Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0


Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

In addition to the NasTools version the Super-Poisson version 1.0.6 does not work after upgrading to 6.6.0.


Message 1 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Thanks for the info.


I'm using my PRO 6 solely for streaming music using LMS on 6.5.0 and I asked Super Poussin about the compatibility of his LMS deb add-on with 6.6.0 through email yesterday. Thanks for having tested this already. I will share his response.

Message 2 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

I wasn't intending to "test" it. I stupidly assumed that as only the nastools version was on the list of incompatible apps, that I would be OK to upgrade.
Did Super-Poisson reply !
It's a bit of a problem as there seems to only be an ARM version of the nastools version which is compatible.
Now I'm having all sorts of difficulty removing 1.0.6

Message 3 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Ok, early-adopting then.

No news yet. When I do I will let you know.

Message 4 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

I managed to remove all remnants of Super-Poisson's LMS addon, using ssh,

I installed the Nastools version which actually appears in the available apps list despite the 6.6.0 release post saying it had been removed.

The app installed OK, and so far is working on my 316. Perhaps it is only the arm architecture on which it is incompatible with 6.6.0.

Message 5 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Just to chime in, it's working fine for me on 6.6.0. I have S-P's 1.0.9 add-on installed and the LMS 7.9.x nightly build. It's working as well as it ever has. 


Initially I thought it was broken because LMS took longer to come back online than, say, Plex. But I'm relieved to say that's not the case.

Message 6 of 212
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

@vandermerwe wrote:


The app installed OK, and so far is working on my 316. Perhaps it is only the arm architecture on which it is incompatible with 6.6.0.

Yes, the thread mentioning incompatible apps mentions that the NASTools LogitechMediaServer ARM app is currently incompatible. The x86 app is compatible and so it still shows in Available Apps on 6.6.0.

Message 7 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

After updated from 6.5.2 to 6.60 LMS do not longer work for me. RN202


I uninstalled both LMS and Poisson 1.09 plugin and installed it again with latest nightly from Logitech.


It appers to be runing but port 9000 is not open (I think).


netstat -anp | grep 9000 gives nothing



service logitechmediaserver status shows it running.


● logitechmediaserver.service - LSB: Startup script for the Logitech Media Server
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/logitechmediaserver; generated; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2016-10-06 13:39:46 CEST; 14min ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
CGroup: /system.slice/logitechmediaserver.service
├─1896 /bin/bash /usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver_safe /usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver --prefsdir /var/lib
/squeezeboxserver/prefs --logdir /var/log/squeezeboxserver/ --cachedir /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache --c
└─5371 sleep 5

Oct 06 13:39:45 ReadyNAS systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Startup script for the Logitech Media Server...
Oct 06 13:39:45 ReadyNAS logitechmediaserver[1890]: Making sure that Logitech Media Server is not running
first: No process in pidfile '/var/run/logitechmediaserver.pid' found running; none killed.
Oct 06 13:39:45 ReadyNAS logitechmediaserver[1890]: Starting Logitech Media Server.
Oct 06 13:39:46 ReadyNAS systemd[1]: Started LSB: Startup script for the Logitech Media Server.

Message 8 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Found this in squeezeboxserver log.


2016-10-06 14:47:42 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-10-06 14:47:47 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-10-06 14:47:52 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-10-06 14:47:57 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-10-06 14:48:02 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-10-06 14:48:07 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-10-06 14:48:12 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-10-06 14:48:17 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-10-06 14:48:22 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-10-06 14:48:27 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.
2016-10-06 14:48:32 Logitech Media Server died. Restarting.

Message 9 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Can't get it running no matter what I do.


Is there any point to do a fresh install? Will it ever run on RN202 6.6.0?


Oh, and Plex stopped working to.


Message 10 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Did a factory reset but it still won't run so I reverted back to 6.5.2 and now it works fine.


But the question remains, why don't Logitech Media Server run on 6.6.0 (ARM)?


Tried on a RN104 to with the same result.

Message 11 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

i got the same problem. How do you revert to 6.52

Message 12 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Message 13 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0


Message 14 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

I must have dozed off and the firmware has updated again.

I run Super-Poisson's LMS 7.8.

I want to switch up to 7.9 to take advantage of the new features and bug fixes.

Which of the distributions are better/easier to use.

Nightlies are not that important, I can stick with the stable stuff till it hurts.

If I was to install Nastools version is removing the Super-Poisson version best practice?

Or can I just install the 7.9 off of logitech's ?

I just noticed that after the 6.5.2 upgrade the Super-Poisson app has disappeared from the Admin pages.

It is still running, I guess I have to do CLI stuff to stop the app.

Nastools is on the available apps list. Huh. I really just want it to work, and right now it is working.


Message 15 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Hannover 09:30 - current LMS 7.9 is online again



Message 16 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Remove LMS and Poisson plugin.


Download and install LMS from http://downloads.slimdevices.com/nightly/?ver=7.9. Logitech Media Server: Debian Installer Package (ARM) works for me.


Then download and install lms_1.0.9_all.deb from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ie9pwk1wut72ias/AAASNUx2cSo0TNIqRjNXime9a/Logitech%20Media%20server/7.8.0....


Sometimes I have to install it twice before it stick. Don't know why, maybe I'm to impatiant.


Updating the nightly, turn off LMS and upload the new version, wait a minute and turn it on again. Never had any problem until 6.6.0.

Message 17 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Here's something I've found: Even if you switch S-P's LMS (1.0.9) to "Off," the app will still run at bootup. I've been wondering if this isn't causing problems with the data volume not being mounted at boot, which I've started to experience occasionally after upgrading to 6.6.0.

Message 18 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0


I am having the same problem.  It is very frustrating not being able to access from 4 players around the house.  I really do not want to revert to 6.5.2 and continue with 6.6.0 (RN104 Arm)

I have done the following: “Download and install LMS from http://downloads.slimdevices.com/nightly/?ver=7.9. Logitech Media Server: Debian Installer Package (ARM) works for me. Then download and install lms_1.0.9_all.deb from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ie9pwk1wut72ias/AAASNUx2cSo0TNIqRjNXime9a/Logitech%20Media%20server/7.8.0....”

LMS service says it is running cannot access service through browser “port 9000 is not open”

Help please anyone?


Message 19 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

In LMS server log it looks like it goes in to a start and stop loop on ARM 6.6.0. The only way I had it working was going back to 6.5.2.

Message 20 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

I have too much data to back up to revert to the previous version.   Remind me not to be an early adopter again!   Come on all you alpha geeks out there.  Cant someone fix it please :-)?

Message 21 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

I know the feeling. 3 days of restoring.

Message 22 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Ouch! Message on admin page,


Firmware version 6.6.0 was uploaded and will be installed after you reboot the device.


How do I stop\remove the update?

Message 23 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

I am still having a problem with this. Up until a couple of days ago I was using the NASTools version of LMS on OS v6.5.2  After the OS update this was obviously broken, but I have managed to revert back to v6.5.2 with no apparent ill effects - except one:

I can install LMS, (it doesn't matter which version: NASTools, Slim Devices Nightly + Super-Poussin, the same problem occurs), when I first run LMS I am presented with the mysqueezebox.com login page. The first problem is that my login credentials are rejected with "Invalid mysqueezebox.com username or password" - I know that they are correct as I can log in to the mysqueezebox.com website with them.


If I skip this page and go to Settings > Plugins to add a third party repository on Sourceforge to add working BBC iPlayer plugins I get the message back that the IP address cannot be resolved.


I have tried setting the ReadyNAS to DHCP and also Static IP address with my router's IP address and Google's as DNS servers.


What is really confusing me is that  other apps such as DVBLink are connecting to their servers fine, just not LMS - can anyone help please?


Message 24 of 212

Re: Logitech Media Server by Super-Poisson not compatible with 6.6.0

Had that problem after going from NASTools LMS to S-P LMS nighly.


Can't remember how I fixed it but I think I unistalled LMS and then deleted all traces of LMS I could find from the command line.

Message 25 of 212
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