Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo


Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

So i upgraded to OS6 4 days ago without any Problems..

did maybe 3-5 restarts afterwards.


Today the Nas wouldnt boot anymore.. Shows Readynas on LCD and is stuck;(


Raidar cannot find it


I cant enter the Boot Menu and have no NIC LED´s...1 only blinks when turning on the psu.

Fans run full


From browsing the forums this seems to be a known Problem, and i tried removing HDDS and reset the Ram.Also tried booting without ram.


Havent got a psu to try..want to try everything else before buying one.


right now trying usb recovery, though its unclear to me if i need the boot menu working for this?!

also the usb recovery tool can only load images per the html file, thats coming with the 4.2.31 firmware? And the file needs to be in the same folder as the recovery tool?

i tried 4.2 and os6 renamed so far.. no luck


before this i already ordered 2x2gb of new ram, so maybe this will help..


any way mods can help me with this problem? happy to provide pics of the data sticker..

also im very interested what caused this / if it will happen again / how to prevent it

Thx in advance for any help




Message 1 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

What does it show if booted with no drives installed?  If it's the same, then it does sound like a PSU issue.  Do you have a spare ATX12V supply, or an old PC you can "borrow" one from?  You can connect the ATX supply externally in place of the internal one.


If the new supply doesn't have enough 4-pin Molex connectors and you don't have any Y cables or SATA to Molex adapters, just connect what you can to the backplane and boot without drives.  If it now comes up with a "No disks" status, but didn't before, then the supply is the issue.

Message 2 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

hey sandshark and thx for the valued input!


so w/o disks it has the same behaviour


i thought about the old psu, but only can find one with 20p atx..

and i have lots of molex adapters, but i couldnt find one with 4p atx..only 6p atx extension:(

isit possible to use those in any way?


Message 3 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

so i just took out my old corsair cx600..

i resplaced the 24p atx, the 4p atx, and the 3 moles in back

sadly same results-exept that case fan isnt moving...did i connect correctly?

Message 4 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

just realized the cpu fan also behaves a bit different-it starts at full and goes down a bit first 5secs of pwr on..

but that wont help much i guess:(

Message 5 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

Make sure you didn't knock the RAM loose, as it's easy to do when replacing the 24-pin connection.  The case fan is likely also a connection issue or interference from one of the cables.  If that's not it, it's beginning to sound like a hardware issue other than the power supply. 


The fans are supposed to come on full speed and then throttle down.  That the CPU fan is doing that is a good sign.

Message 6 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

yeah i did-in fact before removing the 24p atx first time i was a bit scared bc of space, but pretty sure its properly in place..

anyway just tried again with the old 600w supply-no change..

actually the fan problem was my stupidity-the cables blocked the fan...meeh eyesroll..


so i have the new ram here which wasnt too expensive-still im thinking about the chance of that being the problem..

if it wont fix it, i will have to start thinking about recovery anyway-so why spend any more money on equipment.


edit-shouldnt the system boot without the ram?


can you help me take a guess on that?:)


on this topic i already thried some different windows  freeware options (never used linux, but thinking about to start), and best result i had so far was with reclaime, which even showd me the old data structure on my old 6x2tb nas, which ran on radiator4 before the os6 upgrade.. just the license is a bit steep with 200$..

bought a 18tb drive to migrate data..

any other suggestions on the data recovery?

cheers-as i have to open a beer not to get depressed:/

Message 7 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

so we just replaced the ram-no change;(

Message 8 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

@kzabak wrote:

so we just replaced the ram-no change;(

If you power down the NAS, and boot it up with no disks

  1. do you still see the stuck logo?
  2. or do you see "no disks"?

Label the disks as you remove them, so you can restore them to the correct slots.



Message 9 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo


yes, siks are labelled.


result is the same with or w/o disks, with or w/o rset button in back:(

Message 10 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

only hardware i can think of / im willing to replace, is the NIC...could that be the problem?

will a vga header adapter help me further in this situation?


any opposition to reclaime?

Message 11 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

You could try a USB recovery, but lack of a functioning boot menu makes me think it's unlikely to work.  You'll have to use an OS4.2 style recovery set-up.  You can recover to OS4.2.31 using a spare drive, test it, then go back to OS6 before putting your normal volume drives back in, or you can use the OS6 image you used to convert to OS6 as the bios file for the USB recovery.


There is no independent NIC to replace.  Besides, your problem seems to be that the NAS won't boot at all, not just a communications issue.  The default display of the hardware is "ReadyNAS", it only needs the +5V power (and not even particularly well-regulated 5V) for that to display.  The only replaceable hardware are the power supply (very likely the cause here), RAM (which also could, but is more rare), the CPU (also possible, but unlikely), and the fans (clearly not your issue).  Well, the main and SATA boards are replaceable, too, if you have a donor unit, but that's very drastic at this point.


A VGA header and monitor will let you know if the NAS is even booting into the BIOS, and there is some information displayed on the screen once Linux begins to boot (in OS6, not OS4.2.x).


You can go to Reclaime to recover your data if you need to.  But since you just did the OS6 conversion, hopefully the backup you made then is mostly complete.  A replacement power supply is cheaper, I think, but also not a sure thing.  Of course, a replacement NAS is another option, but it doesn't sound like you're going to move in that direction.

Message 12 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

yes, the usb recovery i tried already with multiple sticks.. so i need a disk inserted for usb recovery to work?


yeah i alerady looked for a replacement ultra6plus-without luck..as i replaced psu and ram i dont think i can to much moreon the  harware side..


recovery will be a bit drastic...so i had 6 2tb drives in there and had some issues more than 10y ago, and never got time and motivation to touch all that again...


when putting in the old disks 2 weeks ago after fan replacement the nas worked, but showed no volume in lcd- my guess is bc i didnt label the hdds 10y ago and had wrong slots


so anyway i put the 6hdds aside and started with 2 other 2tb i still had-did the os6 update..ran plex and put some data on it and it worked beautifully-until unit stopped working..


so my fault not to make a backup 10y ago-and no chance to do a backup of the other 2 drives which ran in os6:((

lessons learned!


anyway right now my only concern is the recovery, as i cant imagine im gonna be able to fix the hardware.

need to recover 6xtb raid5 os4.??? and 2x2tb raid1 os6 latest fw


i guess i need the linux version of reclaime? which can recover linux volumes..

Message 13 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

@kzabak wrote:


i guess i need the linux version of reclaime? which can recover linux volumes..

You'd need ReclaiMe Ultimate (which runs on Windows, but can recover RAID ext and btrfs volumes).


Also, you'll need a way to connect the disks to the PC (either SATA or USB adapter/docks), and enough storage to hold the recovered files.

Message 14 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

You don't need an exact replacement of the Ultra6Plus.  The Pro6 is the same hardware.  The older Pro BE or Pro Pioneer is the same except a slower processor (that can be upgraded).  But since you already upgraded to OS6, you can also move the volume to a native OS6 unit (316, 426, 516, 626, or 716, or a rack-mount unit).


But since it appears all ReadyNAS are discontinued, this may be when you want to move to another brand.

Message 15 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

yeah i do have enough sata, as i already connected all 6 drives to see whats what..

also have a fresh 18tb hdd

will look into it today

Message 16 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

@kzabak wrote:

yeah i do have enough sata, as i already connected all 6 drives to see whats what..

also have a fresh 18tb hdd

will look into it today

Windows doesn't support mdadm software raid, or btrfs.  So you'll probably need to purchase RAID recovery software (for instance ReclaiMe Ultimate).


There are beta-level packages of both mdadm and btrfs for windows on github you could also try.  No idea how stable they are (or if they work at all).

Message 17 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo


yeah i tried around some...

reclaime seems to give me the best results...and is only one with folder structure

since im not into linux yet and dont wanna fiddle too much, reclaime seems reasonable expense.

can imagine ill need it again in the future:/


Message 18 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

but thinking about this whole matter....it seems really starnge that the machine ran flawlessly for several days, also rebootet and all..

and from 1 moment to the other it wont work anymore...baffles me, since i cant find any origin of this problem..


Message 19 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

also another idea:

maybe possible to mount radiator firmware in some sort of VM??

and recover the data from there?


Message 20 of 21

Re: Ultra 6 Plus stuck on readynas Boot Logo

If your Linux skills are up to the task, you can try to mount the volume in a Debian VM (which has MDADM and BTRFS installed).  The ReadyNASOS VM will not allow the use of that many drives, so it's not an option.

Message 21 of 21
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