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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: New Transmission add-on thread


New Transmission add-on thread

The previous thread was very long

time to open a new one and prepare the 2.0 🙂
Message 1 of 921
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Yeah the discussion is quite long. I may need to give this add-on a try sometime. Perhaps when I finally get around to purchasing an x86 ReadyNas (I know I could run it on a Sparc ReadyNas, but I don't want to). Keep up the good work.
Message 2 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

S-P, on 1.93, I am getting the old thing again where it loads all the previously done torrents again from the watch folder. I have to go delete the old .torrent's, or it goes nuts downloading everything on restart.
Message 3 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

I will take a look and fill a bug if needed

you can also set "trash-original-torrent-files" to true so transmission will delete .torrent after download
Message 4 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Hey quick question. I got transmission to work and i have downloaded a couple of torrents. Question is: how do i change the settings to allow transmission to connect to as many peers/seeders as possible? i had a file with over 300 seeders yet it would only connect to 25.
Message 5 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

I will produce a 2.0b01 but need tester cause transmission devs change a lot of things in 2.0
Message 6 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

there's a new option to launch a scrip after download completion

"script-torrent-done-enabled": false,
"script-torrent-done-filename": "",


I will work on a script to send email when a torrent is finished 🙂
Message 7 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Super -

running into some problems with x86 1.93 after full backup, factory default upgrade to 4.2.11 with EXT4, full restore

1) completed torrents are no longer moved out of incomplete folder into download directory
2) all stats zeroed out, even though full restore of all addons-config/Transmission files
3) some torrents with odd characters not verifying or downloading

any advice?

many thanks for your excellent work!
Message 8 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

can you provide a filename example ?

did you also check rights on the file ?
Message 9 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Ave Super-poussin,
I'm having a little problem with Transmission 1.93.
All the latest files I copy are very fragmented (122227 extents for +2 GB file)
If I localy cp the file a.xyz to B.xyz I get 802 extents. Mucho better.
The original file a.xyz copies at 10-15 MB/s from NVX
The new B.xyz copies at 80 MB/s (yeah my NVX rocks)
Is there some option for Transmission to pre-allocate file space in order to avoid such results?
Message 10 of 921

New Transmission add-on thread

0 = Off, 1 = Fast, 2 = Full (slower but reduces disk fragmentation)

In settings.json.
Message 11 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Oooops i didn't read all the way the parameters doc...
Does it make sense to you that the Nas spread that +2GB file all over?
Anyway, thank you (for everything).
Message 12 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

super-poussin wrote:
can you provide a filename example ?

did you also check rights on the file ?

good news! It turns out permission settings were the cause of all the problems. I fixed permissions and now everything is working properly. Even stats are back. Hooray! 😄
Message 13 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

getting an invalid checksum on the x86 version [2.0b1]...
Message 14 of 921
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

NV+ is on the Sparc platform so use the Sparc add-on. x86 add-ons do not work on the NV+.
Message 15 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

I know, I just upgraded to the Pro and haven't updated my profile/sig yet...
Message 16 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

try to reboot the pro
Message 17 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

rebooted and still the same error - i'm able to install other addons without any issues. i'm on the latest firmware too....
Message 18 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

I also receive a message indicating the file has an invalid checksum (x86).
Message 19 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

I reupload the bin file to the server
Message 20 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

i'll give the sparc build a go over the weekend...
is there anything specific you want testing S-P, or just a general play?
Message 21 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

well with general use on the 2.00b1 sparc release, i've found the following:
- when using transmission remote, speed values do not always get updated. webgui says correct 500kb/s download speed, transmission remote claims 0kb/s, yet % and downloaded mb is being updated. seems to be random; other seeding torrents are correctly reporting upload speed in both webgui and transmission remote.
- on restart of transmission (a full reboot of my duo in this case), then unfinished downloads are being re-checked. however, the 1 download i currently have, got stuck at 100% checking and didnt actually change to 'downloading' status. this happens in both webgui and Transmission Remote. manually pause and start the torrent fixes it.

just for peoples reference, 2.00b1 is actually a 1.93+ client.
Message 22 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

thanks will report to dev
Message 23 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

the file checking issue looks like an intermittent one, S-P.

same torrent, same circumstances, torrent sucessfully moved from checking to downloading without intervention.
still, it's checking downloads on every start of the transmission process.

is everyone else experiencing the same, or is it something funky with my permissions on the torrent state folder? i dont recall it on 1.93 final release, but was definitely experiencing it on the 1.92final, 1.93beta1, and on this 2.00beta1 release....
Message 24 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

using the location: \\nas1\addons-config\Transmission\transmission-daemon\resume

i can see that it is sucessfully creating the .resume file with the following values:
-rw-------  1 nobody nogroup    3018 2010-05-30 10:56 armin_van_buuren_-_a_state_of_trance_454_-_2010-04-29.efec790f3659693c.resume

i've tried 'chmod 775 *' in the resume folder, which does sucessfully apply, however when transmission process starts, it re-writes the permissions back to the above quoted code (chmod 600?). this is true for all active downloads. paused downloads do not have their permissions changed untill they move back to an active status.

i dont know too much about reading linux permissions on windows, but windows sees these files as read/write, and not modify against the 'nobody' user. the 'nogroup' group has no permissions on these .resume files.

is this checking issue that i've had a transmission issue, or something funky on my NAS?
Message 25 of 921