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Transmission - No data found! use "Set Location" error


Transmission - No data found! use "Set Location" error

Hi all,

i have an readynas Ultra6 and NVX, i've installed Transmission(v2.43.00) on both.

It was really frustrating when Transmission kept on giving me Permission Denied errors. However looking up the posts, i have it fixed and
settings work well when it is set to the default /c/media/BitTorrent folder AND my permissions are default as per JarnoG's advice in this post.

I have now wanting to change the folder location to /c/download/BitTorrent , and change my 'media' folder permissions HOWEVER i get the following error from Transmission:
Error: No data found! Ensure your drives are connected or use "Set Location". To re-download, remove the torrent and re-add it.

i have tried the following procedures
1. Update from Tranmissions UI for folder location. Turn off and on Transmission.
- Here i get the 'Permission Denied' error. Checking the settings.json - the change didn't do anything to the folder location!
What i also notice here is that no 'temporary files' are created in the Incomplete folder as when it worked properly.

2. I thus updated the settings.json file to reflect the new location. Updated the default folder location, incomplete & source folder locations.
- Here i get the "Set Location" error. I've double checked everything and ensure there isn't a typo or mixing case letters

I would really like to change the default folder location. Please advise
Message 1 of 10

Re: Transmission - No data found! use "Set Location" error

If you change the folders in settings.json, then they already have to exist with the right permissions. I'm not sure if Transmission makes the folders if you change them from the web-interface.
To do so, close Transmission, make a share names "download" and make sure that the user "nobody" has read/write permissions
Then make the relevant folders (downloaded-, incomplete- and watch-folders).
Make sure the download-share and the folders have the right permissions by repeating the process in the post you mentioned.
Finally, set the correct folders in settings.json and start Transmission.
Message 2 of 10

Re: Transmission - No data found! use "Set Location" error

I have no idea what is going on with this.

I keep getting "No Data Found" or "Set Location" or "Permission Denied"

/c/media/torrent is in the preferences. I also tried /c/media

I went into advanced and made nobody the owner and nogroup the group. I don't have users with those names however, is that the issue?
Message 3 of 10

Re: Transmission - No data found! use "Set Location" error

It is not an issue that you did not make that user yourself, they are internally used.

If the media share did not previously have that user and usergroup before, then you will have to check the checkbox before the option with "Set ownership and permission for existing files and folders in this share to the above settings" and press apply. Make sure that you have all the capital letters right as well, "/c/media" is different from "/c/Media"
Message 4 of 10

Re: Transmission - No data found! use "Set Location" error

JarnoG, so... I think I followed your instructions, but I am still having errors. See my process and some screenshots.

1. I turned off Transmission.

2. I set permissions in Frontview

3. (I then selected advanced, and ticked Set ownership and permission for existing files and folders in this share to the above settings. This option is useful in cases where you are changing security levels and need to workaround file access problems. Then pressed save)

4. I reloaded Transmission, and I get this error after about 200-500mb of downloading
Message 5 of 10

Re: Transmission - No data found! use "Set Location" error

Any fix for this yet ?
I am seeing both "Permission denied" and "Set Location" errors.
Message 6 of 10

Re: Transmission - No data found! use "Set Location" error

Make sure you also applied the instructions I gave above to the share that contains the incomplete-folder of Transmission.
Message 7 of 10

Re: Transmission - No data found! use "Set Location" error

Changing share rights to fit an addon is NOT a solution! The old BitTorrent client could use whatever share rights you had, so Transmission needs to do so too.
Besides if I change share rights to nobody/nogroup, then I will NOT be able to administer my media share. Again, NOT a solution.

I had success when I creating the main folder and giving those nobody/nogroup rights for a few torrents, which works, but is a poor fix. For torrents that are files only, touch'ing the files and applying the same rights also works, even after they finish. I had to re-add the torrents which were giving errors, as "Verify data" does absolutely nothing once I got the "Set Location" error.
While this is essentially the same as JarnoGs fix, this only affects a few folders it is a "better" fix for me at the moment - even when work is required for each torrent added.
Message 8 of 10

Re: Transmission - No data found! use "Set Location" error

I agree that setting the permissions right only for the folders used by Transmission is the preferred option. However, it requires more work and I'm not sure how to do it from a Windows machine without sshing. (cifs doesn't support it properly I think and you can't change owner over ftp)

Setting the permissions for the whole share is an easy solution that has not given me any problems for the rest of the data on the share. An alternative method in between the two options would be to make a separate share for Transmission.
Message 9 of 10

Re: Transmission - No data found! use "Set Location" error

@JarnoG: You are right, its not possible to change owner or group from windows, except on the entire share.

As I need to have bittorent client running, did I set out to fix the permission issue myself and I found a solution! However it does require you to SSH onto your ReadyNAS, give yourself root access, edit a few files and then apply your media share owner/group rights to all affected folders and files.

The following steps assume you can SSH and have root access.
  1. Stop Transmission from frontview

  2. SSH onto your ReadyNAS, and give yourself root access

  3. Navigate to

  4. Open start.sh with an editor, like vi. Replace
    --chuid nobody:nogroup
    chown nobody:group
    with your own share rights. Mine were `media:users`. Save and exit

  5. I also changed `owner:group` rights for
    but I believe now it was not needed

  6. Now you just need to change `owner:group` rights for your download folder - default is `/media/BitTorrent/` - which you can do with frontview or a single command.
    chown -R owner:group /media/BitTorrent

  7. Start Transmission from frontview

  8. If you had any old torrents running that were showing the "Set Location", then you do need to remove those and add them again

  9. Thats it.

  10. So far, I have had ZERO problems since doing this.
Message 10 of 10
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