Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: ReadyCLOUD on iOS, connected to R6400, but constantly refreshing to show directories on drive


ReadyCLOUD on iOS, connected to R6400, but constantly refreshing to show directories on drive

ReadyCloud version 1.5.9 on iPhone 6S

Just updated firmware on R6400 to V1.0.1.20_1.0.16

Drive is 5TB WD MyBook plugged into USB3

After signing in on ReadyCloud app using mynetgear account, app finds R6400.

Clicking on R6400 symbol opens next screen ... and then sits there "Refreshing..."  for an hour.


What's up?  What is fix?

A year ago this worked!

Message 1 of 11

Re: ReadyCLOUD on iOS, connected to R6400, but constantly refreshing to show directories on drive

Amen....mine too.
Message 2 of 11

Re : ReadyCLOUD on iOS, connected to R6400, but constantly refreshing to show directories on drive

I have the same problem.

My Readycloud on iOS constantly refreshing to show files.

But it works perfectly on Web

Model: ReadyNAS RNDU4000|ReadyNAS Ultra 4 Chassis only
Message 3 of 11

Re: ReadyCLOUD on iOS, connected to R6400, but constantly refreshing to show directories on drive

Issue STILL not resolved. Does anyone at Netgear care? I am ready to ditch this as bogus gear and go elsewhere. Please reply!!
Message 4 of 11

Re: ReadyCLOUD on iOS, connected to R6400, but constantly refreshing to show directories on drive

For solve this, actived SMB on the directory you want to see on Readycloud

Message 5 of 11

Re: ReadyCLOUD on iOS, connected to R6400, but constantly refreshing to show directories on drive

Hello jgentes,


Is your R6400's readyshare's admin password protection option is enabled?

You can check it at "Advanced->USB Functions->ReadySHARE Storage->ReadySHARE" page, please see attachment bellow..



Best Regards.

Message 6 of 11

Re: ReadyCLOUD on iOS, connected to R6400, but constantly refreshing to show directories on drive

I am having the exact same problem. The admin password protection I have turned on and off and it makes no difference. Remember the issue is just when trying to connect to the drive from the iOS app. It works just fine when going to the web portal. The iOS app however shows the router and says connected but when you click on it to access the drive it just hangs and says "connecting" or "refreshing." It is so frustrating. I have spent hours checking the forums and I don't see that anyone has resolved it. Is there a known netgear bug logged for this that is being worked for a new version of the iOS app? I have a ton of netgear products, but this awful customer experience is causing me to question netgear's commitment to creating good software and experiences. I have the latest firmware, versions, etc. This is a bug that must be fixed or we are all going elsewhere. Who do we need to escalate to to realize this and get it resolved?
Message 7 of 11

Re: ReadyCLOUD on iOS, connected to R6400, but constantly refreshing to show directories on drive

Ok. I have played around more and found out that if I disable admin password protection o. The \\readyshare network connection access method, the iOS app now works and I can access my readyshare. So, this appears to be the bug. The iOS readycloud app wil not work with the readshare of the admin password protection is on. Wow!! That took so many hours to figure out. So, now my question is if this bug has been logged with netgear and if so when it will be fixed in the readycloud iOS app? I am guessing it is not secure to keep my admin password protection off on my readyshare???
Message 8 of 11

Re: ReadyCLOUD on iOS, connected to R6400, but constantly refreshing to show directories on drive

Hi Redtarheelhawk,


We also already find this issue. And our developers are looking at it.

Thanks very much for reporting this.



Best Regards.

Message 9 of 11

Re: ReadyCLOUD on iOS, connected to R6400, but constantly refreshing to show directories on drive

The whole point is to finally have my own 5tb cloud for backing up pictures while I am on trips.


I look forward to an iOS app update for this.  Thanks!

Message 10 of 11

Re: ReadyCLOUD on iOS, connected to R6400, but constantly refreshing to show directories on drive

You might also consider zerotier.

Message 11 of 11
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