Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released


Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

This probably won't be officially released. Theres word of a more recent version thats been only given to users whom called in for support and that version isn't coming out yet either. So v5 will be superseded by something different. No idea when that will happen so don't ask. We don't get that kind of information. 

@skeelo wrote:

Any idea when Netgear is going to make officially release this firmware?  V4.6.3.16 is the last official firmware download available.


Message 401 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

I’ve been doing some research around RTS / CTS.

It would appear that the current size parameters of RTS/CTS is based around the older WEP encryption standard.

Below are the different possible maximum frame size of a 802.11 packet, according to the encryption scheme in use :

MTU + MAC Header + Encryption Header

WEP : 2304 + 34 + 8 = 2346 bytes
WPA (TKIP) : 2304 + 34 + 20 = 2358 bytes
WPA2 (CCMP) : 2304 + 34 + 16 = 2354 bytes

Perhaps NG should look at adjusting the RTS/CTS parameters based on the currently implemented Wi-Fi encryption.

Additionally 802.11ac increases the capability to send aggregated frames sizes from 65,535 to 4,692,480 bytes (4.47 megabytes).

Some of us are observing satellite instability issues when disabling RTS / CTS by setting it to 2347 particularly during video calls.

Happy to discuss the above observations with NG.


Message 402 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Please make a new post regarding all this. 


Thank you. 

@rr20552 wrote:
I’ve been doing some research around RTS / CTS.

It would appear that the current size parameters of RTS/CTS is based around the older WEP encryption standard.

Below are the different possible maximum frame size of a 802.11 packet, according to the encryption scheme in use :

MTU + MAC Header + Encryption Header

WEP : 2304 + 34 + 8 = 2346 bytes
WPA (TKIP) : 2304 + 34 + 20 = 2358 bytes
WPA2 (CCMP) : 2304 + 34 + 16 = 2354 bytes

Perhaps NG should look at adjusting the RTS/CTS parameters based on the currently implemented Wi-Fi encryption.

Additionally 802.11ac increases the capability to send aggregated frames sizes from 65,535 to 4,692,480 bytes (4.47 megabytes).

Some of us are observing satellite instability issues when disabling RTS / CTS by setting it to 2347 particularly during video calls.

Happy to discuss the above observations with NG.



Message 403 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

@rr20552 wrote:
I’ve been doing some research around RTS / CTS.

It would appear that the current size parameters of RTS/CTS is based around the older WEP encryption standard.

Below are the different possible maximum frame size of a 802.11 packet, according to the encryption scheme in use :

MTU + MAC Header + Encryption Header

WEP : 2304 + 34 + 8 = 2346 bytes
WPA (TKIP) : 2304 + 34 + 20 = 2358 bytes
WPA2 (CCMP) : 2304 + 34 + 16 = 2354 bytes

Perhaps NG should look at adjusting the RTS/CTS parameters based on the currently implemented Wi-Fi encryption.

Additionally 802.11ac increases the capability to send aggregated frames sizes from 65,535 to 4,692,480 bytes (4.47 megabytes).

Some of us are observing satellite instability issues when disabling RTS / CTS by setting it to 2347 particularly during video calls.

Happy to discuss the above observations with NG.


I haven't tested this yet but in the past versions of the firmware, setting the RTS/CTS to anything other than 2347 will prevent Lenovo Chromebooks (as issued by my kids' schools) from connecting to the WLAN.  Note: my 850's are currently at V4.6.3.16_2.0.51.

Message 404 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Something to post here as well please:



Thank you. 

@dtay wrote:
I haven't tested this yet but in the past versions of the firmware, setting the RTS/CTS to anything other than 2347 will prevent Lenovo Chromebooks (as issued by my kids' schools) from connecting to the WLAN.  Note: my 850's are currently at V4.6.3.16_2.0.51.


Message 405 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Please post your findings regards the Lenovo Chromebook connection at RTS/CTS 64 and 500 using v4.6.7.5 Would be an interesting read. 500 works well for me but have no chrome books! Thanks
Message 406 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

@57ay wrote:
Please post your findings regards the Lenovo Chromebook connection at RTS/CTS 64 and 500 using v4.6.7.5 Would be an interesting read. 500 works well for me but have no chrome books! Thanks

I'm actually hesitant to upgrade (until it's officially posted by NG) to v4.6.7.5 since V4.6.3.16_2.0.51 has been working for me and I haven't had any issues that could be attributed to the firmware.  When I looked my statistics page, I don't even see any collisions  and this is with about 50+ devices and two satellites. Knock on wood and fingers crossed!

Message 407 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Thats fine however please post about your CTS experiences that that CTS/RTS thread. 

This thread is for the v5 FW user experiences. Lets keep things from getting confusing between FW version. 


Thank you.

Message 408 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

I've been catching up on this thread and thinking this may solve the problem I've had a while but had a few questions.

My Issue

At present with the RBR850 and RBS850 (ethernet backhaul) is that on an increasingly regular interval (last few months) the Wifi & WAN connection fail with magenta light flashing. Lots of combinations of reset router, then having to reset other switches, get it working. Today it failed twice within 8 hours. I'm on V4.6.3.16_2.0.51 on both devices. I've replaced the RBR850 (last day of warranty), the cable modem and one of my dumb switches. The problem persists.


A Solution?

Reading up on this thread it seems this FW may address this specific issue. I'm willing to give it a shot, BUT, if a prior FW also addresses this and is _more_ stable (I saw references to as stable) would that may be a better option?


I have a stack of settings on the device (forced MAC address to IPs, firewall rules, port forwarding, etc.) that I'd rather NOT reconfigure (again). Will these survive the FW update? If no, I'd likey backup/restore them and hope that doesn't cause the issues above to recur, but I suspect something else causes them and those settings may not. Worst case, I reapply FW and don't restore settings and see if stability sets in.


Thoughts/suggestions? Really wanting this fixed.

Message 409 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

My 8 series is stable on v5 and both of my RBS are ethernet connected. Give it a try. THis version is way better than what came out on v4 last year. 


Message 410 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

@FURRYe38 can you point me to that firmware version? Any thoughts on whether existing settings will reset or be retained?

Message 411 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Its at the very start of this thread...

If you apply the FW, apply the RBS first, then RBR lastly. Settings will remain. I recommend powering OFF the RBS and RBR for 1 minute or longer, then on with the RBR first then RBS lastly. Check to see if the system is stable for you. Some have mentioned that just continuing with out a power cycle works, some say it works well with a power cycle. Some have had to do a full on factory reset. So keep this in mind if you see problems. 

Message 412 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

When you say v5 what are you actually talking about. Because from where I’m
Sitting doesn’t mean v5 it means v4.x.x.xx
Message 413 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Hi agree this v5 is very confusing it caused me to as as well anyway as explained it is the start of the thread v4.6.7.5 it should not be called v5 that is just my opinion, the last digit means nothing in reality. Note this is just an opinion Thanks
Message 414 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Wait, what? I was looking for v5.x.x.x.  if we're talking about, I'd expect that's version four dot six dot seven build 5


in any case I'll give that a try and post results. 

Message 415 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Wow...Sorry, I'll be more precise, I always refer to v5 as the last number in the v4.6.7.(5) version as we already know v4 is the head of the version currently for FW versions on the Orbi 7 and 8 series. So yes try v4.6.7.(5) seen here in this thread. Again link at the start of this thread. 



Message 416 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released



Apologies for how that came out...not a criticism of you (you are being super helpful) and you are appreciated...


I applied the FW updates as suggested this morn about 6:30a EST, and all worked until 10 min ago (5:15p EST) when the same issue repeated. Both R and S went magenta, lost WiFi and WAN for a few minutes and then returned.


Back to the drawing board, or perhaps an older, working FW? Suggestions?

Message 417 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

So what did you do after FW was updated on the RBS and RBR? 

Did you power cycle OFF the ISP modem, RBR and RBS for 1 minute then back on? Or did you factory reset and setup from scratch? 


Somethign that would be good to know, What is the Mfr and model# of the Internet Service Providers modem/ONT the NG router is connected too? 

@larryebaum wrote:



Apologies for how that came out...not a criticism of you (you are being super helpful) and you are appreciated...


I applied the FW updates as suggested this morn about 6:30a EST, and all worked until 10 min ago (5:15p EST) when the same issue repeated. Both R and S went magenta, lost WiFi and WAN for a few minutes and then returned.


Back to the drawing board, or perhaps an older, working FW? Suggestions?


Message 418 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

This morning, initial attempt, I _did_not_ power-cycle or reset the router/satellite as the prior post inferred that some had success without those additional steps, so I figured worth a try. I'll powercycle now (unsure if I need to reapply FW and then powercycle, or if powercycle alone is enough)... and failing that, I may reset to factory (prefer NOT to do this cause many settings to reconfigure).


The cable modem is a Arris model Touchstone CM8200A

Message 419 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

I recommend that during these odd issues seen that users always first try to power cycle the ISP modem, RBR and RBS OFF for 1 minute at least right after the FW has been applied. Helps to ensure new FW is seated well and the ISP modem gets a chance to get a good re-connection with the ISP services and with the RBR. 


I know that historially has been the norm in thinking that FW udpates should be able to just update and continue with out any power cycles or resets, HOWEVER, long experience with some NG systems and FW testing, has proven that the additional power cycling steps and at last resort, factory resets, are the norm. The FW and continue seems to be something that NG needs to work on more and tune in. However for now, we really need these extra steps. 


I can tell you from my system, it's been stable since applying v.5 FW. Is so much better than all previous v4.x versions. 


Hoping that a power cycle with help with your problem as well. However You may need to check into the ISP modems condition as well if you notice the RBR with front LED thats PINK. This means the RBR can't get a connection to a ISP modem service, not connected to a modem at all or there maybe a cable problem between the modem and router. CAT6 is recommended. 


Something to check as well if you have a spare external router, connect it up to the modem and connect the RBR to this router and use the other routers DMZ for the RBR. THen see if the front LED turns on PINK. Something to try later on if you can. 

@larryebaum wrote:

This morning, initial attempt, I _did_not_ power-cycle or reset the router/satellite as the prior post inferred that some had success without those additional steps, so I figured worth a try. I'll powercycle now (unsure if I need to reapply FW and then powercycle, or if powercycle alone is enough)... and failing that, I may reset to factory (prefer NOT to do this cause many settings to reconfigure).


The cable modem is a Arris model Touchstone CM8200A


Message 420 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Over the last few days, @Chuck_M and I have been working together to try and resolve the Hop Count issue I've been observing on one of my satellites - I thought I'd post our findings here in case it is of use.


Observed behaviour: in the debug page for my wired RBS satellite, the Hop Count shows as 1 (as you would expect) immediately following a reboot, but between 24 and 36 hours later, this switches to a value of 255. It then stays at 255 until the system is next rebooted. While this doesn't impact performance of the satellite or network as far as I can tell, we were concerned that it represented some sort of underlying issue that we might be able to resolve. I also have another satellite that is connected wirelessly and this consistently stays at 1. The router is in AP mode.


Things we've tried to resolve this:

- switched the satellites over, to see if this was some kind of hardware issue. The issue remained with the new satellite in the same position, so it does not appear to be specific to a single device.

- observed behaviour to see if this was connected to specific devices or activity - unable to identify any underlying causes or manually recreate the issue. At one point the switch occurred overnight when network activity was minimal. It appears to be time-related more than anything, i.e. the value will always remain at 1 for the first 24 hours following a reboot then change at some point in the next 24 hours.

- reconfigured the network; previously the satellite sat behind a switch, we swapped these around so the satellite was the first device in the chain. Not only did this not resolve the problem, it introduced instability, and the satellite started rebooting itself periodically. We reverted the change so the satellite is behind the switch again and it is no longer rebooting itself.

- tried removing all other devices from the switch to see if this changed the value back from 255 to 1; it did not.

- tested all cables and all are fine.


I haven't tried a full factory reset and to be honest I'm not willing to do this unless the issue starts causing network instability or other problems, which at the moment it is not.


So we haven't resolved the issue. I am now wondering if this is some sort of firmware problem, I would be very interested to know what values for Hop Count other people with wired satellites are seeing on the debug page - especially those whose systems have been running for some time.


Huge thanks to @Chuck_M for his patience and assistance with all of this, he is a helpful and knowledgeable guy.

Message 421 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

Over the last few days, @Chuck_M and I have been working together to try and resolve the Hop Count issue I've been observing on one of my satellites - I thought I'd post our findings here in case it is of use.


Observed behaviour: in the debug page for my wired RBS satellite, the Hop Count shows as 1 (as you would expect) immediately following a reboot, but between 24 and 36 hours later, this switches to a value of 255. It then stays at 255 until the system is next rebooted. While this doesn't impact performance of the satellite or network as far as I can tell, we were concerned that it represented some sort of underlying issue that we might be able to resolve. I also have another satellite that is connected wirelessly and this consistently stays at 1. The router is in AP mode.


Things we've tried to resolve this:

- switched the satellites over, to see if this was some kind of hardware issue. The issue remained with the new satellite in the same position, so it does not appear to be specific to a single device.

- observed behaviour to see if this was connected to specific devices or activity - unable to identify any underlying causes or manually recreate the issue. At one point the switch occurred overnight when network activity was minimal. It appears to be time-related more than anything, i.e. the value will always remain at 1 for the first 24 hours following a reboot then change at some point in the next 24 hours.

- reconfigured the network; previously the satellite sat behind a switch, we swapped these around so the satellite was the first device in the chain. Not only did this not resolve the problem, it introduced instability, and the satellite started rebooting itself periodically. We reverted the change so the satellite is behind the switch again and it is no longer rebooting itself.

- tried removing all other devices from the switch to see if this changed the value back from 255 to 1; it did not.

- tested all cables and all are fine.


I haven't tried a full factory reset and to be honest I'm not willing to do this unless the issue starts causing network instability or other problems, which at the moment it is not.


So we haven't resolved the issue. I am now wondering if this is some sort of firmware problem, I would be very interested to know what values for Hop Count other people with wired satellites are seeing on the debug page - especially those whose systems have been running for some time.


Huge thanks to @Chuck_M for his patience and assistance with all of this, he is a helpful and knowledgeable guy.

Message 422 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released


Does this happen both with wireless and wired backhaul connections? 

What CAT# lan cabling are you using in between the RBR and RBS? 

What is the brand and model# of the LAN switch being used? 


So to be clear, if you swap RBS location, the hop count issue remains at the one location and does not travel to the swapped location?


A factory reset would be needed to help validate this issue to see if it continues or not or claim its a FW issue just yet. 


Message 423 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

@FURRYe38 wrote:


Does this happen both with wireless and wired backhaul connections? 

What CAT# lan cabling are you using in between the RBR and RBS? 

What is the brand and model# of the LAN switch being used? 


So to be clear, if you swap RBS location, the hop count issue remains at the one location and does not travel to the swapped location?


A factory reset would be needed to help validate this issue to see if it continues or not or claim its a FW issue just yet. 


This just happens with wired backhaul connections. The RBS with the wireless backhaul stays with a Hop Count of 1.


The cabling is a mixture of CAT5E and CAT6. I've tested each individual cable and the whole run using a manual testing device and all is OK. I'm not experiencing any dropouts or slow speeds or anything that you would expect from a cable issue.


The network switch is an 8-port Netgear GS308 unmanaged switch.


As you say, if I swap my RBS satellites over, the hop count issue remains at the one location (the wired satellite, whichever physical device that happens to be).

Message 424 of 460

Re: New - RBR850 / RBS850 Firmware Version v4.6.7.5 Released

I would say that if it remains at this one location, and only on ethernet connection, there would be something on the cable line or jacks that is causing this. 


It's recommended to not mix CAT#, it's best to keep with one CAT# cabling version. 


You might try a new long CAT6 lan cable in between the RBR and this location as a test to help rule out the main line cabling going to this location. 


If you move the GS308 switch to the other RBS line, does this RBS exhibit same thing or no? 


There any wifi signal sources in this one locations? 

Try swapping power adapters? 


I presume the RBS is plugged in to a wall outlet here? Might try a good quality power strip to see if this changes any odd power fluctuations. 



Message 425 of 460
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