firmware via WiFi app (restricting firmware updates to be initiated from a wired PC only) or, at the least, include a warning that starting an update via WiFi app can lead to inability to access router's Admin page from PC going forward. Also, please set the default setting for auto firmware updates to OFF so that a user must opt-in for auto-updates or manually start update process when convenient for user to do so...


Thanks to all for your suggestions & attempts to help!


Model: R6700|Nighthawk AC1750 Smart WiFi Router
Message 14 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

It's recommended that you not apply previous FW versioned backup files on to newer FW version loaded routers. Can cause problems. Users should first apply any FW updates and continue to use the system. IF Problems are seen after new FW is loaded, then a factory reset and setup from scratch is needed and do not load a backup config file from prior FW. Setup the router anew then after it's fully setup, make a new back up configuration to file. 


Others have seen bad experiences with routers being updated using the Nighthawk app. It's recommended to use the routers web page to let it update itself or manually download FW file and manually apply the FW to the router:



Good Luck.

Message 15 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

@Rocket45 wrote:

I wound up doing another factory reset to the router (which, again, preserved the firmware update itself to ver and then manually restoring all of my settings as best as I could recall from memory (*not* from a previous backup file)


A useful trick here is to keep (Alt+Print Screen) screenshots of the relevant pages in the browser graphical user interface (GUI).


Then it is easy to refer to that when you want to recreate your configuration.







Message 16 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

My original post is message #8 above dated Dec.26th.


On Dec 28th I tried a router reset. This did not seem to reset the router to the factory defaults because I had chosen the setting under "LED control settings" for "Turn off all LEDs except Power LED" and after the reset, the lights were still off except for the power light. After trying the reset, I tried a few reboots for the router and I could not get access to the router GUI. I did not go any furher because I did not want to brick my router.


I waited to see what other people's solution were to get access to the router's GUI by using a web browser.


I came accross this thread https://community.netgear.com/t5/General-WiFi-Routers-Non/V1-0-4-122-10-0-95-Update-on-R6400v2-kills... in this forum which @Tvestra discovered that port 80 for http and port 443 for https on the router were not open after firmware update to V1.0.4.122_10.0.95, so you could not accerss the router GUI using a web browser. This made senses to me why you could not access the router GUI with these ports not oppened.


Yesterday I had some time to work on this issue. I turned off my R6700v3 by using the off/on power button on the back of the router. I disconnected the power cord from the modem. I left the router unplugged for about 30 minutes while I worked on something else. I came back and pluged in the power cord and turned on the power switch. The router booted up and then I was able to access the router GUI using a web browser. I saved a backup of my configuration, which I had not done before. I made small chages in the router settings, logged out of the GUI and then I logged back into the GUI and everything worked correctly with firmware V1.0.4.122_10.0.95. I then rebooted the router to make sure I could access the router GUI and everthing is working correctly for me.


I am not sure if the combination of the router reset and then the reboots of the router OR if it was the reboots then tuning the router off and removing the power cord for a good amount of time and turnig the router back on that opened up ports 80 and 443 on the router so that I could access the GUI. I am not going to spend the time trying to find the optimal solution to this problem after doing the firmware update, maybe someone else can do that.


I hope this helps others that are having this same issues.


Model: R6700|Nighthawk AC1750 Smart WiFi Router
Message 17 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

What happens if you use the ERASE button under Advanced Tab/Admin/Backup? 
This should clear out all configuration setting and set the router back to defaults. 

Message 18 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

not able to access firmwar updates. dont know what to do. do I have to update?

Message 19 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

I recommend you make a new post and give details of what your try to do. Please give NG router model information as well.

It's recommended to use the routers web page to let it update itself or manually download FW file and manually apply the FW to the router:


Thank you. 

@sallymac wrote:

not able to access firmwar updates. dont know what to do. do I have to update?


Message 20 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

Thank you very much for digging into this and so clearly documenting it. I found your posts while checking for the update changelog. As I update using a desktop web browser (and could do so via device attached by ethernet cable) I may be clear of the issue but it is still good to know. I've never liked the dependency on remote resources for local router log-ins and this issue is one of the reasons why. Thanks again!

Message 21 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

@Committee wrote:

I have a NETGEAR R6700v3 that started power cycling this week.


You have joined in on an existing conversation that may or may not have anything to do with your problems. I see no earlier mention of "power cycling".


The conversation has also been marked "Solved",

So there is also a good chance that the official support team is busily monitoring new conversations and may miss your addition to this one.

If you do want help with your problem, check previous stuff that may be related then start your own discussion.

If you do decide to ask a question, you should provide more details and your own version of the information that the forum suggests that you provide. For example, as this is a router, it helps to know what modem you are using and the various things that you have tried to fix the problem.


You can help people to help you by providing the information suggested in this forum's header:


Subject (Include model number and brief summary)
Model (Recommended - Helps the community give the best answers)
Body (Include additional detail including model version, firmware, OS and environment where relevant.)

They are there for a good reason.



Message 22 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

You did the right thing buying a different router.


This problem has actually been marked "solved" but it's not.  The firmware V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 still breaks access to login on multiple Netgear routers.


The "marked solved" solution states:

"Update: After doing a factory reset on my router, I was able to successfully access the Admin page via PC. Then, after restoring settings via backup from the previous firmware version, I once again lost access to the Admin page on the PC. However, I was able to access the more limited Admin pages via the iOS app (missing such key items as SSID config's, backup/restore settings options, etc.)."


The websever 192.168.x.x is broken in this firmware with no update planned from Netgear.


Rolling back firmware is not something the average user can figure out.  The Superuser @michaelkenward  has shown to be unhelpful and assumes the customer needs to be talked down to, or the customer requires advanced I.T. skills to fix their own product. 


By the time someone finds their way in here they've exhausted their at-home resources.  You should be grateful users come in here to report and spend their own time fixing Netgear's screwups.





Model: R6400|AC1750 Smart WiFi Router
Message 23 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

Well, It is a nice theory about updating via WIFI being an issue as I just updated my router this morning using the hardwired port via my PC with the same result.


Message 24 of 34

Re: R6700v3 Firmware update V1.0.4.122_10.0.95 problem

R6400v2 AC1750 

Windows 10 laptop


Same Issue. 

Most recent firmware update of nighthawk router, now has ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED 

Was able to login 1 time after power cycling router. 

Got kicked out of GUI after making one change. 


Router "works fine". 

cannot reach login to access admin settings. This will inevitably be a problem as access control is turned on to block all new devices.

*Very annoyed*








Model: R6400|AC1750 Smart WiFi Router
Message 25 of 34
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