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Re: ruTorrent 3.3 + rTorrent by WhoCares


Re: ruTorrent 3.3 + rTorrent by WhoCares

Is there any way making the 'settings sticking process' easier? I have tried to follow the instructions above, but got lost..
Message 26 of 35

Re: ruTorrent 3.3 + rTorrent by WhoCares

you need a session
Message 27 of 35

Re: ruTorrent 3.3 + rTorrent by WhoCares

Ok I think I have most of the bits done. I'm just not clear on how to get the rutorrent service to automatically start when the NAS powers on...

edit: never mind it does auto starts - just takes a bit longer 😄

edit2: It starts automatically some of the times?

edit3: The times it does start, I actually need to to stop and start the service via frontview, so I dont get the "Bad link to rTorrent. Check if it is really running. Check $scgi_port and $scgi_host settings in config.php and scgi_port in rTorrent configuration file" error message. On restarting it, everything is fine...

edit4: I actually have worked out, it is not starting automatically, even though on some occasions frontview gives the impression (green dot checked box) that it has. If I click on apply in this state ( green dot and checked box) it reports that the service is started and I can then connect as normal. What do I do to get it started automatically - this is the only thing not working for me now??

edit5: Last edit, I promise 😄 To finish this story, I just ended up uninstalling ruTorrent, then reinstalling it, which broke it and Transmission, I then uninstalled Transmission, reinstalled NVX firmware, and then reinstalled Transmission. Both were then working. I edited and set up all the necessary files for ruTorrent, and tested a restart of the NAS several times - ruTorrent starts automatically and also maintains it settings etc. All seems well now, both Transmission and ruTorrent work without a problem and that hopefully will be the end of my 'saga' and I can start enjoying some automatic downloading...... :rofl: Thanks to all the people that posted there steps here.
Message 28 of 35

Re: ruTorrent 3.3 + rTorrent by WhoCares

^^^^ Glad u got urs up and running lol it can be frustrating when ur confused lol

Is there (what would be ) a command to auto COPY what was downloaded to a static dir , but keeps the original files in-tact ON COMPLETION ???? if there r ne configuration experts out there lol ( i am actively googling now and if i find and answer ill post here also) i figure were all on the same page on this thread someone here should know lol

ive worked it down to this particular command in the rc file id like to mod :

# Move completed downloads to preset target
system.method.set_key = event.download.finished,move_complete,"d.set_directory=$d.get_custom1=;execute=mv,-u,$d.get_base_path=,$d.get_custom1="

could it be as simple as changing "execute=mv" to "execute=cp" ??? wishfullthinking 🙂 that way it will download to the download dir and copy to the move dir ?

***** Found the command ( i was almost right 😉 lol )

code was modified as:

system.method.set_key = event.download.finished,move_complete,"execute=cp,-R,$d.get_base_path=,/c/media/TESTING"

/c/media/TESTING being ur own dir ..... Like i explained this simply makes a copy of the content (on torrent completion) and leave it in a static dir of ur choice eg:/c/media/TESTING
Message 29 of 35

Re: ruTorrent 3.3 + rTorrent by WhoCares

Any ideas if you can block IPs somehow in this version? I know the new version of rTorrent have native IP Blocking.
Or are there any other solutions for IPfilter on ReadyNas Ultra?
Message 30 of 35

Re: ruTorrent 3.3 + rTorrent by WhoCares

make sure you su to admin user before trying to run it.
Message 31 of 35

Re: ruTorrent 3.3 + rTorrent by WhoCares

Thank you for this excellent post. I hope you continue with your experiments and post your results as you find new settings/scripts/apps that work.
Message 32 of 35

Re: ruTorrent 3.3 + rTorrent by WhoCares

New guy here, just about to install this addon, hopefully i'll get it to work, if not, i'll either edit this post, or reply if any new replies are in, thanks again.

*EDIT* My first addon ever installed, well after the PHP addon ofcourse, and it seems to be working flawlessly.
Message 33 of 35

Re: ruTorrent 3.3 + rTorrent by WhoCares

ReadyNAS:/etc/frontview/addons/bin/RUTORRENT# /usr/bin/rtorrent -o scgi_local=/tmp/rutorrent.sock
/usr/bin/rtorrent: /usr/local/lib/libcurl.so.4: no version information available (required by /usr/bin/rtorrent)
rtorrent: Error in option file: ~/.rtorrent.rc:85: Command "system.umask.set" does not exist.

I'm guessing system.umask.set has been deprecated..

Any way around this?
Message 34 of 35

Re: ruTorrent 3.3 + rTorrent by WhoCares

Not sure if anyone still looks at this thread as its very old... 🙂

I've just installed this addon and tried to follow all the steps here. Had loads of issues so in the end decided to start again with a fresh version of .rtorrent.rc to see if I could at least get it to start rtorrent.

This worked so I gradually added the customisations back. Everything worked until I added this one to modify the file permissions:
# chmod rwx for everybody
system.umask.set = 0000

Taking this back off and it works again but leaves admin as the owner. Any idea how I can fix this?
Message 35 of 35
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