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ReadyNAS Photos troubleshooting tips


Re: ReadyNAS Photos troubleshooting tips

Thanks for getting back Minerva.
I don't normally use RAIDar because I have a static IP for the ReadyNAS and I log into it regularly through the browser. But I installed RAIDar, it discovers the NAS straight away, locate button works, and set up works.
Message 101 of 108

Re: ReadyNAS Photos troubleshooting tips

Hello All,

We are upgrading our system. Hence the system will be down the for next 1 hour. We shall notify our system's availability soon.

We regret for the inconvenience caused.

Message 102 of 108

Re: ReadyNAS Photos troubleshooting tips

Hello All,

Our system has been upgraded and is up now. Can resume your works.

Message 103 of 108

Re: ReadyNAS Photos troubleshooting tips

Hi I went to the Netgear website and downloaded the ReadyNas Photos II however everytime I try to install it under Update it does the first part (checking the file) then when I select Perform System update I get a error message "Invalid Checksum detected in the update file. Update aborted" can some one help?
Message 104 of 108

Re: ReadyNAS Photos troubleshooting tips

hi there. I have a DUO. The RAIDar software and front end work fine, both disks synced and all is well. Then I tried to install ReadyNAS photos.....downloaded from the ReadyNAS photos site, double clicked and the installer started. After the progress bar reached about 95% it stopped and returned several Exception errors in Java. Install will not complete.

I tried to open the program but nothing happens, tried to uninstall from the Dekoh folder but it wont allow me to. Tried to download and install again but no joy. So I'm stuck with a useless partially installed program....any ideas bout how I can fix this issue?
Message 105 of 108

Re: ReadyNAS Photos troubleshooting tips

I am also using the Readynas NV+ in domain mode but in Win2008R2 mode. I am logged into my pc using my active directory user name and password and can access the \\NAS\media share. but when I try to connect with the readynas photos I get a Invalid credentials are Readynas Photos trying to access the share by \\IP\Media or by \\hostname\media, as you know the readynas in win2008r2 domain mode can't be access by IP, only hostname..
I'm wondering if this is my problem because I can't any account to work and can't try with a simple password (A-Z,a-z, 1-9) because of domain policy.
Any suggestions?

Modell: ReadyNAS NV+ [X-RAID]
Fast programvara: RAIDiator 4.1.8 [1.00a043]
Minne: 256 MB [2.5-3-3-7]
ReadyNAS Photos 2.2
Message 106 of 108

Re: ReadyNAS Photos troubleshooting tips

Can you send me the ReadyNAS Photos desktop logs ? I am sending you instructions on how to do this.

Message 107 of 108

Re: ReadyNAS Photos troubleshooting tips

OK, I just bought the ReadyNAS Duo v2. After spending hours trying to get invites to go out on photos, and after spending hours with support trying to get it to work,the support tech could not get Photos to send invites. He then told me it is a "known issue" and "many of these" don't work as they should with Photos II. Also, another "known issue": I can't upload files to readydrop on the web.

So, Netgear, here is my question: Do you think it is ethical to sell products that you actually know do not work? Here is the best part for me. I bought the unit from a store that is going to charge me a restocking fee. Thanks Netgear.
Message 108 of 108
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