Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102


System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

Please can someone help, I am a total novice with these things. I have read some of the post about the same issue, it talks of SSH mumbo jumbo...lol. I have switched SSH on in  the admin GUI so should be good to go if someone can guide me. I have switched antivirus off as its been suggested on other posts that this could be the problem. latest firmware was installed a couple of weeks ago (possibly when the problem started) no apps installed. every thing has been good up until now, I just use it as a basic nas for home network.

Message 1 of 72

Accepted Solutions

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

Be careful here, as there are support implications in trying to fix this yourself.  Typing the wrong thing can do damage, and require you to do a factory default to recover.  So I recommend backing up the NAS first.  https://kb.netgear.com/30068/ReadyNAS-OS-6-SSH-access-support-and-configuration-guides


You first disable the AntiVirus service - which it sounds like you have already done.


The second step is to enable SSH in the NAS web ui in system->settings.  If your password is still set to password, you also need to change it to something else.


Now you need a program to connect to the NAS using SSH.  Windows 10 has a program built in (called ssh).  So do Macs (terminal).  For other windows versions you need to install putty from https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html  (and you can also use putty on Windows 10 if you like).


Then you use that program to connect to the NAS:

  1. ssh root@nas-ip-address on Windows 10 (entered on the Windows 10 search bar)
  2. launch terminal, enter ssh root@nas-ip-address on the mac
  3. launch putty, make sure ssh is selected as the connection type. Enter the nas-ip-address and click open.  Enter root as the username.

Use the real NAS IP address of course. It's important to log in as rootDon't log in as admin.   When you see the password prompt, enter the NAS admin password (root and admin use the same password).


If you have trouble launching one of these programs, then you can post back (or just google for more info).


Be careful on the typing of the commands below. Be sure to use the correct slash direction, etc.


After you are logged in, you enter


cd /var/lib/clamav
ls -lsh


You should now see a folder listing, with some folders that look like clamav-<very long string>.tmp


If you don't see these tmp folders, then post back and tell us what you do see.


If you do see these tmp folders, then you remove them by entering

rm -r clamav-*.tmp
ls -lsh

You should now see a second folder listing, and those tmp folders should be gone.


@asimb has posted a screen shot illustrating these commands:  https://community.netgear.com/t5/Using-your-ReadyNAS-in-Business/System-volume-root-s-usage-is-xx-Th...


I'm taking the liberty of re-posting that screen shot here.



I recommend leaving the AntiVirus service off - at least for now.

View solution in original post

Message 3 of 72

All Replies

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

Just checked my log


Jan 28, 2019 06:53:50 PM
System: Firmware was upgraded to 6.9.5.

Message 2 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

Be careful here, as there are support implications in trying to fix this yourself.  Typing the wrong thing can do damage, and require you to do a factory default to recover.  So I recommend backing up the NAS first.  https://kb.netgear.com/30068/ReadyNAS-OS-6-SSH-access-support-and-configuration-guides


You first disable the AntiVirus service - which it sounds like you have already done.


The second step is to enable SSH in the NAS web ui in system->settings.  If your password is still set to password, you also need to change it to something else.


Now you need a program to connect to the NAS using SSH.  Windows 10 has a program built in (called ssh).  So do Macs (terminal).  For other windows versions you need to install putty from https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html  (and you can also use putty on Windows 10 if you like).


Then you use that program to connect to the NAS:

  1. ssh root@nas-ip-address on Windows 10 (entered on the Windows 10 search bar)
  2. launch terminal, enter ssh root@nas-ip-address on the mac
  3. launch putty, make sure ssh is selected as the connection type. Enter the nas-ip-address and click open.  Enter root as the username.

Use the real NAS IP address of course. It's important to log in as rootDon't log in as admin.   When you see the password prompt, enter the NAS admin password (root and admin use the same password).


If you have trouble launching one of these programs, then you can post back (or just google for more info).


Be careful on the typing of the commands below. Be sure to use the correct slash direction, etc.


After you are logged in, you enter


cd /var/lib/clamav
ls -lsh


You should now see a folder listing, with some folders that look like clamav-<very long string>.tmp


If you don't see these tmp folders, then post back and tell us what you do see.


If you do see these tmp folders, then you remove them by entering

rm -r clamav-*.tmp
ls -lsh

You should now see a second folder listing, and those tmp folders should be gone.


@asimb has posted a screen shot illustrating these commands:  https://community.netgear.com/t5/Using-your-ReadyNAS-in-Business/System-volume-root-s-usage-is-xx-Th...


I'm taking the liberty of re-posting that screen shot here.



I recommend leaving the AntiVirus service off - at least for now.

Message 3 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

you can find a brief instruction how to do here  https://community.netgear.com/t5/Using-your-ReadyNAS-in-Business/System-volume-root-s-usage-is-xx-Th...   message 3, 7 and 10 (especially jpg-attachment).

Model: RN102|ReadyNAS 100 Series
Message 4 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

Thanks for the quick reply, I think I have got my head round this, one problem....when I try to run SSH command prompt (which I find by searching in the bottom left search box) it only shows up briefly on my screen and disappears...any ideas why this is?


Message 5 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

Ok i managed to find a way of getting command prompt ssh enabled using youtube.

next problem is I get to this line

root@'s password:

and it wont accept any key presses from the keyboard..


any suggestions guys?


Message 6 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

Ok Ok stick with me here guys, managed to get it to accept password, not sure how, I think its invisible typing.

anyway the line clamav# ls -lah is whats on the screen grab

and on the text box on this post it say clamav# ls -lsh

so im not sure what to do. lah or lsh

if someone could clarify I would be grateful.


Message 7 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

went with ls -lsh and it seems to have worked.

tmp files now gone.

does anyone know if this will this be fixed in the next firmware update so I can turn on the antivirus?


many many thanks to the guys who helped.

I will post again if it starts sending me emails again.


Message 8 of 72
Not applicable

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

@JohnT123456 wrote: "does anyone know if this will this be fixed in the next firmware update so I can turn on the antivirus?"


On RN10X antivirus service will no longer be available beginning with 6.10 due to the limited resources of this product line.


Message 9 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

Thanks, this helped and the files are gone.

Hopefully message stays out.


When / How will we be informed that antivirus can be switched on again?




Message 10 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

Great Topic started getting the same errors a couple days ago.


  RN104 with 4 x 4TB WD Red on 6.9.5.


I found the same issue, clamav folder was filling up. I noticed a couple weeks ago that the AV indicator in the web gui had turned yellow, and a few days ago received the "System volume root's usage is 82%. This Should not occur under normal conditions. Contact Technical Support" message from my NAS RN104, this has been working perfectly since new.

root@ReadyNAS:/var/lib# du -d1 -h
40K     ./connman
4.0K    ./snmp
4.0K    ./dbus
8.0K    ./mdadm
4.0K    ./nut
12K     ./apache2
30M     ./mysql
4.0K    ./insserv
120K    ./ucf
4.0K    ./libuuid
2.6G    ./clamav
32K     ./php5
13M     ./dpkg
2.6M    ./samba
72M     ./apt
4.0K    ./update-rc.d
8.0K    ./vim
4.0K    ./replisync
28K     ./pam
4.0K    ./misc
8.0K    ./sudo
136K    ./systemd
4.0K    ./urandom
16K     ./nfs
4.0K    ./initscripts
2.7G    .
root@ReadyNAS:/var/lib# cd /var/lib/clamav/
root@ReadyNAS:/var/lib/clamav# ls -lhS
total 276M
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 162M Mar 6 04:14 daily.cld
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 113M Oct 9 2017 main.cvd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 990K Jan 2 17:21 bytecode.cld
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Mar 12 04:18 clamav-1052674f670d6fa214f5d8723b001e10.tmp
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Mar 17 13:22 clamav-12c4946d6d4083884efc403bb8b31b15.tmp
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Mar 19 13:23 clamav-30c842f8c25ec16062fb0b6ab310b83d.tmp
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Mar 11 04:17 clamav-381bb4ee2680af85d7b6a0312043aff8.tmp
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Mar 7 04:14 clamav-3b65e5839c926ce2d5b94f6533d2a416.tmp
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Mar 9 04:15 clamav-4bf40655f003ddd7324deceb0e68f929.tmp
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Mar 12 13:26 clamav-60161bf85190b4b62e96e7c28aa0d5fd.tmp
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Mar 8 04:15 clamav-622892ca4baa94df9e6b4c5e6635ecea.tmp
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Mar 13 13:27 clamav-6b4e0c8587bdc08fee089fb74b67c604.tmp
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Mar 18 13:22 clamav-8f9e7433684605db15a69dd76769f85b.tmp
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Mar 15 13:21 clamav-9dc4d920abae9ed1649e0370c8e823cd.tmp
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Mar 14 13:21 clamav-a5c4514b24634f7e4ea9fbbfd20cda1e.tmp
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Mar 10 04:16 clamav-df569d3b49c09f275d74b7fd9e44b9a8.tmp
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Mar 16 13:22 clamav-f8970b2254f8259e1a5d0e67140b8466.tmp
-rw------- 1 root root 1.4K Mar 19 13:23 mirrors.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 48 Mar 6 04:16 antivir.ini
root@ReadyNAS:/var/lib/clamav# du -d1 -h
166M ./clamav-df569d3b49c09f275d74b7fd9e44b9a8.tmp
166M ./clamav-12c4946d6d4083884efc403bb8b31b15.tmp
166M ./clamav-4bf40655f003ddd7324deceb0e68f929.tmp
166M ./clamav-3b65e5839c926ce2d5b94f6533d2a416.tmp
166M ./clamav-f8970b2254f8259e1a5d0e67140b8466.tmp
166M ./clamav-622892ca4baa94df9e6b4c5e6635ecea.tmp
166M ./clamav-9dc4d920abae9ed1649e0370c8e823cd.tmp
166M ./clamav-381bb4ee2680af85d7b6a0312043aff8.tmp
166M ./clamav-30c842f8c25ec16062fb0b6ab310b83d.tmp
166M ./clamav-6b4e0c8587bdc08fee089fb74b67c604.tmp
166M ./clamav-1052674f670d6fa214f5d8723b001e10.tmp
166M ./clamav-60161bf85190b4b62e96e7c28aa0d5fd.tmp
166M ./clamav-8f9e7433684605db15a69dd76769f85b.tmp
166M ./clamav-a5c4514b24634f7e4ea9fbbfd20cda1e.tmp
2.6G .
root@ReadyNAS:/var/lib/clamav# rm -r clamav-*.tmp
root@ReadyNAS:/var/lib/clamav# ls -lhS
total 276M
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 162M Mar  6 04:14 daily.cld
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 113M Oct  9  2017 main.cvd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 990K Jan  2 17:21 bytecode.cld
-rw------- 1 root root 1.4K Mar 19 13:23 mirrors.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   48 Mar  6 04:16 antivir.ini
root@ReadyNAS:/var/lib/clamav# cd /
root@ReadyNAS:/# du -d1 -h
4.0K    ./dev
365M    ./usr
16M     ./opt
11M     ./etc
620M    ./var
21M     ./apps
30M     ./frontview
4.0K    ./boot
0       ./sys
28M     ./run
32K     ./media
28M     ./lib
4.0K    ./srv
52K     ./root
0       ./proc
16K     ./lost+found
10M     ./sbin
6.0M    ./bin
27M     ./home
28K     ./tmp
1.6T    ./data
4.0K    ./selinux
1.6T    .

So Looks like we need an update sharpish I have now disabled the AV although it still seems to be trying to update as the filesystem grew again overnight. so i will now remove the .tmp files as the 14 .tmp files are eating 2.3G on their own.


but thanks to this thread I'm working correctly although with clamav disabled. and now i know what to do to if the directory grows again.




Model: RN104|ReadyNAS 100 Series
Message 11 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

@Jos011157 wrote:


When / How will we be informed that antivirus can be switched on again?


Since 6.10.0 is already at release candidate 2, I think you should just leave it off.

Message 12 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

I had the same issue. I upgraded the firmware on 5 Mar 19 and then on 20 Mar started getting the messages about the root volume.  I've followed the above and it seems to now be resolved.  Thanks.

Model: RN10200|ReadyNAS 100 Series 2-Bay (Diskless)
Message 13 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

@StephenB wrote:

@Jos011157 wrote:


When / How will we be informed that antivirus can be switched on again?


Since 6.10.0 is already at release candidate 2, I think you should just leave it off.



I signed up for the forum to say thanks for the  clear and incredibly helpful instructions that helped me fix this issue on my RN104.


Being curious, I tried turning the AV back on to see if it updated correctly after  removing the temp files, but it just created another temp file.


I have another RN104 on which the AV still kept  updating correctly after March 5, showing that the AV can correctly update even with the current release, so I took a look at the clamav directory on that one and saw that the  antivir.ini and daily.cld files were dated with today's date on the functioning RN104.    So I turned off the AV again, re-ran the tmp files delete and deleted the other two files  with the following commands:


rm -r clamav-*.tmp
rm -r antivir.ini
rm -r daily.cld


I then turned on the AV again and the web interface gave the message "Updating virus library.  Refresh to update status." where the usual AV definition date is, and after a couple of minutes it updated to the current AV definitions to match the working RN104.  


So,  if they are disabling AV in the next release, I guess turning it off is no big deal, but if anyone wants to get the AV running again in the meantime, they could try this.  I guess I should have left it overnight to make sure it keeps working automatically, but  I wanted to post thanks now while I'm still in the forum so I don't forget.  Since my other RN104 has been  working fine, I'm expecting this will keep working, too, but I will try to come back and update this post if it doesn't automatically update correctly tomorrow.


Thanks again for everyone's help on this!!

Model: RN10400|ReadyNAS 100 Series 4-Bay (Diskless)
Message 14 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

Successfully completed diagnostics


  • Volume root is 100.00% full
  • /var is consuming 3288 MB


  • No errors found.
How to fix the error? Everything is slowly working!
Model: RN102|ReadyNAS 100 Series 2- Bay
Message 15 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

@dasgweg wrote:

Successfully completed diagnostics


  • Volume root is 100.00% full
  • /var is consuming 3288 MB


  • No errors found.
How to fix the error? Everything is slowly working!


Message 16 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

I am from Russia, I don’t understand English at all! Especially your terms. It is possible for all guys who have the same problem, and they are common, to record a video with the instructions! ?? I personally can not understand anything at all, according to your instructions. I would be very grateful if this is possible. If I perform this operation, will I lose the data on the disk? thank

Model: RN102|ReadyNAS 100 Series 2- Bay
Message 17 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102


Message 18 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102


Message 19 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

Что я не то делаю? ничего не меняется. Ввожу как у Вас. Сначало

cd /var/lib/clamav
ls -lsh



rm -r clamav-*.tmp
ls -lsh



rm -r clamav-*.tmp
rm -r antivir.ini
rm -r daily.cld



Message 20 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

You can't delete the tmp files because you logged in as admin.  You need to log in as root.  The password is the same as the admin password.

Message 21 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102


Message 22 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

You need to log in as root.


The prompt has to say root@nas-35-03-1c:  

admin@nas-35-03-1c: won't work.

Message 23 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

Everything turned out, and now the antivirus can not be run? Will he forget the registry now?

Model: RN102|ReadyNAS 100 Series 2- Bay
Message 24 of 72

Re: System volume root's usage is 90% RN102

It won't run well on the RN102, so Netgear is removing it.  


You should leave it off.

Message 25 of 72
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