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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Cannot access share from Windows 7 64-bit


Cannot access share from Windows 7 64-bit

I could use some help.

For a while, I have not been able to mount a share from my ReadyNAS on my Windows 7 desktop. I have changed nothing on my ReadyNAS and suspect one of the security patches from Microsoft changed how my desktop connects. A while ago, I posted on this forum asking for help on this issue and I received one reply and a suggestion to try phone support. After trying both options and getting no further with the problem, I re-posted to that topic, but got no response, so I started this new topic.

My previous post was: http://www.readynas.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=55525

The reply from I received suggested downgrading NTLM to version 1 using secpol.msc. I did that (and the poster was correct, the settings had changed). Also, I went into the Network Sharing Center and made the recommended changes there as well. I still cannot connect, but error changed slightly.

C:\Users\edmond>net use \\\media /user:edmond <password>
System error 1244 has occurred.

The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not been authenticated.

When I try "map network drive" from explorer, I am prompted for the credentials twice and then receive an error dialog stating:
The mapped network drive could not be created because the following error has occurred: A device attached to the system is not functioning.

And, I would like to say that I was disappointed that phone support would only fix my problem if I paid them money. That's a bit suspect - I mean, if you are paid to fix compatibility issues, you have little incentive to make the product compatible.

If someone can help, I would be grateful.
Message 1 of 6

Re: Cannot access share from Windows 7 64-bit

You may want to try opening up a support ticket over email.

Are you able to connect to the share using the admin account?
Message 2 of 6

Re: Cannot access share from Windows 7 64-bit

I will look and see if I can find the page to open a ticket via email. Not sure why I would receive support via email and not by phone, but I will try it.

I cannot connect to the share using admin account, however the behavior is different when I try. When I use my own credentials, I get an error right away. When I use the admin account, I am prompted to re-enter the credentials 3 times before receiving an error.
Message 3 of 6

Re: Cannot access share from Windows 7 64-bit

IIRC, the email support period is much longer than the phone support period, so as long as you're within the warranty period, email support should be available at no additional cost.
Message 4 of 6

Re: Cannot access share from Windows 7 64-bit

Try this options,

1- disable ipv6 on the network card.
2-Change lan manager authentication level to send lm and ntlm responses.
This is found under administrative tools>Local Security Policy>Local Policies>Security options>Lan manager authentication level.

Hope this helps
Message 5 of 6

Re: Cannot access share from Windows 7 64-bit

FYI, when I received this error message, it was because I was attempting to access a hidden share and was appending the dollar sign usually expected for hidden Windows shares. I'd forgotten that I had defined the share names without those dollar signs.

So, I was trying to access this:


Where this is what actually worked:


It was certainly a /facepalm moment. Nonetheless, it took me a bit of time to figure out, and I'd found this thread before I did. I hope this helps someone!
Message 6 of 6
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