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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

Hello suprafun


What firmware version are you on?



Message 26 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 27 of 47
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

Hello suprafun


We have a updated version of that firmware try to load that. If you have the RBK40 






Message 28 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

I have an RBR50 on firmware and it's been a nightmare the past few days. Wired connection has no issues, but all wireless devices will suddenly lose internet access on a daily basis. Each time, a full reboot of the router is required to reestablish any wireless access to the internet.

The most recent crash wouldn't even allow me to connect to the router wirelessly to reset it. I had to have a wired connection to login to the router.

Message 29 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

23 hours and 15 minutes later all wireless connections failed again until I rebooted the router. This is getting really old, really fast.

Message 30 of 47
Sr. NETGEAR Moderator

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

Hello ibdb


I sent you a PM.



Message 31 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

The last two versions of firmware have been a nightmare.. Rolling back hasn't helped as it auto updates the next day for me. I'm on the RB50, is there any beta firmware available? Wireless devices like the Galaxy S8s in the house go to no internet while connected, very often. Like, every few minutes. Using the guest network has made them stay connected more often but it's slower and still disconnects.


My wife has told me we need to return it and get something that 'works'. -That's going to bum me out. 

Message 32 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

Is this issue still ongoing? I have ordered a new Netgear Orbi, but I am seriously thinking of cancelling this order due to what I have read on this forum.

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 33 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

my issue seems to have corrected itself.  My cable modem was going bad; and i suspect (hope) that may have been the root cause.

Message 34 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

I have an RBK50 system affected by the 1.12 update. My base would work fine, but the satellite wouldn't be recognized by the base and it greatly diminished the range and overall performance of my system. Downgrading to 1.11 and disabling auto-update via the telnet method got my system back up and running. Anxiously awaiting a newer rev of the f/w to test.

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 35 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

I've had the same all day ggll4444

Message 36 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

After months of waiting the RBS 50 satellite got available in the Netherlands. Initially very excited but now I do not know anymore. Have latest firmware installed.

I tried to connect the satellite but the ring continues to blink white and than turns into magenta. Even if I place the satellite close to the router (2 meter!!) pairing fails. I am thinking of returning the satellite unless a solution is available. 

I am very disappointed, waited so long but.... 

Is there somebody who can help me. Is this issue related to the topic discussed?

Thanks a lot for your support.

Message 37 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

The only fix I have found that works for me is to manually update to the previous version of the firmware. Ever since the new firmware were automatically updated I have had constant internet disconnection issues. I am talking about ever 20 seconds it disconnects. I wish their was a way to stop the automatic updates. Why release a new firmware that does not work?
Message 38 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

Pathfinderf7, wondering what version have you initially install at? Considering I have none of the problems that are being mentioned. Got the costco bundle which was initially firmware 1.3.. I set the WIFI up and immediatly update to 1.12 (had to do manual update as auto update failed from this old firmware) and everything has been fine since. Stable for about 5 days now. 

My modem is set to Bridged mode and I am using the Orbi as the router. 2 satalites, one about 35 feet from the base the other about 30 feet.  I turned on OpenDNS, MUMIMO and Beamforming. Using UPNP for my Synology NAT setup and a manual nat back to my computer for RDP. Have 22 devices joined, most on Wifi. 


So I am wondering if we can go back to diagnose the cause a bit more as this interests me how can a small subset of users have such a serious issue and no cause to it.



Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 39 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

AAZ, I have had the Orbi bundle since February 2017. After the initial install I have had no issues. I recently noticed the problems about a week ago when my children were complaining that the internet was not working. Like I mentioned before it been disconnecting from the internet about every 20 seconds and will not sync with the sattelites. The only fix I have found to work is to downgrade to the earlier version which is available on the myorbi logon page. I downgraded two days ago and now this morning it has automatically updated to the current version of the firmware. The same issues are occuring again.

I have noticed in these forums that numerous personnel are having the same issues.

The most fustrating part is that you are only given 90 days of support from the day you purchase. If you want a rep after the 90 days you must pay for the support. This is why I had to do some research and figure out a way for my $400 Orbi's to work. I paid for a product that I expect to work and it seems that this is just a software issue we are having.

Hopefully soon the programmers will get off their bottoms and fix this. Thank you for your time.

Message 40 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

I was playing around with adding some UPnP devices today, and lo and behold - small interruptions in my internet started happening. It appeared to me that two UPnP devices where fighting for a port and somehow the Orbi started hiccuping. The interruptions where small, but was enough to cause a Voip converstation I had going to cut out and an RDP session to a work machine to drop.


I turned off UPnP on the Orbi and immediely the interrupts stopped. Back to a stable system again.

I don't know if this is a part of the problem that people have noticed, though it sounds like some of the issues mentioned. 


Maybe this is known and somone on this board has already documented this if anyone would kindly care to point me to it? If it hasn't been noticed I'll spend more time testing it out.

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 41 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

Are you by any chance using UPnP? I would say try turning that off and configure your port forwarding manually. It's definitly a bug that needs to be fixed. There is no way that a UPnP device connection should cause the internet session for other devices to drop, but that is indeed what seems to be happening for me on the latest firmware.


I'll be calling Netgear support about this when I have time this friday.

Message 42 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

The RBK50 router and satellite are auto-updated to fw  V1.12.0.18 with all parameters at default settings and connect to a BT smarthub box. Speed has improved but sadly video streaming on all iOS device  (all six ipads and iphones in my family) constantly dropped every few minutes. Thought it was signal strength and purchased RBW30 as 2nd satellite. I spend 2 hours trying to install it and the thing just kept flashing white and pulsed to solid blue and never shown the solid white stage. Try numerous methods (app, web, hardware reset) according to instructions and forum's advise - could never connect this second satellite.

Never have so much trouble in installing a router/wifi device. With dropping wifi on iOS device and so much troubles in adding 2nd satellite I simply decided to return the whole thing yesterday. Voting on my feet is the best feedback I can offer to a technically advanced hardware but wrap under a totally unacceptable and poorly implemented software. Perhaps it will get better in 6 months after all us guinea-pig customers have finished the public beta tests for the company.

Message 43 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

Unfortunately this last update to the V1.12.0.18 software has caused numerous issues. It was supposed to fix the previous issues, but it appears it has just caused more issues. The only fix I have found that works for a few days is to manually downgrade to the previous version of software. Unfortunately it will automatically update again in a few days. I have had my orbi since February so I am outside the 90 days to get any assistance over the phone. I am still within the 1 year manufacture return policy. I am afraid tjey will just try to exchange mine for a rebuilt one. I am glad to hear that you were able to return yours. They worked fine up until a few weeks ago when they updated the software. Hopefully in the near future they will fix this issue numerous personnel are having.
Message 44 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

I'm having the exact same issues ibdb. Very annoying. About ready to ditch Orbi. Trusted Netgear on Orbi based on my Arlo experience and reviews. 



Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

I have an RBR50 on firmware and it's been a nightmare the past few days. Wired connection has no issues, but all wireless devices will suddenly lose internet access on a daily basis. Each time, a full reboot of the router is required to reestablish any wireless access to the internet.

The most recent crash wouldn't even allow me to connect to the router wirelessly to reset it. I had to have a wired connection to login to the router.

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 45 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

Until a new FW is released, you could try what I did.




Been working solid for over 3 weeks now without issue

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 46 of 47

Re: Orbi - Wireless Network not available or LED flashing white on Router or Satellite

I have this exact issue now as well with my RBK50.  I thought I was one of the lucky few that got by unscathed with the update but about 2 weeks ago I lose my wireless signal about once per day.  Everything runs great, then all wireless signals drop and I have to manually restart the router to get a signal again. Every.Single.Day.  And I'm at 5 months of ownership so can't actually get support any longer without paying.  

Model: Orbi High-Performance AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi System (RBK50)
Message 47 of 47
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