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Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?


how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

There is a Linux/BSD/Unix version of the client, and I was hoping to add that to my ReadyNAS Duo at work. I have enabled SSH for the Duo, does anyone have this up and running and can provide some instructions on how to do this ?

Link to the no-ip client -> http://www.no-ip.com/downloads.php?page=linux

Thank you 🙂
Message 1 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

I have an add-on for this 🙂 not published but available if you want
Message 2 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

For your information, you'll need a bit of tweaking with the config files so you'll have to get SSH access to the unit in order to make it work.

But I've got it running on my two NV+s and it's working just fine 🙂
Message 3 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

thank you for both of your replies. Can you post the steps on how to make it work ? or the add-on ?

😄 😄 appreciate your help
Message 4 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

joeho717 wrote:
thank you for both of your replies. Can you post the steps on how to make it work ? or the add-on ?

😄 😄 appreciate your help

Super-Poussin will have to post the link to the addon.

How comfortable are you with SSHing to the box?
Message 5 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

I am ok with SSH to the box 🙂 done it a few times already. Thank you.
Message 6 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

In that case, once the addon is installed, run

/usr/local/no-ip/no-ip -C

You'll get prompts to ask you which hosts you want to update. Once that is complete, the programme will write /etc/no-ip.conf

You'll then only have to start the programme:


For some reason, however, every once in a while /etc/no-ip.conf gets deleted so you'll have to run the configuration command line again. Haven't quite figured that one out yet...

Let me know how it goes!
Message 7 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

the addon do the -C you must fill the parameters in the addon gui 🙂
Message 8 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

I've just installed the add-on, but I I cannot use it.
I wrote my datas in the GUI parameters: "-u MYNOIPEMAIL -p MYNOIPPASSWORD -U 30".
When I try to activate it a window says: "NOIP service failed to start.".
Is there something else to configure?
Thank you,
Message 9 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

can you disable no ip then enable it ?
Message 10 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

I don't know what I've done but it's started....
Now I only have to learn how to use it (I am new to NAS, server, client, protocols, etc...)!
Thank you for the interesting (and for the add-on!),
Message 11 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

Good afternoon guys!
I recently bought a readyNAS duo + 2x1TB seagates in it and am completely impressed by this machine's capabilities and convenience. Previously i had an Athlon machine with raid disks to do the dirty work and .. believe me, it almost cost me 25euros/month to keep a 24/7 uptime. Anyway i think its the best buy for home-office level use from value-for-money view and data-safety view.
Well .. back to business.
I've seen some posts about an unofficiall addon concerning No-Ip support. is there any chance to have too? 🙂
I'm not such an expirienced unix user but i can make my "way" there, but a usefull guide with the addon wont hurt anyone!
thank you in advance!

PS. is there any vault for unofficial add-ons appart the officiall addon section at readynas.com?
Message 12 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

I will publish a new version quickly
Message 13 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

I too would like to see a addon for this.
Message 14 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

Message 15 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

Thanks! Two quick things.

Is there a way to check through SSH that it's running? I've tried running /usr/local/no-ip -S and it tells me it can't find the configuration file in /usr/local/etc/.... This directory wasn't created with the addon installation but if I create it and add copy the no-ip2.conf file from /etc, it will give me the status. When I do this, it tells me that no-ip was started by running no-ip -c /etc/no-ip2.conf . So it looks like you've coded into the addon that the configuration file should be in /etc/, but why not use the default no-ip directory structure so that the status commands, and others, will run out of the box?

The other thing I wanted to ask is if it's actually necessary to leave the username and password in the text box after no-ip was started the first time (I assume once the .conf file is made that it doesnt' need to be updated every time). It would be nice to not leave my password in plain text.

Thanks again for putting together this addon - manually updating no-ip is such a pain 🙂
Message 16 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

try to reboot 🙂 the it should be ok

I understand the security concern I can make it replace letters by . but it will not be easy to check if everything is ok before apply
Message 17 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

can you check the no-ip.log in /media/ ?

if does not exist please disable no ip addons and enable it 🙂
Message 18 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

I can view the no-ip.log and every time I disable and enable the addon, it adds a couple of lines about creating the config file.

Still the only way to check the status with no-ip -S is by copying the config file to /usr/local/etc, even after a reboot.
Message 19 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

the addons do a /usr/local/no-ip/no-ip -S /etc/no-ip2.conf
Message 20 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

It looks like the addon is doing a /usr/local/no-ip/no-ip -c /etc/no-ip2.conf, which starts the service with the configuration file specified in /etc/no-ip2.conf. However, a /usr/local/no-ip -S /etc/no-ip2.conf doesn't appear to be a valid construct. /usr/local/no-ip -S looks for a configuration file in /usr/local/etc and then displays the configuration and shows it is running:

1 no-ip process active.

Process 1380, started as no-ip -c /etc/no-ip2.conf, <version 2.1.9>
Using configuration from /etc/no-ip2.conf
Last IP Address set xx.xx.xx.xx
Account someone@somewhere.com
configured for:
host somewhere.outthere.com
Updating every 45 minutes via /dev/eth0 with NAT enabled.

Configuration data from /usr/local/etc/no-ip2.conf
Account someone@somewhere.com
configured for:
host somewhere.outthere.com
Updating every 45 minutes via /dev/eth0 with NAT enabled.

So, it's clearly setup properly and running fine. My only question was why you are pointing to /etc/ for your configuration file instead of the default /usr/local/etc since no-ip seems to be looking there for the file. As long as I have a configuration where it is looking for one, it will show me all of the configurations on the machine.
Message 21 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

Thanks for the link.
What can I do with the bin file "noip_1.1.bin" ? Where to copy it ? Do I have to install anything ?
I'm very new on it and don't know a lot about that. I don't even know how to acces linux interface.
Could you help me ?
Thank you.
Message 22 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

I have installed noip 1.1 as a local image in the system menu.
It appears a no-ip.log file into media witch says :
Can't locate configuration file /usr/local/etc/no-ip2.conf. (Try -c). Ending!

What can I do ?
Message 23 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

I couldn't get the addon to work initially, but then I read the post by rmfield and copied the /etc/no-ip2.conf to a new location in /usr/local/no-ip/
Now it seems to work fine.
The addon still gives error messages when trying to start up from frontview, but no-ip -S gives ok and no-ip does update the IP
Message 24 of 30

Re: how to add no-ip client to ReadyNAS ?

how i have to set the parameters?

it doesn`t work this:
-u username -p password -U 300
Message 25 of 30
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