Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: R7800 Firmware V1.0.2.92 update messed up readyshare


Re: R7800 Firmware V1.0.2.92 update messed up readyshare

Newbie on routers but had this one a while now. And have learned a little bit not much.
I am not sure where to or how to post this. So if wrong please forgive me but I need help.

This new update (.92 firmware update), I Lost the ability to set device priority. All show low even if I change it. It does not hold. I also cannot see bandwitch by device anymore etc. I have roommate/s and I need to be able to set my cams to high and have control of things. My device stutters on occasion because because I cannot set equal bandwith or set priorities. I am upset about this. I have many smart home devices and oh what a job to default. I remember having to roll back firmware and I was able to get the features mentioned above back but I defaulted and had to add all devices again. I have it set to not to update on its own. I am not sure if I manually did it arrrg. I must have thinking those issues were resolved.
I am not sure if the QOS is ticked makes that happen but it is. I thought it did? But it's on.
My questions are:

Can I save devices-back up settings then default router, upload the older version, then reinstall my back up-device settings and still keep the older firmware version or will it change it back to( .92 the newest I am trying to replace? ) I dont want to do that. Uuug I have 43 or more devices I hope I do not have to start all over again. It is soooo much work.

**Also, will rolling back to the previous vers give me those capabilities back or do I need to go to an even older vers. ?
I forgot what version I used before, thinking it just happened with the .82 vers.
And lastly, were can I easily find older versions for R7800 to download?

I must have manually updated it thinking perhaps the issues were fixed. Angry at myself..arrrg.

Thank you for all your help in advance.
Message 1 of 3

Re: R7800 Firmware V1.0.2.92 update messed up readyshare

Agree. 😞 I want yo use my ready share but I am dealing with another problem. I think I will fix both by rolling back. Just wish we did not need to do all this.
Message 2 of 3

Re: R7800 Firmware V1.0.2.92 update messed up readyshare

@Preciousk2011 wrote:
Newbie on routers but had this one a while now. And have learned a little bit not much.
I am not sure where to or how to post this. So if wrong please forgive me but I need help.

If you want to catch the attention of the Netgear team, it is usually better to start a new conversation rather than hitching a ride on one started 18 months ago and last visited six months or so months ago.


This new update (.92 firmware update), I Lost the ability to set device priority. All show low even if I change it. It does not hold. I also cannot see bandwitch by device anymore etc.

Not that new. It landed in October 2022.


Where are you trying to set this?



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