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Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652


Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

I tried upgrading one of my devices today from 6.2.2 to 6.2.3 beta. This is a Pro 2 which I have been running on OS 6 since early 2014. The upgrade seemed to go fine and the system rebooted and I was able to reconnect, but soon after connecting to Frontview I started getting these messages:

Connecting to ReadyNAS Admin Page...

it would sit at that screen as the progress bar would go completely across without going back to the Frontview. I was still able to connect via ssh and rebooted the device. I found that Frontview would work for the first 30 seconds to maybe 2 minutes before I would get the connecting message again.

I was able to get frontview to work long enough after a reboot to downgrade back to 6.2.2 and everything seems to be working fine again. Just wanted to give a heads up in case someone else is seeing something similar or was thinking about trying this beta.

Message 1 of 24

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652


Upgraded last night, same symptoms this morning. I don't have SSH enabled however so I'm a little worried about how I could implement any forthcoming fixes...
Message 2 of 24
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

ahpsi, your issue appears to be related to Transmission.

cerjzc, do you also have Transmission installed.

There is a known issue with 3.00.6: http://www.readynas.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=153&t=76617
Message 3 of 24

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652


Thanks for the response. I do have Transmission installed on my Pro 6 which is running 6.2.2 and is working fine. On the Pro 2 I do not currently or have never used Transmission. The Pro 2 is the only one that I have tried beta 6.2.3 on and like I said yesterday I was able to back it down to 6.2.2 so currently I'm fine. I will take a look at the thread you provided though.

Message 4 of 24
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

I wondered if Transmission could have caused your problem too. I guess something else must have caused your issue.
Message 5 of 24
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

cerjzc or ahpsi did your I.P. address change?

One of our engineers has found this problem independently and diagnosed it as occurring sometimes when the I.P. address has changed after a reboot.
Message 6 of 24

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

No I don't believe it changed. I have it set to static and if I recall correctly it showed the same in Raidar when I tried to connect. And I could connect right after the reboot and move around the frontview pages for close to a minute before that message about "Connecting to ReadyNAS Admin Page..." came up and after that any further attempt to reconnect would go directly to that connecting screen with the progress bar moving across. I did a complete power off and disconnected the power cable to make sure I got a clean boot as well, but it acted the same. Initially I could connect and do actions, but soon it would fail. In fact I wasn't sure I would be able to get to the firmware loading page, but I had just enough time to browse to the 6.2.2 image and upload it before it failed.

Message 7 of 24

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

Just as an update I checked the frontview log and found that during the time I had 6.2.3 installed it was logging this over and over again:

Wed Jan 14 2015 17:57:36
System: ReadyNASOS background service started.
Wed Jan 14 2015 17:57:34
System: ReadyNASOS service or process was restarted.
Wed Jan 14 2015 17:55:00
System: ReadyNASOS background service started.
Wed Jan 14 2015 17:54:59
System: ReadyNASOS service or process (readynasd) was restarted.
Wed Jan 14 2015 17:54:33
System: ReadyNASOS background service started.
Wed Jan 14 2015 17:54:32
System: ReadyNASOS service or process (readynasd) was restarted.
Wed Jan 14 2015 17:54:06
System: ReadyNASOS background service started.
Wed Jan 14 2015 17:54:05
System: ReadyNASOS service or process (readynasd) was restarted.
Wed Jan 14 2015 17:53:39
System: ReadyNASOS background service started.
Wed Jan 14 2015 17:53:38
System: ReadyNASOS service or process (readynasd) was restarted.
Wed Jan 14 2015 17:53:11
System: ReadyNASOS background service started.

If there is further information or logging that might still be available I can try to track it down.

Message 8 of 24
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

If you download the logs do you see anything in readynasd.log that may indicate why it restarted ?
Message 9 of 24

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652


The readynasd.log does appear to have quite a bit of information around that time. Is it possible to attach the log or send it to someone that might be able to look at it. I can cut and paste it here if needed, but there are probably a 100 or more lines from when 6.2.3 was installed and the readynasd process was restarting over and over again.

Message 10 of 24
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

There is a Sending Logs link in my sig.
Message 11 of 24

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

The readynasd.log file has been emailed.

The upgrade was done on the 14th at 17:30.

Message 12 of 24
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

Can you send in the full logs zip file?
Message 13 of 24

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

Full logs have been sent.

Message 14 of 24
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

Hi cerjzc think the issue you encountered is already addressed internally. So you may wish to try Beta 3 once that is made available.
Message 15 of 24

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

Ok sounds good. I will just keep an eye out for the next release and see about giving it a try.

Thanks for taking a look. Just wanting to check to make sure I assume there would be a way to install the firmware via ssh if frontview is not available?

Message 16 of 24
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652


# cd /root
# wget http://www.readynas.com/download/beta/readynasos/6.2.3/ReadyNASOS-6.2.3-T1652-x86_64.img
# echo /root/ReadyNASOS-6.2.3-T1652-x86_64.img > /etc/.flash_update
Message 17 of 24

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

Perfect thanks again.

Message 18 of 24
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

I could be wrong about it being fixed, but it looks like it should be easy to reproduce and our engineers can use more verbose logging to help them to pinpoint the cause of the issue.

I think the entry I saw around the crash may not be related to the problem.
Message 19 of 24

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652


I see that Beta3 has been released. In reviewing the release notes I'm not sure if the issue I was seeing was resolved or not. Do you think it is worth trying it or should I hold on and stick with 6.2.2 for now.

Message 20 of 24
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

Try 6.2.3 beta 3. Our engineers saw the issue too internally. It should be fixed in Beta 3.
Message 21 of 24

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

Just to close this issue out. The 6.2.3 beta 3 did appear to resolve the problem. I let it run for several hours with no issues and then on my Pro 2 I did go ahead and upgrade it to the newer 6.3.3 beta and it also appears to be working fine as well.

Message 22 of 24

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

You might want to consider upgrading to 6.3.3 beta, I have been running that on Ultra 4 plus with no problems
Message 23 of 24

Re: Issue with new beta 6.2.3-T1652

6.2.3 beta 3 fixed mine also. Haven't tried 6.3.3 yet and unsure if the Transmission bug affected anything. Backed up the system to an NVX but I forgot about limiting what it backed up and it filled the NVX up with snapshots (I believe). In any case the beta worked for me.

Message 24 of 24
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