Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Samba 4.1.17 for ReadyNAS Duo v1 (sparc)


Re: Samba 4.1.17 for ReadyNAS Duo v1 (sparc)

I realize this is an old thread, but I recently fired up my old ReadyNAS NV and NV+ to locate some old data that I somehow never transferred to my newer NAS platform.  Of course I discovered that I could not access the shares anymore due to the SMB version deprecation with Windows 11 (and 10) unless one enabled the antiquated SBMv1 with some potential security risk.


This obviously led me here but my Linux skills were quite minimal, so I knew I was in for some challenging times ahead.  Here were my struggles so hopefully others can be assisted through the process (I used an Ubuntu 22.04 Linux container within Windows 11 to complete this task.):


Challenge 1: Realizing that Chrome and Edge blocked access TLS 1.0/1.1 so I needed to use Firefox and enable TLS 1.0 in the flags to gain access to the Frontview Admin interface.


Challenge 2: After installing the SSH and Apt add-ins and failing to access the ReadyNAS units due to algorithm errors.  The first error complained about lacking a certain diffe-hellman-sha1...etc. so I added this following statement to the ssh config via this command:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/ssh_config


At the bottom I added:

KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1


Then it complained about a sha1-rsa issue so I added another line below that in the ssh config:

HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa,ssh-dss


Challenge 3: Getting that darned .deb file onto the SSH root.  That took me awhile to figure out, but here was the syntax that worked for me:

scp /home/user/Downloads/samba_4.1.17-1_sparc.deb root@ip address:/root


After all that the rest was simple - just follow bc732's awesome steps and you're golden.  I did need to re-create my users as he mentioned but I was able to access the shares!  My NV machine has 256MB RAM while my NV+ machine has 1GB RAM and the transfer rate improvements were 2-5MB/s write and 5-10MB/s read with the extra RAM.  Not major but probably worth it, since overall the NV unit and Frontview interface are more responsive with the extra memory.  Thanks again for the info, bc732, and the helpful discussion with the other folk here.

Message 26 of 29

Re: Samba 4.1.17 for ReadyNAS Duo v1 (sparc)

This is all great stuff, but with each reply adding information, some less Linux savvy folks will have trouble following it.  Since I don't have a 4.2.x system to do it on myself, I'm hoping that somebody who does it will create an updated "blow by blow" set of instructions that incorporates everything.


Better yet, of course, would be an add-on that does it all for you for owners not comfortable with SSH.

Message 27 of 29

Re: Samba 4.1.17 for ReadyNAS Duo v1 (sparc)

Tested here and it seem to have worked, I disabled the guest logins in the group policy manager, and still can connect to the newly added shares. Many thanks for this advice.

Message 28 of 29

Re: Samba 4.1.17 for ReadyNAS Duo v1 (sparc)

I originally posted as MusicLover2112 because I could not restore my original account at the time, but this is NeilPeart.  I have now performed this upgrade on a ReadyNAS NV, NV+, and Duo v1, using the method described above.  I recommend using an actual Linux machine (I just used an old Chromebook running Linux Mint Cinnamon 21.1) instead of the WSL2 on Windows 11 - less of a headache to deal with some of the strange sha1-rsa issues that may arise.  Even if one is not a Linux expert (I am far from it myself), the instructions are rather clear, IMO - worth the time if you still want to use the old machines as backups or something else, without exposing your modern machines by enabling legacy Samba access.  Thanks again to bc732 for his awesome guidance (and others here for their input as well).

Message 29 of 29
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