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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version


Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

The bandwidth of 2.4G is 40Mhz. The latency issues are both with the Eax80.
The latency keeps 300ms to 2000ms for like 10 sec then keeps under 100ms for a while then repeat.
When I turn off eax80, there is no issue with the new firmware.
Message 51 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

I have the same issue on 2.4 GHz but with my Apple TV4K. I personally always force 20Hz on 2.4 GHz so as not to be a bad neighbor, plus 40 MHz is likely to face more interference for me with 10-12 neighboring APs and eve my microwave causes drops on 40 MHz (regardless of router)

Have you tried disabling AX on the router just to test? My Apple TV 4K was at like 5-10 Mbps in speed tests with drops as low as a few hundred kbps or even complete stalls partway through streaming/speed tests when AX was enabled. As soon as I disabled it, the device could reach 60-70 Mbps easily on speed tests. Only started with this firmware, so it must be having issues with fallback to N mode when AX is enabled. On 5Ghz though there was no problem with the ATV4K regardless of AX being on or off.
Message 52 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

Same issue here (ES).


Router updated by itself (despite I had auto off) but still shows an update is available (because of the language package I guess).


I don't use wired ports but Wi-Fi speed became terrible in both 2.4 and 5 GHz.


I realized with a 2012 LG SmartTV.


New firmware seems to be also for new RAX120v2 and in my opinion is focused on this new v2 version.


Installing the old works fine again. I will wait for the next version.

Model: RAX120|Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream WiFi Router
Message 53 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

@MRGIZBO wrote:

Same issue here (ES).


Router updated by itself (despite I had auto off) but still shows an update is available (because of the language package I guess).


I don't use wired ports but Wi-Fi speed became terrible in both 2.4 and 5 GHz.


I realized with a 2012 LG SmartTV.


New firmware seems to be also for new RAX120v2 and in my opinion is focused on this new v2 version.


Installing the old works fine again. I will wait for the next version.

Did you reset the router after updating?

Message 54 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

I did. seems pretty good for now.

Model: RAX120|Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream WiFi Router
Message 55 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

@MRGIZBO wrote:

I did. seems pretty good for now.

I'm having no issues to be honest, you may have only rebooted rather than reset which is using the rear pin hole method if you could confirm and confirm if you reset via the software rather than the pin hole.


if the auto update is not working as you said it was set to off I'm guessing it's updated again the next morning because a bug like that would not be a one off. 

When it does reset the router and rather than test on a tv perhaps watch what's going on with a WiFi analyser and if you have a mobile device say an iPad Pro or iPhone there is an app called WiFi Sweetspots which is good at giving you an idea what internal throughput you are seeing on that device and if it's stable.

Run PingPlotter too and just double check what you see. 
Would be interesting to see what results you are seeing.



Message 56 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

Similar issues as reported earlier in the thread here. While I hadn't narrowed it down to LAN devices, that would fit the behaviour I have experienced. My media server and other published web servicess were no longer accessible externally. I only performed minimal troubleshooting, but it's worth noting that SSHing to some of these devices to further assess the problem I was able to ping out. Now I should have followed up with traceroutes and other tests, but in the end downgraded quickly upon finding this thread.


A correctly completing ping would indicate the return path is fine so traceroute may be of limited use regardless. I had surmised it may be due to UPNP not mapping the ports correctly, but my media server was also unable to access online updates or other such features, so not only was inbound media services impacted, but outbound web traffic (port 80) as well. It was only noted to impact clients on the LAN, which would fall in line with others experiences.


I did not test factory resetting, while I appreciate this is a useful troubleshooting tactic, that's not a valid and permanent solution. Especially when it would be ridiculous to expect general consumers to do so for a minor version upgrade, all without a hint of warning this may be required in the first place.


The fact the firmware is still fully available with no notes or acknowledgment from Netgear is poor. This release states it addresses a number of security vulnerabilities (of which Netgear has seen ever increasing exposure to) and it is unfortuante that I am now running a firmware version that potentially exposes the security and privacy of my home network. Even ignoring the generally poor functionality and value adds Netgear provide in firmware releases, my very expensive RAX120 router should warrant some such continued support, my friends touting Ubiquiti as a far superior product are becoming increasingly harder to ignore. The hardware is decent, the support and firmware are becoming frustratingly bottom rung consumer. 

Model: RAX120|Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream WiFi Router
Message 57 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

Hi and welcome.


a simple reset would have had you up and running and taken less time than you trying to work out why.

The update was a bit more than a minor update and if you downgraded I would reset afterwards too.

Resets are not mandatory but are required if you notice an issue after updating. It's the first step to solving issues.

I agree though perhaps it should have been mentioned somewhere on the firmware update page but you managed to register to join the forum so hopefully other will see this thread if they go searching.

There's and interesting thread that Merlin wrote regarding resets and why it may be required on SNB. Worth popping over to have a read.



Message 58 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

I downloaded it from https://www.netgear.com/support/product/RAX120.aspx#download and installed manually and also reset my rax120 and I'm still getting the same issues of none of my LAN connections being able to access internet. Everything connected via wifi still works. I'm usually quite patient but this is getting ridiculous.

Message 59 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

@Newfiedrool  sorry I know I came across slightly over the top and somewhat belligerent, I would honestly prefer to understand the issue, and for Netgear to resolve it at the package level rather than mandate resets (I do understand the usefulness of a hard reset nethertheless).


It seems others have reported the issue persists even after hard reset, which played a part in my avoidance of continuing troubleshooting, especially when it involves hard resets and reloading configs. While not horrible time consuming I spend my weekdays troubleshooting such problems, hardly something I wanted to spend a Sunday doing for my own home.


It would be nice to get some acknowldegement from someone Netgear side here, this doesn't seem to be a couple of isolated cases. I'm not certain, but did someone say they'd pulled it from the NA support area, it's definitely still available for AUS. 

Message 60 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

Not a problem, we would all like to have seen this update maybe handled a little different.


I can with my hand on heart say after a reset and watching and carefully monitoring the WiFi issues mentioned I have no issues and neither has my friend who I regularly talk too. Lan ports are fine too. It just needed something to warn users a reset was required. It seems the auto update introduced more issues than doing it manually.


I would dearly like to see a better QoS and I'm hoping we may yet see one and a few minor bug fixes which I need to have a peep at as one was missing log info after a week up.  It's a great bit of kit, wonderful coverage, just needs those finishing touches. 



Message 61 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

@soeun wrote:

I downloaded it from https://www.netgear.com/support/product/RAX120.aspx#download and installed manually and also reset my rax120 and I'm still getting the same issues of none of my LAN connections being able to access internet. Everything connected via wifi still works. I'm usually quite patient but this is getting ridiculous.

Did you perform a software reset or the pinhole reset?



Message 62 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

Would like to reiterate for the thread that I also have had issues with the LAN ports after an upgrade and full reset. I’ve tried resets through the web interface as well as the pinhole. I’ve tried downgrading (which immediately restored functionality), erasing again, upgrading and re-erasing a third time via the web interface. I’ve tried not using a settings backup and creating a minimal config - but nothing works.

The LAN ports do still ping out and I can actually use curl to pull down non-SSL websites. The issue seems to be that any secure connection is blocked by some internal service or firewall on the router. Here’s an example:

~ ❯❯❯ curl -v https://google.com
* Trying
* Connected to google.com ( port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* Cipher selection: ALL:!EXPORT:!EXPORT40:!EXPORT56:!aNULL:!LOW:!RC4:@STRENGTH
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
* CAfile: /opt/chef-workstation/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem
* CApath: none
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS header, Certificate Status (22):
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
* OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to google.com:443
* Closing connection 0
curl: (35) OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to google.com:443

The expected “Server Hello” inbound traffic never makes it, unless the client is on WiFi and then there’s no issue.
Model: RAX120|Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream WiFi Router
Message 63 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

Could you try downloading the update via the support page and try install manually then performing a factory reset.

Message 64 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

Yep - all of my upgrades and downgrades (except for the very first one that was an auto-upgrade) have been done via the web interface and the .img downloaded from support.
Model: RAX120|Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream WiFi Router
Message 65 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

I did the pinhole reset.
Message 66 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

My exact issue. Thanks for filling in the extra details.
Message 67 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

What we did notice was when I compared mine to my friends there was a lot more memory used compared to his. I turned my router off for 15min as he did and that cleared the memory.

worth upgrading, reset, setup, turn off router and leave then turn on and see what happens.



Message 68 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

So another odd thing I’ve noticed is that the wired connections that don’t work are windows PC. My Synology NAS which is wired works fine. I can connect to it. Will test out MacBook shortly via Ethernet shortly .
Message 69 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

Nvm. Synology NAS unable to access internet. 😞
Message 70 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

I still think that firmware is ok for rax120v2 but not for v1.

That can be the reason why some users are not having problems (only those with new V2).

But a full reset should not be mandatory in a 'consumer' product or at least should be informed.

Why do I have to setup again everything? This is one of the reasons I buy a >300 euros router.
Model: RAX120|Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream WiFi Router
Message 71 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

Anyone from Netgear team can confirm they are seeing same issue or if they are working on a solution? I’m running RAX120 v1.
Message 72 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

Also on a RAX120v1 with persistent ethernet port issues after firmware update.

Model: RAX120|Nighthawk AX12 12-Stream WiFi Router
Message 73 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

There is absolutely an issue with the firmware and it does seem related to secure connections. Perhaps it is specific to RAX120v1, but  I can only confirm for this specific model. @Crtfdgk is on the right track, I can ping Google, but attempting a secure connection using curl is blocked. Potentially a misconfiguration of iptables of whatever firewall the RAX is running internally for NAT.


A pinhole/hard reset and manual firmware upgrade does nothing to alleviate the issue.


Please stop advocating hardware resets, it's disingenuous regardless of your own experience and allows Netgear to ignore the issue. Which is becoming somewhat more ridiculous the longer it goes on. Leaving a computer or device off to clear RAM or capacitance is also somewhat of a myth and vestige of bygone eras in computing. 


Seriously Netgear pull your finger out.

Message 74 of 138

Re: Current RAX120 firmware version

The V2 is out next year and since many of us have no issues after a reset it is the way to go to start with. 
if however you have an issue raise a support ticket with NG if you wish them be more involved with your product if you can't solve the issue, that way they will be aware and may work with you to solve the issue. 
in the mean time if you can't solve it by a reset and it's not working as intended your only option is to drop back and raise a ticket.

Message 75 of 138
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