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Re: ReadyNAS NV+ limit at 2TB?


ReadyNAS NV+ limit at 2TB?

I had an old ReadyNAS NV+ from several years ago that crapped out and decided to get a brand new NV+ to replace it a few weeks ago.

I swapped the disks out of the old box and into the new one, and everything works great.

I subsequently decided to upgrade the disks on the new box from 4 x 750gb to 4 x 2TB disks (Hitachi HDS722020ALA330) by taking the old disks out of the new box one at a time and replacing them with the larger disks. This worked great - all my data is now on the new disks - but unfortunately the volume size still appears to be only 2TB (should be ~6TB).

I've pasted some more information below, but am not really sure why the volume size didn't expand. Help!

Model:	ReadyNAS NV+ [X-RAID]
Firmware: RAIDiator 4.1.6 [1.00a043]
Memory: 256 MB [2.5-3-3-7]
Volume C: Online, X-RAID, 4 disks, 87% of 2010 GB used

# tune2fs -l /dev/c/c
tune2fs 1.40.2 (12-Jul-2007)
Filesystem volume name: c
Last mounted on: <not available>
Filesystem UUID: cbb74878-b9fa-450e-90ea-e71f356be42d
Filesystem magic number: 0xEF53
Filesystem revision #: 1 (dynamic)
Filesystem features: has_journal ext_attr filetype needs_recovery sparse_super large_file
Default mount options: (none)
Filesystem state: clean
Errors behavior: Continue
Filesystem OS type: Linux
Inode count: 267780096
Block count: 535535616
Reserved block count: 0
Free blocks: 63464043
Free inodes: 266928852
First block: 0
Block size: 4096
Fragment size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Fragments per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 16384
Inode blocks per group: 512
Filesystem created: Fri Jan 19 13:32:53 2007
Last mount time: Wed Nov 3 14:18:51 2010
Last write time: Wed Nov 3 14:18:51 2010
Mount count: 4
Maximum mount count: 29
Last checked: Mon Nov 1 01:47:56 2010
Check interval: 15552000 (6 months)
Next check after: Sat Apr 30 01:47:56 2011
Reserved blocks uid: 0 (user root)
Reserved blocks gid: 0 (group root)
First inode: 11
Inode size: 128
Journal inode: 8
Default directory hash: tea
Directory Hash Seed: 6f941e24-5d26-4fa0-ba97-d6f645538d3b
Journal backup: inode blocks

# cat /proc/cpuinfo
cpu : Infrant Technologics, Inc. - neon version: 0
fpu : Softfpu
ncpus probed : 1
ncpus active : 1
BogoMips : 186.36
MMU : version: 0
LP : HW.FW version: 0.1
FPGA : fpga000000-0 Configuration: 0
AHB arbitraion : 7
CPU id : 0
Switch : 0
ASIC : IT3107

# uname -a
Linux xxx.xxx.xxx #1 Tue Jun 9 13:59:28 PDT 2009 padre unknown
Message 1 of 7
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: ReadyNAS NV+ limit at 2TB?

block size is 4096 which means you last factory defaulted using RAIDiator 3.x. With RAIDiator 4.x the block size for newly created volumes has been changed. Volumes created using RAIDiator 3.x cannot be expanded past 5TB.

You can either contact tech support to manually expand your volume to 5TB or:
1. Backup all data
2. Verify backup is good
3. Update to latest RAIDiator
4. Factory default
5. Restore Config Backup
6. Restore data from backup

Volume then would be ~ 5.4TB

Regarding your NAS that died, do you still have it? If so, does the serial number of the dead unit fall in the range for the Service Action?:
Service Action to Prevent PSU Failures in ReadyNAS NV/NV+
yoh-dah wrote:
Service Action to Prevent Premature Power Supply Failures in ReadyNAS NV/NV+

A small percentage of ReadyNAS NV (revision B) and NV+ owners with low-noise fanless power supply unit (PSU) may encounter a premature failure of the PSU due to elevated temperature. The ReadyNAS systems affected have Serial numbers between 000DA2010FFE and 000DA2016000. If you are unsure if your serial number falls within the hexadecimal range, you can use a hex calculator. (Click hex and overwrite the '0' with your serial number and click dec. If the number falls in the range of 58552553470 and 58552573952, then you should proceed with this service action.) Owners of ReadyNAS NV revision A who have replaced their original fan with the newer fanless PSU could be affected as well.

If your serial number is in the range, depending what region you are in NetGear may replace the PSU even if your ReadyNAS is out of warranty!

Welcome to the forum!
Message 2 of 7

Re: ReadyNAS NV+ limit at 2TB?

I don't see a reply addressing the 2TB limit. After doing the same upgrade and being disappointed with the 2TB limit - I found a reference stating that the sparc based machines (including the NV+) have a 2TB limit - with no plans to upgrade. (Took a while to find it and haven't found it since).

I posted a related note here: http://www.readynas.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=55738
Message 3 of 7

Re: ReadyNAS NV+ limit at 2TB?

Again, you have posted a reference about Time Machine this has nothing to do with X-Raid which has no such limit. Anyone who initialized a volume on an NV+ with RAIDiator 4.x and has fully populated with 750GB drives or larger, will see a volume greater than 2TB. When mine had 4x1TB drives the volume was 2.7TB of redundant space. See the other thread in which you posted for further info.
Message 4 of 7

Re: ReadyNAS NV+ limit at 2TB?

You're right - this linked off of my posting about share sizes - and it did sound as if the poster had done all the steps to get more space and hit a 2TB limit - sounded very much like my problem. My apologies - but there *is* a 2TB filesize/share limit that makes the 5.4TB I upgraded to largely (i.e., 3.4TB) unavailable for my needs.
Message 5 of 7

Re: ReadyNAS NV+ limit at 2TB?

Well, since I don't have 2TB of data on the system across all shares, I cannot address that. But, the only 2TB limit I am aware of is the drive size. Older units that started with RAIDiator 3.x and have upgraded to 4.x without a factory default to establish a clean volume under 4.x utilizing the 16K block size, may have other limitations.
Message 6 of 7

Re: ReadyNAS NV+ limit at 2TB?

There is more detail about the limitation here: viewtopic.php?f=71&t=49058
Message 7 of 7
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