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Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS


Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

Weird. It sounds like you might have mounted the sparsebundle on your machine and you're seeing inside it. When you say "a directory on the NAS", do you see the directory on the share volume that is mounted on your Mac?

I'd try removing the sparsebundle (or directory) from the share, unmounting the share, creating a new sparsebundle, remounting the share, copying it over, and then seeing if you can start a backup.
Message 26 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

wildeep wrote:
Thanks for helping.

i am using RAIDiator 4.01c1-p1 [1.00a041] and the drive is mounted using AFP

I seem to recall p1 had a slot of signficiant issues. Please entertain the notion of going to 4.01c1-p2. (heck p3 is already well into beta)
Message 27 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

jarrah wrote:
btaroli wrote:
Actually, I'd be more curious if Apple addressed the issue that originally resulted in TM's inability to create the sparsebundle directly on the NAS

No. The sparsebundle gets created (I can see it on the share), but the backup still fails with "The backup disk image could not be created."

Silly Apple. 😞 :nashammer:

I can positively report that 10.5.3 does not break my TM backups though. Not so much as a burp since.
Message 28 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

OK, have just tried again. I created a new sparsebundle in the terminal on local machine and its a single file like a dmg, when i copy to my backup share on the NAS it stays as a single file until i select it as my time machine disk, when it then changes to a directory and i can see the previously mentioned file in. It only shows like this when mounted through AFP, when mounted through SMB it looks like a dmg again!. I have mounted the same share through SMB and AFP

I have just done some more testing and actually have it backing up now. but... this only works when i have the CIFS service turned on, previously i only had the AFP service on. Doing some more testing, when turning CIFS off the backup fails again with the error that the disk cannot be mounted. Strange!

Anyone else have it all working with only the AFP service on?
Message 29 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

btaroli wrote:
wildeep wrote:
Thanks for helping.

i am using RAIDiator 4.01c1-p1 [1.00a041] and the drive is mounted using AFP

I seem to recall p1 had a slot of signficiant issues. Please entertain the notion of going to 4.01c1-p2. (heck p3 is already well into beta)

There isn't a 4.01c1-p2. There was a 4.00c1-p2 which is what your link points to. The next release is 4.01c1-p3. See this thread
Message 30 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

wildeep wrote:
Anyone else have it all working with only the AFP service on?

Yes, I only have AFP enabled on my shares. This looks like a Finder preference thing. I wouldn't worry about it.
Message 31 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

jarrah wrote:
btaroli wrote:
wildeep wrote:
Thanks for helping.

i am using RAIDiator 4.01c1-p1 [1.00a041] and the drive is mounted using AFP

I seem to recall p1 had a slot of signficiant issues. Please entertain the notion of going to 4.01c1-p2. (heck p3 is already well into beta)

There isn't a 4.01c1-p2. There was a 4.00c1-p2 which is what your link points to. The next release is 4.01c1-p3. See this thread

Ugh... was thinking one thing and typed another. Sure p3 is the next release, but still beta. I do seem to remember having problems with 4.01c1-p1 and quickly hopped onto the p3 beta. I can't necessary suggest it, but T37 has behaved very well for me.
Message 32 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

wildeep wrote:
Hoping someone can provide some advice as to why i cannot get Time Machine to backup to my ReadyNAS NV+

I have followed all the instructions exactly but when TM begins backup i get the error that the "the backup volume could not be mounted"

i have a .sparsebundle file in an AFP share called 'TMBackup' directory on the readynas. My spare bundle is called 'macpro_0017f20101dc.sparsebundle' which matches my host name and ethernet ID.

any ideas please?

I spend hours trying to figure this out yesterday.

It turns out the under 10.5.3, you are NOT supposed to mount the backup volume manually.

TM seems to mount the volume and then the sparsebundle all by it self now when I do "backup now".

If I mount the Backup volume first (like I always did before as part of the login setup) it gave me "backup volume could not be mounted" errors and failed.
Message 33 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

Thanks to everybody for figuring this out!

I've done a fair amount of searching but haven't found anything that details the process for restoring from the ReadyNAS when your hard disk dies. As far as I know, the Mac OS disc can't "restore system" from a network drive. Anybody know?
Message 34 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

I recently purchased the ReadyNAS duo and based on this thread, I have decided to try to make TIme Machine work on the unit. After reading the various instructions and links, I thought I would throw out an idea and see if you guys that this might work.

I have an AirPort Extreme N as my base station. I know that you can now connect a USB Drive to the USB port and us it as a Time Machine. This has been true since the Time Capsule release. It creates all the " criteria" needed to make it work with your mac.

Here is my idea. Why not just copy the data from the AirPort attached Time Machine to the ReadyNAS. Then tell Time Machine the new location.

Any thoughts.
Message 35 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

stevesreed wrote:

It turns out the under 10.5.3, you are NOT supposed to mount the backup volume manually.

TM seems to mount the volume and then the sparsebundle all by it self now when I do "backup now".

If this helps, I can confirm that this works for me in 10.5.2 and 10.5.3 without the need for any manual mounting. I have two separate shares set up each with one sparsebundle, each backing up a separate Mac via TM, with no problems to date (about three months). Before TM has done its first backup since power on, it shows disconnected status, but then when it kicks off for the first time both the AFP share and the spareimage within it both get mounted for the duration of the backup.
Message 36 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

wardie wrote:
I have two separate shares set up each with one sparsebundle, each backing up a separate Mac via TM, with no problems to date (about three months).

It's always been my understanding that you can point multiple Leopard systems to the same share and each will target it's own sparsebundle for backup. Or did you settle on multiple shares because that wasn't working?
Message 37 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

I have 3 mac's backing up to separate sparsebundles all on the same share. Works perfectly under 10.5.2 and 10.5.3 with no manual mounts or dismounts

Message 38 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

btaroli wrote:

It's always been my understanding that you can point multiple Leopard systems to the same share and each will target it's own sparsebundle for backup. Or did you settle on multiple shares because that wasn't working?

No reason other than that I thought it may be useful to limit the size per share, but the sparebundle sizing does that anyway now I think about it. I may consolidate them onto one share as I can't see any reason why that would not work, as per btaroli's post above.
Message 39 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

I am using 10.5.3 OSX and it works a treat.

never had to restore yet tho..... 😉
Message 40 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

I got to test the Time Machine restore after Drive Genius defrag destroyed my hard drive... lucky me... I successfully performed a restore after doing some tricks with the Terminal during the restore process... however, once I restored my system the Time Machine backup was erased along with all my historical backups... not quite sure what happened there... just a caution that Time Machine may not be enough of a backup and I recommend a full drive image backup using something like Super Duper or Carbon Copy Cloner in conjunction with Time Machine.
Message 41 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

Just FYI for everyone... Im running time machine on my NAS box... and I lost a hard drive. Apple replaced it and I restored the files via time machine with no issues! whew!

Message 42 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

0deuce0 wrote:
Just FYI for everyone... Im running time machine on my NAS box... and I lost a hard drive. Apple replaced it and I restored the files via time machine with no issues! whew!


Sure sounds like you should be doing a testimonial 😉
Message 43 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

0deuce0 wrote:
Just FYI for everyone... Im running time machine on my NAS box... and I lost a hard drive. Apple replaced it and I restored the files via time machine with no issues! whew!

Did you have to do the usual workarounds in order to mount a network volume while booting from the DVD? I haven't tried this kind of bare metal restore yet, so I'm curious about the steps you had to go through.
Message 44 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

What is the difference of me having this setting
defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1

and the manual process listed here ?
Message 45 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS


By default TM will not show network volumes for selection when specifying the backup volume - this setting enables that feature so that TM can back up to a NAS device rather than just an external drive / Time Capsule etc

It is disabled by default as Apple do not support this functionality

Message 46 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

teeruku wrote:
What is the difference of me having this setting
defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1

and the manual process listed here ?

On later 10.5.x releases (starting with 10.5.3 IIRC) that option no longer needs to be set.

What *did* happen, unfortunately, is that a bug was introduced that prevented the automatic creation of the backup volume (in 10.5.3 IIRC)... hence the creation of the "manual" process you refer to.
Message 47 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

sphardy wrote:

By default TM will not show network volumes for selection when specifying the backup volume - this setting enables that feature so that TM can back up to a NAS device rather than just an external drive / Time Capsule etc

It is disabled by default as Apple do not support this functionality


This is no longer true with later 10.5.x releases. I haven't had this option set in my installation since 10.5.3, and i'm on 10.5.4 now. TM is working like a champ.
Message 48 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS


I have found this to not be the case - I have recently had issues with a hard drive that has caused me to setup TM multiple times under both 10.5.3 and 10.5.4. In all cases I needed to set the preference before I could use a NAS volume

Message 49 of 172

Re: Making Time Machine work with the ReadyNAS

I am not 100% sure about this, but the T120 code is the only change in the topology,

can anyone else confirm if their time machine backups are still working?

I got a error saying there was not enough space on the NAS when there are x00's free...
Message 50 of 172
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