Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work


Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

Dewdman42 wrote:
That being said, I also got an email from no-ip.com today saying that I have to manually click on a weblink once a month to keep the free account active. What a pain. I'm not sure why that is the case, could be that ddclient does not try to update it unless the ip changes, or something of that nature.

So two questions for everyone,

  1. Does anyone know how to make ddclient force an manual push to the provider once a month or so, in the case when the ip has not changed?

  2. Does anyone know which FREE provider does not have this annoying manual requirement once a month?

Same here. I've tried numerous different settings with DDClient on the Netgear NAS but it never works.
Message 26 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

NO-IP - Why is my host not updating or why is it pending deletion?
http://support.no-ip.com/customer/porta ... -deletion-
Message 27 of 57
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

Has your IP address changed recently at all?
Message 28 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

I'm looking to move away from the no-ip DUC running on Windows so I don't have to leave that machine running when I'm traveleing. Thought ddclient was the answer till I found this. I found this information in a non-ReadyNAS blog that might help:

Use 'server=dynupdate.no-ip.com/nic/update' instead 🙂

Reference: http://www.no-ip.com/integrate/request

Haven't tried it because I've not installed ddclient. Thought somone who has previously tried and failed could see if this is the solution.
Message 29 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

mdgm wrote:
Has your IP address changed recently at all?

Not often. Thats on of the problems with dyn dns services. Read above.
Message 30 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

Sandshark wrote:

Use 'server=dynupdate.no-ip.com/nic/update' instead 🙂
Reference: http://www.no-ip.com/integrate/request

Thanks. I've been using that one for a while, but I guess I will get the expiration notice anyway.
Message 31 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

Ok DynDNS.org seems to update correctly, though we still might need a work around for the 30 days thing.
But No-IP is much harder.

This might be useful for the 30 days limitations workaround:
ddclient checks /var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache against the ip it get from http://checkip.dynsdns.org. If the ip address is the same, it won't update even though your http://yourhost.dyndns.org resolves to a different ip address.

http://www.dyncommunity.com/questions/9 ... pdate.html

And here is something for No-IP:
http://www.astaro.org/gateway-products/ ... s-tab.html
Message 32 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

I have confirmed that the following configuration template works (at least for the first update) with DDClient 3.8.1 x86:

EDIT: See later message, this turned out not to work fully.

Don't know how to confirm whether SSL is being used for the update.

Have also found a couple of non-fatal bugs, posted in a separate thread.
Message 33 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

Thanks Sandshark!

If you like to use a secure address, why not use:
Source: http://www.no-ip.com/integrate/request

Now, my DDclient settings looks like this. The DynDNS.org settings works, yes without skip=, but it's probably more correct to have skip=.
But I am not sure if I am doing this right with two services.

pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid, \

## DynDNS
protocol=dyndns2, \
use=web, web=checkip.dyndns.com, \
server=members.dyndns.org, \
login=my_nick, \
password='my_password' \

## No-IP
daemon=600, \
ssl=yes, \
use=web, \
web=http://ip1.dynupdate.no-ip.com/, \
protocol=noip, \
server=https://dynupdate.no-ip.com/nic/update, \
login='my_email', \
password='my_password' \

Note: I've seen that some of the older setups for No-IP uses protocol=dyndns2.
Message 34 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

If you like to use a secure address, why not use:

Didn't think that was the way to do it since none of the example templates I found included the http:// or https:// in the server= directive. I thought the ssl=yes told it to use https instead of http. But if it seems to work for you, I'll try it. Better to have the belt and suspenders in this case.

without skip=, but it's probably more correct to have skip=.

I don't have the skip= either. Haven't found any good explanation as to what it does and all seems to be working without it. But I only have one service to update, too.

I'm still waiting for the second update, as my IP address has not yet changed. I used DDclient to only update a currently unused redirect and kept the Windows No-IP DUC for the others until I see that the updates are occuring as they should as my IP address changes.
Message 35 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

Sandshark wrote:
If you like to use a secure address, why not use:
Didn't think that was the way to do it since none of the example templates I found included the http:// or https:// in the server= directive. I thought the ssl=yes told it to use https instead of http. But if it seems to work for you, I'll try it. Better to have the belt and suspenders in this case.

You might be very right. I referred to a help page at No-IP that mostly talked about the "The HTTP Request" method. I will remove the https:// from my server settings. And for DynDNS.org http://dyn.com/support/clients/linux/ddclient/ they state that they support ssl=yes.

Actually DynDNS.org has alwasy worked for me, no matter how the settings are written. I think that DynDNS.org are more service minded and forgiving. I guess they have to be that, being so big, they just can't handle to much user support. It seems like they in the receiving end has done a lot of program adjustments to fix user made syntax faults. Like the skip= thing, they know that very many users uses their IP-check and that they from the beginning had that stupid leading text "Current IP Address: " and that many probably will not use skip. So they take care of that, almost like well made web forms that remove leading and trailing spaces etc.

But No-IP is a totally different game. It seems like the settings gotta be perfect, in order to work.

I also wait for my next IP update. Infact both my services points to the same server 🙂 I just wanted to have redundancy. But No-IP has given me much more work than expected.

Here are most of the settings explained in a good way:

If the mess continuous with No-IP, then I will try some other like opendns.com.
Message 36 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

Well I got a new expiration warning from No-IP. The fact that most dynamic addresses given by ISPs last longer than 30 days is a problem. This is discussed earlier in the thread. Is there some easy work around for this?
Your domain was last updated on 2012-11-12 11:52:16. Free Dynamic DNS
hosts must be updated by logging into your account on our website and clicking
update, this must be done every 30 days. If you are using the Dynamic Update
Client and your IP address has not changed within the past 30 days, you must
manually update it to prevent them from being removed from our system.
Message 37 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

No-IP has been a mess from the start. So now I'm a happy non user.

Here is a good blog post about alternative dynamic DNS services:
http://www.turnkeylinux.org/forum/gener ... lternative
But DynDNS.org still works fine for me. If you have an old working DynDNS account, keep updating it.
Message 38 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

ddclient research

# find / \( -path '/c' -o -path '/USB' \) -prune -or -iname '*ddclient*' -exec ls -ld {} \;
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3696 Apr 7 2012 /etc/init.d/ddclient
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 118 Apr 7 2012 /etc/frontview/apache/addons/DDCLIENT.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 884 Jan 22 03:37 /etc/frontview/addons/DDCLIENT.remove
drwxr-sr-x 4 admin admin 16384 Apr 7 2012 /etc/frontview/addons/ui/DDCLIENT
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 0 Apr 7 2012 /etc/frontview/addons/ui/DDCLIENT/language/zh-cn/DDCLIENT.str
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 0 Apr 7 2012 /etc/frontview/addons/ui/DDCLIENT/language/de/DDCLIENT.str
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 0 Apr 7 2012 /etc/frontview/addons/ui/DDCLIENT/language/fr/DDCLIENT.str
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 0 Apr 7 2012 /etc/frontview/addons/ui/DDCLIENT/language/ja/DDCLIENT.str
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 0 Apr 7 2012 /etc/frontview/addons/ui/DDCLIENT/language/ko/DDCLIENT.str
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 351 Apr 7 2012 /etc/frontview/addons/ui/DDCLIENT/language/en-us/DDCLIENT.str
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 0 Apr 7 2012 /etc/frontview/addons/ui/DDCLIENT/language/zh-tw/DDCLIENT.str
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 380 Apr 7 2012 /etc/frontview/addons/ui/DDCLIENT/DDCLIENT.xml
-rwxr-xr-x 1 admin admin 2702 Apr 7 2012 /etc/frontview/addons/ui/DDCLIENT/DDCLIENT_HANDLER.pl
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 1677 Apr 7 2012 /etc/frontview/addons/ui/DDCLIENT/DDCLIENT.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 admin admin 8097 Apr 7 2012 /etc/frontview/addons/ui/DDCLIENT/DDCLIENT.js
drwxr-sr-x 2 admin admin 16384 Apr 7 2012 /etc/frontview/addons/bin/DDCLIENT
-rwxr-xr-x 1 admin admin 38 Apr 7 2012 /etc/frontview/addons/bin/DDCLIENT/DDCLIENT_service
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 814 Mar 28 2010 /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ddclient
drwxr-sr-x 2 admin admin 16384 Jan 22 03:37 /etc/ddclient
-rw------- 1 admin admin 1001 Jan 25 16:59 /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 129651 Apr 7 2012 /usr/sbin/ddclient
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 16384 Jan 22 03:37 /usr/share/doc/ddclient
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1693 Jul 11 2011 /usr/share/doc/ddclient/examples/sample-etc_rc.d_init.d_ddclient.lsb
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1850 Jul 11 2011 /usr/share/doc/ddclient/examples/sample-etc_rc.d_init.d_ddclient
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 877 Jul 11 2011 /usr/share/doc/ddclient/examples/sample-etc_cron.d_ddclient
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 802 Jul 11 2011 /usr/share/doc/ddclient/examples/sample-etc_rc.d_init.d_ddclient.redhat
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 856 Jul 11 2011 /usr/share/doc/ddclient/examples/sample-etc_rc.d_init.d_ddclient.ubuntu
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2059 Jul 11 2011 /usr/share/doc/ddclient/examples/sample-etc_ddclient.conf.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 856 Apr 7 2012 /usr/share/man/man8/ddclient.8.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 16384 Jan 22 03:44 /var/cache/ddclient
-rw------- 1 root root 1347 Jan 26 08:16 /var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 47 Apr 7 2012 /var/lib/dpkg/info/ddclient.conffiles
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1088 Jan 22 03:37 /var/lib/dpkg/info/ddclient.list
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 228 Apr 7 2012 /var/lib/dpkg/info/ddclient.postinst
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 115 Apr 7 2012 /var/lib/dpkg/info/ddclient.postrm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1354 Apr 7 2012 /var/lib/dpkg/info/ddclient.md5sums
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 186 Apr 7 2012 /var/lib/dpkg/info/ddclient.prerm
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6 Jan 26 01:22 /var/run/ddclient.pid

WhoCares ddclient conf file
Message 39 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

for DynDNS users that kept active their account (or new members using the basic free service offered by Dlink here : https://www.dlinkddns.com/login ; which is in fact operated by DynDNS), here is a page where to you can make an automatic settings file and it's working !! (you just have to change ###password### for you real password ... simple but i made the mistake lol).

EDIT : you just have to check that the 'lines' are correct in their \ (and the carriage return) ; because the automatic config file obtained can have few mistakes (that's why i didn't pay attention on changing password). Just rearrange it, it's easy.
Message 40 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

arnomc wrote:
for DynDNS users that kept active their account (or new members using the basic free service offered by Dlink here : https://www.dlinkddns.com/login ; which is in fact operated by DynDNS), here is a page where to you can make an automatic settings file and it's working !! (you just have to change ###password### for you real password ... simple but i made the mistake lol).

EDIT : you just have to check that the 'lines' are correct in their \ (and the carriage return) ; because the automatic config file obtained can have few mistakes (that's why i didn't pay attention on changing password). Just rearrange it, it's easy.


But today I got this from dyn.com (former DynDNS.org):
If you would like to maintain your free Dyn account, you must log into your account once a month. Note that using an update client will no longer suffice for this monthly login. You will still continue to get email alerts every 30 days if your email address is current. Failure to login once per month will result in expiration and loss of your hostname.

They are forcing their active users to become paying customers. In other words dyn.com is dying.
Message 41 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

For anyone who is sill looking to use DDClient with No-IP, I found that the configuration above doesn't work quite right. It doesn't retrieve your IP address correctly. It seemed to work for me initially, because it already had the right IP address. This is one that works:

## no-ip single host update
use=web, web=ip1.dynupdate.no-ip.com/

Note that this does not have all the backslashes at the ends of the lines. They were part of the problem.

You can also debug whether it is working if you have SSH access, using the following command string:

sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet
Message 42 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

Sandshark wrote:
For anyone who is sill looking to use DDClient with No-IP, I found that the configuration above doesn't work quite right. It doesn't retrieve your IP address correctly. It seemed to work for me initially, because it already had the right IP address. This is one that works:

## no-ip single host update
use=web, web=ip1.dynupdate.no-ip.com/

Note that this does not have all the backslashes at the ends of the lines. They were part of the problem.

You can also debug whether it is working if you have SSL access, using the following command string:

sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet

Thanks! With this new info I might try No-IP again.
Message 43 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

Hiya. I'd like to know where I can find the ddclient add-on for R4 x86. It's not on the new rnasxtra's site, the old site is dead, and WhoCares' own site doesn't work. Can anyone help me?

Message 44 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

You could try to get APT going and SSH into the machine.

apt-get install ddclient

Or try out ddclients rival inadyn.
Message 45 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

Ok, so in order to get the add-on, I should apt-get it myself? As that would get the package, but not the add-on. And I'd need to learn how to SSH into my NAS. And get APT going. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be ungrateful for the advice, but it's not very good advice 😞
Message 46 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

herko wrote:
Ok, so in order to get the add-on, I should apt-get it myself? As that would get the package, but not the add-on. And I'd need to learn how to SSH into my NAS. And get APT going. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be ungrateful for the advice, but it's not very good advice 😞
That procedure will install the real thing not the add-on. If I can learn how to manage this, then anybody can. 😉
Message 47 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

So decided to take up the challenge and installed the Enable Root SSH add-on, did
apt-get update
apt-get install ddclient
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
E: Couldn't find package ddclient

So, I started learning a bit about what could be going on. And I found that it's probably got something to do with the /etc/apt/sources.list file, where I need to add a bunch of new sources. However, to be able to edit that file, I need to install a text editor like vim or nano or pico or vi. I've tried them all, but all of them give me the error:
E: Couldn't find package

So, how do I add the sources needed to edit the sources list? I'm in a bit of a loop here, and I can't find a solution yet. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Message 48 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

herko wrote:
it's probably got something to do with the /etc/apt/sources.list file, where I need to add a bunch of new sources.

Your current sources.list file contains a line that begins with a "#" character. Removing the "#" character from that line is probably all you need to do.

herko wrote:
However, to be able to edit that file, I need to install a text editor like vim or nano or pico or vi.

You should already have vi. Try this:
vi /etc/apt/sources.list

To exit vi without saving changes you've made, hit ESC and then type :q! -- more vi instructions are here: http://www.lagmonster.org/docs/vi.html

Once you've changed your sources.list file, do another apt-get update, then try apt-get install ddclient again.

Afterward, you can install nano by typing apt-get install nano ... But learning at least the basics of vi is worthwhile because it'll be available on every Unix you encounter.
Message 49 of 57

Re: DDClient - by WhoCares - I hope this one will work

Yes you should already have vi. And as you noticed in the link. Press "i" to get to edit mode and esc to get out of it. Press "ZZ" to exit and save. And be aware that vi is case sensitive.
Message 50 of 57
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