Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings


Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings


I have a readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 that seems to boot up fine, led's are lit  not flashing, but I cannot find it in my network.

I have attempted to find it using raidar, and advanced network scanner unsuccessfully.

I have tried to reset it using the reset button.

I have very limited network knowledge. enough to be dangerous.

If my network is in the range and the nas is in some 192.168..... range, how am I going to be able to find it?

Thanks for any input.

Message 1 of 23

Accepted Solutions

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

  • StephenB


I want to thank you because without your help, I would have given up a long time ago.

This nas frustrated me for a couple of weeks straight, but I don't give up easily.

This is what I did in case it helps anyone else.

I had to get an old router and configure it with a static ip of and enable dhcp on it.

Then i configured my laptop to accept dhcp ip assignment and I connected it to the router.

I did an os reinstall on the nas with just disk one and then I connected it to the router.

I started raidar and it found the nas right away, and the setup button was not greyed out.

I got an error about the browser and had to enable my old internet explorer as the default browser, and after that raidar was able to open the frontview interface.

I could not use the browser to set it up and had to use raidar.

I cannot thank you enough for sticking with me and all my questions.

God bless you!

View solution in original post

Message 22 of 23

All Replies

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

@cboudet wrote:


I have very limited network knowledge. enough to be dangerous.

If my network is in the range and the nas is in some 192.168..... range, how am I going to be able to find it?


Are you seeing that in RAIDar?  Is the IP address


If so, did you recently change your network setup (for example, replace your router)?

Message 2 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

Thanks for the reply.

I removed it from my home network years ago for the same reason. I could not access it.

It does not show up in RAIDar, so I do not know its IP assignment.I was reading similar posts and I do not know if it was assigned a different IP by another router, or if it is some weird static IP.

I think my only hope is a reset, but I am probably not doing it right.

I downloaded the manual and I think when I get home I am going to try to do an OS reinstall by accessing the boot menu.

I don't need the IP for that.

But I am unclear when it comes to different IP's.  If my home network router is and the factory IP of the NAS is, will it show up in RAIDar?

And once reset, will it accept ip assignment by my present router?

Thanks a lot!

Message 3 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

@cboudet wrote:


But I am unclear when it comes to different IP's.  If my home network router is and the factory IP of the NAS is, will it show up in RAIDar?


Yes, it will.


@cboudet wrote:


And once reset, will it accept ip assignment by my present router?

Thanks a lot!

An OS reinstall will reset the network configuration to DHCP.


But if you aren't seeing the NAS with RAIDar, then something else might be wrong.


Is the ethernet LED on the back of the NAS lit?

Message 4 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

Yes the ethernet connector is lit.

Should I plug it directly to a laptop?


Message 5 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

@cboudet wrote:


Should I plug it directly to a laptop?


First I would power down the NAS, remove the hard drives (labeling by slot), and power it up again. Then see if RAIDar finds it.


When done, power down before reinserting the drives (and put them back into the correct slot).



Message 6 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

I will have to wait until tonight to try that.


Message 7 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

I think I am making progress, but I am frustrated because raidar is still not finding the nas.

Last night I found out why I had not been able to reset the nas.

The label at the bottom said it was an rnd 2110 v2 , so I thought it was version 2 but it is a version 1 readynas duo and the reset procedure is a little different for it. 

I was able to reset it and it took a long time with disk 2 so this morning it was done and ready according to the led's but when I tried to connect, RAIDar does not find it. I tried through the browser  using and still cannot connect.

I thought it was being blocked by the browser but can't seem to find where to allow the browser to connect, and I don't know if that is the problem now.

Anyway, I am stuck.

I connected it to my home network in the 10.0.0.x range and hopefully it aquired a new ip from the router.

When I get home I will keep trying.

Message 8 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

The issue with RAIDar might be caused by security software on the PC


@cboudet wrote:


Last night I found out why I had not been able to reset the nas.

The label at the bottom said it was an rnd 2110 v2 , so I thought it was version 2 but it is a version 1 readynas duo and the reset procedure is a little different for it. 


Yes, the procedures are different (and the labeling is confusing).  Note if you did the factory default procedure, the system would reformat the disks - so you would lose all the data.  Hopefully you actually did an "OS reinstall".


@cboudet wrote:

I tried through the browser  using and still cannot connect.



That is because you have a 10.0.0.x network.  It is possible to connect the NAS directly to a PC over ethernet (with no router).  But if you do that, you also need to manually configure the network on the PC before you can connect.


You can get to the settings in Win10 by

  1. going to "network and internet" in the control panel
  2. Select "change adapter settings" 
  3. Select the ethernet adapter
  4. select "change settings of this connection"
  5. Select "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
  6. click on "properties"

From there, select the "alternate configuration" tab. and fill it out like this:



Then you can browse to


However, there was a change in the internet browsers a few months ago that will get in the way.  Your NAS uses TLS 1.0 for HTTPS connections, and browsers now require TLS 1.2.  Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc will give you an SSL protocol error and/or a Cipher mismatch when you try to reach frontview.


You can

Message 9 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

Thanks so much for the help.

I connected it to the laptop before and after I connected it to my home network.

before, I used a set ip as you suggested, and after I used the ip assigned by my home router.

In both cases I could not find the NAS with neither RAIDAR nor browser.

I don't know what else to do.

I have disabled the firewall and uninstalled my virus scanner.

I don't know how to do the permissions or security stuff other than what I did, which may not be a good idea.

Thanks again

Message 10 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

Ok, I think I am one step closer to getting in the nas frontview panel.

I configured the IP as you suggested, and connected it to the laptop.

I did another os reinstall and as soon as the two disk led's lit solid, I opened RAIDar and it found it!

But a few seconds later it disappeared and the raidar help screen shows with the last three messages blinking:

awaiting resync

life support mode

background task active

And I cannot open frontview.

I don't understand, because both the power light and both disk lighta are solid, and the activity light is not lit.

would changing to new disks make it work?


Message 11 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

@cboudet wrote:

Ok, I think I am one step closer to getting in the nas frontview panel.

I configured the IP as you suggested, and connected it to the laptop.

I did another os reinstall and as soon as the two disk led's lit solid, I opened RAIDar and it found it!

But a few seconds later it disappeared and the raidar help screen shows with the last three messages blinking:

awaiting resync

life support mode

background task active

And I cannot open frontview.

I don't understand, because both the power light and both disk lighta are solid, and the activity light is not lit.

would changing to new disks make it work?


The NAS boots from the disks, so switching to new disks should resolve this.


You could also try powering down the NAS, and removing disk 1.  Then boot up with slot 1 empty, and see if it boots normally.

Message 12 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings


I thought it booted from the hardware.

I will try that tonight.

I have noticed disk 1 led goes solid fairly quick, but disk 2 seems to take all night to go solid.

Should I remove disk 2?

And does the disk need to be formatted before placing it in the nas?


Message 13 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

Another question, sorry.

Will that nas (I think is readynas duo version 1) accept two 2 terabyte disks?


Message 14 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

@cboudet wrote:


I thought it booted from the hardware.

I will try that tonight.

I have noticed disk 1 led goes solid fairly quick, but disk 2 seems to take all night to go solid.

Should I remove disk 2?


Normally the system boots from disk 1, so I'd try that first.


If that doesn't change anything, then try powering down again, reinserting disk 1, and removing disk 2.


Be careful to power down before removing or inserting disks - you don't want to trigger resyncs accidentally, as that can result in a failed volume.

Message 15 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

@cboudet wrote:

Will that nas (I think is readynas duo version 1) accept two 2 terabyte disks?


2 TB is the max.  I recommend either WD Red Plus or Seagate Ironwolf.  Don't go with the current WD Red drive (WD20EFAX) as it is SMR.  Many of the newer desktop drives in this size range are also SMR, so I recommend sticking with the two options above.



Message 16 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

Sorry I don't know what SMR is. And how can I tell when I am lookin at a disk?

I removed disk 2 and it did not work. The disk 2 led kept flashing.

So I installed two new 2 tb disks, I need to wait until it finishes to see if they work.

Is it critical to use the recommended disks? I think I checked the list when I bought these, but I don't remember, it has been a few years.

Message 17 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

@cboudet wrote:

Sorry I don't know what SMR is.


Shingled Magnetic Recording.

That is contrasted with CMR (Conventional Magnetic Recording).


@cboudet wrote:

And how can I tell when I am lookin at a disk?


Both Western Digital and Seagate now have SMR/CMR on their data sheets (in response to sharp criticism like the arstechnica article above).


@cboudet wrote:


Is it critical to use the recommended disks? I think I checked the list when I bought these, but I don't remember, it has been a few years.

Personally I wouldn't use an SMR drive in a NAS.  So I'd check that.  If your drives were purchased some years ago, then there is a good chance they are CMR.  


If you mean Netgear's hardware compatibility list when you say "the list", then checking that is a waste of time.  The list is very out of date.  So I now recommend CMR NAS-purposed drives (like the Red Plus and Ironwolf) or enterprise class.  Other drives might well work, but these are safe choices.  

Message 18 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

Thanks for the information.

I don't know if this is going to help determine what is wrong, but It seems like the raidar is able to find the nas for about one minute while it is booting up, but after about a minute or less, it does not find it and shows a help screen.

I took a couple of screen captures so you can see what I see.nas1.jpgnas2.jpg

I have only been able to accomplish this after doing an os reinstall with the laptop connected directly to the nas ethernet as you suggested.

I have not been able to find it through the browser.

Is there a way to reinstall the firmware with a usb drive without logging in the normal way?

Message 19 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

@cboudet wrote:


Is there a way to reinstall the firmware with a usb drive without logging in the normal way?

There is a USB recovery process, but I am not sure if that will help or not.


When the system is no longer detected, are you seeing a blinking LED pattern?


LED blink behavior for 2 disk systems is three quick blinks of all disk LEDs and the backup LED, followed by an 1s delay, followed by a number of slow blinks.  The number of slow blinks will be the error code.

Current error codes:
1  - Vendor mismatch
2  - No disks detected
3  - Bad contents on root partition of disks
4  - Flash error
5  - Unsupported RAID configuration
Message 20 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

No blinking led's.

It shows the two disc led's solid

Message 21 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

  • StephenB


I want to thank you because without your help, I would have given up a long time ago.

This nas frustrated me for a couple of weeks straight, but I don't give up easily.

This is what I did in case it helps anyone else.

I had to get an old router and configure it with a static ip of and enable dhcp on it.

Then i configured my laptop to accept dhcp ip assignment and I connected it to the router.

I did an os reinstall on the nas with just disk one and then I connected it to the router.

I started raidar and it found the nas right away, and the setup button was not greyed out.

I got an error about the browser and had to enable my old internet explorer as the default browser, and after that raidar was able to open the frontview interface.

I could not use the browser to set it up and had to use raidar.

I cannot thank you enough for sticking with me and all my questions.

God bless you!

Message 22 of 23

Re: Unable to find readynas duo rnd 2110 v2 on my network and unable to reset to factory settings

@cboudet wrote:



I'm glad I could help.

Message 23 of 23
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