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Re: Slow Upload Times


Slow Upload Times

I just completed a very large shoot of a dance recital (~6,000 pics) and am trying to upload them using the option that allows me to load from files already on the NAS. It is taking more than 30 secs per picture to upload each file. At this rate it will take FOREVER to get these things ready for hosting.

Can someone please help me with what I need to look at or tweak to speed things up?

I am using a NV+ v2 with 4 2TB drives in RAID X2.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated before my wife drives me crazy asking when the pictures will be available.

Message 1 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

Are you using WiFi or ethernet?

What % full is the NAS?
Message 2 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

There is 5.2TB free / 5.4 TB

I have tried to hard wire them both through the router as well as my wireless NC connection. There wasn't an improvement in performance. I am thinking it has to do with something on the NAS as all the data is already on the unit?
Message 3 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

5.2 TB free or 5.2 TB used?

Note there is a drastic slowdown if the v2 is more than 80% full. If you have only .2 TB free, than you are at 97% full.

If you are 97% full the "solution" (arguably a work-around) is to archive 1 TB of data temporarily (perhaps to a USB drive) and delete it from the NAS. That should let you finish the project.

Then expand the volume, by replacing at least two of them (preferably 3) with 3 TB models. I suggest the WD RED WD30EFRX, be sure to google the forum on the specific drive model before you buy. Don't depend on the HCL alone.

BTW, do you have a backup?
Message 4 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times


I just started using this thing a couple of weeks ago.
Message 5 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

OK. If you have only used 3% of your capacity, then this performance issue is not related to the amount of data already loaded. That is good news.

Is your wired network gigabit or 100 mbit ethernet?

Also, note that if you purchased the unit new, you are entitled to 90 day free phone support - so you could try calling Netgear. After that, you can still get free support via support.netgear.com
Message 6 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

Both the wired and wireless are Gigabit.

I have an open case with Netgear. Hopefully something will come of it...

I did buy it new, but from Amazon - not sure if that makes a difference?
Message 7 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

wido78 wrote:
...I did buy it new, but from Amazon - not sure if that makes a difference?
No, all that matters is that you are the original purchaser (the warranty is not transferable).
Message 8 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

The same issue here. I have all connected on gigabit ethernet network. It is unusable.

Netgear support will only support us if we pay them even though the product is brand new.
Message 9 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

New purchases get 90 free phone support. After that free support requires that you use support.netgear.com
Message 10 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

wido78 wrote:
I just completed a very large shoot of a dance recital (~6,000 pics) and am trying to upload them using the option that allows me to load from files already on the NAS. It is taking more than 30 secs per picture to upload each file. At this rate it will take FOREVER to get these things ready for hosting.

Can someone please help me with what I need to look at or tweak to speed things up?

I am using a NV+ v2 with 4 2TB drives in RAID X2.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated before my wife drives me crazy asking when the pictures will be available.

Message 11 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

Was this problem ever resolved? I am having the same issue with my unit. It is a ReadyNAS nv+v2.

Message 12 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

I am using a NV+ v2 with 2x 2TB drives in RAID 0.

The same problem with a slow upload time photos. Appr. 24sec. for 1.2 mb JPG.

I thought that my router have a problem with upload speed to the nas server, but i test to upload jpgs directly from the NAS server directory media, and it`s take up the same time - 25sec. per file.

It`s quite terrible. I`m photographer and this is life existence to me - to share my albums to my clients. If this take up an hours and time consuming for appr. 300-800 shots...this NAS server is unusable for me. I`d like to return to Netgear.

I`ve read only this topic in internet network and I`m really disapointed with my NAS server.

No suggestions, and community silence the problem.

Message 13 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

@ted74 wrote:

I am using a NV+ v2 with 2x 2TB drives in RAID 0.

The same problem with a slow upload time photos. Appr. 24sec. for 1.2 mb JPG.

I thought that my router have a problem with upload speed to the nas server, but i test to upload jpgs directly from the NAS server directory media, and it`s take up the same time - 25sec. per file.

It`s quite terrible. I`m photographer and this is life existence to me - to share my albums to my clients. If this take up an hours and time consuming for appr. 300-800 shots...this NAS server is unusable for me. I`d like to return to Netgear.

I`ve read only this topic in internet network and I`m really disapointed with my NAS server.

No suggestions, and community silence the problem.

This is your first post of the problem.  This thread is years old, and the OP opened a support ticket.  He never followed up with the resolution here (which of course was his choice).


-is this problem new, or have you always had it?

-when did you purchase the NAS?  Was it used or new?

-if you upload a jpg to an empty folder, is that quicker?  Or the same?

- are you using a Windows PC or a Mac?  What protocol are you using to share the files?  CIFS/SMB?  HTTP? or AFP?

-are you using ReadyNAS Remote?

-what firmware is on the NAS



Message 14 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

On the your question:

1/ is this problem new, or have you always had it?

My answer: Yes, the problem is a new, because my purchase is from 20Sept. 2015g.


2/-when did you purchase the NAS?  Was it used or new?


On ebay, as you see the screenshot.  The item was absolutely new, wrapped with a sill and absolutely new.


3/ -if you upload a jpg to an empty folder, is that quicker?  Or the same?

The speed is great, when upload pictures or files to an empty folder or on the existing folder.


4/ - are you using a Windows PC or a Mac?  What protocol are you using to share the files?  CIFS/SMB?  HTTP? or AFP?

Now I`m using Mac, Yosemite 10.10.4 ver.

Please, see the link: http://s8.postimg.org/te5x93qmt/Screen_Shot_2015_10_06_at_18_48_56.jpg  there is full information.

Actually I use CIFS and AFP protocols, but I suggest that the problem is out there. The files /pictures/ located in internal folder on NAS server in folder "pictures". I try to upload it from this place to photos II, and the speed is as a snake.


5/-are you using ReadyNAS Remote? 

absolutely - that is the point.

6/-what firmware is on the NAS

5.3.11 - as you see the screenshot.


Thank you for your attention. But the problem is a disaster for me..... I have a 3-5 foto session per week and this is very important to my job.

Message 15 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

I do understand that this is business-critical for you.


You didn't say before that this is a performance issue only with the photos II application.  


Try registering the NAS and then open a support case.  You are entitled to 90 day support after purchase.  Not sure if they can resolve it or not (you have an entry level NAS, so its application performance is limited).


Also - just some info you might find useful.  Your ReadyNAS is an NV+ v2.  The v2 is important - the v1 was a very different platform.  


Though you just purchased it new, it has been end-of-life for a couple of years now.  The RN104 is the current model in that performance class.  Netgear views that as a home NAS product. The RN314 is what they'd recommend for a business. 


Message 16 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

1/ "You didn't say before that this is a performance issue only with the photos II application. "

Yes, the problem is only with photos II application.


2/ (you have an entry level NAS, so its application performance is limited) - I disagree with you. 

Yes - home NAS ok, Bussiness model OK, but entry and advanced is unacceptable description.

It`s no comment speed photo upload to link with a bussiness or home nas model.

if i upload pictures from my smartphone to create  nas phopto album ... this will be not a businees model.


Ok, this model is far away from new release line, but currently nv.2 is seling on amazon.com as a new item. Hardware is OK, but big difference between this one and new models is a platform architecture.


i`ll try with 1 GB DDR replace 256 mb DDR nas memory. Now I havent yet 1 gbDDR.


Message 17 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

@ted74 wrote:


2/ (you have an entry level NAS, so its application performance is limited) - I disagree with you. 

Yes - home NAS ok, Bussiness model OK, but entry and advanced is unacceptable description.


Sorry if it offends you, but "entry level" is exactly correct. That is the slowest/least capable but also least expensive product.  


Check the original 2011 product announcements yourself - 


"NetGear Expands Entry-Level Network Attached Storage"






"Netgear tells us the new NAS should be its entry-level options for at least 12-18 months"


The RN100 series is the current entry level product.  It replaced the NV+ v2 over 2 years ago.  Obviously some retailers still have inventory.

@ted74 wrote:



i`ll try with 1 GB DDR replace 256 mb DDR nas memory. Now I havent yet 1 gbDDR.


The memory is not upgradeable (it is soldered onto the system board).


Anyway, I suggest contacting support.

Message 18 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times


I appreciated you activity, but it`s not appropriate to link magazine network article with a description - "entry level".

Where Netgear describe their models entry .... I write absolutelu bla bla.

You can see the original Netgear description:


What is your opinion about "small business" netgear description?  Why Netgear don`t describe my item as "entry..."?! 

I appreciate that you are netgear`s defendant, but when the problem is visible ... I cant understand your destructive position.

Netgear offer photos 2 share, but maybe they should to fix 24 sec. upload per picture...it`s unusable function overall..


If I looking for avanced nas server....I suggest you can buy maybe this is for 1500$ is OK in your opinion....http://s3.postimg.org/dc9arugv7/Screen_Shot_2015_10_08_at_12_07_49.jpg 

When I buy my item I`m looking for network protocol supporrt, OS support and service ....and everything was OK...instread...

I stop talking to you ...you are absolutely destructive...


Message 19 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

Sorry to upset you, but the information I posted was completely accurate (and the information in the links were based on netgear press briefings).


There's nothing wrong with entry-level.  I have a Duo v1, and NV+ v1 and an RN100.  All are/were entry level when I got them.  They do what I purchased them to do, I have gotten good value from them, and I am fine with them. But there are limits to their performance.  My RN200 and ReadyNAS Pro-6 can do things that the v1 and RN100 units simply can't.


I don't use Photos II, so I have no direct experience with the system load it creates.  It is possible your issue can be resolved by support (which is why I keep suggesting that you use support.netgear.com).   But it is also possible that your NAS is underpowered for what you want to do with it.


The history here: 


The original ReadyNAS NV+ v1 was launched around 2007, and at the time was a competitive NAS for small business.  I have that machine btw, and it is still in service as a backup unit.  Your jpg appears to be for the v1.


As time went on, the v1 NAS gradually became uncompetitive, and the business line shifted to the x86 platform (ReadyNAS Pro).  The faster home NAS also became based on the x86 (ReadyNAS Ultra), and the NV+ became entry level.  This started in late 2008, when the Pro was introduced.


By 2011, low cost ARM NAS were easily outperforming the NV+ v1, so Netgear replaced it with the v2.  It was definitely entry level -  the x86 NAS were faster and had more features.  As noted in one of the links, the v2 filled a short term gap - Netgear said when they launched it that it would be their entry level platform for 12-18 months.


In early 2013, Netgear replaced the entire product line with OS6 - currently RN100, RN200, RN300, RN500, RN700.


Message 20 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

I have just bought the NAS314 model. While testing system the upload speeds are killing me too. Have not called support but after readying this was hoping answers whould be simple and given here but all I see is that all users with same slow upload of photo promblem call support. Again this is just for uploading to the ReadyNAS photoII. Photos already on my 314 just importing to ReadyNAS photoII. Seems like it will never finish import, very very slow.

Message 21 of 23
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: Slow Upload Times

Hello Hottubliving,


Welcome to the community!


Please describe your network setup, like where is the NAS connected, is it connected to a switch, is the computer you are using connected to the same switch, etc.


Please also include the apps currently running on the NAS and the firmware version of your NAS.



Message 22 of 23

Re: Slow Upload Times

Hi Dear Customer,

i`d like to inform you wha happen with my problem with slow photo upload service via  NV+ v2 with 2x 2TB drives in RAID 0.

I try to replace memory stick 256 mb with 1GB Samsung memory stick.

This is impossible to upgrade memory on  NV+ v2 becasue the 256mb memory is logic board stick.

I cant understand why my attempt, when I was describe to do on thi discussion, no one write that it`s not possible.

All at all it`s a good tools and service, but if you have a big number of pictures and you want to create photo presentation you need a couple of hour to finish their upload.

Maybe creating the flash gallery it`s a big time consuming, or resizing each of picture to gallery it`s not a good algorithm.

If you buy  any  NAS server...I suggest you try everything with the same  one and testing their performance.

Acces from phone, local network, speed time upload, service, support,software,  web options etc....

If I buy another NAS I take a vow to drain it to 200% from any testing angle..


Sorry manifacture - but NAS server it`s not only a good construction with terrible support. NAS it`s not only a RAID 0,1,5....there is a new time option via phone, access, software and support.



Message 23 of 23
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