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Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)


How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

OK, so I started off creating my own local Debian repository.  Not recommended -- it's a lot of work.  But with a lot of Googling and experimenting, I finally got apt to work using an online source.  Now, this requires bypassing a lot of security features, so use at your own risk.  It works on ARM and Intel based systems.


My /etc/apt/sources.list now looks like this:

deb https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.8 updates apps main

# deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/debian jessie main
# deb http://security.debian.org/ jessie/updates main

deb [trusted=yes] http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie main contrib non-free
deb [trusted=yes] http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie-backports main contrib non-free

I commented out two original lines, but you can remove them if you like. archive.kernel.org is a US repository, so you can look for another if you like.  Netgear never had a jessie-backports source or  contrib and non-free included for jessie, so you may not want them.


Then you need to create /etc/apt/apt.conf with the following content:

Get::AllowUnauthenticated true;
Acquire::Check-Valid-Until false;

How long will this last?  I don't know, but that archive has some distros even older than Jessie, so I suspect for a while.



Message 1 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)



Can you find a way to use https://  as source?


Message 2 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

I didn't try initially.  But just did, and it does not work.  Not sure of the point, anyway, since it's nothing that needs protection from prying eyes.


I forgot to mention in my initial post that you will get some warnings about expired keys, but they are just warnings because you've told the OS to ignore them.

Message 3 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

@Sandshark wrote:

Not sure of the point, anyway, since it's nothing that needs protection from prying eyes.


https would also verify the cert, and provide protection against a man-in-the-middle attack.  So there would be some value if it worked (over and above the encryption)

Message 4 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

Hi, I am likely missing the obvious, but as a non-linux user, I used Putty to gain SSH access to my ReadyNAS Ultra6 (running OS6.10), and tried copy pasting the above - but without success:




root@ReadyNAS:~# deb https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.8 updates apps main
-bash: deb: command not found



 What is missing here?  Googling this error suggests there is likely a .list file somewhere that needs to be edited or added to, but which of these, and how to do this I don't know.  Keen not to destroy anything unnecessarily.


I want to do this as a way to get the docker app working again under OS6, so I can then see if Home Assistant or other potential routes for getting IP camera monitoring software to work are possible on this hardware.




Message 5 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

It's not a command, it's an edit to etc/apt/sources.list .  One issue here is that the only editor installed on a ReadyNAS by default is VI, which is a true PITA to use.  You can put a copy in a folder accessible from Windows and use an editor there that doesn't mess with the EOL character(s) such as NotePad++, but you then also have to deal with ownerships and permissions when you copy it back.  Nano is a much easier editor to use from SSH, but you have to have previously installed it or you won't be able to until after you make this edit.

Message 6 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

Thanks for that - yes I clearly did miss the obvious!


I encountered the horrors of VI.

Obviously designed by a committed sadist, or someone to whom the idea of 'user experience' was an incomprehensible concept ; No obvious way to incorporate colons on any line of text - as is required when creating the apt.conf text file - without this being interpreted as an VI editor command.


Ended up doing via FileZilla (which invoked notepad for editing), which avoided any nasty Linux cli stuff, and retains existing file permissions when altered file is resaved.


However with both files now in place, and identical to your examples (via cut and paste), and with ReadyNAS rebooted, I still cannot seem to install the Docker app via the 'Available Apps' menu in OS6.


I also see that after ReadyNAS reboot I am suddenly I am being given 'Not secure' warnings by my browser when accessing ReadyNAS webpage, and the icons previously associated with the available apps in OS6 are now showing as broken links


Message 7 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

I tried 'apt update' in Putty, and now after NAS reboot, the app icons appear again, but still installation of docker app fails in OS6, about halfway through the loading progress indicator, when the installation dialog hits 'reading 9 of 9'.


Wonder if there is a clue in the results of the apt update command I naively issued?  What do I do about the 'Key expired' warnings?


root@ReadyNAS:~# apt update
Ign:1 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie InRelease
Get:2 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie-backports InRelease [166 kB]
Hit:3 https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.8 InRelease
Get:4 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie Release [148 kB]
Ign:2 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie-backports InRelease
Get:5 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie Release.gpg [2,420 B]
Ign:5 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie Release.gpg
Hit:6 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie/main amd64 Packages
Ign:6 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie/main amd64 Packages
Hit:7 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie/contrib amd64 Packages
Hit:8 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie/non-free amd64 Packages
Ign:7 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie/contrib amd64 Packages
Ign:8 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie/non-free amd64 Packages
Get:6 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie/main amd64 Packages [9,098 kB]
Get:7 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie/contrib amd64 Packages [59.2 kB]
Get:8 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie/non-free amd64 Packages [101 kB]
Fetched 317 kB in 12s (25.7 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
All packages are up to date.
W: GPG error: http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie-backports InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1587841717  KEYEXPIRED 1668891673
W: GPG error: http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie Release: The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED 1587841717


apt update

Message 8 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

t appears you failed to do the second part associated with /etc/apt/apt.conf .

Message 9 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

I have the second file done correctly, as far as I can tell.


Does this look correct?





Message 10 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

If you insert a picture in your post, it has to be approved by a moderator before anyone can see it, so I can't answer your question.

Message 11 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

Oh, OK, thanks.  Hopefully someone will moderate soon.

Message 12 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

Yup, looks right.

Message 13 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

Hello there !


i had the same problem, being in need of setting up a docker container with php 5.3 + apache 2 + mysql connectors.

i finally found a usable URL to download the sources (Index of /debian-archive/debian/dists/ (kernel.org)) and i did add this url to my sources.list file using my dockerfile after a lot of trial and error :


RUN echo "deb [trusted=yes] http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian/ jessie main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list


it works great and i am now able to build and use this container. 


However, i now have to build another container, using php 5.4 this time. i did a lot of research and found that this version of php should be in the ubuntu 12.10 distro, Quantal Quetzal.

I finally found an archive website (Index of /ubuntu/dists), but it doesn't seem to work and i don't know why...

This time i used this line in my dockerfile :


RUN echo   "deb [trusted=yes] http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists quantal main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list


Does anyone have an idea of why this one doesn't work ?

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y
 => => # Get:1 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com quantal Release.gpg [933B]
 => => # Get:2 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com quantal Release [49.6kB]
 => => # Ign http://old-releases.ubuntu.com quantal Release
 => => # Get:3 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com quantal/main amd64 Packages [1469 kB]
 => => # Get:4 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com quantal/main amd64 Packages [1469 kB]
 => => # Get:5 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com quantal/main amd64 Packages [1469 kB]
 => => # Get:28 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com quantal/main amd64 Packages [1469 kB]
 => => # Get:72 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com quantal/main amd64 Packages [1469 kB]

Unfortunately, this does not ever stop so i don't have any error to show you guys...

i let it run for over 20 minutes and it was at Get:180 or something, so i stopped it.


Any idea or reliable URL to put in my sources.list ?



Message 14 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

my bad, network issues. i was in wifi, got back to good old wire and it works using the jessie distro...

Message 15 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

@Sandshark wrote:

OK, so I started off creating my own local Debian repository.  Not recommended -- it's a lot of work.

FWIW, you can use apt-mirror for this:

If you set mirrors.list to 


deb https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.7 updates apps main
deb http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie main contrib non-free
deb http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie-backports main contrib non-free


you can get all three of these repositories.  


The Netgear one is about 4 GiB.  You can't copy 6.10.8 because Netgear hasn't set the permissions up properly (no one can access it).  Hopefully they will fix that soon.


The two Debian 8 repositories total about 72 GiB.


Note I haven't tried to use these yet, I just mirrored them.


Message 16 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

I would also recommend adding the retired and archived Debian security repo as well.

Http://archive. Debian.org/Debian-security Jessie/updates main non-free contrib

Something like that. The packages there are newer.
Message 17 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

@tigerten wrote:
I would also recommend adding the retired and archived Debian security repo as well.

Http://archive. Debian.org/Debian-security Jessie/updates main non-free contrib

Thx for the tip, I have added that. 


One aspect with apt-mirror - it grabs the repository for the platform you are using.  So if you are on an x86 machine, it will get the x86 repository.


It will run on the NAS without needing installation, so you can just run it there to make sure you get the repository you need for your platform.  Make sure you are saving to the data volume, as the OS partition is far too small.



Message 18 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

You can safely delete the pgp files and the inrelease file in the jessie and jessie-backport once local, keeping only the release file. the release file in the jessie-backport has an expiration date in it. You can change that to any date you want. \


You should keep everything in the Jessie-security repo. 


This will eliminate all the nagging error messages.

Message 19 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

I did successfully use apt-mirror to create local repositories.  And I had no problem getting the ARMHF and ARMEL  repositories running on an Intel-based system.  But I did have to run it on a Linux platform other than the NAS itself.

Message 20 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

@Sandshark wrote:

And I had no problem getting the ARMHF and ARMEL  repositories running on an Intel-based system.  

Both my RN102 and RN202 downloaded ARMEL with my mirror list (which didn't specify the platform).  Not sure what ReadyNAS use ARMHF, but the Netgear repositories include it, so I've also added that.


Here's my current mirror.list


deb-amd64 https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.0 updates apps main
deb-amd64 https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.1 updates apps main
deb-amd64 https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.2 updates apps main
deb-amd64 https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.3 updates apps main
deb-amd64 https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.4 updates apps main
deb-amd64 https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.5 updates apps main
deb-amd64 https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.6 updates apps main
deb-amd64 https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.7 updates apps main
deb-amd64 https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.8 updates apps main
deb-amd64 https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.9 updates apps main
deb-amd64 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie main contrib non-free
deb-amd64 http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie-backports main contrib non-free
deb-amd64 http://archive.debian.org/debian-security jessie/updates main contrib non-free
deb-armel https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.0 updates apps main
deb-armel https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.1 updates apps main
deb-armel https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.2 updates apps main
deb-armel https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.3 updates apps main
deb-armel https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.4 updates apps main
deb-armel https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.5 updates apps main
deb-armel https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.6 updates apps main
deb-armel https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.7 updates apps main
deb-armel https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.8 updates apps main
deb-armel https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.9 updates apps main
deb-armel http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie main contrib non-free
deb-armel http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie-backports main contrib non-free
deb-armel http://archive.debian.org/debian-security jessie/updates main contrib non-free
deb-armhf https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.0 updates apps main
deb-armhf https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.1 updates apps main
deb-armhf https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.2 updates apps main
deb-armhf https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.3 updates apps main
deb-armhf https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.4 updates apps main
deb-armhf https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.5 updates apps main
deb-armhf https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.6 updates apps main
deb-armhf https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.7 updates apps main
deb-armhf https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.8 updates apps main
deb-armhf https://apt.readynas.com/packages/readynasos 6.10.9 updates apps main
deb-armhf http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie main contrib non-free
deb-armhf http://archive.kernel.org/debian-archive/debian jessie-backports main contrib non-free
deb-armhf http://archive.debian.org/debian-security jessie/updates main contrib non-free

Total size is approximately 200 GiB.


Message 21 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

I did it like this:

echo 'APT::Get::custom-arguments "--allow-unauthenticated";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/999myconfig
Message 22 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

How DO you ensure it downloads to the data and not the root volume?

Message 23 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

@XtheUnknown wrote:

How DO you ensure it downloads to the data and not the root volume?

If you are talking about apt-mirror, I just created an apt-mirror share.  I put mirror.list in the share root, and ran apt-mirror while in the folder. 


Total size is about 200 GB, the OS partition is only 4 GB.

Message 24 of 71

Re: How I got apt update and install to work (with Debian Jessie retired)

That didn't work for me - I found my OS partition (directory: var/spool/apt-mirror/mirror) filling up rapidly...


So, I've edited the apt-mirror script (line 103) to specify my desired save location in the base-path configuration variable, which is probably not the best way to do it (I'm not a linux expert), but it seems to work (201GB downloading as I write)...



Message 25 of 71
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