× NETGEAR will be terminating ReadyCLOUD service by July 1st, 2023. For more details click here.
Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.


System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions. Contact

ReadyNAS 104, latest firmware (6.9.5), 4,17TB free of 5,44TB, default antivirus, NO installed Applications, enabled sevices: SMB, NFS, FTP, ReadyDLNA, Rsync, UPnP, HTTP, HTTPS, Antivirus.

Used for data 70 % for DLNA (multimedia), 30 % for backup  of important data, total only 23 % of capacity is used.

I have acces via Web Admin Page only, no knowledge of linux OS.


Problem - I got the message: "System volume root's usage is 84%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions. Contact technical support."


It is somewhat funny, because I do not have acces to the root and there is no way how to contact "technical support". It seems that maybe there are some residual files (firmware upgrades, antivirus definitions upgrade and so on) in system root and this is general problem of NetgearOS. As a normal user, I do not have access to the root and cannot influence what is stored in the root. I just tried to delete Logs (WebAdminPage>Logs: ClearLogs), but without any change. After restart of NAS I got the the same arror maessage again.


Please, how to solve this problem? Thank you very much.

Model: ReadyNAS-OS6|
Message 1 of 39

Re: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions. Cont

You certainly can contact paid support via my.netgear.com (assuming you are the original purchaser of the NAS) - though they will charge.


I suggest turning off antivirus, and see if that helps.  Netgear will be dropping the antivirus service on the RN104 anyway in the next release (6.10.0).

Message 2 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.


I had exactly the same problem on my RN102. Since March the 5th the antivirus didn't update any more. On March the 17th I received the error message "System volume root's usage is 84%".

After 4 hours of investigation and research I think, I found out the problem. According to the information about OS 6.10 the newest version of the antivirus "ClamAV" is too large for the RN100-series.

I connected to the NAS via SSH and tried to update the antivirus manually by using "freshclam". The download of the latest databases  worked fine, but the update of the antivirus ended in an endless loop and the root usage increased to 94%. After some research I found out, that the antivirus makes for each update a temporary directory located at /var/lib/clamav beginning with "clamav-..." and ending with ".tmp". Each of  the directories has about 133MB. Each time the antivirus updates, the downloaded data are stored in such a directory, but if the update fails, the directory is not removed! So after about 10 days the root-volume is filled up and the system crashes.

My solution (usage on your own risk): remove the temporary directories mentioned above in /var/lib/clamav (BE CAREFUL - wrong deletion can destroy your system!). After this deactivate the anti-virus (else the next update will also fail and the filling up starts again). Restart the system to be sure, that all tasks are ended. On my NAS this worked.  

Model: RN102|ReadyNAS 100 Series
Message 3 of 39
Not applicable

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

Thanks for letting know, @asimb.

Message 4 of 39

Re: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions. Cont

Hi Stephen, thank you for your suggestion. I turned off antvirius, after restart it sends me again the same error message (just 1 % mor then before).

I have no problem with paid support,. I have no problem to pay for my mistakes, but I have problem to pay for Netgear mistakes in their SW!


Message 5 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

Hi asimb, thank you very much for your valuable informations. But how do I get into root? I can only see the directories I created myself. I only have access through ReadyNAS Admin Page (via local www of NAS).


Message 6 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

First of all you have to enable SSH on your NAS admin-page (description how to do see https://kb.netgear.com/30068/ReadyNAS-OS-6-SSH-access-support-and-configuration-guides "Enabling SSH access for root using password authentication"). Then you have to start SSH on your windows computer using "ssh root@<ip>.<ip>.<ip>.<ip>" (ip means the ip-adress of your NAS). The password is your admin-password.

then you have to type "cd /var/lib/clamav" and then "ls -la". Then you should see some entrys beginning with "clamav-..." and ending with ".tmp". Please check this.

Model: RN102|ReadyNAS 100 Series
Message 7 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

Hi, today i ran into the same issue and solved it with your described steps.

- Enable ssh service and the ssh login permission via accounts > user

- Login e.g. Putty and switch to root via: su -

- Check the size of the root-fs via: du -hsx /* | sort -rh | head -10

(you'll get the following output)


du: cannot access '/proc/17259/task/17259/fd/3': No such file or directory
du: cannot access '/proc/17259/task/17259/fdinfo/3': No such file or directory
du: cannot access '/proc/17259/fd/3': No such file or directory
du: cannot access '/proc/17259/fdinfo/3': No such file or directory
3.1G /var <<<<<<<<<<<
185M /usr
30M /frontview
28M /lib
10M /sbin
9.1M /etc
6.1M /opt
6.0M /bin
1.5M /apps
396K /run

- change directory to /var/lib/clamav

- stop the following clamav services via: systemctl stop ...

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 565 Oct 9 21:53 clamav-daemon.service
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 204 Oct 9 21:53 clamav-freshclam.service
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 156 Oct 9 21:53 clamav-freshclam.timer
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 499 Oct 31 05:17 clamav-init.service

- delete the temp-folders and (maybe the *.cld-files) via : rm- rf

- disable the clamd-services if needed





Message 8 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

Warning: be careful with "rm -rf", because this command is deleting everything in the selected directory! So before using this, be sure, that you are in /var/lib/clamav and not somewhere else. From my point of view it's more secure to use "rm -r clamav-*.tmp".

Message 9 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.


attached you can find a screenshot showing, what I did to "repair" my NAS

Model: RN102|ReadyNAS 100 Series
Message 10 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

Thank you for the solution, I had the exact problem with my root directory 85% full, it took me forever to figure out how to get into the system via putty, the password was "password" and not my password which was weird, also thanks for the screen shot, could not have done it without - very apreciative people are willing to spend the time to help. 

Thanks again,


Model: RN10200|ReadyNAS 100 Series 2-Bay (Diskless)
Message 11 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

Many thanks asimb for the solution and image. My ReadyNas antivirus also stopped updating on 5th March and the clamav had 32 .tmp files at 166M each. I've now turned off the antivirus. 

Model: RN10211D|ReadyNAS 100 Series 2-Bay
Message 12 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

Thank you Asimb for this information.  All of it helped significantly.  I started looking into the same issue (which began on 3/5) yesterday.  At that point I was at 88% and was at 98% this morning after several reboots.  I was getting very worried until I stumbled on to your post. I am now good and fine.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.


I would like to add to all this, if you turned SSH on to fix this issue make sure to turn it off once you are all done.  No need to leave the door open.

Model: RN10400|ReadyNAS 100 Series 4-Bay (Diskless)
Message 13 of 39

Re: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions. Cont

@ViktorN wrote:

I have no problem with paid support,. I have no problem to pay for my mistakes, but I have problem to pay for Netgear mistakes in their SW!


I cannot agree with this statement more.  The lack of NetGear official support of this NetGear caused issue is very troubling.  Are you listening NetGear...?

Message 14 of 39

Re: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions. Cont

Had same problem on my 104. Was driving me nuts. Turned off AV (real time toggle) and has been sweet so far.

Netgear really needs to do better than this!
Message 15 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

Yes, THANK YOU asimb!!!! I spent a couple days researching how to resolve this sudden dilemma... And thanks to this forum htread I was able to work my way though it. 



Message 16 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

I've disabled the AV - so I only get the eroor at 0800 each morning?!?!?


Guess need to get under the hood

Message 17 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

Switching off the AV only prevents the problem from becoming larger. Please read posting 3 to understand what the problem really is. The solution is described in posting 7 and 10 or more compact by @StephenB  here: https://community.netgear.com/t5/Using-your-ReadyNAS-in-Business/System-volume-root-s-usage-is-90-RN...

Message 18 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

Yup. Figured I would need to. Something for next weekend.

Thanks everyone for the help
Message 19 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.


sunday March 17th in the morning my RN102 sent me the error-message "System volume root's usage is 84%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions." the first time. I deleted the tmp-directories and switched of the AV (permanently). 

The last week I didn't recieve any new error-message, the disc-usage of the root-volume is stable and the ReadyNAS102 works without any problems. So the solution seems to be the right way.

Message 20 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

Me too. Checked clamav and no .tmp files and no xx% warnings in the morning. Thanks again asimb, I thought this unit was heading for the dustbin. If it's a known issue the sooner the 6.10 update is officially released for us RN100 users the better.  

Model: RN10200|ReadyNAS 100 Series 2-Bay (Diskless)
Message 21 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

Hi asimb,
I am sorry I reply so late, but I was too busy and on business trips.


The first – I turned off the antivirus (as you wrote) and problem was partially solved. The increase of system volume root's usage has been stopped and then the value of error message was the same — 88 %.


The second — I turned on the SSH service on my ReadyNAS (as you wrote) and instaled SSH client „Putty“ on my computer. First try was not succesfull, after input password Putty closed window without any message. OK, I installed „FileZilla“ and try the second try. I input again the IP address of my ReadyNAS, then user name (admin), password and number of port (22). And this is the result:
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connected to
Error: Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server
Error: Could not connect to server
Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Connecting to
Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=8
Command: open "admin@" 22
Command: Pass: **********
Status: Connected to
Error: Received unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server
Error: Could not connect to server
OK, maybe there is a  problem in my computer (even if I don't think so) and then I tried the third try with my android tablet, where I installed JuiceSSH client and try to connect to ReadyNAS via SSH protocol… …and the same result.
It is very strange and interesant.

OK, there is no time for heroes. I connected 2TB drive via direct USB cabel and tried to make full backup (just copy, not one file archive) of all files from my NAS to this drive and again — what a surprize — there is no way how to do that! It seems there is no tool  (easy command, button, right click menu, …) in ReadyNAS OS6, how to simply transfer or copy files to an external media directly! Fascinating! Well, nobody is perfect…      😉

So I went embarrassingly back to my computer, connected an external drive to PC and started copying all files from ReadyNAS nicely through TotalCommander. After two days later (and two nights) it was done (all 1.3 TB transfered). I can't imagine that I should back up the full capacity of ReadyNAS like this!


Asimb, now I am ready to do the final step(s).

I am going to do the following:
1) I enter the DESTROY command to permanently delete all data and reset volumes.
2) Then I enter the „Perform Factory Default“ to reset my ReadyNAS to the factory default state.
3) After that I recreate the Raid5, copy back all my backed up files (again two days and two nights, wonderfull).

Then I expect everything will be perfect again, I hope…
Any objections?

Thank you very much, asimb.


Message 22 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

Thanks everyone for the pointers.... getting logged into the Readynas thru SSH took some trial and error but finally got there --- deleted those pesky tmp files


Hopefully this has solved the problem - and it doesn't reappear!

Message 23 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

For what it's worth, I got into the ReadyNas root using Windows 10's PowerShell (Admin) via right click Windows Start and then followed asimb's instructions and it worked like a dream.

Model: RN10200|ReadyNAS 100 Series 2-Bay (Diskless)
Message 24 of 39

Betreff: System volume root's usage is xx%. This condition should not occur under normal conditions.

Since I removed the tmp files my transfer speeds have gone from 30-40 mps to 60-70mps!

Message 25 of 39
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