× NETGEAR will be terminating ReadyCLOUD service by July 1st, 2023. For more details click here.
Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter


Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

I have the same problem with remote on windows 7 64bit. NETGEAR - please fix it soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its very important for my business customer. I need working NETGEAR remote software, no patch by other software.
Message 26 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

NETGEAR what is going on - are you sleeping ?
Message 27 of 60
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

Do you know what weekend it is? It's Memorial Day Weekend in the US, so the ReadyNAS Remote developers are most likely taking a break over the long weekend and should be back at work today (Tuesday in the US). It's currently just after midnight over there.
Message 28 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

mdgm wrote:
Do you know what weekend it is? It's Memorial Day Weekend in the US, so the ReadyNAS Remote developers are most likely taking a break over the long weekend and should be back at work today (Tuesday in the US). It's currently just after midnight over there.

I didnt know it but why do they publish a sticky update immediately before they leave the office for several days ??? :rofl:

We are speaking about business servers....
Message 29 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

mdgm wrote:
Do you know what weekend it is? It's Memorial Day Weekend in the US, so the ReadyNAS Remote developers are most likely taking a break over the long weekend and should be back at work today (Tuesday in the US). It's currently just after midnight over there.

Do you think anyone who is paying me cares what weekend it is?

Or that that excuse will fly when I have to explain my install date has to move back?

If they weren't prepared to deal with the fallout of FORCING a patch (an improperly tested patch at that) on a Friday before a holiday with staff on hand to fix issues they should have released it on Tuesday. I find the Memorial Day weekend timing to be further evidence of their incompetence not an excuse to give them leeway.

This untested patch sure is a spit in the eye for people who view the obscenely short and out of date HCL as a pain in the ass. NetGear seems to take Years to certify a new hard drive model. But when it comes to breaking all Windows 7 Clients with an untested RNR update it gets forced on a Friday before a holiday weekend causing 3 days of downtime with no recourse.

I'm guessing netgear ruined more an one consultant's Memorial Day weekend with this patch. If I were one of them I'd be looking for an apology.

As it sits I won't be recommending these devices until I see evidence of proper patch testing and reliability of the RNR service. If NetGear ends up costing me a weekend due to negligent patch testing procedures how can I really recommend it's products in good faith? Nevermind the weekend. What if the dimwits cost me business?

Not acceptable.
Message 30 of 60
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

I'm just a ReadyNAS user and I am surprised that they released an update just before a long weekend. I mentioned the "Memorial Day" weekend as a reason why no one from NetGear had come onto the forum to comment on the issue in response to the post by Dilas immediately above mine.

It's about six thirty in the morning at NetGear HQ, so hopefully it should be just hours before a Remote expert visits the forum.

As for testing new hard drives, that requires a great deal of time and expense to do properly. NetGear doesn't add drives to the list on a gut feeling, they test them thoroughly.
Message 31 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

mdgm wrote:
I'm just a ReadyNAS user and I am surprised that they released an update just before a long weekend.

I was really surprised too. My guess (giving them the benefit of the doubt) is that something automated took place which pushed out the update and that it happened to fall right before Memorial weekend (unintentionally). It still really stinks and as many have noted it doesn't give a very good impression of Netgear ReadyNAS. But I'm almost hoping that it was something more like the automated accident scenario as that is more palatable to me than if someone were just careless.
Message 32 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

OK, I have seen this problem too. I have multiple Dell 4200 machines that use this software to access remote NAS devices. I looked in Device manager and this leaf firewall driver is showing errors on all of my network devices. I looked at the Leaf device and it says "Windows cannot verify the digital signature for the drivers required for this device. A recent hardware or software change might have installed a file that is signed incorrectly or damaged, or that might be malicious software from an unknown source. (Code 52)". It looks like the firewall installation released with this upgrade is not digitally signed so it is blocking connections some how. This is a pretty ugly situation because once upgraded, I am assuming that this will be global with all NAS devices.
Message 33 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

Wow. I wonder how many other people can't even connect to the internet due to this clusterf**k. I can understand that updates sometimes fail. But to take out LAN and wireless network adapters along with a failed update is huge.

I've been casually evaluating RNR as a feature which would be key in deciding to purchase a ReadyNAS for a school group I work with. That obviously won't happen now. My faith in Netgear has been seriously set back. I'm not jumping ship, but I'm not sure how I can count on Netgear for mission critical applications after this incident.
Message 34 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

mdgm wrote:

As for testing new hard drives, that requires a great deal of time and expense to do properly. NetGear doesn't add drives to the list on a gut feeling, they test them thoroughly.

I only quoted you because the "awww shucks" attitude about this blunder needs to stop. This is a prosumer product and I expect professional support of it's functions.

I only bring up the HCL because it seems they DO spend a great deal of time and expense to do it properly. They don't seem to give the same weight to properly testing their RNR updates. If they had even tried installing it on a win7 64bit system they would know it breaks the network connection completely every time without fail. If they're so meticulous about the HCL why are they so lax on testing this RNR update?
Message 35 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

For now, please use previous version which one you can download, here https://remote.readynas.com/download.html. We are working on issues and soon we will resolve it.
Thank you for understanding.
Message 36 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

Yes, ok, but if forces you to upgrade. We cannot use the old version. What do we do?
Message 37 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

webameba wrote:
Yes, ok, but if forces you to upgrade. We cannot use the old version. What do we do?

I uninstalled both the Leaf Networks software and the ReadyNas Remote software and then reinstalled the version linked above and it didn't force me to upgrade to the next version.
Message 38 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

I uninstalled Readynas Remote and installed the stated version and now I can connect again...

Thanks for the temporary fix...


Message 39 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

Is anyone from Netgear monitoring this?
OK, so the updated download no longer forces the disabling upgrade but the Leaf Nework adapter appears to be blocking all traffic from my ReadyNas to the internet....therefore disabling Remote.

I cannot even begin to configure the add on since the ReadyNas can't see the internet through my router, so even though I have an account and am online with ReadyNas Remote it cant connect so I cant add myself to the ReadyNas as a user.

I see a lot of Windows 7 issues arount the forums, especially for those running X86 like me. None of the downloads or config suggestions helps. I dont have a static IP or anything unusual - but either my router or an adapter config issue is blocking access.

My Leaf Networks Adapter status shows No Network Access for both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity. (The gateway field is already blank so that one doesn't work...)

Do I need to get into port forwarding on my router?
Message 40 of 60
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

kingbadger, this sounds like a separate issue.

Did you try configuring the add-on before you installed ReadyNAS Remote? If you have email alerts configured on the NAS do these get sent? If you go to System > Update > Remote in Frontview are you able to check for firmware updates?

What version of RAIDiator and what version of ReadyNAS Remote on the ReadyNAS?
Message 41 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

mdgm, thanks -

Yes, I can check for firmware updates "The system is already running the latest firmware. Click Perform System Update if you wish to proceed with the update anyway." (so I see your point - to do this the ReadyNas must be getting to the internet)

But I cant configure the add on - I get the message "ReadyNAS Remote could not connect to the ReadyNAS server, please check your internet connection and DNS settings. If the ReadyNAS is behind an HTTP proxy, please make sure you have entered correct proxy server settings" when I try to "Manage ReadyNas Remote".

But I am not using a proxy server. My internet connection is straigtforward DHCP - dynamic with DNS provided automatically by my ISP

Radiator is 4.1.7, ReadyNas Remote is (both are latest updates) the add on version on the NAS is
Message 42 of 60
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

Under Services > Installed Addons you should see the version of ReadyNAS Remote installed. I believe the latest is

You can download the latest version here: https://remote.readynas.com/download.html

You want the Sparc (not x86) version of the add-on. Installation is via System > Update > Local.
Message 43 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

Sorry, I just spotted it - I already have this version. I did try the X86 version but it found a checksum error and would not install, so I am on the latest Sparc version.
Message 44 of 60
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

Could you try installing the latest Sparc add-on over the top of itself?
Message 45 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

will do
Message 46 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

I just did it - I downloaded it again using the link you provided, installed it sucessfully over the top of the previous on the NAS but still see the same message when I try to "Manage". It gees through "getting Version" then "Checking registration" then a dialog with "ReadyNAS Remote could not connect to the ReadyNAS server, please check your internet connection and DNS settings. If the ReadyNAS is behind an HTTP proxy, please make sure you have entered correct proxy server settings" comes up

Message 47 of 60
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

If you look under Network > Global Settings are the Default Gateway and DNS Settings you see the NAS has picked up from your router correct?

If you download your logs (Status > Logs > Download all logs), extract the zip contents and open network_settings.log do you see a LeafNets adapter with an ip address 5.XXX.XXX.XXX?
Message 48 of 60

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

Yes, default gateway is showing as, as is DNS 1 (DNS 2 and 3 are blank). This is the correct IP for my router.

But no leafnets adapter - with any IP address. Below I pasted the log, but in Control panel>Network and Internet>Network Connections I can see the adapter. It is "enabled" but its status says "No network access".

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:10953062 errors:7 dropped:7 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:4034786 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:4152413659 (3.8 GiB) TX bytes:4092504474 (3.8 GiB)

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:2357957 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:2357957 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:265082730 (252.8 MiB) TX bytes:265082730 (252.8 MiB)

Message 49 of 60
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNASRemoteUpgrade.exe disables network adapter

I would not post the HWaddr (i.e. MAC address of the ethernet NIC as this uniquely identifies your NAS).

Have you tried rebooting your NAS?
Message 50 of 60
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