Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released


Re: R7000 New Firmware released

Message 276 of 321

R7000 New Firmware released



I've got Arlo camera's so I'm stuck with the beta firmware. Running: V1.0.6.40_1.1.90 now in AP mode.
So far not happy with the R7000
- Every now and then when i login to the router it states: "Updating Settings" and it will reset the modem. Not really great.. as you can imagine. I can, after the reset, login to the router.
- Some Arlo camera's are getting disconnect every now and then (1 every 2 to 4 days). Reset r7000 through Arlo app fixes the problem. Never had this issue with the Arlo basestation in place. As you don't receive any push messages when arlo lost it's connection this is not great. 


Is there any new firmware implementing a more stable connection.. otherwise i will need to hook up the basestation again... 😞



Message 277 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

install beta version it will help

Message 278 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released was incredibly unstable for me!  I downloaded and installed and disabled Arlo and so far so good!

Message 279 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

try yet 🙂 it works well now. 

Message 280 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

Hi everyone, i wish to provide my feedback on R7000. So i own this device since 2 years now and i've tried every firmware out there because i basically wanted a nas in my router and stock firmware didn't provide enough features for me. Now i'm back to stock since transmission(aka netgear downloader) was added to it. My experience with all firmwares and 1.06.28 has always been rock solid, i didn't experience any of the issues people on this thread posted so i think that the problems people are facing might be related to hardware somehow. People who buy R7000 today might have slightly different hardware than those who bought it on release or whatever.

Message 281 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

Confirm. On my router too i experience no issues on all FW's (officially released and latest beta FW's)

Message 282 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

Most of the user's problems on this forum is the reluctance to reset their router's to factory default after upgrading firmware (this version or others).  

Message 283 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

do You think reset after upgrade or before ? 🙂 

Message 284 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

I do both but if you only do one, always after...

Message 285 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

Thanks 🙂 


I hope that the newst version will be soon 🙂 

Message 286 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

@netwrks wrote:

Most of the user's problems on this forum is the reluctance to reset their router's to factory default after upgrading firmware (this version or others).  


Please STOP perpetuating this myth!  I take a lot of umbrage with this comment, because there are tens or hundreds or thousands of us who do not have the bandwidth to sit here on this message board and debunk you and a few others, and we spent a LOT of time resetting and re-configuring our R7000s while you sit there and contribute to the misinformation.


What is clear from this debacle is that Netgear has two issues

1) Netgear had severely under-resourced the continued support and development of their products to get to the scenario where we are now

2) There are critical faults in communication amongst Netgear development, QA, and support staff teams


Dear moderators, I know you are trying your best and it's at least clear some changes were made in your approach (for the better!) following the pulling of the broken firmwares. The suggestion I might make is for every post where you recommend a firmware, old, new, or beta, please link to the firmware you are recommending.  There are too many posts here where something was said as posted previously, and then we have to go dig or search through hundreds of messages to find what was being referenced, particularly with multiple competing versions. Then we are left scratching our heads when there are links posted from random people to Dropbox files, which is weird enough as it is when it's officially coming from Netgear staff.


One hypothesis: my (breaking) R7000 is used in a highly saturated, dense, urban environment with lots of wifi and bluetooth and wireless signals clashing throughout. Perhaps the reason some of us are impacted whlie others are not has to do with this environment vs those in the boonies with clear airwaves. Just a thought because I've seen it before.


Thank you



Message 287 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

@Cat6aPlease wrote:

@netwrks wrote:

Most of the user's problems on this forum is the reluctance to reset their router's to factory default after upgrading firmware (this version or others).  


Please STOP perpetuating this myth!  I take a lot of umbrage with this comment, because there are tens or hundreds or thousands of us who do not have the bandwidth to sit here on this message board and debunk you and a few others, and we spent a LOT of time resetting and re-configuring our R7000s while you sit there and contribute to the misinformation.


What is clear from this debacle is that Netgear has two issues

1) Netgear had severely under-resourced the continued support and development of their products to get to the scenario where we are now

2) There are critical faults in communication amongst Netgear development, QA, and support staff teams


Dear moderators, I know you are trying your best and it's at least clear some changes were made in your approach (for the better!) following the pulling of the broken firmwares. The suggestion I might make is for every post where you recommend a firmware, old, new, or beta, please link to the firmware you are recommending.  There are too many posts here where something was said as posted previously, and then we have to go dig or search through hundreds of messages to find what was being referenced, particularly with multiple competing versions. Then we are left scratching our heads when there are links posted from random people to Dropbox files, which is weird enough as it is when it's officially coming from Netgear staff.


One hypothesis: my (breaking) R7000 is used in a highly saturated, dense, urban environment with lots of wifi and bluetooth and wireless signals clashing throughout. Perhaps the reason some of us are impacted whlie others are not has to do with this environment vs those in the boonies with clear airwaves. Just a thought because I've seen it before.


Thank you



Yeah, as any vendor, NG has their fair share of firmware problems.. It's no myth. The logic is very simple, actually.  Not only NG, but other vendor's suggest the same thing. Reason being is this.. The only way to correctly load any new drivers, or any new features is is to do a factory reset. The reset gets rid of old config and firmware artifacts.. So, myth busted!!


I run various flavours of firmware, stock and 3rd party. Mostly 3rd party firmware actually. I can change back and forth between stock, and 3rd party firmware, all day long, and not have any issues.  Never had an issue. And if I do, then I know where to point the finger. Same goes with configs with different firmware versions, for obvious reasons, you would not load an old config, with new firmware. 


And for all you people too lazy to follow this advice, and whine because you have to re-configure your router, alI can say is, enjoy your pain. If this stuff is over your head, then buy a product that you actually manage, or pay someone to manage it for you.  

Oh, and I don't live in the boonies!!! But, here's a tip. If you live in a heavily populated wireless area, upgrade your stuff and migrate to 5ghz, or better yet, buy Ethernet cables and plug in!     

Message 288 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

A couple items before I recede back to my hole:


@netwrks wrote:

Yeah, as any vendor, NG has their fair share of firmware problems.


No, they are a manufacturer, not a vendor.


@netwrks wrote:

The only way to correctly load any new drivers, or any new features is is to do a factory reset.


This is factually false.


@netwrks wrote:

If you live in a heavily populated wireless area, upgrade your stuff and migrate to 5ghz


This does not solve the original problem and may introduce new problems. Additionally, certain devices may only work on one frequency band. Regardless, the R7000 provides both frequencies.

@netwrks wrote:

or better yet, buy Ethernet cables


For those of us with networked environments, we have found the issues we are discussing here are only relevant to the wireless side of the R7000 device. The wired side has been stable, at least in my experience.


Message 289 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

@Cat6aPlease wrote:

@netwrks wrote:

The only way to correctly load any new drivers, or any new features is is to do a factory reset.


This is factually false.


Actually he is right. No other way to get rid of old configuration and garbage. 

But if you're so sure, why don't you explain why it's factually false?

Message 290 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

@LeKeiser wrote:

Actually he is right. No other way to get rid of old configuration and garbage. 

But if you're so sure, why don't you explain why it's factually false?



I suggest you pose your question to the developers and ask why they don't make a reset mandatory for all customers at every upgrade.  I also suggest you ask that question to any software developer or developer of embedded systems, generally speaking.

Message 291 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

They always done it if FW has many fixes or changes, also in brief "what is changed or new" they has a warning that it is reccomended to do a hardware reset after an update. The problem in that not all read that or read not carefully.

Message 292 of 321

Re: R7000 New Firmware released

Not knowledgeable enough to know about the factory reset, but I do know I was having serious connectivity issues with .28 so I upgraded firmware to .40, without a factory reset, and the system, so far, appears to be rock solid!

Message 293 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

@Cat6aPlease wrote:

@LeKeiser wrote:

Actually he is right. No other way to get rid of old configuration and garbage. 

But if you're so sure, why don't you explain why it's factually false?



I suggest you pose your question to the developers and ask why they don't make a reset mandatory for all customers at every upgrade.  I also suggest you ask that question to any software developer or developer of embedded systems, generally speaking.

well I'm asking you, because you said "that's factually false" so when using those terms, it means you know exactly what you're talking about. So please, since you do, share. Enlighten us.

Otherwise, please stop being so condecendent and do try a factory reset before and after a new firmware...

Message 294 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

@LeKeiser wrote:

 do try a factory reset before and after a new firmware...



The issues still continued to occur for people after performing a factory reset.  That was the point of all this.

Message 295 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

@Cat6aPlease wrote:

@LeKeiser wrote:

 do try a factory reset before and after a new firmware...



The issues still continued to occur for people after performing a factory reset.  That was the point of all this.

I had the same problem as the others when I upgraded to the latest available firmware, but wanted to do it fast so skipped the factory reset after the upgrade. Ran into some troubles, was pissed off, wanted to throw the router to the wall. But decided to spare my wall, so I did a factory reset *before* and *after* the upgrade, and since then, my router has been running great and my wall feels better.

Just sayin'.

Message 296 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

@LeKeiser wrote:

upgrade, and since then, my router has been running great and my wall feels better.

That is another data point, however people on this message board should not apply their own anecdotal experience to everyone, much like my anecdotal experience of continued failure after factory reset does not apply to you.

Message 297 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

@Cat6aPlease wrote:

@LeKeiser wrote:

upgrade, and since then, my router has been running great and my wall feels better.

That is another data point, however people on this message board should not apply their own anecdotal experience to everyone, much like my anecdotal experience of continued failure after factory reset does not apply to you.

This is a forum, people share their experience so that they can solve their problems with their router...

What do you expect to read on this forum but bad experiences? When people are satisfied, they don't come here. 

Or when they do, it's to help others. That's what I'm trying to do. I've had a good experience with this upgrade, so I share. 

What do you do yourself?

Message 298 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

I don't want to get into a pi**ing contest here, but there is NO speficic 'must do'. I suspect any drivers should come in with the new firmware, however DATA might not get erased/overwritten.


Check these links out:


http://kb.netgear.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/23960/~/upgrading-your-router-firmware-manually (no mention of any reset in it, well only if you can't login)

http://kb.netgear.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/23442/~/installing-the-latest-firmware-on-a-netgear-ro... (same as above)

http://belkin.force.com/Articles/articles/en_US/Troubleshooting_and_Tutorials/10797#c3 (Belkin, reset on if update fails or you have other problems)

https://www.asus.com/support/faq/1005484 (ASUS recommends doing a reset, does not require it)

http://support.routercheck.com/Hitron/CGNM/LoadFirmware-0.html (no mention of reset)

http://www.linksys.com/us/support-article?articleNum=132961 (LinkSys, only if you had lost connection after upgrade or had prior connection issues)

http://forums.dlink.com/index.php?topic=42457.0 (Dlink, step 2 and 4, Beta info,  reset router)

http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Installation (DD-WRT, reset before and after but applies 'mostly' to LinkSys routers)


Most do not mention resetting.


I would think during a flash ALL the s/w would be replaced, BUT the data areas might not be. Since it is clear, especially with Beta versions of the F/W or going back to an older F/W version NOT to use the backup settings file, once an assume that exact data locations used might 'move' and the wrong data picked up if one does ensure ALL data used was correct. Either one needs to look at every possible setting or RESET and redo settings. I would also assume the big difference in data locations would be new feature settings. Old ones, like SSID's, P/W, and older items that remained the same would still point to the same data location more than likely.


However, the safest would always to reset and redo the settings. Of course, one could always 'wing' it and see if there is a NEED to do that?


I do not think the need to reset is a HARD and FAST rule.

Message 299 of 321

Rif.: R7000 New Firmware released

@shamarin wrote:

They always done it if FW has many fixes or changes, also in brief "what is changed or new" they has a warning that it is reccomended to do a hardware reset after an update. The problem in that not all read that or read not carefully.

Here is the link for the LAST OFFICIAL F/W, http://kb.netgear.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/29273, where does it say to do that?


However for the latest Beta, https://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-WiFi-Routers/R7000-Beta-FW-1-0-5-60/m-p/1070857#M30302, it does say it, at the bottom. It does NOT say you must either, used 'kindly'.


There is NO hard and fast rule.

Message 300 of 321

Orbi 770 Series