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Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5


RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

How much free space should this show using raid5 and 4 x 1tb drives. System shows healthy. See bottom three screen captures



Raidar diagnostics reports this below. Does this report indicate only 3 of the 4 volumes are functional?

Successfully completed diagnostics
Disk 2 has 1 Reallocated Sectors
Disk 2 has 1 Reallocation Events
Disk 3 has 2 Command Timeouts
2023-10-22 12:31:17: md/raid:md127: raid level 5 active with 3 out of 4 devices, algorithm 2


rn204overview cr.jpgreadynas volumes cr.jpgrn204perf cr.jpg

Message 1 of 26

Accepted Solutions

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

I'm not sure that anything is actually wrong right now.


If you want me to take a look, you can download the full log zip file, and then put it into cloud storage (dropbox, google drive, etc).  Send me a PM with a link to the full zip, making sure the link permissions allow anyone with the link to download.  Don't post it publicly, as there is some privacy leakage.


Note you can't attach a zip file in the forum, so you need to provide a download link instead.

View solution in original post

Message 11 of 26

All Replies

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

@ctxuk wrote:

How much free space should this show using raid5 and 4 x 1tb drives.


This question isn't related to disk health.


4x1TB RAID5 yields a 3 TB volume.  However, the NAS reports total space in TiB (1024*1024*1024*1024 bytes), not TB (1000*1000*1000*1000).  3 TB is the same as 2.72 TB.  That is about what your volume shows - 2.54 TiB of free space, plus about another 0.18 TiB for the data + snapshots.


@ctxuk wrote:

Disk 2 has 1 Reallocated Sectors
Disk 2 has 1 Reallocation Events
Disk 3 has 2 Command Timeouts
2023-10-22 12:31:17: md/raid:md127: raid level 5 active with 3 out of 4 devices, algorithm 2



The fact that one disk is not in the array is particularly concerning.  The volume should be reported as degraded - is that currently the case? (it clearly wasn't when you took your screenshots).


A single reallocated sector isn't a huge issue, and neither are 2 command timeouts.  Worth watching, to see if the numbers increase.


If you don't have a backup of your files, you should put a backup plan in place.  RAID is not enough to keep data safe.


Once the data is safe, I suggest running the disk test from the volume settings wheel.  There will be a log entry when it completes.  Then look at the stats again.

Message 2 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5



Test started but not completed by time finished composing this. May have to restart that in the morning. 


Think my first use of the RN204 was on 21st 10 2023

It immediately informed it had one degraded volume on disk 4 that was noticed, bear in mind my not ever using any nas previously.

Alerts were setup that day but recall deleting bunch of stuff as got so many over period of days, below is a timeline of events still hold alert emails for.

Please bear in mind when you read them they are in the correct order they arrived in. The time never set correctly at first and had to alter the time zone, thought at first it was something to do with lack of any summer time setting, eventually switched out where it connected the time update location.


Sat 21/10/23     18.47    If you receive this message, the email alert notification is working properly.

                                20.54    Volume Vertig0 is resynced.


Sun 22/10/23    10.42    Volume Vertig0 is Degraded.

                                12.32    Volume Vertig0 is Degraded.

                                12.32    Resyncing started for Volume Vertig0.

                                15.25    Volume Vertig0 is resynced.

                                15.25    Volume Vertig0 health changed from Degraded to Redundant.

                                14.26    Disk in channel 4 (Internal) changed state from RESYNC to ONLINE.

                                15.25    Disk in channel 4 (Internal) changed state from RESYNC to ONLINE.


The next day after having disc 4 drop out both days another identical disc was ordered. It then seemingly has behaved itself since then and is in disc 3 slot now (noticed it’s ATA errors so know which disc is which by that) Why later after online reading thought maybe a drive bay fault which is said to be common hence bay switch for the disc. The ATA errors have not increased and disc 3 put into slot 4 has still got zero errors for that, as too the other discs. [nb the disc which was ordered was put into my Qnap temporarily to get that setup after the lack of apps on here and the cumbersome uploads to it. RAIDar makes doing that so much quicker, glad managed to find that and install it on 31/10/23.


Not been using it the last week or so for 2 reasons, getting the Qnap setup and to see if powering this RN204 off and unplugging it makes it lose the raid array or not over extended periods of time. Do not wish to waste money powering a device not being used.

On arrival all discs were clean formatted and no raid setup.


Do not understand why all the volumes show the green block indicating that they are “Spare” and not just all blue blocks as per the “Raid” square.




RAIDar was downloaded and installed 31/10/23.

Disc 1



Disc 2



Disc 3



This originally was disc 4 in the array when it arrived.

The ATA error count has not increased at all.


Disc 4



This originally was disc 3 in the array when it arrived.

Message 3 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

@ctxuk wrote:



Do not understand why all the volumes show the green block indicating that they are “Spare” and not just all blue blocks as per the “Raid” square..

The tiny little green square does mimick the power LED. A spare disk would be all green, not blue. 

Message 4 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

Meant to include these screens from RAIDar too. Note the lower one reads exactly the same today as yesterday despite doing a rescan.


raidar43 cr.jpgraidar 675.JPG

Message 5 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5



"The tiny little green square does mimick the power LED. A spare disk would be all green, not blue. "


Apologies for my ignorance but do not understand what you mean here. That would indicate all 4 discs are "Spare", which not understanding that meaning of "Spare". With the array at first only showing 3 drives for awhile, and the 4th Degraded thought it indicated 4th drive was "Spare" as it not linked to the raid array. Also why thought all 4 should now show blue square to indicate the raid array is working.

Message 6 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

What shows (from the NAS shell) /proc/mdstat ?


root@RNxxxx:~# cat /proc/mdstat

Message 7 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

@schumaku @StephenB 

OK, The indicator square is now understood after reading again.

Green [as it is] - showing it is healthy,

Yellow for - The volume is degraded and finally

Red for - The volume is bad or faulty.


Disc test was run today and after a couple of hours went out to get stuff from shops, returned, still running, but in honesty no idea if it was even running so, attempted to start it again, got this 

f disc error test copy.jpg

Much later noticed test had finished, so have following screens. Nothing really indicates anything not working correctly though as far as able see

test completed rn204 disc.JPGdisc test completed rn204 fgtr copy.jpgdisc test complete rn204 vbetw copy.jpgtest complete vbklk copy.jpg

Message 8 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5


"What shows (from the NAS shell) /proc/mdstat ?


root@RNxxxx:~# cat /proc/mdstat"


My lack of knowledge means could not get this to work despite trying.

Going to do a reset to boot and test disc in there.

Message 9 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

@schumaku @StephenB 


What shows (from the NAS shell) /proc/mdstat ?


root@RNxxxx:~# cat /proc/mdstat"


My lack of knowledge using nas shell means could not get that to work despite setting it to SSH following netgear guides [since switched off, only open moments].


Does the antivirus still work? Always appears to be updating.

disc test completed rn204 fgtr copy.jpg

Completed a boot test on the discs, it shows this from logs, [personal info removed]

log 1 disc t done copy.jpg


log 2 disc t done copy.jpg


Message 10 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

I'm not sure that anything is actually wrong right now.


If you want me to take a look, you can download the full log zip file, and then put it into cloud storage (dropbox, google drive, etc).  Send me a PM with a link to the full zip, making sure the link permissions allow anyone with the link to download.  Don't post it publicly, as there is some privacy leakage.


Note you can't attach a zip file in the forum, so you need to provide a download link instead.

Message 11 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

@ctxuk wrote:



"The tiny little green square does mimick the power LED. A spare disk would be all green, not blue. "


Apologies for my ignorance but do not understand what you mean here. That would indicate all 4 discs are "Spare", which not understanding that meaning of "Spare". With the array at first only showing 3 drives for awhile, and the 4th Degraded thought it indicated 4th drive was "Spare" as it not linked to the raid array. Also why thought all 4 should now show blue square to indicate the raid array is working.

Sorry, no. Your NAS does claim to have four active RAID members, thus the complete disk is shown in blue. 


A spare disk would be black (not green as I wrote before), the label showing the green square is equally wrong - it should be dark grey or black instead.


RN4220 with six active RAID members and one spare.PNG


The little green filed does mimic the HDD LED (e.g. green for powered and workable). 


What I wanted you to do is login using ssh as root (same password you set for admin) to your NAS, and run the command as shown, and copy-paste the output to the thread. Needless to say, ssh must be enabled to allow this.


cat /proc/mdstat 


Message 12 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

@schumaku @StephenB 

"What I wanted you to do is login using ssh as root (same password you set for admin) to your NAS, and run the command as shown, and copy-paste the output to the thread. Needless to say, ssh must be enabled to allow this."

Tried to, think it is something to do with broadband provider settings affecting it working.


The explanation for the disks is appreciated, now do understand what it means. Had thought the small green square the indicator, duh!


"I'm not sure that anything is actually wrong right now.


If you want me to take a look, you can download the full log zip file, and then put it into cloud storage (dropbox, google drive, etc).  Send me a PM with a link to the full zip, making sure the link permissions allow anyone with the link to download.  Don't post it publicly, as there is some privacy leakage."


Thanks but as you say, all seems to be working fine. The size available question stemmed from the 4th disc dropping out of the array the first couple of days [why an identical disc was purchased to the ones in it], it made me wonder if there should be more space available and expected to see a shade over 3Tb.


Thanks also for getting the posts visible, wondered if had been banned for my stupidity with the questions 😉

Message 13 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

@ctxuk wrote:

Tried to, think it is something to do with broadband provider settings affecting it working.


Is the PC connected to the same local network as the NAS? If it is, then this has nothing to do with your broadband provider.  We can probably help you get ssh working properly if you want that.

Message 14 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

Now that you screen grabs have been made available to the masses, I can see you have 2.73TB of space, which is correct for 4x1TB drives.

Message 15 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5



"We can probably help you get ssh working properly if you want that."

Don't think it is required for anything to work correctly as is, the attempt only for a response to schumaku's reply post.  Presumably unable to update it past it's current firmware etc and no apps but can use as is just for storage, and increase that way beyond the amount first thought thanks to information you provided. So cannot at the moment see a use for using ssh (no doubt you will though).


Yes, directly connected to a router/hub, not to my PC. Did notice that in the hub settings there are in fact ssh settings also but only after following the instructs, or attempting to do so.


That makes it useful as a backup for my purchased music and for a repository for my photography which already consumes around 8 or 9 Tb elsewhere with some drives in boxes. In time will increase each drives capacity in it one or two at a time until all four are much larger but same as each other.


Presumably antivirus does not have any support to it now with the continual attempt to update it's definitions???




Thank you. Hopefully what is in the screengrabs not useful to anyone else as removed various things contained in them.

Message 16 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

To me, the only interesting thing us this log entry:
2023-10-22 12:31:17: md/raid:md127: raid level 5 active with 3 out of 4 devices, algorithm

Clearly not a healthy status as so people here try to tell us.

As it appears to be extremely difficult for some users here to open an ssh session to the NAS answering the request to post the content of /proc/mdstat by a simple cat /prix/mdstat

Waste of time to me for an obsolete NAS.
Message 17 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

@schumaku wrote:
...it appears to be extremely difficult for some users here to open an ssh session to the NAS answering the request to post the content of /proc/mdstat by a simple cat /proc/mdstat

You can also see this in the log zip (captured when the log is made).

Message 18 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

@schumaku @StephenB 

"2023-10-22 12:31:17: md/raid:md127: raid level 5 active with 3 out of 4 devices, algorithm 2"

That interested myself also but as the tests come back fine, with the expected amount of space on the raid array being correct indicated by others had to think it was some form of glitch.


"Waste of time to me for an obsolete NAS."

Not sure how to interpret that comment in truth. If upset by my responses can only apologise if my ignorance or lack of knowledge irritates yourself, have to learn as go along.

Cannot un-buy the device and unable to afford new or better than this currently. Disappointed myself to a degree with my purchase but if it can do the basic function of storage for the things indicated by myself then it will still be usable. 

Do not understand why disc tests run out of boot and with device loaded show no error and all 4 HDD's to be healthy if there is indeed a fault.



The other poor purchase made by myself has its manufacturer state the will give no assistance to anyone using SSH on their device. Consequently read that it makes the device insecure to network attacks (making all attached devices vulnerable too???) so uneasy about either using it, or providing reading which are not understood by self to others (if that offends, would say sorry but without intending to be rude, security overrides the rest, that am certain you can understand).


As stated, found out after attempts made to use SSH in manner you indicated, though possibly incorrectly may have failed due to these below

ipv6 stats cr.jpgssh settin copy.jpg


Do know that no IPv6 gets allocated to this PC as have attempted to use it in the past, even if had tried these.

Message 19 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

These tests are executed on the storage block, nothing done related to the software RAID.


Look, there is no more support done by Netgear anyway - they don't complain of you enable ssh to check the effective RAID status -  so feel free to enable ssh again.


Can't follow your excursion (or experimenting?) on IPv6. No IPv6 support required for ssh, no port forwarding required (or even suggested) for an ssh session on your local network, over IPv4. 

Message 20 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

@ctxuk wrote:

"2023-10-22 12:31:17: md/raid:md127: raid level 5 active with 3 out of 4 devices, algorithm 2"

That interested myself also but as the tests come back fine, with the expected amount of space on the raid array being correct indicated by others had to think it was some form of glitch.


It would be prudent to download the log zip from the logs page of the web ui.  Then copy/paste mdstat.log in a reply on this thread.


@ctxuk wrote:



The other poor purchase made by myself has its manufacturer state the will give no assistance to anyone using SSH on their device. 


As stated, found out after attempts made to use SSH in manner you indicated, though possibly incorrectly may have failed due to these below


Port forwarding in your router isn't needed (and IMO isn't a good idea, as it potentially allows your NAS to be hacked over the internet).  


All that is need on the NAS is to go to system->services->settings, select SSH, and then enter this:



No need to download an SSH key.


Then from a Windows PC, you can enter ssh root@nas-ip-address from the windows command line (using the real NAS IPv4 address of course).  The first time you do this you will get a prompt to allow the connection (don't recall the preicse text, but I think it includes a mention of the fingerprint).  


Once you get past that, you'll get a black text box on the PC, which will prompt you for the password.  Enter the NAS admin password at that point.


You do need to be careful with ssh, especially if you aren't familiar with the linux command line.  However, IMO it is still good to enable it, as it does make it easier for folks here to help you when troubleshooting.  At that point we can give you specific commands to run.


Message 21 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

@schumaku @StephenB 

OK. Still could not get root to work for myself, really is my lack of knowledge but thanks to StephenB managed to get this for you, [slight edit which no doubt will get noticed]

Firstly the AV update issue shows this

Oct 31 22:14:06 NETGEAR freshclam[5269]: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
Oct 31 22:14:06 NETGEAR freshclam[5269]: Local version: 0.103.7 Recommended version: 0.103.11




Personalities : [raid0] [raid1] [raid10] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4]
md127 : active raid5 sda3[0] sdd3[4] sdc3[2] sdb3[1]
2915735424 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] [UUUU]

md1 : active raid10 sda2[0] sdd2[3] sdc2[2] sdb2[1]
1044480 blocks super 1.2 512K chunks 2 near-copies [4/4] [UUUU]

md0 : active raid1 sdd1[4] sda1[1] sdb1[2] sdc1[3]
4190208 blocks super 1.2 [4/4] [UUUU]

unused devices: <none>
Version : 1.2
Creation Time : Tue Sep 19 13:13:38 2023
Raid Level : raid1
Array Size : 4190208 (4.00 GiB 4.29 GB)
Used Dev Size : 4190208 (4.00 GiB 4.29 GB)
Raid Devices : 4
Total Devices : 4
Persistence : Superblock is persistent

Update Time : Sun Nov 5 19:55:18 2023
State : clean
Active Devices : 4
Working Devices : 4
Failed Devices : 0
Spare Devices : 0

Consistency Policy : unknown

Name : xxxxxxxx:0 (local to host xxxxxxxx)
UUID : 8b8edc39:f39b2344:a347b5de:1407b8f0
Events : 3300

Number Major Minor RaidDevice State
4 8 49 0 active sync /dev/sdd1
3 8 33 1 active sync /dev/sdc1
2 8 17 2 active sync /dev/sdb1
1 8 1 3 active sync /dev/sda1
Version : 1.2
Creation Time : Sun Oct 22 12:31:50 2023
Raid Level : raid10
Array Size : 1044480 (1020.00 MiB 1069.55 MB)
Used Dev Size : 522240 (510.00 MiB 534.77 MB)
Raid Devices : 4
Total Devices : 4
Persistence : Superblock is persistent

Update Time : Wed Oct 25 18:30:52 2023
State : clean
Active Devices : 4
Working Devices : 4
Failed Devices : 0
Spare Devices : 0

Layout : near=2
Chunk Size : 512K

Consistency Policy : unknown

Name : xxxxxxxx:1 (local to host xxxxxxxx)
UUID : e31f5566:74455188:4770c595:9c2d184f
Events : 19

Number Major Minor RaidDevice State
0 8 2 0 active sync set-A /dev/sda2
1 8 18 1 active sync set-B /dev/sdb2
2 8 34 2 active sync set-A /dev/sdc2
3 8 50 3 active sync set-B /dev/sdd2
Version : 1.2
Creation Time : Sat Oct 21 17:48:18 2023
Raid Level : raid5
Array Size : 2915735424 (2780.66 GiB 2985.71 GB)
Used Dev Size : 971911808 (926.89 GiB 995.24 GB)
Raid Devices : 4
Total Devices : 4
Persistence : Superblock is persistent

Update Time : Sun Nov 5 19:50:27 2023
State : clean
Active Devices : 4
Working Devices : 4
Failed Devices : 0
Spare Devices : 0

Layout : left-symmetric
Chunk Size : 64K

Consistency Policy : unknown

Name : xxxxxxxx:Vertig0-0 (local to host xxxxxx)
UUID : b8cab234:6279f34f:d282de6c:e6fc338d
Events : 504

Number Major Minor RaidDevice State
0 8 3 0 active sync /dev/sda3
1 8 19 1 active sync /dev/sdb3
2 8 35 2 active sync /dev/sdc3
4 8 51 3 active sync /dev/sdd3

Message 22 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

@ctxuk wrote:





Personalities : [raid0] [raid1] [raid10] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4]
md127 : active raid5 sda3[0] sdd3[4] sdc3[2] sdb3[1]
2915735424 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] [UUUU]

md1 : active raid10 sda2[0] sdd2[3] sdc2[2] sdb2[1]
1044480 blocks super 1.2 512K chunks 2 near-copies [4/4] [UUUU]

md0 : active raid1 sdd1[4] sda1[1] sdb1[2] sdc1[3]
4190208 blocks super 1.2 [4/4] [UUUU]

This confirms that everything is properly synced.


md0 is the OS partition

md1 is the swap area

md127 is your data volume.


@ctxuk wrote:


Firstly the AV update issue shows this

Oct 31 22:14:06 NETGEAR freshclam[5269]: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
Oct 31 22:14:06 NETGEAR freshclam[5269]: Local version: 0.103.7 Recommended version: 0.103.11


This is out-of-date. Though if I am understanding this document correctly, it will still get definition updates untl September 2025.

While Netgear does periodically include updates to the ClamAV executable in their firmware updates, there is no guarantee that they will keep doing that. 


One aspect is that OS-6 uses Debian 8 ("Jessie") linux which is now archived.  At some point new versions of ClamAV will likely not be compatible with Debian 8.  That might already be the case with the current version (which is 1.2.1)


Personally I don't have ClamAV enabled on the NAS.  I think it's sufficient to have AV protection on my PCs.  In my case, almost all new files are coming from on of my PCs, the rest are photos/videos from one of our phones.

Message 23 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5



So the raid array and disks are fine

AV basically non functional in future but working currently - if can get it working later down the line will do so as makes sense to use if available perhaps. Yes do understand your point it is being phased out as redundant os.


Your instruction on how to use SSH gets myself closer to one day using it perhaps, and believe myself my attempts are genuine to manage it. Can appreciate for you both you must find my lack of ability annoying and tiresome, so appreciate you both still posting help.

The box image you show was done by myself, my attempts though not through windows command box but through the page address bar - no wonder my failures .... yes, you can laugh now at my foolishness 😉


Message 24 of 26

Re: RN204 How much storage should be free 4 x 1tb Raidar Report using raid 5

@StephenB @schumaku 


Meant to ask what this line means in it


"Persistence : Superblock is persistent"


Kind of wondering what superblock is

Message 25 of 26
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