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Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk


Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

I replaced a failed disk this morning and the Readynas pro did not automatically synchronizes, still reports "Vol C unprotected". The last time his occurred the readynas reported a secondary disk failure when it was rebooted and I had to contact Readynas Support to have the data exported and the nas rebuilt.

I would like to avoid at cost. What is the best method of "Automatically synchronizing" the raid?

1) is there a command i can do via ssh?
2) should i just reboot the box? hoping to have a successful rebuild?
3) should I place the failed drive back in the box, shutdown, replace drive and then bring it back up?

Anyone have a clue?
Message 1 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

What log entries are there after you inserted the new disk?
Did you hot insert it?
What does the volume page tell you in Frontview?
Vol C unprotected will continue to be the status until a resync is complete. Are you certain that a resync is not occurring?

What firmware?
Message 2 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

Radiator 4.2.25, yes the disk is inserted, but i guess it does not hurt to take it out and re-insert it again.
yes, hot insert

NAS syslog herehttps://www.dropbox.com/s/davwz1k8d0jbq4w/Nas-syslog.txt not sure what other logs are needed.
NAS Volume info. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kksvhybxuz5nwyt/Nas-%20Volume.PNG

As far as can tell resync is not active.

also, from the volume screen, it does not appear the new disk is recognized, What next?
Message 3 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

Try hovering your mouse over the disk icon on the bottom of the frontview screen. You should see some status.
Message 4 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

if you referring the disk label with the flashing light - that just reports same as the volume.


Drive does not show up. Or i should say reported as DEAD.

Pulled drive out - still says DEAD, when none exist.
Tried a different drive. No change.
Message 5 of 26
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

Do you have an up to date backup?

Have you contacted support? If so do you have a case number?
Message 6 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

reported as "dead" is different from "didn't resync".

Anyway, you should be backing up your data if you haven't done that already. And I agree with mdgm you should contact support.
Message 7 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

Aurg!!! What is the point of having redundancy if it is not going to work!

Hopefully i can start backing this thing up!
Message 8 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

ylafont wrote:
Aurg!!! What is the point of having redundancy if it is not going to work!...
I get your frustration. But if you hadn't had redundancy in the beginning, you would have lost your data already. And support might be able to get your new disk recognized w/o needing a factory reset.

Did you check the drive with lifeguard (assuming it is a western digital model)? Sometimes they actually are DOA.
Message 9 of 26
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

Without access to your full logs zip file support won't be able to confirm what the issue is. If you haven't already opened a case please open one and attach the logs zip file. Also please let me know the case number.
Message 10 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

StephenB - you are right of course.

I am backing up via USB now, Will take another day at least. The NAS is still up so, all logs should be readily available.

Spare drive was good. I am using it now to perform them back-up. NAS Just do not recognize the drive. I have a feeling the reported bad drive may still be good. But not taking any chances.

MDGM - What logs do you need?
Message 11 of 26
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

Message 12 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

Message 13 of 26
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

Disk 3 (the WD20EADS-32R6B0) is showing as spare and isn't responding to SMART. Is that the disk you removed?

I would suggest you contact support and see if they have any suggestions.
Message 14 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

mdgm wrote:
Disk 3 (the WD20EADS-32R6B0) is showing as spare and isn't responding to SMART. Is that the disk you removed?

I would suggest you contact support and see if they have any suggestions.

There is a spare in the slot, NAS never responded when the drive was swapped. I am waiting until the backup is completed before contacting support. Don't want to waste their time and most likely will tell me to back up!
Message 15 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

ylafont wrote:
mdgm wrote:
Disk 3 (the WD20EADS-32R6B0) is showing as spare and isn't responding to SMART. Is that the disk you removed?

I would suggest you contact support and see if they have any suggestions.

There is a spare in the slot, NAS never responded when the drive was swapped. I am waiting until the backup is completed before contacting support. Don't want to waste their time and most likely will tell me to back up!

This thing is still backing up, but i just thought of something - What is support going to do? reinitialize and redo setup?
Message 16 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

Well, of course you can do that on your own. It could come to that, but they might see another way.
Message 17 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

StephenB wrote:
Well, of course you can do that on your own. It could come to that, but they might see another way.

I guess, worth a shot just in case.
Message 18 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

I am going to go out a limb, here and say this is software related and a major bug.

This is the second time the Readynas reports a disk failure. When the disk is swapped out, No sync occurs. A Secondary drive failure is reported once the device is rebooted. Allowing you to believe there are multiple simultaneous drive failures. I have seen this reported else where.

This is almost the exact same occurrence I reported last year. (NETGEAR Online Case # 21269399). with this case, there was noting wrong with either drive that was reported. At least no errors were reported once i performed a system test on the initial reported drive. I haven't done that yet with the one i just replaced. Once my data completes the Sync i test the drive i replaced.

Attached are the latest logs. It says the drive 2 was removed, that was not the case. It was never touched. Also stated the new drive failed s.m.a.r.t.

found it interesting that once i rebooted the device alerted me up a system updated. Had not done that in the last 6 months. afterwhich the s.m.a.r.t warning was gone.

Message 19 of 26
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

Some of your disks are very old.

one of them has a non-zero current pending sector count.

Some of your disks have very high load cycle counts.

You are only using 1345 GB of your volume.

My recommendation would be to backup your data and do a factory reset with just the Hitachi and some new disks e.g. WD RED and see if you still have issues. I don't recommend using Green disks in a RAID array.
Message 20 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

Agreed - NAS came with green drives when it was initially purchased. Don't have the funds the replace all six drives plus and additional two right now that is about $1,000 or over. So i have to make do for now.

There is about 8 TB of data being moved now. I figured, moving the files to external drives was the easiest method rather the copying them. Then I have know what was moved and keep track of what went to each drive. Unless there is preferred method of backup up the NAS to multiple external drives.

This would not be bad if the NAS would just sync when a new drive was inserted and does not explains why the NAS reports multiple drive failures when aren't any.
Message 21 of 26
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

The problem is likely related to your drive choice and the drive(s) that is(are) failing.
Message 22 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

mdgm wrote:
The problem is likely related to your drive choice and the drive(s) that is(are) failing.

I hear ya! will have to place drive replacements on my list! Maybe Christmas will come early this year!
Message 23 of 26
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

You could try backing up your data and doing a factory reset with just a couple of disks installed and see if that helps.

Then when you get more disks install those.

Note we do have a few expansion limits.

If your volume capacity was e.g. 2.7TB when you last did a factory reset you cannot expand past 10.7TB

You cannot expand past 16TB. You have to do a factory reset with that capacity in place.
Message 24 of 26

Re: Readynas Pr0 - Replace failed disk

Just to clarify

Is the 16TB total the maximum allowed on this device? Currently I have 12TB. I suspect the 4TB drives will come down in price soon now that 8TB drives available and was hoping to purchase those. But if 16TB is the max then i will have to stick with the 3TB.

Message 25 of 26
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