Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

list of complaints.


list of complaints.

this piece of junk constantly dings

with power warnings, 1.58 expected 1.50
other warnings. unexpected errors. uncompleted tasks.

right now i tried to update the firmware or software or whatever the POS dinged it failed (OF COURSE!) but the update light is flashing, and it says it has "background tasks that prevent me from turning off"
it says the iscsi drive failed to be created but i also got a message saying it was created successfully.

typing in the unit IP defaults to "myshares" if its intended for a corporate environment "my shares" isnt a corporate structuring. one HAS TO KNOW to type in /admin to admin this.

your forum is also retarded with passwords i need a Capitol letter and a char and a num? not many forums require this type of security (FOR NO REASON ITS A STUPID READYNAS NOT FORT KNOX!!!)

'thanks for making me use a password i wont Fing remember.

if i had to choose again i WOULD NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS GET THIS POS
Message 1 of 19

Re: list of complaints.

how does 6 x 4tb disks in raid 5 ONLY give me 8Tb i dont flipping know???
it says "raid disks" and lists NOTHING.. LOL

"error in evaluating table display iscsitarget Typeerror: Unable to get property "innerHTML" of undefined or null referance"
"error in evaluating table display tsl Error" no such interface supported"

i cant go more then 20 seconds without 3 popup messages with F***ing noise.

Message 2 of 19

Re: list of complaints.

Message 3 of 19

Re: list of complaints.

Yeah, if I had a dollar for every time I've heard that list of complaints... I'd have one dollar.

Dude, your machine is broken. Maybe it's fixable with a factory reset to defaults and/or an OS reinstall, maybe not (the power errors are an indication that perhaps it's not).

If you bought the box new from an authorized dealer, call Netgear. They'll take care of you.

If it's used or the warranty is no longer valid for some other reason, you might be able to get some help here on the forum... But you'll have to calm down a little and post some information that's actually helpful. Like for starters, what model ReadyNAS is it?
Message 4 of 19

Re: list of complaints.

"error in evaluating table display iscsitarget Typeerror: Unable to get property "innerHTML" of undefined or null referance"
"error in evaluating table display tsl Error" no such interface supported"

these sound like browser issues. are you using some old version of firefox maybe or is the nas still running some dusty old firmware-version?

some info would be helpful:

1. what model nas
2. what firmware-version
3. what browser and version are you trying to access the nas with?

that power error points toward an issue with either psu or mainboard. as fastfwd said, contact netgear support about that.

for all the other errors you may have we would need either logfiles or screenshots to comment on them.
Message 5 of 19

Re: list of complaints.

NAS = rndp6000
firmware = 4.2.20 (upgraded manually)
browser = ie10/opera16

i have a feeling the old IT admin had the same issues when he got it and just shoo'd it under the rug. he loved iscsi and i think he'd have had it plugged into our xenserver.

what screenshots would help the most? if i could just get more then 8tb for file storage i be happy enough.
Message 6 of 19

Re: list of complaints.

could you check if you see the same iscsi error popping up when you use chrome or firefox?
if you have problems upgrading the firmware to the current 4.2.24 firmware, then contact support as well.
they can figure our why it wont update and in the worst case update it manually from techsupport mode.

well screenshots would certainly help explain things. and logfile would allow people to actually look for stuff that could cause what you are describing (except for the voltage stuff thats definitely hardware).
Message 7 of 19

Re: list of complaints.

seagate barracude 4000GB model ST4000DM000 P/N 1F2168-568 firmware CC51
Message 8 of 19

Re: list of complaints.

restating that i've restored it to factory twice.
Message 9 of 19
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: list of complaints.

Those screenshots are all from 4.2.20 and are all from using Internet Explorer. Have you updated the firmware to 4.2.24 yet?

Frontview in old firmware has compatibility issues with IE10. You need to update to 4.2.23 (or later), or run IE10 in compatibility mode for an older version of IE or try another web browser such as Firefox or Chrome.
Message 10 of 19

Re: list of complaints.

i tried to update it again and it said it was up to date???

i tried all the same operations on opera and chrome, per a request.

what about the 8Tb limit with 6x4tb drives? shouldnt i have like 12-16tb?

i will have it updated and re-tested on tuesday
Message 11 of 19
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: list of complaints.

Clear your Temporary Internet Files, close IE, reopen Frontview and take some fresh screenshots and post those.
Message 12 of 19

Re: list of complaints.

the 8 tb limit will only come into play if you start with lets say 4x1tb drives and replace them with 4x4tb drives. your filesystem will increase more then 8 tb which will not be possible.. in that case a factory reset is required to utilize the full capacity.
Message 13 of 19

Re: list of complaints.

4.2.24 was what my nas needed.
4.2.20 it was dysfunctional.
4.1.xx it was just as dysfunctional.

my iscsi came to life.
it has 18.1 TB.
it sees the actual disc drives.


Message 14 of 19

Re: list of complaints.

Just as a heads up, Opera 16 is now a Chrome clone.

Genuine Opera died at v12.xx
Message 15 of 19
NETGEAR Employee Retired

Re: list of complaints.

So you're still getting the error that the power is out of the normal range? Has support had anything to say about that?
Message 16 of 19

Re: list of complaints.

netgear website wont let me login to my support ticket now. ive reset my pw 3 times. ive called the crappy support line and been hung up on 3 times, and have some chat indian retard who helped do nothing. what is with netgear treating me like crap
Message 17 of 19

Re: list of complaints.

mdgm wrote:
So you're still getting the error that the power is out of the normal range? Has support had anything to say about that?

your guys's support is attrocious. everything takes so damn long to do. i lost more money in wasted man-hours then i saved not buying something GOOD.

everything netgear is snowballing into a time-hole-nightmare.

just tried to login and that turns into a hour long nightmare.
Message 18 of 19

Re: list of complaints.

justinmsr wrote:
mdgm wrote:
So you're still getting the error that the power is out of the normal range? Has support had anything to say about that?

your guys's support is attrocious...
Just a reminder - support is not mdgm's "guys". He (like almost all posters here) is a user, and not a Netgear employee.
Message 19 of 19
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