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Re: Does ReadyNAS Remote Duo V1?


Does ReadyNAS Remote Duo V1?

Does it work on ReadyNAS Duo V1?

From Iphone/Ipad as well?
Message 1 of 9

Re: Does ReadyNAS Remote Duo V1?

My Windows & laptop in is running ReadyNAS Remote Version

I an connected to the inernet in a remote location

I can connect to my Duo V1 via FTP on my laptop and Ipad but note with ReadyNAS Remote

On my remote laptop ReadNAS Remote is running in systray

Clicking or right clicking on ReadyNAS Admin does nothing. Should it do nothing?

Clicking on connect to readynas opens an empty folder in my network shortcuts...

Clicking open folder does nothing
Message 2 of 9

Re: Does ReadyNAS Remote Duo V1?

Using troubleshoouing guide I typed IP address of readynas. I am on the same LAN. I logged in using my Readynas username and password. It opened a readnas frontview page showing I had no shares. Guide says I should create CIFs share.


I have a CIFS shares already that are default read/write. I can access these shares on the lan thru windows explorer. One of them is only using CIFs so I guess I must but missing why my share list is empty when I connect via IP and log in

I have other shares that are disabled with exceptions to allow CIFs access for specific users and groups. They work on the lan

If this device and software actually work (and I do doubt threir is a readynas duo V1 on the planet that works with remote) then something is missing in the setup instructions. I am not the only one who does not understand it.
Message 3 of 9

Re: Does ReadyNAS Remote Duo V1?

using IP address I access Readynas and log in, it shows me this share list... Hmmmm why empty?

my Shares list shows my shares with CIFs access...

That Share is default Read/Write... so why would it not show up on my shares?

Message 4 of 9

Re: Does ReadyNAS Remote Duo V1?

You seem to have started 3 threads on what looks like one problem. I suggest you stick with just one, otherwise the discussion will get tangled.

As posted on one of the other threads, you need to enable http/s access if you want to access shares through your web browser.
Message 5 of 9

Re: Does ReadyNAS Remote Duo V1?

Thank you for responding. Is readynas remote HTML based? I see no mention of that in the setup manual.
Message 6 of 9

Re: Does ReadyNAS Remote Duo V1?

BrookHampton wrote:
Thank you for responding. Is readynas remote HTML based? I see no mention of that in the setup manual.
Readynas remote it not html based. But you are trying to use html to access the shares. Even on your home network with no ReadyNAS remote, that wouldn't work (with your current configuration).

Try opening windows explorer (e.g., "computer") and entering \\nasname\sharename (using real names of course) into the address bar. That would use SMB/CIFS. Do this on your home network, without launching readynas remote. (If you end up in the web browser again, close it, and try again).

Also, you might want to enable http access on at least a couple of the shares, and try it out.
Message 7 of 9

Re: Does ReadyNAS Remote Duo V1?

Thanks, I enabled one share to html and it appeared in share list via IP
Message 8 of 9

Re: Does ReadyNAS Remote Duo V1?

BrookHampton wrote:
Thanks, I enabled one share to html and it appeared in share list via IP

Did you try getting there through "\\nasname\sharename" in the computer address bar?
Message 9 of 9
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