Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.


Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

I find it interesting that most of your shares show zero snapshots, not "never" ("aldrig" in your Danish version).  That means snapshots are enabled but either none have been taken or all have been deleted to make space available (which the NAS will do if space is critical).


I have not seen your reply as to whether the warning you are getting is regarding the OS partition or the data partition.  If it's the OS partition, we're going down the wrong road.


Also, do you have any LUNs that are taking up space?

Message 51 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@Sandshark wrote:

I find it interesting that most of your shares show zero snapshots, not "never" ("aldrig" in your Danish version).  That means snapshots are enabled but either none have been taken or all have been deleted to make space available (which the NAS will do if space is critical).


I have not seen your reply as to whether the warning you are getting is regarding the OS partition or the data partition.  If it's the OS partition, we're going down the wrong road.


Also, do you have any LUNs that are taking up space?


I've never really learned how a NAS is working so i am just glad i got it up and running wich i might think you know by now. 🙂

So if you want to learn me more about this while we investigate this i'm all ear i think it's called. 🙂


How can i see if it is the OS or the data partition?

What is LUN? he he he




Message 52 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

As was previously asked of you, provide the exact text of the warning message.


If you don't know what an iSCSI LUN is, then you don't have any.

Message 53 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@Sandshark wrote:

As was previously asked of you, provide the exact text of the warning message.


If you don't know what an iSCSI LUN is, then you don't have any.


Sorry i missed that:


Användningen av systemvolymen root är 95 %. Det här tillståndet brukar inte uppstå under normala förhållanden. Kontakta teknisk support.


Google translated:


The use of the system volume root is 95%. This condition does not usually occur under normal conditions. Contact technical support.


Message 54 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@ToddeSwe wrote:

The use of the system volume root is 95%. This condition does not usually occur under normal conditions. Contact technical support.


This is the OS partition ("system volume root").  It's not about how much data you have stored on the NAS.  The full OS partition might be linked to the difficulty in getting the hotfix installed.


There are three ways to fix this:

  1. Engage paid Netgear support to do it for you remotely.  This will require purchase of a support contract.
  2. Backup all your data, do a factory default, and set the NAS up again.
  3. Fix it yourself with ssh.


Since you really don't have much data on the NAS, option 2 is what I'd suggest. If you have no experience with the linux command line, I don't recommend option 3.



Message 55 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@StephenB wrote:

@ToddeSwe wrote:

The use of the system volume root is 95%. This condition does not usually occur under normal conditions. Contact technical support.


This is the OS partition ("system volume root").  It's not about how much data you have stored on the NAS.  The full OS partition might be linked to the difficulty in getting the hotfix installed.


There are three ways to fix this:

  1. Engage paid Netgear support to do it for you remotely.  This will require purchase of a support contract.
  2. Backup all your data, do a factory default, and set the NAS up again.
  3. Fix it yourself with ssh.


Since you really don't have much data on the NAS, option 2 is what I'd suggest. If you have no experience with the linux command line, I don't recommend option 3.


How could this have happened?

I'll go with number 2 since i just have bought a new HDD and have the free space.

I marked every folder and tried to just copy them to my new HDD but i wont do that, i have to go inside the NAS folder e.g 3D and mark everything there to be able to copy them to my new HDD. Why is that? Why wont to let me take all the folders directly?



Message 56 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@ToddeSwe wrote:

How could this have happened?

There are a several possibilities, so it's hard to say.

  • Some third-party apps can fill the OS partition (generally because the authors didn't follow Netgear's app guidelines).
  • In some cases, disconnecting USB drives when the NAS is writing to them can cause it.
  • Bugs in the Antivirus software could have caused it.

Note that the main cause might have happened quite a while ago, but not quite reached the threshold where the NAS reports an error.


@ToddeSwe wrote:

I marked every folder and tried to just copy them to my new HDD but i wont do that, i have to go inside the NAS folder e.g 3D and mark everything there to be able to copy them to my new HDD. Why is that? Why wont to let me take all the folders directly?


It's Windows that's doing that, not the NAS itself.  I don't know the rationale.

Message 57 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@StephenB wrote:

@ToddeSwe wrote:

How could this have happened?

There are a several possibilities, so it's hard to say.

  • Some third-party apps can fill the OS partition (generally because the authors didn't follow Netgear's app guidelines).
  • In some cases, disconnecting USB drives when the NAS is writing to them can cause it.
  • Bugs in the Antivirus software could have caused it.

Note that the main cause might have happened quite a while ago, but not quite reached the threshold where the NAS reports an error.


@ToddeSwe wrote:

I marked every folder and tried to just copy them to my new HDD but i wont do that, i have to go inside the NAS folder e.g 3D and mark everything there to be able to copy them to my new HDD. Why is that? Why wont to let me take all the folders directly?


It's Windows that's doing that, not the NAS itself.  I don't know the rationale.


Ok i see, then i will disconnect the NAS HDD and connect it to my computer and copy the files from it to my computer.

Then i put it back in the NAS and restore to the factory settings.It will take for ever otherwise.


Message 58 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@ToddeSwe wrote:

Ok i see, then i will disconnect the NAS HDD and connect it to my computer and copy the files from it to my computer.

Then i put it back in the NAS and restore to the factory settings.It will take for ever otherwise.

That will not work.  Windows doesn't support Linux file formats like BTRFS.  So just copy one share at a time.

Message 59 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@StephenB wrote:

@ToddeSwe wrote:

Ok i see, then i will disconnect the NAS HDD and connect it to my computer and copy the files from it to my computer.

Then i put it back in the NAS and restore to the factory settings.It will take for ever otherwise.

That will not work.  Windows doesn't support Linux file formats like BTRFS.  So just copy one share at a time.


Aha silly me 🙂 Thanks for all help!

Message 60 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

I don't know if i should start a new thread or just continue with my problems here?


I've now factory restored the NAS but i can't see any apps at all, why is that?

Tried to download and install manually but got a mail that said it did not work.


Cannot install application transmission6.


Message 61 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@ToddeSwe wrote:

I don't know if i should start a new thread or just continue with my problems here?


I've now factory restored the NAS but i can't see any apps at all, why is that?

Tried to download and install manually but got a mail that said it did not work.


Cannot install application transmission6.


It can take a little while for the available apps page to populate.


Manually upload should work though - did you try transmission NT (which I think is newer than transmission)?  Did you install arm version?

Message 62 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@StephenB wrote:

@ToddeSwe wrote:

I don't know if i should start a new thread or just continue with my problems here?


I've now factory restored the NAS but i can't see any apps at all, why is that?

Tried to download and install manually but got a mail that said it did not work.


Cannot install application transmission6.


It can take a little while for the available apps page to populate.


Manually upload should work though - did you try transmission NT (which I think is newer than transmission)?  Did you install arm version?

The system (NAS) has been up for 6.5 hours now ... seems a long time for it to kick in ... 🙂


I was using the all version since there is just one version, downloaded and tried the nt version as well but that one failed as well.

I know i have internetcontact because of it checks for new version and adjusts the time.


Do i have to turn something on in this settingsscreen, see attached picture.

Message 63 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@ToddeSwe wrote: The system (NAS) has been up for 6.5 hours now ... seems a long time for it to kick in ... :)


I think it actually needs to update the available apps from the Netgear server (similar to a hotfix), so it can take a while.


@ToddeSwe wrote:

I was using the all version since there is just one version, downloaded and tried the nt version as well but that one failed as well.


Just to clarify:

  • you downloaded the NT deb file for arm
  • you uploaded it using the upload control on the apps page
  • and that failed?

What error did you get?


@ToddeSwe wrote:

Do i have to turn something on in this settingsscreen, see attached picture.

No, this looks fine.

Message 64 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@StephenB wrote:

@ToddeSwe wrote: The system (NAS) has been up for 6.5 hours now ... seems a long time for it to kick in ... 🙂


I think it actually needs to update the available apps from the Netgear server (similar to a hotfix), so it can take a while.


@ToddeSwe wrote:

I was using the all version since there is just one version, downloaded and tried the nt version as well but that one failed as well.


Just to clarify:

  • you downloaded the NT deb file for arm
  • you uploaded it using the upload control on the apps page
  • and that failed?

What error did you get?


Nothing specifik just a dialog saying it went wrong and can't install transmission.

And yes i was trying the all version first and then the arm nt version.

And yes the upload button on the app page.


@ToddeSwe wrote:

Do i have to turn something on in this settingsscreen, see attached picture.

No, this looks fine.



I have named the NAS to the exact name as before since i have a couple of path settings using it so just to make it easier to configure my apps and stuff. Hope this doesn't mess things up in some way. The same name and the same internal address.

Message 65 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

Try downloading the full log zip file, and look in app-install.log and apt-history.log

Message 66 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@StephenB wrote:

Try downloading the full log zip file, and look in app-install.log and apt-history.log

I did and here is the results:




-- Logs begin at Sun 2021-09-12 13:19:45 CEST, end at Sun 2021-09-12 21:25:15 CEST. --
Sep 12 19:14:25 TODDENAS fv-app-install[14751]: [/tmp/nastools-transmission_2.92-nt2_armel.deb](0%) prepare
Sep 12 19:14:00 TODDENAS fv-app-install[14561]: [/tmp/transmissionr6_3.00.8_all.deb](0%) prepare


and there's no apt-history.log to be found.


Where can i found the full zip files for this apps?



Message 67 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@ToddeSwe wrote:

and there's no apt-history.log to be found.

Weird, it should be in the log zip.


How about dpkg.log?

Message 68 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@StephenB wrote:

@ToddeSwe wrote:

and there's no apt-history.log to be found.

Weird, it should be in the log zip.


How about dpkg.log?


2021-09-12 04:20:14 startup archives install
2021-09-12 04:20:14 install freeapp-collection:armel <none> 1581304664
2021-09-12 04:20:14 status half-installed freeapp-collection:armel 1581304664
2021-09-12 04:20:18 status unpacked freeapp-collection:armel 1581304664
2021-09-12 04:20:18 status unpacked freeapp-collection:armel 1581304664
2021-09-12 04:20:18 configure freeapp-collection:armel 1581304664 1581304664
2021-09-12 04:20:18 status unpacked freeapp-collection:armel 1581304664
2021-09-12 04:20:18 status half-configured freeapp-collection:armel 1581304664
2021-09-12 04:20:18 status installed freeapp-collection:armel 1581304664



Message 69 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@StephenB wrote:

@ToddeSwe wrote:

and there's no apt-history.log to be found.

Weird, it should be in the log zip.


How about dpkg.log?

When i try to paste the log into this reply the message can't be seen when i update the page in the browser...


2021-09-12 04:20:14 startup archives install
2021-09-12 04:20:14 install freeapp-collection:armel <none> 1581304664
2021-09-12 04:20:14 status half-installed freeapp-collection:armel 1581304664
2021-09-12 04:20:18 status unpacked freeapp-collection:armel 1581304664
2021-09-12 04:20:18 status unpacked freeapp-collection:armel 1581304664
2021-09-12 04:20:18 configure freeapp-collection:armel 1581304664 1581304664
2021-09-12 04:20:18 status unpacked freeapp-collection:armel 1581304664
2021-09-12 04:20:18 status half-configured freeapp-collection:armel 1581304664
2021-09-12 04:20:18 status installed freeapp-collection:armel 1581304664

Message 70 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.



Are you seeing apps in the available apps page yet?  Or is that page still empty?

Message 71 of 72

Re: Admin settings keeps loading over and over again with the latest firmware.

@StephenB wrote:



Are you seeing apps in the available apps page yet?  Or is that page still empty?

Finaly i can see the apps. 🙂 I have installed Transmission as well but now i'm having problem configuring it.

Gives me toddenas:8181 error when trying to connect. Even though i use the default name and password i can't login to it.

But that isn't your problem so i have to ask someone else about that i guess.


Wonder why i can't manually install it though...



Message 72 of 72
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