Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

Not applicable

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

Possible fix.

I changed the Read / Write Access control for the root share on the R7000 from all to admin. Then mounted the network share from Windows using the admin and it's password. credentials (check the box "Connect using different credentials" when mapping the share). Files created no longer have the Read Only attribute showing in Windows, and can be deleted. I'll monitor over the next week to see if it's permanent .
Message 26 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

kendybar, WAS_1

I is an annoying issue that also made me lose data non to mention I could not use Ready share vault either.


You are right. I changed NTFS for EXT4 five months ago and has worked flawlessly ever since in a heavy use environment.


I will try. Thanks for the tip
Message 27 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

Just wondering if Netgear is working on a fix or not. Its a nice router but not being able to delete files is a deal breaker and will be returning it if not fixed. :mad:
Message 28 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

update the firmware to V1.0.3.68_1.1.31
it still the same.

any solutions besides ext3
Message 29 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

Just upgraded my router from Asus AC56 to R7000 and started having similar problems. In my case I discovered that if I try to execute a program (ie, install from the router share) sometimes after the program is executed it will show as a 0 byte file. I then get a message that the file is no longer in that location and can not be deleted. Firmware is V1.0.3.60_1.1.27 although having just checked it I see there is a newer version now but none of the fixes seem to address the file system.
Message 30 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

As a follow-up (even though this thread seems dead), I have installed latest firmware V1.0.3.68_1.1.31 and still have problems with USB3 attached drive.

I have recently noticed when copying FILES from a W7 system to the drive attached to R7000 the R7000 will change the FILE to a FOLDER. Sometimes the file will copy OK but when I look at it later it will be 0 byte. Sometimes it will be OK on the R7000 UNTIL I go to copy it and then I get a message it isn't available and when I look it has turned into a FOLDER or 0 byte FILE.

I'm thinking I either have to go back to my Asus AC56 or attach the drive to a W7 system for sharing.

This R7000 just isn't worth the hassle of losing files all the time.
Message 31 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

I too am having permissioning errors. Trying to delete some files (not all), I get an error saying "You require permission from Unix User\nobody to make changes to this file".

Using Firmware version V1.0.3.68_1.1.31

Sometimes the unchecking readonly attribute works, sometimes it doesn't take.

The USB drive is formatted in NTFS, when I unmount it and connect to a Windows machine I'm able to successfully delete it.
Message 32 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

My drive was formatted at NTFS and when I finally hooked it up to a W7 system to clean it up I would get error messages saying the drive needed to be formatted, do you want to format it now. However, if I canceled the message I could see the files.

At this point I ran into problems trying to copy the files to another drive where Windows would tell me the files were no longer available. I'm not sure what to make of all of this but my backup/archive drive won't be residing on a Nighthawk anymore.

I will add that I was able to copy some of the 'uncopyable' files on the suspect drive when I changed the drive to USB2 from USB3...so it might have something to do with a USB3 issue which is what I used on the R7000 to write the files in the first place.

Go figure.
Message 33 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

Same problem here. I have a Western Digital 2TB USB3 drive hooked up to my R7000. All went well for a short while. Now the security settings are being changed all over my drive. That results in revoking my privileges. My USB drive is my back-up drive and this problem is really interfering with my back up program.

I've been following this thread for sometime hoping for a solution, but nothing is working for me. So far we have not gotten a comment one way or the other from Netgear. Is anybody listening?

Message 34 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

I too am having issues deleting files over FTP.

Permission issues via ftp apps on iPhone/iPad.

Really need this issue resolved.
Message 35 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

I just got off the phone with Netgear for the third time.
I think we all need to get together and file a class action lawsuit against them.

I have had this router continue to reboot itself when my hard drive was plugged in.
I disconnected the hard drive and plugged it into my computer. It corrupted the Hard drive. This was a USB 2.0
I then connected a USB 3.0 Hard drive and the same thing happened.
Router would kick me off the internet then keep rebooting itself.

I reformatted my USB 2.0 hard drive and plugged it into the R7000.
Now I was able to see the hard drive. There were absolutely no files on this hard drive as I had reformatted it. (with the exception of what the R7000 put on)
I started to transfer files to the hard drive and then less than 5 min later my internet stopped working. I got the router rebooted and then tried to move files again. I then got the message that I didn't have permission to access the files.(I was trying to copy files to the NAS) I was not trying to retrieve them.
I tried to change the permission and it would not let me gave me an error message. I then went into and put the user name and password in and went to ready share and safely removed the hard drive from the router. When I plugged my hard drive into my system yet again it corrupted the hard drive. Netgear told me that they don't support transferring files so there was nothing they could do and to call the company I bought it from to get it returned. This is funny to me as it clearly states if you look at the Technical specs for this router that it comes with software to back up your system. What good is that if in the middle it changes the permissions and corrupts the hard drive and your system cant write to the drive. This is the biggest POS router I have ever owned. I will be trying to return it. If that fails then I will be contacting my attorney to start a class action suite against Netgear for my data loss and hours of trying to get this thing to work. If you guys would like you can send me your contact information via email.
Message 36 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

I have found a work around that works for me. On the properties of the folder you are copying to ready-share, make sure "read-only" is not selected before copying. Then copy. I hope this helps!
Message 37 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

After reading the experiences here, I am afraid to connect my 2TB drives full of my photos, kid videos and work related documents to the USB drive.

Luckily a very old TrekStor drive (bought in Germany in 2006) is working fine with the USB port and I am now using it left and right with the device without issues
Message 38 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

Please create a ticket for this issue so that support team can assist you.

Message 39 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

I've had similar issues with my N750. Various USB hard drives and thumb drives produced the same file corruption issues. Please post the results if this gets fixed.

Message 40 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

NM5SD wrote:
"The only fix I have found is to plug the USB device into my computer and have windows repair it, which takes forever."

Don't repair it. Go to Device Manager and "Uninstall" it. Then scan for new hardware. It's quick and works fine with permissions restored.

What is the 'it' you refer to? I assume the r7000 router in my case, but want to be sure. And should I try that with both computers on the network?

Getting real freaking sick of having to constantly unplug and let my PC do it's thing then plug in back in and do the checks in the advanced section of the settings.
I bought the damned thing to use, not to have to admin the damned thing every other 2 or 3 weeks!

NETGEAR>>>> Pull your heads out of your those dark places you've stuck them in, and give us the tools we need to set permission without all of this hassle and hoop jumping becasue you won't fix the damned things!
Message 41 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

I'm getting the exact same issue. I have a ticket open with them as well we will see how it goes. I am not very hopeful about the research ive googled.
Message 42 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

Has anyone had this issue with the newest firmware update (V1.0.3.80_1.1.38)? I just updated but am worried about plugging my hard drive in because I lost 27 of of my 73 files last time (all movies). Netgear you need to get your heads out of your you know where. I've lost 37% of the files on the hard drive connected to your router. You should be offering people a newer/upgraded version of the router since obvious nothing you are doing is fixing the problem.
Message 43 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

Have the same problem. Will create a ticket...:mad:
Message 44 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

I formatted mine to ext4 and use Win8 to manage it over network. Just right click the main folder with issue and uncheck READ ONLY and apply to all folders. This does solve it.

The folders will at some point make themselves READ ONLY again, not sure why, but if you are unable to delete something just make sure its not READ ONLY.

The drive was NTFS but I decided to format to ext4 since it lives on the usb3 port and since going to ext4 setting the read only flag is about 1,000x faster than it was on NTFS.
Message 45 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody


Connect to the drive via FTP. This allows you to rename and delete files that you can't administer from Windows. It's not a perfect solution but it saves having to unplug the USB drive and move it to the PC temporarily.

I use the freeware FileZilla FTP client and just connect to NETGEAR7.routerlogin.net/shares (I changed my router to the name NETGEAR7- your actual name will be different. I think the default is "FRONTPORT".

Message 46 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

Thanks for the "workaround". A workaround is fine, but it is NOT a sollution. I had the same problem with a WD 4TB. After weeks of talking with Netgear Support, it still didn't work right. So I decided to take my WD apart and put the HD in a new box (with power supply) and connected it to the eSata port of the Router (7500). Now I can't access the drive. When it's connected straight to the eSata port of my computer (WIN7/64) it works like a charm. Again I contacted the Netgear support, they made me format the drive with E FAT, but still not working. I see that the router recognises the drive, but windows cannot access it. 3 weeks have been passed now, but I still haven't got an answer that makes my drive work. Too sad, Netgear... I bought this (expensive!) router mainly for the eSata port (there are many other cheaper! Routers with the same qualities as the R7500, but they lack the eSata connection) Now that I see that nor the USB, nor the eSata works as it should, I'm strongly thinking about sending it back with the comment that the device doesn't do what the commercials say about it. Nevertheless, I'll give Netgear support one more week ... :confused::( :confused:
Message 47 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

When I format in EXT3, which is easy to do with Easeus or Partition Magic, I don't have any of these issues.

When I've used a drive formatted with any Windows format, FAT, NTFS, etc., I do. Can't delete any of these kinds of folders without plugging the USB drive into my PC or FTP process as noted above.
Message 48 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

I have a 2TB EXT4 USB3 drive and copied around 1.4 TB to the drive through the network. I've come across one directory that I can not delete because I get the permission error. However I have not had any problems with missing files or corruption.
Message 49 of 81

Re: R7000 NAS Drive Can't Delete Files Folders Permissions Issue User \ Nobody

ecquack wrote:

Connect to the drive via FTP. This allows you to rename and delete files that you can't administer from Windows. It's not a perfect solution but it saves having to unplug the USB drive and move it to the PC temporarily.

I use the freeware FileZilla FTP client and just connect to NETGEAR7.routerlogin.net/shares (I changed my router to the name NETGEAR7- your actual name will be different. I think the default is "FRONTPORT".


I registered just to throw in my helpful 2¢, and throw credit in reference to the above quote.

Yes, use FileZilla to FTP into the router:
Host: Routername
User: Admin
Pass: Routerpassword
Port: 21

You will have to checkbox the FTP setting ftp://ROUTER.routerlogin.net/shares on the ReadyShare page in the router configuration.

Once you FTP into the router, navigate to the base directory, right click, and choose, "File Permissions".

If all Owner, Group, and Public permissions are checked, the 'Numeric Value' will read 777 (per linux standard). Check that box below that reads, "Recurse into subdirectories" - 'Apply to all files and directories'.

Boom. It changes the permissions on all files, so that you are able to delete via Windows. Problem solved?
Message 50 of 81
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