Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

Not applicable

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

Sorry forgot to mention how i did the update...I did the firmware update online...typed in routerlogin.net and checked for new firmware and did it online...then i did 2 resets...
Message 251 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released



The best way is to download the firwmare, instead of doing it online. Since you have to do a reset BEFORE installing the new firmware, then another reset AFTER. And of course, never use the backups.

Like Killhippie, I have the latest firmware available and no problem whatsoever with it. WiFi works great, LAN also, printer is fine... Been up for 44 days straight and still fast and all.

Message 252 of 321
Not applicable

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

You mean download the firmware onto a usb drive? Then download it into the usb jack on the nighthawk? And whats the difference? If it does not work right by doing it online? Then why is there an option to do it that way? And i never did a reset before i did it...no one told me too? Or i wasn't told to when i did it...I did 2 resets after i did it because its not working right
Message 253 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

I downloaded the firmware and uploaded it from there.

Thing is, you have to change your IP after you reset the router.

So :

_ download the firmware

_ change your IP on your computer (192.168.1.X if my memory is correct)

_ reset the router

_ upload the firmware

_ reset the router

_ change its config

_ change your IP config, if needed


Worked for me.


*NORMALLY* you should be able to do the update online, but this time, with this last firmware, it seems it screws the router bad...


I know I won't try any online update from now on. And I will stick to the actual firmware for a time before upgrading it, I'll wait for the feedbacks of all the users before I jump off the cliff again.

Message 254 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

I just go to the netgear site and download the firmware to my computer. Reset the router  login, update the firmware (by Ethernet never over wifi) reset it again once its updated and rebooted itself, then add all my settings. Never had any issues. You have not turned off WMM or 20/40 coexistence have you? Both should be left at their default values, especially 20/40 Coexistence unless you live in the middle of a forest and have no wifi networks near you.

Message 255 of 321
Not applicable

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

I thank all of you for your help! Im just really confused here? My nighthawk is hooked up to my comcast modem and i cannot update firmware hard wired at all...the only way it will let me do any updates is wireless? Everytime i type in routerlogin.net on my desktop it says page cannot be found as long as i have the ethernet jack plugged into my desktop...but if i unplug the ethernet jack and connect my desktop wirelessly then it works then I can type in router login.net...why it works like that i dont know??? Also if i use my smart phone and go into chrome browser it will work too...and let me update wireless online...anyone know why it wont let me log in on my desktop while the hardwires plugged in??? I have the nighthawk plugged into my comcast router...and thats it...and the only reason i bought the nighthawk is to increase my range and speed...because the comcast router the range was very low...
Message 256 of 321
Not applicable

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

And no killhippie i never turned off anything...wmm or anything else...all i do is change my password...thats all ive ever changed
Message 257 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

Which version of firmware is currently on the router?

Also, do you by chance have Kaspersky AV? It has been shown that for some reason, Kaspersky wants to block access to the router home page. The workaround was to disable or uninstall it while you need to access the router.

If this isn't your case, then compare the IP information when you have it hard wired vs. wireless. You can do this by typing "ipconfig" in a command terminal window. See if the assigned IP address, netmask and and default gateway are the same between wired vs. wireless connections. You should be able also to use the IP address of the gateway (should be the R7000 IP address on the LAN) as the URL instead of routerlogin.net.

Another interesting thing to look at would be what address "routerlogin.net" resolves to (in the same command window, try "ping routerlogin.net".


Message 258 of 321
Not applicable

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

No kaspersky nope...i went back to the last firmware before the newest one last night wireless...the 4. Version...and its running fine now and fast...but ill try what you said rpoffen ty
Message 259 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

Don't get it.......can't find this firmware on the netgear website.... latest firmware is Version

I do have the firmware but got all kinds of troubles, can't remote acces the router with the genie app, harddrives do function well on my network but not visible in the readycloud etc. etc. and yes everything is registered and all 😉


So i wanted to try and re-upgrade this firmware from local storage instead OTA and see if things get better.....

But as i said before.....can't find it on the netgear site

Message 260 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

@Gmember wrote:

Don't get it.......can't find this firmware on the netgear website.... latest firmware is Version

I do have the firmware but got all kinds of troubles, can't remote acces the router with the genie app, harddrives do function well on my network but not visible in the readycloud etc. etc. and yes everything is registered and all 😉


So i wanted to try and re-upgrade this firmware from local storage instead OTA and see if things get better.....

But as i said before.....can't find it on the netgear site

Netgear pulled the release due to bugs.  They are testing a new release.  Keep checking every few days.  It should come out, hopefully soon.

Message 261 of 321
Not applicable

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

Yup! Took it away due to bugs! I went back to the 104 version last week! But they wanted $89 for help over the phone though...awesome company huh???
Message 262 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

Still none of the developers are responding.... Bad support again Netgear.
Message 263 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

The engineers are working on the next firmware. They know the last one wasn't a success, that's why they removed it. 

Just have to wait is all 🙂

Message 264 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

That's you sayijg, why can the developers something to say? Instead of you?
Message 265 of 321
Not applicable

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

Im fine waiting! Actually i really dont care if they come out with a new one or not! The 104 version works fine! You know the old saying if it's not broke don't fix it! The only thing that pisses me off is the lady on the phone talking about an $89 package and other packages just to get some help with this! Sure lady I'll pay almost the same amount that I paid for my router just to figure out what I already knew...
Message 266 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

Hi All,


The latest firmware was pulled out from support site due to some issues reported. A beta firmware has been released in some community posts for you to try if you are interested. You may download it here. Official firmware will be released as soon as QA team are done testing it.

Message 267 of 321
Not applicable

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

No thank you...Betas even worse playing around with...Routers fine now anyway...why bother?
Message 268 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

Routers not fine, IPV6 does not work properly which is one of the things that the team are working on.
Message 269 of 321
Not applicable

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

I meant my router is working way better now that the new update is gone...
Message 270 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

betas are fine most of the time.And if you dont bother, why are you still here ???

Message 271 of 321
Not applicable

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

Because i was commenting mostly about the fact that they wanna charge people $89 and up for their mistakes thats why im here! And no i wont use beta...Im not using experimental software that never works right...
Message 272 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

I ended up switching to Merlin - v378.56_2 and have not looked back. Even the Netgear firmware gave me the same issues with my WAN dropping. I did a full reset and re-configured so there was no dodgy backup and I still had issues.


I work in IT and things like this happen, in saying that, how they have the gall to charge $89 to fix their mistake? Not a good look IMO...



Message 273 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

the link dosen't work ? 

Message 274 of 321
Not applicable

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

Well ive hard reset my nighthawk 4 times...everythings hooked up right,And well i thought it was ok...But mine keeps rebooting still...And theres a lag sometimes with the connection...speeds are good but just not a steady connection...im done messing with mine! It turned into a 2 week headache...hopefully a fix soon...
Message 275 of 321

Orbi 770 Series