Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up


Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

Hello all,

My Netgear ReadyNAS Pro Pioneer does not want to turn back on after a clean shutdown. Early today, I needed to physically move the device to another location. I pressed the front power button twice to shut it down gracefully. Once it was off, I unplugged the device and moved it. Later on, I re-connected all the cables (power, ethernet) and tried to turn the device back on by pressing the front power button... but nothing. It won't turn back on, no matter what I've tried.

Some things I checked/tried:
- Making sure the master power switch in the back is enabled.
- Checked for any loose cables.
- Tried different electrical outlets.
- Left the ReadyNAS completely disconnected for 5+ minutes, hooked the wires back in, and tried to start it.

It seems like the front power button is not triggering the powering of the system. Has anyone experienced anything like this? Please advise. I'm at a loss as to why it won't start after shutting it down normally.

Message 1 of 24
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

When did you purchase this unit? The Pro Pioneer has a 3 year warranty.

I suggest you contact NetGear tech support and post your case/RMA number (whichever you get).
Message 2 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

This is rather basic, but assuming that there is another working device connected to the outlet, have you tried another modular power cord?

Just a point, x-86 based units (Original Pros, NVX, Ultras and new Pros), if they have been powered down normally, should power back up automatically once power has been removed from the device and power is reapplied. One thing that will interfere with that is if the unit suddenly loses power, it must be manually restarted. Also if there was an automatic shut down/power up schedule in place, on some older firmware versions if you manually shut down the unit, you will have problems restarting the unit.
Message 3 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

mdgm wrote:
When did you purchase this unit? The Pro Pioneer has a 3 year warranty.

I suggest you contact NetGear tech support and post your case/RMA number (whichever you get).

I purchased it in June of 2009. Of course the hardware warranty just had to expire a couple of months before this occurred. 😕 I've contacted support. My case number is 19284888.
Message 4 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

PapaBear wrote:
This is rather basic, but assuming that there is another working device connected to the outlet, have you tried another modular power cord?

Just a point, x-86 based units (Original Pros, NVX, Ultras and new Pros), if they have been powered down normally, should power back up automatically once power has been removed from the device and power is reapplied. One thing that will interfere with that is if the unit suddenly loses power, it must be manually restarted. Also if there was an automatic shut down/power up schedule in place, on some older firmware versions if you manually shut down the unit, you will have problems restarting the unit.

I have tried a different power cord...no avail. Also, there was not a shut down/power up schedule in place to my knowledge. Up until the (physical) move, I rarely shut it down.
Message 5 of 24
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

Have you checked that the RAM is properly seated? It may have come loose when you moved the system, however you'd still expect some responsiveness if that were the problem.
Message 6 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

mdgm wrote:
Have you checked that the RAM is properly seated? It may have come loose when you moved the system, however you'd still expect some responsiveness if that were the problem.

I did check the RAM when the issue first started. But yesterday, after your suggestion, I tried to re-seat the single stick in the other available memory slot. Still nothing.

Thank you for your suggestions. If you have anymore, please let me know. In the meantime, I have a case open with support. Would you happen to know if I can purchase an agreement or an extended warranty to get faulty hardware replaced (e.g., power supply) in the ReadyNAS if my default warranty expired a couple of months ago?
Message 7 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

How has it been solved? Have a 4y old unit (mostly powered off) with the same problem. Not looking forward to a RMA procedure.
It doesn't look we get the product quality one should expect from Infrant/Netgear after all.
Message 8 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

ehgeahrev wrote:
How has it been solved? Have a 4y old unit (mostly powered off) with the same problem. Not looking forward to a RMA procedure.
It doesn't look we get the product quality one should expect from Infrant/Netgear after all.
You are complaining even though your 4-year hardware is still covered by warranty? :?
Message 9 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

StephenB wrote:
You are complaining even though your 4-year hardware is still covered by warranty? :?

I could be wrong but I think warranty is only 2 years, right? And it shouldn't break in the first place.
Message 10 of 24
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

The warranty on the Pro Pioneer is 3 years.

Hardware can and does fail at any time.
Message 11 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

My ReadyNAS Pro Pioneer has also died (halfway through a restripe) and will not power back on, no matter what I try. Purchased 5th month 2009, so out of warrantee also.
Is this a throwaway or can you purchase power supplies ??? :evil:
Message 12 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

falco wrote:
Is this a throwaway or can you purchase power supplies ??? :evil:

The power supply in my Pro Pioneer (and probably yours as well) is a Seasonic SS-300SFD. Replacements are available from numerous online vendors for $45-$60.
Message 13 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

Thanks for that. Ordered a new power supply and will update this thread when all done.
Message 14 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

I also have 2 RNPs that are dead. One was shutdown a week ago after working for a long time. The other stored away. Both behave identical. If a known good power cord is connected, Ethernet interface activity led blinking (traffic), but pushing the power button does nothing. A third one works as expected. Is there anything that can prevent the power up? Buffer battery, power supply fuse, ...? Is there a "real" hardware manual? The one online doe not have details on the hardware. I don't hope both broke with the same error at the same time? Hopefully I do not have to migrate to the one that is working.
@falco: I would appreciate your feedback and details about exchange if the power supply was the broken part.
Message 15 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

Update on my Power Supply problem.
I just received the new aftermarket SeaSonic SS-300SFD power supply for my ReadyNas Pro.
Unfortunately for me the new power supply is different than the old one. The main 24 pin cable that connects to the mainboard is only 350mm long, and the original is 500mm long.
Consequently the cable doesn't reach and the power supply is useless to me.
I might add that BOTH power supplies have EXACTLY the same part number on them. (SS-300SFD REV A4W)
So I think I will cut my losses and bin this.
Just wanted to let people know that the statement "The power supply in my Pro Pioneer (and probably yours as well) is a Seasonic SS-300SFD. Replacements are available from numerous online vendors for $45-$60." above is incorrect and unfortunately it cost me $75 to find that out. :?
I phoned Netgear and they redirected me to the notoriously unfriendly, unhelpful, Netgear distributor (Synexx) here in Australia.
Message 16 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

falco wrote:
The main 24 pin cable that connects to the mainboard is only 350mm long, and the original is 500mm long.
Consequently the cable doesn't reach and the power supply is useless to me.

The fix for this costs around $3 in the USA.
Message 17 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

As per fastfwd's suggestion. I purchased the 24 pin extension cable for my Pro Pioneer and its fixed the problem and up and running again. Only problem, is, it took two weeks to get the extension cable here from Hong Kong.
Message 18 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

Thank you to all on this thread, especially Falco and fastfwd. My Pioneer Pro (2009 vintage, recently out of 5-yr warranty), died. At first, I had no idea what was wrong. However, reading here about the flickering LAN port and no other signs of life was the clue I needed to identify the psu as the problem. Netgear TechSupport was useless. Thanks to this thread, I bought the psu and extension cord (Canadian $60) and the unit is working again 100%. $1700 saved and I did not have to migrate my disks! Encouraged by this success, so next up is updating the Bios, CPU and OS (in that order) as per other threads on the forum. After a fresh backup or two of course!
Message 19 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

Labdoc, I have the same exact problem. I see the LAN port flickering weak amber light.

Can you advise which Power Supply and Extension cord you purchased? Is it the following PSU and Cable?


Message 20 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

The power supply is the Seasonic one I mentioned at the top of this page.
Message 21 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

I have a Readynas Pro Business vintage June 2009 cease powering up.  It was on very rarely and used for offsie backup; almost like new.  I have another RPB from late 2008 that is on all the time and running strong.  I was a little disappointed with the 6/2009 unit.  I orderd the Seasonic power supply noted earlier in the thread from Newegg on sale fot $39.00 and the extension cord for $7.  Hopefully the unit will be up and running after I install the parts.


Does anyone have a schmatic or parts diagram as to how I should disassemble the unit to install the new power supply?

Message 22 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

Is the Seasonic SS-300SFD the only psu that can be used with the Pro Pioneer?

I have a Pioneer that has recently died it appears.

It showed the constant reboot symptom that I have read about in other forums for a while.

Then at last didn´t turn on at all.

I have tried replacing the psu with a differet one.

It´s a working atx psu. It doesn´t fit in the cabinet (sits outside), but all the cables fit and are safely connected (power 24pin,4 pin, psu fan and 3xmolex)

Can this rule out the psu as being the problem or am i doing something wrong?

The only "life" it shows right now is the blinking lan lights:-(

Message 23 of 24

Re: Readynas Pro Pioneer won't power up

I just wanted to offer my two cents on this. I have had a couple of scares on this as I have been doing some cleaning/upgrades on my old Pioneer Pro recently. I have found that for some reason if you press the backup button in some combination with the power button the system does eventually turn on and funtions as normal.


Not really sure what the deal is, but I may purchase a back up power supply just in case.

Message 24 of 24
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