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Re: Spotweb and Readynas


Spotweb and Readynas

Does somebody know how to install spotweb on a readynas ?"

If yes perhaps they could leave a small how to here, so that others can benefit from there experience.

Thx in advance, regards.
Message 1 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

http://synology.brickman.nl/syn_howto/H ... potweb.txt

This is how it works on synology nas. So why should it not work on a readynas ?

Nobody here with experience on spotweb ?!
Message 2 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

The test file looks ok. (See screenshot) I've not progressed it any further than that, as I'm not sure it's of any use to me, and I'm short of time to dig deeper at the moment. Will try again at the weekend if time permits.

It was pretty straightforward to get that far though. You'll need to create your own "spotweb" (no quotes) database for it, (I use PHPMyAdmin) and you will have to grant permissions on the Spotweb directory (I temporarily put the dir' in Webroot to test) and restart Apache. I think that was about all I did.

Installation is covered here mostly. https://github.com/spotweb/spotweb
Message 3 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

Thx very much for your reply. To make this work i need a step by step instructions on how to do this.
I have not found this on the internet net yet for the readynas. People with limited skills like me could then have there own spotweb on a readynas.

Thx for the link you provided but ik would not know where to start.
Message 4 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

cobels wrote:
Thx very much for your reply. To make this work i need a step by step instructions on how to do this.
I have not found this on the internet net yet for the readynas. People with limited skills like me could then have there own spotweb on a readynas.

Thx for the link you provided but ik would not know where to start.

I'll have to have a further look at it, as all I did was run No 7 on the installation instructions. I went no further than that.

I've never made an addon, although it does interest me, but I doubt I'd find the time to sit down and try that. A simple step by step guide might be possible, but I'm not promising anything.

You have SSH access? Any addons installed?

PHPMyAdmin I used to create the required database.
Message 5 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

I have SSH access but my knowledge of that is just copying what is see on the internet i do not understand the syntax. I have addons sab couch sickb etc. Thx you for takeing a look at it.
Message 6 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

Anyone have any idea how to install spotweb on readynas ultra? https://github.com/spotweb/spotweb#readme

Where is the web root folder on the readynas?
Message 7 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

TMiland wrote:
Anyone have any idea how to install spotweb on readynas ultra? https://github.com/spotweb/spotweb#readme

Where is the web root folder on the readynas?

It usually gets installed when you've added some Addons, particularly those from Super_Poussin.

Whatever, Webroot was just an example location, you could put it (Spotweb Dir) where you like, within reason.
Message 8 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

Can anyone write a tutorial for this one? its most essential in this dark period
Message 9 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

Now spotplanet is going down it was time for me to install Spotweb on the ReadNas(x86).
I have created a step-by-step tutorial.
Hopefully it will help you. Success!

// Create a website share
I made a share called 'www' and skipped step 4

//Enable Root SSH Access

//Install MysqlOn add-on

//Install PHP 5.3 add-on

//Set timezone (Using frontview: Add-ons->Installed->PHP5)
//Edit both php.ini files. Search for date.timezone.
//Edit the line so it matches your timezone (example: date.timezone = Europe/Amsterdam)

//Create spotweb database and user (change user and password)
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON spotweb.* TO "user" IDENTIFIED BY "password";

//Install spotweb
cd /c
wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/spotweb/spotweb/tarball/master
tar -xvzf master
mv spotweb-spotweb-* /c/www/spotweb
rm master

// Configure apache
//Install nano:
apt-get update
apt-get install nano

nano /etc/frontview/apache/httpd.conf  

// Put these lines under the line 'Include /etc/frontview/apache/Shares.conf' and save.
	Alias /www /c/www
<Location /www>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

// Restart apache
killall apache-ssl
/usr/sbin/apache-ssl -f /etc/frontview/apache/httpd.conf

//Configure spotweb
//Run the installation wiazrd:

//Save your db settings:
cd /c/www/spotweb
nano dbsettings.inc.php

//copy and paste these lines, change user and password to yours and save:
$dbsettings['engine'] = 'mysql';
$dbsettings['host'] = 'localhost';
$dbsettings['dbname'] = 'spotweb';
$dbsettings['user'] = 'user';
$dbsettings['pass'] = 'password';

//Update database schema
php upgrade-db.php

//Retrieve spots for the first time
php retrieve.php

//Run spotweb

//Retrieve new spots every 30 minutes (create cronjob)
crontab -e

// Copy this line and save
*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/php /c/www/spotweb/retrieve.php >> /var/log/spotweb.log

That's all
Message 10 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

Hi sign2apple, did follow all the lines but at moment i want to install this


nothing there to install, at least install.php is not there.
checked the install folder and saw that file is there on my server.
But could it be that port must be added in line?

//Configure spotweb
//Run the installation wiazrd:
Message 11 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

See follow message: HTTP 403 forbidden access
Message 12 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

Take a look in apache's error.log
tail /var/log/frontview/error.log
nano /var/log/frontview/error.log
search(ctr+w) for the string spotweb
What does it say?
Message 13 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

Here the log file, check below link and open log.zip


Did see the follow error often:
apache-ssl: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName


[Sat Dec 29 17:39:56 2012] [error] [client] Options FollowSymLinks or SymLinksIfOwnerMatch is off which implies that RewriteRule directive is forbidden: /frontview/ui/resource/html/spotweb/install.php

As i saw it was forbidden error do io need i give alle peaple acces to shares to get first all installed?
Message 14 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

Yeah having the same problem now after playing around with frontview which caused a apache restart.
I did solved this by making some changes in httpd.conf, but I removed this later, because I thought it was not necessary and that is why I didn't put it in the tutorial.
I lost the changes I made to httpd.conf, but I have a temporay workaround.
Rename .htaccess to something else:
cd /frontview/ui/resource/html/spotweb
mv .htaccess htaccess.bak

This is not a really a good solution because we are missng some functionality now (https://github.com/spotweb/spotweb/wiki/Spotweb-als-Newznab-Provider)
but it works for now.
I will search for a better solution later and rewrite the tutorial.
Message 15 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

Thanks, was looking for that file saw now after error message on google to update that one.
Was looking in appache setting, but now i got the page ....let install it 🙂

Almost there, one more prob i guess.

//Install nano:
apt-get install nano <--Reading done, building done, e:couldn't find package nano

Looks like editing tool, can do it within winSCP
Message 16 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

Yes nano is an editing tool
Maybe you have to do an apt-get update first.
I don't know about winSCP.
you can also create a text file using notepad and copy that to the directory.

Did you make changes to httpd.conf or did you renamed .htaccess to solve this issue about 403 error
Message 17 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

Indeed all working now(all you said i did do), getting first bulk of data in database.
Looks like it take some time, will let him do his work 🙂

Thanks for the help, will use it for remote( vpn tunnel)
Message 18 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

Yes retrieve.php for the first time can take up a couple of days.
Maybe it is a better to do this in a batch job.
Message 19 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas


Thanks for your reply to my tutorial request. didn't tried it yet, but seems pretty straight forward. will look into it later on (still a week to go:)

EDIT: works flawless .. Thanks!
Message 20 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

I updated the tutorial.
Changes I made:
Moved spotweb to a web share(/c/www), instead of frontview's sub dir (because frontview's sub dirs maybe overwritten by an firmware upgrade).
Made some changes to httpd.conf, this was nessesary to avoid 403 error and keep the .htaccess file.
Not necessary to rename .htaccess anymore, so we can use Spotweb as a Newznab provider.
Message 21 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

I am having an issue with this when trying to connect with couchpotato and sickbeard
thing is they can't communicate.

i followed this tutorial:

but i can't make it work with ReadyNAS since i can't figure out how to enable mod_rewrite and AllowOverride wich i think is the issue here.
when i try to test manually using:


i get this error:

Not Found

The requested URL /c/www/spotweb/index.php was not found on this server.

can you please help??
Message 22 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

Try adding those lines to httpd.conf add the end of the <Location /www> block and restart apache.
  RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !api/
RewriteRule api/?$ spotweb/index.php?page=newznabapi [QSA,L]

Haven't fully tested couchpotato/newznab functionality yet, so the tutorial may need some modifications.
Message 23 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas


Now i can actually see XML when i open: http://server/spotweb/api?t=c
but still can't make it work with couchpotato or SickBeard
Message 24 of 27

Re: Spotweb and Readynas

Should work with CP.
Works for me though.
Can you find something in CP's log?
Take a look at the requests CP makes to spotweb?
Do you see anny errors?
Message 25 of 27
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