Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support


Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

Finally I tried an OS reinstall and I had same kind of temperature. Then I started a Factory Default, and I will soon see what temperature I will have.
I have look on the temps a third morning (same weather conditions) and they were in-between the first and second reading. the cpu temp is just easy to leave 35°C when complete idle, and with just 5% activity it goes fast to 42°C or more. I guess such a climb is due to the fact that it is nearly passively cooled (the only fan is not exactly on top of it). I'll leave it here as I never had the noise of the fan at full speed.
Message 101 of 174
Not applicable

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support


I read here about fan and temperature controls getting it into the frontview page. I have a ReadyNas Pro (Pioneer). The temperature control is working with the pmwconfig tool as described in this thread. I don't get the point if you can get the temperature graphs working without using crontab jobs. Is that possible?

If you look to this reply https://www.readynas.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=71155&start=75#p411889, then it should work with adding or modifing a file under 'sensors.d' map. Is this true for the ReadyNas Pro and if so how? I updated to 6.1.6 version.

Thanks for the input already done here.
Message 102 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

I've just tested 6.1.6 on my Ultra 4.
Overall happy however my fan is running at 800rpm whereas under 4.2.26 it was running at 1800rpm.
My temp are getting quite high, is this still a problem with OS 6 and I need to manually configure the fan control??

Thanks for any advice... 😄
Message 103 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

first time post here. Great forum 😄
I installed 6.1.6 on my ultra 2 and it Works very good exept for the fan Control. The fan stabilizes at 760 rpm and CPU temp is at 60C without load. I Guess this is a bit high. I tried "echo 50 > /sys/devices/platform/it87.2576/pwm1" as root and the fan went to 1500 rpm for a while, but Returns to 760 rpm within 20 minutes or so. System temp is at about 25C.
any advice?

Message 104 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

60C is perfectly fine for Atom -- maximum operating temperature is 100C. In fact, the internal CPU core temp sensor only becomes accurate over 50C.
Message 105 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

Somehow I can't get the fans in my Ultra 6 to work. I tried a created /etc/fancontrol and tried to create it but the temperature sensors are missing.

Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0: N/A (crit = +100.0°C)
Core 1: N/A (crit = +100.0°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
in0: +12.00 V (min = +9.07 V, max = +5.52 V) ALARM
in1: +4.96 V (min = +0.70 V, max = +4.07 V) ALARM
in2: +3.28 V (min = +0.36 V, max = +1.74 V) ALARM
in3: +0.00 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +0.00 V)
in4: +1.13 V (min = +2.96 V, max = +0.08 V) ALARM
in5: +1.80 V (min = +1.08 V, max = +0.58 V) ALARM
in6: -11.87 V (min = -39.23 V, max = -50.17 V) ALARM
in7: +3.26 V (min = +4.49 V, max = +3.53 V) ALARM
in8: +3.34 V
fan1: 2242 RPM (min = 2242 RPM) ALARM
fan2: 0 RPM (min = 693 RPM) ALARM
fan3: 2242 RPM (min = 12 RPM)
temp1: +0.0°C (low = -19.0°C, high = -109.0°C) ALARM sensor = thermistor
temp2: +0.0°C (low = +0.0°C, high = +0.0°C) sensor = thermal diode
temp3: +0.0°C (low = +19.0°C, high = -57.0°C) ALARM sensor = thermal diode
cpu0_vid: +2.050 V

# pwmconfig revision 6166 (2013-05-01)
This program will search your sensors for pulse width modulation (pwm)
controls, and test each one to see if it controls a fan on
your motherboard. Note that many motherboards do not have pwm
circuitry installed, even if your sensor chip supports pwm.

We will attempt to briefly stop each fan using the pwm controls.
The program will attempt to restore each fan to full speed
after testing. However, it is ** very important ** that you
physically verify that the fans have been to full speed
after the program has completed.

Found the following devices:
hwmon0/device is coretemp
hwmon1/device is it8721

Found the following PWM controls:
hwmon1/device/pwm1 current value: 0
hwmon1/device/pwm2 current value: 0
hwmon1/device/pwm3 current value: 2

Giving the fans some time to reach full speed...
Found the following fan sensors:
hwmon1/device/fan1_input current speed: 0 ... skipping!
hwmon1/device/fan2_input current speed: 0 ... skipping!
hwmon1/device/fan3_input current speed: 2242 RPM

Warning!!! This program will stop your fans, one at a time,
for approximately 5 seconds each!!!
This may cause your processor temperature to rise!!!
If you do not want to do this hit control-C now!!!
Hit return to continue:

Testing pwm control hwmon1/device/pwm1 ...
hwmon1/device/fan3_input ... speed was 2242 now 2235
no correlation

No correlations were detected.
There is either no fan connected to the output of hwmon1/device/pwm1,
or the connected fan has no rpm-signal connected to one of
the tested fan sensors. (Note: not all motherboards have
the pwm outputs connected to the fan connectors,
check out the hardware database on http://www.almico.com/forumindex.php)

Did you see/hear a fan stopping during the above test (n)?

Testing pwm control hwmon1/device/pwm2 ...
hwmon1/device/fan3_input ... speed was 2242 now 2235
no correlation

No correlations were detected.
There is either no fan connected to the output of hwmon1/device/pwm2,
or the connected fan has no rpm-signal connected to one of
the tested fan sensors. (Note: not all motherboards have
the pwm outputs connected to the fan connectors,
check out the hardware database on http://www.almico.com/forumindex.php)

Did you see/hear a fan stopping during the above test (n)?

Testing pwm control hwmon1/device/pwm3 ...
hwmon1/device/fan3_input ... speed was 2242 now 0
It appears that fan hwmon1/device/fan3_input
is controlled by pwm hwmon1/device/pwm3
Would you like to generate a detailed correlation (y)?
PWM 255 FAN 2235
PWM 240 FAN 2220
PWM 225 FAN 2191
PWM 210 FAN 2149
PWM 195 FAN 2083
PWM 180 FAN 2014
PWM 165 FAN 1945
PWM 150 FAN 1859
PWM 135 FAN 1767
PWM 120 FAN 1670
PWM 105 FAN 1558
PWM 90 FAN 1436
PWM 75 FAN 1293
PWM 60 FAN 1138
PWM 45 FAN 960
PWM 30 FAN 6428 (probably incorrect)
PWM 28 FAN 502
PWM 26 FAN 502
PWM 24 FAN 503
PWM 22 FAN 504
PWM 20 FAN 504
PWM 18 FAN 505
PWM 16 FAN 507
PWM 14 FAN 508
PWM 12 FAN 508
PWM 10 FAN 508
PWM 8 FAN 506
PWM 6 FAN 503
PWM 4 FAN 500
Fan Stopped at PWM = 2

Testing is complete.
Please verify that all fans have returned to their normal speed.

The fancontrol script can automatically respond to temperature changes
of your system by changing fanspeeds.
Do you want to set up its configuration file now (y)?
What should be the path to your fancontrol config file (/etc/fancontrol)?
Loading configuration from /etc/fancontrol ...

Select fan output to configure, or other action:
1) hwmon1/device/pwm3 3) Just quit 5) Show configuration
2) Change INTERVAL 4) Save and quit
select (1-n): 1

hwmon0/device is coretemp
hwmon1/device is it8721

Current temperature readings are as follows:
cat: hwmon0/device/temp2_input: Resource temporarily unavailable
/usr/sbin/pwmconfig: line 892: let: S= / 1000: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/ 1000")
cat: hwmon0/device/temp3_input: Resource temporarily unavailable
/usr/sbin/pwmconfig: line 892: let: S= / 1000: syntax error: operand expected (error token is "/ 1000")
hwmon1/device/temp1_input 0
hwmon1/device/temp2_input 0
hwmon1/device/temp3_input 0

Select a temperature sensor as source for hwmon1/device/pwm3:
1) hwmon0/device/temp2_input
2) hwmon0/device/temp3_input
3) hwmon1/device/temp1_input
4) hwmon1/device/temp2_input
5) hwmon1/device/temp3_input
6) None (Do not affect this PWM output)
Message 106 of 174
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

Install 6.1.7 RC5 on your Ultra 6: http://www.readynas.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=154&t=72282

With 6.1.7 RC5 you won't need to install or use fancontrol.

Welcome to the forum!
Message 107 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

AWSOME - thank you so much 🙂 6.1.7 RC 5 solves the issue

I was thinking about switching to synology but now my netgear has a UI that is ok and the fans are not running crazy
Message 108 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

mdgm wrote:
Install 6.1.7 RC5 on your Ultra 6: http://www.readynas.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=154&t=72282

With 6.1.7 RC5 you won't need to install or use fancontrol.

Greetings mdgm!
I've got a quick question for you in this regard. Once I'm ready to install OS6 version 6.1.7 (stable) after it is officially released, should one uninstall or undo all the fancontrol related hacks prior to installing 6.1.7 to insure there won't be any conflicts? Or do you think that the OS updater will take care of all that.

As always, thanks a million for your endless contributions to the ReadyNAS community!
Message 109 of 174
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

Best to undo the hacks first.
Message 110 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

mdgm wrote:
Best to undo the hacks first.

Thanks! I just hope I remember how :nashammer:
Message 111 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

undo temp hacks in 6.1.6:

apt-get remove lm-sensors fancontrol

Installed 6.1.7 and now getting this readings:

Temp graph is also showing now.

I've installed and done this through a remote connection from my work.
So I can't really tell at this moment if the fans are running fine or full RPM without the fix.

Trying to fix the fan RPM reading this evening.

Q6600 @ Readynos Pro 6


Installed the "temp-fix" again.
No result in showing correct rpm graphs.

CPU temp in browser = Core0
System temp in browser = Temp1

Sensors output:

Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0: +40.0°C (high = +84.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 1: +42.0°C (high = +84.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 2: +38.0°C (high = +84.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 3: +38.0°C (high = +84.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
Vcore: +1.14 V (min = +0.00 V, max = +1.74 V)
in1: +1.87 V (min = +0.54 V, max = +0.89 V) ALARM
AVCC: +3.22 V (min = +2.98 V, max = +3.63 V)
+3.3V: +3.22 V (min = +2.98 V, max = +3.63 V)
in4: +1.23 V (min = +1.14 V, max = +0.64 V) ALARM
in5: +1.49 V (min = +1.12 V, max = +1.18 V) ALARM
in6: +1.02 V (min = +1.70 V, max = +1.66 V) ALARM
3VSB: +3.20 V (min = +2.98 V, max = +3.63 V)
Vbat: +3.14 V (min = +2.70 V, max = +3.63 V)
Rear-fan: 897 RPM (min = 84375 RPM, div = 16) ALARM
CPU-fan: 1520 RPM (min = 1467 RPM, div = 😎
Outside-fan: 1095 RPM (min = 733 RPM, div = 😎
fan4: 0 RPM (min = 2109 RPM, div = 128) ALARM
fan5: 0 RPM (min = 10546 RPM, div = 128) ALARM
temp1: +56.0°C (high = -1.0°C, hyst = +125.0°C) sensor = thermistor
temp2: +30.5°C (high = +80.0°C, hyst = +123.0°C) sensor = CPU diode
temp3: -38.0°C (high = +80.0°C, hyst = +123.0°C) sensor = thermistor
cpu0_vid: +0.000 V
Message 112 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

I just remembered that I had never undone my fan hacks when updating to 6.1.7 RC5.

If I do
apt-get remove lm-sensors fancontrol
at this point, will this fix the problem or whether a factory default will be required?

Any ideas before I proceed.
Message 113 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

are your readings fine now or are they malfunctioning?
If they do work, don't remove anything..
Message 114 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

Everything works fine.

I tested with Plex and fan rpms change according to transcoding quality.
Message 115 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

Does the lm-sensors package have to be installed for the fans to work properly?
Message 116 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

lm-sensors package do not have to be installed after the 6.1.7 RC5 update.
My fans are running fine now, only not showing properly in frontview.

I can't really tell if the fan RPM changes if the CPU is under load, but for now... It sounds good.

I did noticed an other failure now that I'm home.
The OLED screen works while booting and showing hostname etc. but after a short time the screen stops working.
Message 117 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

Should I proceed in removing lm-sensors then? I wonder what Skywalker has to say about this,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Message 118 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

I've just done a fresh install of 6.1.7 RC5 on a readynas pro business edition and seems to be working great. Nice to see they have invested some time into getting all the graphs etc working on the legacy devices. :thumbsup:

Only issue is the fans are now too slow, they start at about 2000 then over an hour drop to <800. The temps while copying some data are:

CPU 50c
system 65c
drives 43c

Which isn't too bad although during rebuild the drives hit >50c which isn't good. The main problem is I keep getting an email saying "Fan 'Fan' in enclosure 'Internal' speed is below threshold. (688 rpm)." Is there an option I'm missing to recalibrate the fans like on the old firmware? or a way of speeding them up a bit?

For now I may pop an extra fan on the spare fan header see if that will cool the drives.

Renedis is your OLED screen just turning off? I think it's meant to do that. It pops back up if there is an alert like sync % complete or if you press power button quickly.
Message 119 of 174
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

If the OLED screen stayed on all the time it might burn out prematurely, so only having it on when needed is good.
Message 120 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

The screen was always on in the other versions of OS6.
It displayed the hostname and IP adress.

So you guys are telling me that the display should be turned of after a while..
Can't really remember if the screen turned of in OS4.

I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to fix the graphs in Frontview.

the trick with the .conf file in Sensors.D does not work 😞

compute fan1 0+fan3_input,0-fan3_input
compute temp2 0+temp1_input,0-temp1_input

I have tried different settings without any succes.
Does anyone else got an idea?
Message 121 of 174
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

Yes the OLED display was turned off automatically in OS4. Momentarily press the power button and you can see the hostname and I.P. again.
Message 122 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

mdgm wrote:
Yes the OLED display was turned off automatically in OS4. Momentarily press the power button and you can see the hostname and I.P. again.

I will try this when I get home.
Thank you for the information.
Message 123 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

I'm on OS4 (Ultra 6) now and can confirm the display turns off and a momentary press brings it back up.

So about to make the switch straight to 6.1.7 and from what I've been reading I shouldn't have any fan issues with that version. Are there any other traps, I've been trawling through the forums and nothing is standing out at me except:

1/ Do not enable Antivirus.
Message 124 of 174

Re: Easy fix fan/temp OS6 issues on x86 legacy #no support

I installed Antivirus on OS6 (Pro4) once. He will load all 4 threads to 100%! Never again 😉
Message 125 of 174
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