Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: SXK80 Vlan Tag


SXK80 Vlan Tag

Hi need some help on setting the Vlan on SXK80. Went through the interface and it seems that it is different from the normal Orbi interface.


I was following this guide and discover that i wasn't able to set anything on the priority . 


I was following this guide and was totally stuck. 




Need some advise on it. 



Message 1 of 14

Re: SXK80 Vlan Tag

@Randy2936 wrote:

Hi need some help on setting the Vlan on SXK80.

What kind of VLAN config are you looking for exactly? Muitiple SSID, each with a dedicated VLAN and IP subnet, probably some Orbi Pro WiFi 6 LAN port configued as a VLAN trunk for linking to a switch with also configured VLANs?


The KB referenced is just creating a crappy bridge from an ISP (typically IPTV) VLAN to a defined port to connect an STP.  

Message 2 of 14

Re: SXK80 Vlan Tag

Hi yes is the exact vlan that is required by the isp but i do not know how to set that with the SXK80 interface . 

Message 3 of 14

Re: SXK80 Vlan Tag

@Randy2936 wrote:

Hi yes is the exact vlan that is required by the isp but i do not know how to set that with the SXK80 interface . 

I am having the same problem. To connect directly to my ONT I have to login into my Gigabit Fiber account using PPPoE with a Tagged 201 VLAN. As much as I appreciate the NG complexity which means versatility on the LAN. But as shown in all the basic NG VLAN setups, that VLAN applies to all LAN and WLAN ports with only being able to change the VLAN Port Number and Priority Designation. 


I have been fighting with the over abundance of incomplete/erroneous or severely lacking information on this. ALTHOUGH, they do acknowledge that in the specs of many of these level devices like this where WAN Tagged VLANs are necessary with a good many of their users ISPs. But not a single simple paragrah, a couple lines or Pictogram of Pandas explaining what needs to be done.


Until I get it figured out, I have switched back to my Orbi RBK853. (Although it drops the setting a lot, it has a two entry setting, "apply" and done. It applies the Tagged VLAN to all 4 LAN and 2 WLAN ports.


Good Luck. I'll be watching to see if you find the answer before I do. But, I have read that this level of devices don't support this. I find that rediculous.


 . . . Sir O



Message 4 of 14

Re: SXK80 Vlan Tag

@BruceGuo please.

Message 5 of 14

Re: SXK80 Vlan Tag

Can you check if UM is helpful?




If no, please discribe your network topology so we cna help you

Message 6 of 14

Re: SXK80 Vlan Tag

@BruceGuo wrote:

Can you check if UM is helpful?

Fear it isn't enough, or I have trouble finding the right spot. There is some vague refernece of a predefined "Bridge/VLAN group" only, defaulting to VLAN 1 on (both) the internal and the Internet side.


@BruceGuo wrote:

If no, please discribe your network topology so we cna help you

Let's reflect what is implemented on the "consumer" routers and how a "random" engineer would like to see this implemented on the VLAN-capable routers like the Orbi Pro AX models:

VLAN Bridge Group


R9000 VLAN Bridge Group.PNG

Basic router: We can define an _additional_ WAN-side (IPTV) network, based on the VLAN number, and bridge this VLAN 1:1 to a switch port, an aggregated switch port, or a Wireless (effectively that radio specific single SSID). The selected ports and WiFi are removed from the LAN-side of the NAT router, the ISP provided tagged VLAN network is bridged to these ports as an untagged network. Technically, this network is (on the ISP infrastructure) already a NATed and isolated RFC1918 IP subnet. Read all DHCP, IGMP Multicast (IPTV) goes stright through. 

Translating this to the VLAN capable router like the Orbi Pro AX: Instead of select port(s) and SSID, we need the ability to bring this IPTV VLAN (ISP number) to a local VLAN, ideally with the ability to renumber the VLAN from the ISP side to the LAN side. Anything else can be configured on the Orbi Pro AX as it already exists.

VLAN Tag Group

R9000 VLAN Tag Group.PNG

Basic router: The router can handle two VLANs on the Internet/WAN side. One (optional) for the Internet, which come in to the router either on an untagged VLAN (as in this example, this "Internet" is greyed) and goes to the router normal NAT router process. And the second IPTV VLAN (as in the above example): We can define an _additional_ WAN-side (IPTV) network, based on the VLAN number, and bridge this VLAN 1:1 to a switch port, an aggregated switch port, or a Wireless (effectively that radio specific single SSID). The selected ports and WiFi are removed from the LAN-side of the NAT router, the ISP provided tagged VLAN network is bridged to these ports as an untagged network. Technically, this network is (on the ISP infrastructure) already a NATed and isolated RFC1918 IP subnet. Read all DHCP, IGMP Multicast (IPTV) goes straight through.

Translating this to the VLAN capable router like the Orbi Pros: Instead of select port(s) and SSID, we need the ability to bring this IPTV VLAN (ISP number) to a local VLAN, ideally with the ability to renumber the VLAN from the ISP side to the LAN side. Anything else can be configured on the Orbi Pro AX as it already exists. This allows to connect the IPTV Settop device direct to the ISP provided network, and IPTV works like a charm, and so does the Internet access say for Netflix et all over a Carrier Grade NAT device. Disadvantage: Because this is an isolated network, you can't use a mobile phone "remote" or "controller" for the Settop device, you can't access say a DLNA Media Server on the LAN.

The "prefect" Solution (as implemented on the ISP provided routers)


Instead of just bridging, the ISP specific traffic needs to be NATed and merged into a single subnet, and the IPTV Settop device is operated in the primary network. This is not a fancy idea, much more it's required (and implemented by good ISPs) so the user can use e.g. direct discover and access the IPTV Settop device from a mobile device acting as a controller (Device remote, DLNA controller, ...) without connecting to another network/SSID, and the Settop box can have access to LAN resources like a DLNA Media Server on a NAS.

Said that: If Netgear is keen to be better than the ISP provided routers, a lot more must be done 8-)


PS. If I have missed such an existing feature on the Orbi Pro AX, it's because I don't own such a device (Orbi Pro AX PLM is apparently not interested to support us helping people with hardware. 

Message 7 of 14

Re: SXK80 Vlan Tag

With all the Models, User Manuals and what I have read in the Forums and by searching, the general concensis it that there are too many variations in UIs and features. Just as there are too many models that make it confusing to chose when standing in front of all of them at BestBuy.


I see people trying to help outside the forums, where the issues was easily addressed by the contributor without knowing that the person that needs help their device doesn't have the same features or UI. Then when the person needing help comes back and says he can't find what the contributor was talking about. The contributor says something snarky and the person that needed help took the Netgear unit back and got another brand that he can easily make work for him. Saying he'll never touch Netgear again.


Too many lose ends and variables. And nobody to clean them up.

Message 8 of 14

Re: SXK80 Vlan Tag

Bob, did they ever fix this issue in the firmware or are you still having to use the external netgear router?

Message 9 of 14

Re: SXK80 Vlan Tag

I have the entire RBK853 up and running trying to get an idea on any commonalities that can be used as a direction to go. I must say "there are strange things afoot."

Message 10 of 14

Re: SXK80 Vlan Tag

Post a link to the thread/page. I'm curious.


In the meantime as an update, I got it working thanks to the external netgear router explanation you posted. 🙂 I ended up buying the router and implementing the "Fix".

Message 11 of 14

Re: SXK80 Vlan Tag

New FW out if this might be helpful:



@Randy2936 wrote:

Hi need some help on setting the Vlan on SXK80. Went through the interface and it seems that it is different from the normal Orbi interface.


I was following this guide and discover that i wasn't able to set anything on the priority . 


I was following this guide and was totally stuck. 




Need some advise on it. 




Message 12 of 14

Re: SXK80 Vlan Tag

The V4.0.0.118 firmware does not fix the WAN Vlan tagging issue that is mentioned in this thread. I have it installed and it does not address the issue.


I'm currently awaiting a firmware beta from JeraldM that may address this issue. I'm not aware of the version #. I will keep this thread updated with results.

Message 13 of 14

Re: SXK80 Vlan Tag

Sorry for missing it. Do you still have the issue with v4.2.0.122? If no, please let us know. See if you want to have a call with eng team.



Message 14 of 14
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