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Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks


CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

lBelow are Command Codes, Tweaks and info on CrashPlan.

If you need me to add any more or if something changes feel free to let me know and I will adjust it.

#As of CrashPlan 4.2, CrashPlan will install their Java to run with their software on you NAS. There is no need to install a new Java on your whole NAS. (In other words EJREInstaller-0.20-readynas-x86.bin by MinimServer is not needed for this install anymore).
#In /usr/local/crashplan/install.vars the JAVACOMMON=/usr/local/crashplan/jre/bin/java.
#CrashPlan tests their software with that specific Java. (Unless you want to do their Quality Assurance for them on a new Java 🙂 )
#If the EJRE addon is already installed on your system DO NOT UNINSTALL IT, it is still needed globally and as per MinimServer.

Uninstalling the Java runtime

To remove the EJRE installation from your ReadyNAS, remove the EJRE Installer add-on. This removes the installed EJRE files, but doesn't remove the original EJRE .tar.gz file from the backup share.

#Seeing What Port NAS is Listening to.
netstat -na | grep LISTEN | grep 42

#Return code should look something like this:
tcp6 0 0 :::4242 :::* LISTEN
tcp6 0 0 ::ffff:YOUR.NAS.IP.ADDRESS:4243 :::* LISTEN

#Starting,Stopping CrashPlan.
./CrashPlanEngine stop
./CrashPlanEngine status
./CrashPlanEngine start
./CrashPlanEngine restart


/etc/init.d/crashplan [same options as above]

#Unpacking CrashPlan to install.
tar -xvf CrashPlan_4.3.0_Linux.tgz
#(4.3.0 change to package number you are installing)

#Installing and Uninstalling CrashPlan (This will not uninstall your .ui_info or .identity file).
./CrashPlan-install/uninstall.sh -i /usr/local/crashplan/



#To have CrashPlan listen on all network interfaces and thus accepting GUI connections from any computer on your home network.

#"If Watch file system in real time" is not working CrashPlan suggested changes so that it works on a NAS.

#Increasing Memory Value to CrashPlan Engine.
#Go to CrashPlan on PC and Double Click Home Icon in Upper Right Hand Corner
#Value should be in memory increments of 64, increasing value too high will stop CrashPlan from running. The upper limit on my NAS PRO Business is 3072 and I have 8 GB of Ram installed.
java mx "value"
#Stop CrashPlan
#Edit /usr/local/crashplan/bin/run.conf in SRV_JAVA_OPTS change "-Xmx3072m" to desired value.
#Start CrashPlan

#Configuring CrashPlan Backup set to Exclude all Directories Named "Recycle Bin".

#Located in Settings-Backup-File exclusions:-Configure (Make sure "Regular Expressions" is checked).
./*Recycle Bin.*

#CrashPlan updated to 4.3.0 and now my Windows 7 GUI will not connect.
1) Make sure Windows 7 GUI is 4.3 and make sure it is not running when you are doing the steps below:
2) Copy your .ui_info from your NAS to your desktop:
a) .ui_info on NAS is probably located /var/lib/crashplan (unless you changed it from the default when installing i.e.
What directory do you wish to store backups in? [/usr/local/var/crashplan])
b) .ui_info on your desktop is located C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan. (Rename your old .ui_info to .ui_info.orig)
3) Configure your ui.properies file on you PC appropriately. i.e. service port should be 4200 if you are using ssh to tunnel or service host should be changed to your NAS ip address if you made the proper changes in the my.service.xml file on you NAS.
4) Start up CrashPlan 4.3 on your desktop.

#Another way to check if the CrashPlan service is running in your PC.
ps auxww |grep -i CrashPlanService

#Return code should be something like this:
root 19952 80.3 7.4 3623440 611904 ? SNl 08:17 400:32 /usr/local/crashplan/jre/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dapp=CrashPlanService -DappBaseName=CrashPlan -Xms20m -Xmx3072m -Dsun.net.inetaddr.ttl=300 -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=300 -Dsun.net.inetaddr.negative.ttl=0 -Dnetworkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=0 -Dc42.native.md5.enabled=false -classpath /usr/local/crashplan/lib/com.backup42.desktop.jar:/usr/local/crashplan/lang com.backup42.service.CPService
root 23519 0.0 0.0 4104 504 pts/0 S+ 16:35 0:00 grep -i CrashPlanService

#Installing the CrashPlan app instructions from CrashPlan's Website.
CrashPlan Headless Client Install

ReadyNas Forum - Crashplan for Dummies, aka Step by Step (this is the latest guide so far out of the 18 or so pages in the post).
Crashplan for Dummies, aka Step by Step 🙂

Message 1 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

Thanks for the cheat sheet, good summary and helped me solve why 4.3.0 wasn't connecting from Windows

Message 2 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

This forum and it's users has helped me so much I am Glad to give back to the Community.
Message 3 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

Great cheat sheet. Thanks.

Perhaps someone more experienced than I can help me troubleshoot this though... Crashplan v3.6.4 was working fine on my ReadyNAS Ultra4+ until recently... I'm not sure if something changed such that we require the latest versions of the clients to work with the CrashPlan service. So, updating to 4.3.0 seemed to work fine after uninstalling 3.6.4, but upon trying to launch 4.3.0 on my ReadyNAS the following is in the engine_error.log:

/usr/local/crashplan/jre/bin/java: error while loading shared libraries: libdl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Any guidance on what to do about that?

I verified that "jre-7u45-linux-x64.tgz" properly downloaded and unpacked in the java path set on "JAVACOMMON=/usr/local/crashplan/jre/bin/java"

I am at a loss right now. Thanks.
Message 4 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

Did you ever solve the jre issue? I'm getting the same error message after upgrading to 4.3.0


/usr/local/crashplan/jre/bin/java: error while loading shared libraries: libdl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Message 5 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

Nope, haven't yet solved this issue.  My post was made right before the ReadyNAS.com forums were migrated, so everything was locked during the transition, so I presume nobody was able to read or reply to my inquiry.


For the time being, I am without a means to run CrashPlan.


Any suggestions are welcome.  Thanks.

Message 6 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

4.3.0 is working on my pro-6.  


install.vars has JAVACOMMON set to /usr/bin/java and /usr/bin/java is a link to /etc/alternatives/java.  That is not a folder, it is a file. libdl.so.2 is in /lib.


Its been over three years since the initial install, and the details are a bit hazy Smiley Wink  But if there is more info I can gather, let me know.


I'd also recommend using crashplan support.  Though they don't officially support headless, they did take my support case a few months ago.

Message 7 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

I did notice recently that my crashplan was filling up my rootfs. Basically the upgrade folder was filling up. ANyone know what that is all about?


Might want to include in your instructions how to relocate to /apps or something


Message 8 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

@RedBullet wrote:

I did notice recently that my crashplan was filling up my rootfs. Basically the upgrade folder was filling up. ANyone know what that is all about?


Did you see this thread? https://community.netgear.com/t5/Backing-up-to-your-ReadyNAS/Crashplan-JRE-update-needed/m-p/985781#...

Message 9 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

I did not. I was going to do an upgrade (uninstall/reinstall), I thought they now include the JRE they need in the install image?

Message 10 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

Oh... I am on OS6, so the instructions to install java 8 didn't apply since the frontpanel app was apparently not for OS6.

Message 11 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

@RedBullet wrote:

Oh... I am on OS6, so the instructions to install java 8 didn't apply since the frontpanel app was apparently not for OS6.

Yes, that add-on won't work.  But you do need to install java 7 or java 8.  That is the minimum level needed by Crashplan 4.4.1.   Running 6 results creates a failed upgrade loop, which repeatedly downloads the crashplan upgrade.  

After a while the OS partition becomes full.  If you move to /apps, eventually the data drive will become full.

Message 12 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

@RedBullet wrote:

I thought they now include the JRE they need in the install image?

So did I but apparently not.

Message 13 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

So, I did do the uninstall/reinstall route. And it did offer to include a 1.7 JRE, which I accepted.


That seemed to work. It's up and running now. Will have to see what happens with upgrades...

Message 14 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

So I worked on this a bit more today since I saw that Crashplan was up to v4.4.1.  Still no love.


Error is apparently with java when I try to use the local copy in /usr/local/crashplan/jre/bin/java:


"./java: error while loading shared libraries: libdl.so.2: cannot open shared object file No such file or directory"


I also get the following:

readynas:/usr/local/crashplan/jre/bin# ldd java
linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007fff668e5000)
libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007f8138034000)
libjli.so => /usr/local/crashplan/jre/bin/../lib/amd64/jli/libjli.so (0x00007f8137e1d000)
libdl.so.2 => not found
libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x00007f8137aac000)
/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f8138250000)
libdl.so.2 => not found


However, the ReadyNas has its own global version of java as /usr/bin/java which works just fine:

# java -version
java version "1.6.0_07"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_07-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 10.0-b23, mixed mode, sharing)

# ldd /usr/bin/java
        linux-gate.so.1 =>  (0xffffe000)
        libpthread.so.0 => /lib/libpthread.so.0 (0xf76fb000)
        libjli.so => /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- (0xf76f2000)
        libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0xf76ed000)
        libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0xf75af000)
        /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xf7719000)

So what is the correct way to link up the required java 1.7.x for Crashplan to the correct libdl.so.2?  I tried creating symbolic links in all the /lib directories under /usr/local/crashplan/ and it didn't work.


This is getting frustrating beyond measure... why can't this stuff just work?  lol.



Message 15 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

The uninstall/reinstall (latest) worked for me. I would go that route...

Message 16 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

Yeah, tried the uninstall/reinstall route... same error as above.


I even uninstalled java6 (which was what was in /usr/bin/java) via apt-get and that didn't fix anything either.


I am at a complete loss why it's not reading /lib/libdl.so.2

Message 17 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

OK, after yet another evening of Google digging... I managed to figure out what appears to be the solution to the missing/improperly linked Java libraries.  The embedded Java 8 included by CrashPlan/Code42 appears to be broken somehow.  However, you can get the embedded JRE directly here:


http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/embedded/embedded-se/downloads/index.html (you will have to register an email address and create an account, sadly)


I grabbed the "x86 Linux Small Footprint – Headless" download and copied to my ReadyNAS Ultra4+.  The resultant "ejdk-8u51-linux-i586.gz" archive can be unpacked (use "tar -xvf ejdk-8u51-linux-i586.gz") and if you navigate down into the unpacked directory, you will see "/ejdk1.8.0_51/linux_i586/jre"


In that directory is a working java executable.  I simply removed (or renamed) the subdirectory "/usr/local/crashplan/jre" and moved the above jre directory into its place.  All appears happy now.


That will hopefully fix this issue for anyone else with the same errors.

Message 18 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

If you tried to install the latest version it should have asked you if you want to install java. That's what mine did, and it worked fine.

Message 19 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

I managed to get Crashplan 4.4.1 up and running on my NAS (ReadyNAS Ultra 4). All I had to do was to swap out the x64 JRE package with the 586 version instead, after completing the usual install. The install.defaults file contains the URL for the correct file, so just download that one:


(I'm doing all of this in ~/crashplan-install/)


wget http://download.code42.com/installs/proserver/jre/jre-7-linux-i586.tgz


then unpack and swap the x64 version with the 586 version:


tar -zxf jre-7-linux-i586.tgz

mv /usr/local/crashplan/jre/ /usr/local/crashplan/jre-x64

mv ~/crashplan-install/jre /usr/local/crashplan/jre


then start the Crashplan service. Voila!


Obviously, the installer picks the wrong architecture for the NAS. Hope this helps.


Message 20 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

Yeah, that appears to be the issue... the Crashplan installer script does not pick the correct architecture for the ReadyNAS Ultra4+ it seems.  I guess we should report that to them, but that said, we are shoe-horning the vanilla "Linux" install onto a NAS, which they show as unsupported.


Thanks all.  Hope this helps others in the same boat.

Message 21 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

@chriscena wrote:




Obviously, the installer picks the wrong architecture for the NAS. Hope this helps.


That wasn't really my problem.  The upgrade failed right away because the java version was 1.6.  Crashplan did not attempt to update java.


Wed Sep 23 20:39:17 EDT 2015 : JAVACOMMON is set: /usr/bin/java
Wed Sep 23 20:39:17 EDT 2015 : Current Java Version: 1.6
Wed Sep 23 20:39:17 EDT 2015 : This client requires one of these JREs: 1.7 1.8. Exiting upgrade


Installing jre 1.8 (and changing JAVACOMMON to point to it) solved the problem.

Message 22 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

@StephenB wrote:

@chriscena wrote:

Obviously, the installer picks the wrong architecture for the NAS. Hope this helps.


That wasn't really my problem.  The upgrade failed right away because the java version was 1.6.  Crashplan did not attempt to update java.


Wed Sep 23 20:39:17 EDT 2015 : JAVACOMMON is set: /usr/bin/java
Wed Sep 23 20:39:17 EDT 2015 : Current Java Version: 1.6
Wed Sep 23 20:39:17 EDT 2015 : This client requires one of these JREs: 1.7 1.8. Exiting upgrade


Installing jre 1.8 (and changing JAVACOMMON to point to it) solved the problem.

How did you go about installing JRE 1.8 directly on your ReadyNAS?  I tried to find an apt-get repository that worked, but that failed.  I only have a working version of JRE 1.6 (when Java was still Sun) that was installed directly via apt-get (Debian archive).


The EJRE installer add-on for the ReadyNAS failed to even install for me.

Message 23 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

The add-on installer worked for me with no issues

Message 24 of 35

Re: CrashPlan Cheat Sheet and Tweaks

@StephenB wrote:

The add-on installer worked for me with no issues

Since you mentioned it worked, I tried it again just now and it worked fine to get JRE 1.8 installed... based on my notes, my previous attempt with 1.7 failed for some reason that I never sorted out.  Go figure!


For those who have no idea what we are talking about:  http://minimserver.com/ejre-installer.html


Follow the instructions *exactly* for best results... especially the file naming if you download using Chrome.

Message 25 of 35
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