Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released


New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

New Features: 09/08/2023

  • Supports Separate SSID IoT network.




  • Mixed Mode WPA2/WPA3


  • Improves the stability of connections between router and satellites
  • Improves satellite firmware upgrade stability

Security Fixes:



Download Link:



Please navigate to the link below for step-by-step instructions on how to update your RBR750/RBS750:




Be sure to update the RBS FIRST, then the RBR lastly. 


I HIGHLY recommend after the FW is loaded on the system and it's back to ready, power OFF all Orbi units and the ISP modem/ONT for 1 minute. Then back ON with the ISP modem/ONT first, then RBR then RBS.


The best advise we can give people is to start a new config, power on one RBS and wait for some SOLID light or most often blue or magenta. And then add the RBS WIRELESSLY via the WebUI. Power off the RBS. Then rinse and repeat with any additional RBS(s). Pair RBS one at a time even if you have more than one. For ethernet connected RBS, after things come up wirelessly, you can move to wired backhaul but don't start with wired backhaul for those RBS that are ethernet connected. Wirelessly connect and sync RBS first before ethernet connecting RBS. 


NOTE: Orbi app or the routers web page may not report seeing new FW updates. NG may not push this to there auto update services immediately and may activate the newer FW update being seen on there auto update services at a later time. User will have the choice to manually update if you want too.


NOTE: The Disable Auto Update feature only prevents ANY new FW from being installed if available. This does NOT prevent the system from checking NG services to see if new FW is available. If new FW is available, this will be displayed as a notification to the user on the RBRs web page only. It will be up to the user to upgrade FW or not. 


A factory reset maybe needed if problems are encountered after the FW update:


NOTE: Recommend setting the default DHCP IP address pool range to the following after applying and a factory reset: 192.168.#.100 to 192.168.#.200


This article applies to:


Let us know how it works for you...

Message 1 of 175

Accepted Solutions

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Followed the directions and upgraded.  Did the RBS750 units first and then the RBR750.    Appears to be working well.


One important note, I did need to restart each RBS750 after the RBR750 was upgraded to re-establish connection.   As each is on a UPS and mounted on the all, required a ladder.


Otherwise working fine at this time.


I didn't see the "IoT" network feature at first.   You need to go into Wireless setup.   You'll then see a "Wireless IoT Settings' and the ability to "enable" an IoT wireless SSID along with password.


Nice to have this feature added finally.   I believe it's important to have a Trusted, IoT and Guest wireless SSID.   

View solution in original post

Message 5 of 175

All Replies

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

That’s a pretty decent jump from V4.6.14.3.

Not showing up on my admin page yet, but that is a good thing, I am too old for beta test nonsense.
Message 2 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Why it was in beta since January. 

For AU, NG will gradually roll it out in batches. Will up to you to update or not now or later or never. 

I can say this, my Orbi system hasn't worked this great in a very long time. 


Good Luck. 

Message 3 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Watching this thread for updates on performance before I upgrade.
Message 4 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Followed the directions and upgraded.  Did the RBS750 units first and then the RBR750.    Appears to be working well.


One important note, I did need to restart each RBS750 after the RBR750 was upgraded to re-establish connection.   As each is on a UPS and mounted on the all, required a ladder.


Otherwise working fine at this time.


I didn't see the "IoT" network feature at first.   You need to go into Wireless setup.   You'll then see a "Wireless IoT Settings' and the ability to "enable" an IoT wireless SSID along with password.


Nice to have this feature added finally.   I believe it's important to have a Trusted, IoT and Guest wireless SSID.   

Message 5 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

What is Supports IoT network? Is this a new feature or capability? How does it work? Would I need to re-do or add my smart devices again to use it? Is this a separate side for iot? So many questions...
Message 6 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

What is Improves the stability of connections between router and satellites? Did the backhaul connection speed change? Did the auto topology or incorrect topology displayed in app change? Do sats now have better range or connection stability? Did the add sat. process change or improve. Did the sat connection timeout change? Does the app show more info on connection status? Does the main web interface for the router now talk to the individual sat web interface better. So many questions....
Message 7 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

IoT addresses a long-standing customer issue: the ability to create a WiFi SSID that broadcasts only on the 2.4G channel so that customers will cease harping on "need separate 2.4G and 5G WiFi SSIDs".


Each WiFi radio is already used to create different "networks" for a primary network and a guest network.  This feature adds (yet another) "network".  (The Orbi business models actually create four WiFi networks on each channel!)


The intention is clearly to resolve the issue of connecting devices which support only 2.4G WiFi and have software that is so poorly written that they have trouble connecting if the smart phone is connected to a 5G network.  It can be named anything (for example, "MyDumbDevices" would be cool).

Message 8 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Updated following instructions per letter. 3 satellites updated and working fine with RBR on previous version. Updated RBR none of the satellites connect. Orbi upgrade process never fails to deliver a terrible user experience. I guess I am not down factory resetting everything. Thanks again Orbi!
Message 9 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

@FURRYe38 wrote:

Why it was in beta since January. 

Because I have had to use all sorts of voodoo, secret incantations and TFTP magic to bring my Orbis back to life after attempting updates in the past. I have one system that is apparently bricked forever, no resurrection has been possible. To nobody's surprise, stories of factory resets being necessary are already surfacing after this round of updates.



@FURRYe38 wrote:

Good Luck. 

Thanks! (From experience I will likely need it.)

Message 10 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

I didn't have any issues with the update the only thing I did was cycle power to my satellite after the update just out of habit.

It would be great if the IoT network could/would be isolated like the guest network. With the expansion of home automation and IoT security is becoming more and more of an issue.  



Message 11 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Was mentioned that IoT network couldn't be separated due to the IoT app communication being blocked between two networks. 

Message 12 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

There are ways to handle that. This just seems like a quick and dirty way to be able to have a network on the orbi that you can knock down to 2.5ghz and not sacrifice the rest of your network. For existing networks this would a total pain to change your devices wifi connections. I guess at minimum it gives people an option. Hopefully it leads to more. I personally do not have any devices that this is necessary for and actually have a fair amount of my IoT on a segregated network without any troubles.
Message 13 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

User had been asking about SSID separation with Orbi for years due to the bad IoT design on the Mfrs behalf. They seem to not care about making there stuff work better on MESH systems or with routers with Smart Connect enabled. Been a long problem and NG has at least make it alot easier for IoT users. Hopefully users will be happier now at least. 

Message 14 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Updated to , from , went fine on my end. Updated satellite first then router. Did not need to pull the plug out for a few minutes, I just let the update process do its thing and reboot itself.


14 hours since update and everything seems fine. No issues with streaming from my Roku and Google TV devices. Family member was able to do a Zoom session as usual.


As I learned from playing around with dd-wrt & tomato router firmwares in the past, I give it at least 5 minutes after firmware updates for the router/satellite to settle down & self configure things. That's about how long it took for the satellite to finally connect after I updated the router. Even though the router assigned an IP to the satellite and the connection was indicated as "good", I was not able to log into the satellite's webpage until after 5 minutes.

I did notice the IP address of the satellite changed within the 5 minutes so I guess it was cached from the prior version and then when the back channel connectivity between router and satellite was finally negotiated, it assigned a new one.




Message 15 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

If you do happen to experience a problem, power OFF the system for 1 minute then back ON. It would be recommended. 


Glad it working. Be sure to save off a back up configuration to file for safe keeping. Saves time if a reset is needed.
Enjoy. 📡

Message 16 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Want to update to but have a few questions:


1) Does this firmware update solve the "random blue light on the Sat" issue? (Since, I've had the blue light illuminate on the sats for no reason with no degradation in my system so it is merely annoying versus detrimental.)


2) Is it still recommended to set IP reservations  to 192.168.x.1xx?


3) Any other problems noted so far?


Message 17 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

I had not experienced random LEDs on my 7 series on v4 FW versions. 

Nobody mentioned in in beta testing. 


Do you mean IP address range? Sure. 


After applying the FW files the RBS first and RBR lastly and the system is back to ready, I recommend a power OFF of the RBR and RBS for 1 minute then back on with the RBR first then RBS lastly. 

Message 18 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Got it. Do the sats need to be in the IP address range of 192.168.x.100-200 as well? 

Message 19 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released


Since we cant set static addressing on the RBS themselves.

Message 20 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Having real problems, I cannot updare the Firmware on Satellite at all. Just wont accept the file, says its failed to load.


Any ideas greatly received.

Message 21 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Further to my previous post.

I have just done a full factory reset on bith devices and still the manual firmware update fails, saying check file.

I do not want to try updating the router in case this works, then I am left with the inability to update the Satellite, which I need to access Wifi in the house.

Any ideason how to fix this gratefully received!

My prioducts went out of warranty 3 weeks ago, and actually getting to speak to support is impossible without generating a case number which of course I cannot do!!!!!

I will never buy Netgear stuff again, shocking support, but at £700 for the pair I need this sorting.


Message 22 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

The error note sounds like you are using an incorrect version of the update files. So you unzipped the files and used the firmware version RBS for the satellite?

Message 23 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

These are the files I have used. I re-downloaded them just to check, and no difference. 


Getting really frustrated now. I have tried different browsers and still no change. It just doesn't want to do it!


Message 24 of 175

Re: New - RBR750 / RBS750 Firmware Version Released

Be 100% certain you are using the correct file for your Satellites. The file should have a this name: RBS750-V7.2.6.21.chk. Additionally, try bringing the sat into the same room as your router or connect a laptop directly to the sat via Cat 6 ethernet cable and try the manual update again. Good Luck!

Message 25 of 175
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