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Re: New Transmission add-on thread


Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Dynas wrote:
Loaded v2.03 x86 on a ProPioneer. Still not able to invoke the web UI interface. Yet, the "Create Torrent" interface works though.

Any ideas?

Super-possin, thanks again for your effort and offer to help.

The problem seemed to be solved after I removed Transmission and cleaned up /c/webroot/transmission; then installed v2.03 again. Not sure if this is any help.
Message 201 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread


im not sure if your aware of it, but the the download, idle, seeding .txt tracking files arent being writen to (timestamp updated, but the contents of each file is empty). torrents are in various stages, and their status' are being remembered during reboots/restarts of transmission daemon. im on 2.03 final.

im not sure if this is something you've re-worked or transmission devs have re-worked this process for some reason.

... just a bit of feedback for you 🙂
so far 2.03 has been 100% perfect for me. it's working flawlessly.
Message 202 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

looks like i spoke too soon, and i've broken transmission!

getting around 200 lines of network port connectivity, and high CPU time on the transmission daemon (all torrents paused).
in an attempt to fix it, i tried to uninstall transmission and reinstall it.

Frontview says "An error occurred while removing the Transmission add-on."
Message 203 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Blues wrote:
super-poussin, once again, thank you for your hard work. I have a question about 2.03.

I removed my older version and installed the latest. I don't want to get emails so I've renamed the file in /c/addons-config/Transmission to no_email-allowed, but I keep getting emails when a torrent completes.

I stopped and then restarted Transmission, but it's still sending emails. Is there an additional secret to turning email notification off?

Thank you,

it's in settings.json for finished download email
Message 204 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

veehexx wrote:
looks like i spoke too soon, and i've broken transmission!

getting around 200 lines of network port connectivity, and high CPU time on the transmission daemon (all torrents paused).
in an attempt to fix it, i tried to uninstall transmission and reinstall it.

Frontview says "An error occurred while removing the Transmission add-on."

will take a look
Message 205 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

super-poussin wrote:
veehexx wrote:
looks like i spoke too soon, and i've broken transmission!

getting around 200 lines of network port connectivity, and high CPU time on the transmission daemon (all torrents paused).
in an attempt to fix it, i tried to uninstall transmission and reinstall it.

Frontview says "An error occurred while removing the Transmission add-on."

will take a look

download 2.03 again it should be solved
Message 206 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

looks like i found something funky with the way transmission works; even when torrents are paused (as the daemon is started), it seems it still annouces itself to the tracker; this would explain alot of network connections orginating from transmission.
not a problem in itself, but worth knowing if your trying to diagnose issues 🙂

seems transmission isnt as broken as i thought! still not sure about the high CPU time, but it's settled down now - maybe with a recent mass .torrent add to transmission was still pre-allocating files.
Message 207 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

I found that large files (say >5GB) cause the CPU usage of my Duo to go up to 95% while downloading. Seeding is fine, but during the download the box is barely usable. Maybe this explains your problem, veeheex?
Message 208 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

maybe. i'll have todo some more testing tonight to see if it's file size issue.
Message 209 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

S-P, i have issues with resuming torrents again, when transmission daemon is stop/started.
the 3 .txt files (seeding, idle, download) timestamps are being updated when transmission stops, but they dont have any contents.

on transmission being restarted, the 2 torrents i have; one paused, one being checked when they should of gone straight to downloading.

also, under the transtop.sh file, are you aware of NO space between '|' and 'awk'? i presume their ment to have spaces?

running the latest 2.03 with the updated 'remove' process you did earlier today.

at first i thought my issues were permissions, but i've completely removed and reinstalled transmission just to be sure. (I had to reset permissions on various shares sometime last week)
Message 210 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

super-poussin wrote:
Ma2T wrote:
Thanks for your work super-poussin!

I decided to update from 1.72 Lite, to the new 2.02, but it never connected to the interface. Tried disabling and enabling it a few times, and a restart, but still no luck. The torrent creation page worked though. I also set the "umask" value.

Then I tried 2.03 for Sparc (Duo,NV+...) same problem.

BUT 2.01 seems to work without a problem 🙂

can you download 2.02 official again from this site. it should produce a message in frontview log in case of error during install

Cheers SP, will do.

Also, I'm sure not if its Transmission or not, but I have noticed it won't open the ports automatically. I might just be my router being stupid, but I never noticed the problem before. Port forwarding is enabled in my router and Transmission (GUI).
Message 211 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

veehexx wrote:
S-P, i have issues with resuming torrents again, when transmission daemon is stop/started.
the 3 .txt files (seeding, idle, download) timestamps are being updated when transmission stops, but they dont have any contents.

on transmission being restarted, the 2 torrents i have; one paused, one being checked when they should of gone straight to downloading.

also, under the transtop.sh file, are you aware of NO space between '|' and 'awk'? i presume their ment to have spaces?

running the latest 2.03 with the updated 'remove' process you did earlier today.

at first i thought my issues were permissions, but i've completely removed and reinstalled transmission just to be sure. (I had to reset permissions on various shares sometime last week)

|awk or |awk will work the same 🙂
Message 212 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

thats ok then!

any thoughts on the torrent status issue? another SSH session?
Message 213 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

i've rolled back to 2.01 which is working fine now (torrent status being resumed) - i'll stay on this release.

x86 owners... do you see high CPU time when transmission is not verifying? a post above mentions it's possibly related to filesize - regardless of torrent status (pause, downloading, seeding...). a google search seems to sugest it's a bug and not related to anything particular, im just wondering who may be affected..
Message 214 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Quick question... can somebody please recommend the latest **STABLE** version of transmission without any major bugs (no CPU spikes, all web interfaces work, etc). By stable I don't mean the latest patched version which fixed yesterday's problems, I mean a version that is tried and tested and hasn't had bug reports in a long time. I don't care about bells and whistles features, I care about stability and not wasting my time troubleshooting 'stuff'.

My box: Pro Pioneer w/Radiator 4.2.11

Message 215 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

i've just gone back to 1.7x and tried various versions, and im wondering if i have issues with my nas! i dont recall having high CPU time for aslong as i've used transmission... i could be wrong on that though.

ok, problems with 2.01 (also happens on 1.77betas, 1.93 and 2.03):
any form of active data transfer with from transmission causes CPU usage to be high.
this seems to cover both the initial annouce period, downloading and seeding torrents. however, idle torrents (sucessfully announced, but no leechers) makes transmission behave normally.
incidentially, i have similar high CPU time (although only briefly tested) on torrentflux and active torrents.

what could be the cause? hdd's not on HCL (although i have wdidle3 modded a drive)? nas issue? inherent torrent issue? the fact i have a low/under powered duo? or a bug?
come to think of it, i am seeing a higher-than-i'd-like network retransmit count, and network transfers a touch slower than i'd like too....
Message 216 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

just done a test...
grabbed a spare HDD and built my duo on that

HCL compatible drive, fresh install, transmission 2.01final and still high CPU time with transmission data throughput, and also on a different network (now at work; full cisco network).
it's starting to look like a transmission issue again... maybe bug report time!
Message 217 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

im not sure it's a CPU issue now - almost definitely transmission..

at home im on 400-500kb/s (72k up). work im downloading around 1.25mb/s and getting 100% cpu usage on both networks, so it seems transmission just takes asmuch as is available.

SP - is there anything i can check my end (logs?) to see if there is a cause to it? im guessing that sort of monitoring (if available) will be in dev tools and not something a user can easily get to grips with
Message 218 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread


Do you have traffic encryption enabled? The CPU in the Duo isn't very powerful, and when there is a lot of traffic to encrypt or decrypt it could be causing the problems.

You can read about torrent encryption online, it apparently uses the most CPU power.

Could be the issue?.... Maybe check it it increases as traffic increases.
Message 219 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

interesting thought - yes i do use it, but even on a single torrent the load is the same. (ie 1 torrent with 10 connections is the same as 30 torrents with 100's of connections)
let me go try......
Message 220 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

no difference with encryption off.
out of interest, ma2t, do you have the issue on your duo?
Message 221 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

Ah, shame there is no difference. Its is prob more to do with the speed / traffic coming in rather than connections.

I did notice high CPU (almost max) usage at first when running 1.72 months ago, I was concerned at first, then I forgot about it lol.

Using 2.01 now, but I can't seem to get my port opened correctly, the old version opened it fine, so I might go back. Could just be my router bing stupid though.
Message 222 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

it doesnt seem to be speed related.... 400kb/s or 1.25mb/s+ - same CPU time, so i'd of *expected* it to of maxed out based on cpu load but that doesnt seem the case.

i wouldnt mind the high CPU time (no noticable increase in power draw), but it's slowing down the entire duo box, and for a unit that isnt that powerful or fast in the first place, it's irritating. i think i saw down to 5-10mb/s cifs transfer with transmission running (~500kb/s throughput). usually get 20mb/s+.

so much so, i'm debating flogging my duo and going for an ultra4. (it's a shame they dont do a 2 disk x86... DUO-PRO or something :)). that said, the readynas OS is limiting me a bit too, so i might opt for some older hardware and run a full blown OS it... linux or windows...
i wouldnt be limited to the work our 2 most active devs do either... SP and whocares?.
i dunno. i need more info on everything - is transmission at fault, the duo's limited speed, if i move to x86 will i suffer from similar issues, and why spend £400, when i've got spare hardware i could cobble together and have a box thats alot more powerful and versitle than a readynas.... albeit after spending lots of time to get it setup, physical size and power consumption....
choices choices!!!
Message 223 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

seems to be the quantity of torrents thats causing high CPU time.... which im guessing is completely normal and the duo is just more underpowered that i realised.
3 active torrents and im running around 40% cpu time.

i might reside the duo to backup perposes and go either a RN ultra, or a custom PC build route. it's starting to look pretty obvious the duo isnt upto the tasks i thought it'd do!
Message 224 of 921

Re: New Transmission add-on thread

I'm running Transmission 2.0.1 on a Duo.
Currently I'm seeding 103 torrents (total size 285GB) on 5 different trackers, of which at the moment 3 torrents are uploading (filesize each 6-7GB).

CPU usage of Transmission is mostly between 10% and 35% with peaks up to 60%. I'm checking this with top via SSH.
I don't really bother about this cpu usage, since AFP and HTTPS seem to have higher priority and therefore I don't notice anything during streaming or downloading.

Just giving you my usage profile as a comparison and I don't think that quantity should be of concern with just three torrents..
Don't get me wrong, I Iagree that the Duo is underpowered, but Transmission does work like a charm. And why not let it use 40% of the CPU anyway? There's still 60% left. 🙂

edit: Just read about your CIFS-issues. I hardly ever use CIFS and mostly connect the Duo over a 8011.g wireless network, which yields nothing close to 20MB/s anyway.. Whenever I move something to the Duo though, AFP gets most of the CPU and Transmission is suppressed.
Message 225 of 921
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