Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Remote not working from iPhone


Remote not working from iPhone

I have ReadyNAS Remote installed on my laptop and the app installed on my iPod touch and iPhone. Using the same account I can access my shares from the laptop and the iPod touch but not the iPhone.

The ipod and iphone both have the same remote version, same settings, same users & password (checked and double checked). The iphone logs lets me log into remote but just times out trying to access my shares. Any suggestions why this may be happening?
Message 1 of 10
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Remote not working from iPhone

I believe you need a separae ReadyNAS Remote account for each device connecting to ReadyNAS Remote simultaneously. If you could create an account specifically for the iPhone that would be good.
Message 2 of 10

Re: Remote not working from iPhone

I'm not trying to connect at the same time, although if you do connect one and then try with the other, it closes off the original remote connection.

However, I have tried with another account and that is failing too.
Message 3 of 10

Re: Remote not working from iPhone

Hello, OK same problem here. working fine from laptop but not from iphone, same as above if i log in using iphone it logs the laptop out which is as it's supposed to do. but the iphone shows no shares nothing just tells me im connected. Anybody got any ideas where to go from here?
Message 4 of 10

Re: Remote not working from iPhone

lol, its working perfect now! just restarted everything phone, nas,router,switch and off she went lovely.
Message 5 of 10

Re: Remote not working from iPhone

It doesn't work here. My windows XP laptop works perfectly. My iPad or my iPhone either one works. It shows connected but when I click on the name it comes back and tells me I need to check to see if I have FTP on in the NAS (which I do) as I can FTP to it using a half dozen different machines. I'm starting to think it just doesn't work on Apple eventhough it even sees the name of the box.
Message 6 of 10
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Remote not working from iPhone

sysop did you follow the instructions here?: http://www.readynas.com/remote_iphone
Message 7 of 10

Re: Remote not working from iPhone

Yes, exactly. It "shows" the box name in the list and says I'm connected. When I click the box to go to the shares it tells me to turn on FTP or check it which it clearly is. I can FTP to it from 7 machines on my LAN and 2 others I have tried outside my LAN. It just doesn't work on any apple product. 2 iPhones and 3 iPads.
Message 8 of 10
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Remote not working from iPhone

What version of RAIDiator on your ReadyNAS and what version of ReadyNAS Remote on your ReadyNAS?
Message 9 of 10

Re: Remote not working from iPhone

You will need to encode your VOB files to another video format (i.e. mp2) that you can stream from the NV via the DLNA service to your IPhone using an app such as MediaConnect or you might simply wish to consider upgrading your nas to a more powerful model if you are interested in HD video streamin
Message 10 of 10
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