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Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP


ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

Hi there,


I am running a ReadyNas Ultra 2, on the latest OS (6.10.7) and the device has a reserved IP address.


As of yesterday, I was able to access the NAS via Windows Explorer / Mac Finder using SMB connection. However, when attempting to login via 192.160.x.xxx/admin, the NAS was refusing to accept the Username and PW, despite these not being changed in years.


I therefore followed guidance on this forum to re-install the OS, to attempt to re-set PW's, without losing the stored data.


Since then, I am unable to browse to the admin page, I get the error 'This site can't be reached' in Chrome, and similar errors on other browsers. I am also unable to connect via Windows Explorer / Mac Finder.


I am able to access the DNLA enabled shares still via other devices on the network, and I have successfully pinged the NAS via CMD Prompt. I can also see the device when running RAIDar, RAIDar shows the status as 'Healthy', but I cannot download logs, access diagnostics as I get a PW error.


Any help would be much appreciated!!



Message 1 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

@BigReyRey90 wrote:


I am able to access the DNLA enabled shares still via other devices on the network, and I have successfully pinged the NAS via CMD Prompt. I can also see the device when running RAIDar, RAIDar shows the status as 'Healthy', but I cannot download logs, access diagnostics as I get a PW error.


What password were you using?  The default admin password (applied by the OS reinstall) is password.


@BigReyRey90 wrote:


Since then, I am unable to browse to the admin page, I get the error 'This site can't be reached' in Chrome, and similar errors on other browsers. I am also unable to connect via Windows Explorer / Mac Finder.


Was ssh enabled on the NAS?

Message 2 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

Hi Stephen,


Thanks for the reply.


I am attempting to use password, but I face the following error in RAIDar;

Screenshot 2022-05-08 141449.png



Regarding SSH, I believe it was enabled, I have just attempted to connect via FileZilla;


Screenshot 2022-05-08 142003.png


Thank you




Message 3 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

Did you try using your old password in RAIDar?


FileZilla only does file transfer (SFTP).  You could try entering ssh root@  into the windows search bar, and see if that connects.  Try both the old and new admin passwords.  You will get an authentication prompt the first time you try this (related to the ssh fingerprint).

Message 4 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

Using the ssh root@ option, the CMD window just hangs and remains blank, therefore there is no prompt for Username / PW.


I have tried all combinations of old password for both the admin login, as well as my own user login and unfortunately don't get an luck.


On a side note, would the DLNA function still work, if the OS re-install wasn't successful?

Message 5 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

@BigReyRey90 wrote:

Using the ssh root@ option, the CMD window just hangs and remains blank, therefore there is no prompt for Username / PW.


Sorry, I meant ssh root@ (the IP address of your NAS).


Also, run CMD, and enter net view \\  Normally you would see the share list - let us know if that is the case.  Be careful to use the correct slash direction in this command.


@BigReyRey90 wrote:


On a side note, would the DLNA function still work, if the OS re-install wasn't successful?

Yes, it could.


Message 6 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

Apologies, I misunderstood - this time I was able to access via SSH and using 'password', I think it has let me in;



Netview did not appear to work;



Message 7 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

@BigReyRey90 wrote:

Apologies, I misunderstood - this time I was able to access via SSH and using 'password', I think it has let me in;




Start by entering ls -als /data  Make sure that you see your shares in the output.


Then try entering systemctl status apache2 -l --no-pager You can then copy/paste the output of that command into a reply.


Do the same with systemctl status smb -l --no-pager



Message 8 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

Thank you. Here are the outputs;


ls -als /data  


root@Ben_NAS:~# ls -als /data
total 48
32 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 152 Jun 18 2018 .
16 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 224 Feb 9 22:19 ..
0 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 120 Jun 20 2018 ._share
0 drwxrwxr-x 1 root root 140 May 7 18:20 .apps
0 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Jun 18 2018 .purge
0 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Dec 12 2014 .timemachine
0 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Sep 20 2014 .vault
0 drwxrwxrwx+ 1 Ben guest 54 Oct 27 2017 Backup
0 drwxrwxrwx+ 1 guest guest 1090 Apr 23 11:01 Documents
0 drwxrwxrwx+ 1 guest guest 24334 Apr 21 21:52 Movies
0 drwxrwxrwx+ 1 guest guest 14382 Feb 14 2015 Music
0 drwx------+ 1 Ben admin 1368 May 17 2017 Pictures
0 drwxrwxrwx+ 1 guest guest 2322 May 6 22:29 TV
0 drwxr-xr-x 1 admin admin 56 Mar 30 2017 home


The shares are correct


systemctl status apache2 -l --no-pager


root@Ben_NAS:~# systemctl status apache2 -l --no-pager
● apache2.service - The Apache HTTP Server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/apache2.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sun 2022-05-08 12:12:37 +04; 2h 55min ago
Process: 3039 ExecStartPre=/frontview/bin/fvapps (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)

May 08 12:12:36 Ben_NAS systemd[1]: Starting The Apache HTTP Server...
May 08 12:12:37 Ben_NAS systemd[1]: apache2.service: Control process exited, code=exited status=203
May 08 12:12:37 Ben_NAS systemd[1]: Failed to start The Apache HTTP Server.
May 08 12:12:37 Ben_NAS systemd[1]: apache2.service: Unit entered failed state.
May 08 12:12:37 Ben_NAS systemd[1]: apache2.service: Triggering OnFailure= dependencies.
May 08 12:12:37 Ben_NAS systemd[1]: apache2.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.


systemctl status smb -l --no-pager


root@Ben_NAS:~# systemctl status smb -l --no-pager
● smb.service - Samba SMB Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/smb.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: signal) since Sun 2022-05-08 12:12:20 +04; 2h 56min ago
Main PID: 2632 (code=killed, signal=SEGV)

May 08 12:12:20 Ben_NAS systemd[1]: Starting Samba SMB Daemon...
May 08 12:12:20 Ben_NAS systemd[1]: smb.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV
May 08 12:12:20 Ben_NAS systemd[1]: Failed to start Samba SMB Daemon.
May 08 12:12:20 Ben_NAS systemd[1]: smb.service: Unit entered failed state.
May 08 12:12:20 Ben_NAS systemd[1]: smb.service: Failed with result 'signal'.


@StephenB thank you again so much for your expertise !

Message 9 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

Does entering systemctl restart smb give you any errors?


If not, then try another systemctl status smb afterwards, and check that the service didn't fail again.  If this works, then you'd be able to access the shares again with explorer or finder.  I think the best thing to do at that point is to back up all the files.



Message 10 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

systemctl restart smb produces the following output;


root@Ben_NAS:~# systemctl restart smb
Job for smb.service failed because a fatal signal was delivered to the control process.
See "systemctl status smb.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

Message 11 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

Ok.  Let's check for a full OS partition.


Enter these commands:


mount --bind / /mnt
du -hs /mnt

and report the result.


Message 12 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

Thank you




root@Ben_NAS:~# mount --bind / /mnt
root@Ben_NAS:~# du -hs /mnt
647M /mnt

Message 13 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

@BigReyRey90 wrote:

647M /mnt

Definitely not full - in fact it's smaller than we usually see.


Can you post the output of du -h -d1 /mnt ?



Message 14 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

Thank you


root@Ben_NAS:~# du -hs /mnt
647M /mnt
root@Ben_NAS:~# mount --bind / /mnt
root@Ben_NAS:~# du -hs /mnt
647M /mnt
root@Ben_NAS:~# du -h -d1 /mnt
7.4M /mnt/bin
0 /mnt/boot
24K /mnt/dev
12M /mnt/etc
0 /mnt/home
34M /mnt/lib
4.0K /mnt/lib64
0 /mnt/media
0 /mnt/mnt
4.6M /mnt/opt
0 /mnt/proc
20K /mnt/root
0 /mnt/run
12M /mnt/sbin
0 /mnt/selinux
0 /mnt/srv
0 /mnt/sys
0 /mnt/tmp
293M /mnt/usr
286M /mnt/var
0 /mnt/data
76K /mnt/apps
647M /mnt

Message 15 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

Ok.  /mnt/var looks rather small.  Try entering du -h -d1 /mnt/var

Message 16 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

du -h -d1 /mnt/var output;


root@Ben_NAS:~# du -h -d1 /mnt/var
0 /mnt/var/opt
86M /mnt/var/backups
0 /mnt/var/agentx
0 /mnt/var/local
69M /mnt/var/log
4.0K /mnt/var/spool
0 /mnt/var/mail
45M /mnt/var/cache
52M /mnt/var/lib
0 /mnt/var/tmp
4.0K /mnt/var/www
8.0K /mnt/var/netatalk
22M /mnt/var/cores
0 /mnt/var/ftp
13M /mnt/var/readynasd
8.0K /mnt/var/readydrop
286M /mnt/var

Message 17 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

@BigReyRey90 wrote:

52M /mnt/var/lib

I think there should be more stuff in this folder.  My RN102 shows 243M.


Do you have a current backup of your data?  If you have an NTFS-formatted USB drive, we can copy files off to it.

Message 18 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

Thanks - would you suggest the NAS is irreparable?


I have some of the data backed up, but would like to take a full back up and then restore this, onto a new NAS, if you believe this one is on it's last legs.


I have about 1.5tb of data on the NAS, and do not have access do a drive that size right now. Could we test this using a smaller USB storage drive?


Alternatively, is it possible to copy the data to a local drive on my laptop?




Message 19 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

@BigReyRey90 wrote:

Thanks - would you suggest the NAS is irreparable?

No, there is no evidence of that.


@BigReyRey90 wrote:


I have about 1.5tb of data on the NAS, and do not have access do a drive that size right now. Could we test this using a smaller USB storage drive?


Yes, assuming it is formatted using a format that the NAS supports.  NTFS is probably the best option.


You can copy one share at a time, if that helps.

Message 20 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

Ok, so would you suggest the best plan would be to backup all the data, and then factory reset the device?


Could you share commands to test backing up shares to NTFS formatted USB?


Thank you again

Message 21 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

@BigReyRey90 wrote:

Ok, so would you suggest the best plan would be to backup all the data, and then factory reset the device?


Yes, that would be a good plan.


@BigReyRey90 wrote:


Could you share commands to test backing up shares to NTFS formatted USB?


The first step is to see if the NAS has automatically mounted the USB drive or not.  Entering mount | grep media will show you if it's mounted.  You should see something like /dev/sdc1 on /media/USB_FLASH_2 - perhaps not using sdc1, and likely showing something other than USB_FLASH_2.




Message 22 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

Yes, using one of the rear USB's, I believe it has been recognized and mounted;


root@Ben_NAS:~# mount | grep media
/dev/sdd1 on /media/USB_FLASH_2 type ufsd (rw,noatime,nodiratime,nls=utf8,fmask=0,dmask=0)
/dev/sdd1 on /run/nfs4/media/USB_FLASH_2 type ufsd (rw,noatime,nodiratime,nls=utf8,fmask=0,dmask=0)

Message 23 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

@BigReyRey90 wrote:

Yes, using one of the rear USB's, I believe it has been recognized and mounted;


root@Ben_NAS:~# mount | grep media
/dev/sdd1 on /media/USB_FLASH_2 type ufsd (rw,noatime,nodiratime,nls=utf8,fmask=0,dmask=0)
/dev/sdd1 on /run/nfs4/media/USB_FLASH_2 type ufsd (rw,noatime,nodiratime,nls=utf8,fmask=0,dmask=0)

Great.  To copy a share, you'd enter cp -rpv /data/sharename /media/USB_FLASH_2/sharename (using the real sharenames of course).  If you use a different drive, the USB_FLASH_2 bit will be different.  Redoing the mount | grep media command will tell you what that part of the pathname should e.


The three options (-rpv) are 

  • r: recursive - copying subfolders and the files in them.
  • p: preserve - this tries to preserve file modification dates, permissions, and ownership.  If you get a lot of errors (saying this is unsupported), you can omit this
  • v: verbose - this lists the files as they are copied - giving you some assurance that everything is working as it should.

You should unmount the drive before removing it - if you don't, you will need to let the PC "repair" it when you connect it to the PC.  Also, the NAS will mount the USB drive as read-only the next time you insert it if you don't do the PC "repair" procedure.  The command for that is umount /media/USB_FLASH_2 Note the spelling for "umount" (it is not "unmount").


If you use the private folder feature, make sure that you copy /data/home.  Your private folder(s) will be in that folder.



Message 24 of 35

Re: ReadyNas Ultra 2 - OS 6.10.7 - Only accesible via DLNA / UPNP

Thank you - I managed to get this process to start.


Can I browse the folder structure, down to the individual files using another command? This will help me verify that I have successfully copied the data off of the NAS.


If I wanted to copy the entire disk in one go, is this possible? Is there a command to do so?


Lastly, how do I track the progress of the copy and now once the process is complete?



Message 25 of 35
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