Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Hello Steffko,


This could be not the same with the OP's concern since your happens on the front USB ports too.


Have you tried reaching support center?





Message 26 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Right, there is actually no chance this the DVBLink issue is related to the RN2xx USB storage issue.  The problem with the RN2xx was that the boot loader (which is entirely different from the RN716) did a USB bus scan for storage devices, but the device scan tickled a bug in certain types of USB flash controllers and made them act like they had no media.


Your TV tuner issue would be very specific to DVBLink, and is almost certainly a bug with their app.

Message 27 of 29

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Hi All,


After installing new release FW 6.4.2 (Final, released today) All seems OK. My RN204 unit reconnect all USB stick i have tested.


All is OK, Bug is gone. I think FW 6.4.2 is solution to reported problem.


Thanks Netgear.

Message 28 of 29
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: RN204 not reconnect USB key in back port after restart.

Hello Kardano, 


Thank you for the confirmation. You can mark the post as a solution. This can help other users if they experience the same issue.



Message 29 of 29
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