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Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)


Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

It was from another device connected to the AP, I don't think the AP should be forced to have a bandwidth allocation or into qos, i think it might be a design flaw in dumaos.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 526 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Was a device connected to the AP limited in speed? The only reason the XR should be seeing it is if the AP is assigning addresses really. Is the IP the XR gives it the one you access the AP interface with?
Message 527 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Yeah the device was limited, i didn't think about turning dhcp off on the AP, i could try that.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 528 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Snowaura for the 2.4G guest wifi disconnect issue you met, does it occurs on all wireless client or only some fixed wireless card? could you help to try it on firmware, and select another non-nosiy channel to check if you still met same issue?


Message 529 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

ok somethings got to give on the next update this lag is way too much. need to hurry up and get this qos thing fixed because the hit detection and frame deaths are over played

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 530 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@iceway_zhangI think you ment to say, i cannot see any link for .106


I think the wifi channel i am on now is free, the houses near by sometimes use same channel as me or auto channel on their router changes sometimes. The disconnect issue is mainly on my pc usb wireless card and iv tried 2 of them n same thing happens. I think phones and ipad and other things don't get the issue much. I can test it again now that i don't think people near by are using any channel near the one i put it on, which is channel 1, i checked again today and closest house switched to channel 11 manually from auto channel 6 and 8 which is what i was on at the time. I think my other router deals better when channels are over lapping.


It took roughly 2 days for the guest wifi to become unstable, not sure if its cus i didn't notice yet that the house next door switched to 11 till now, so ill report back in roughly 2 days.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 531 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

So i tested the guest network, basically i was getting a disconnect randomly about every 3 hours and could reconnect to the wifi with out any retries, but after running it for bout 7-8 hrs it has become unstable and can't reconnect easily and keeps disconnecting. I can't get a channel that is totally free or unused, most wifi signals reaching into house are about -80 to -85 dbm. I was using channel 1 and another was using channel 2.

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 532 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Hi @Netduma-Fraser 


Can confirm I've setup manual ports and used 1-65535 for source and then put the ports for the game in destination as per portforward.com/path-of-exile


No lag spikes on old firmware and the spike continue on the new firmware.

Message 533 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Dannyism if you do 1-65535 for Dest as well, TCP/UDP does it work?
Message 534 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Yup turned that off and same deal unfortunately. Also happened with the Cold War Beta a few times in the same behavior last weekend as well. Again, this may be like the weirdest South California isolated ISP (Charter Spectrum) issue ever, but thought I'd just put it out there either way. Everything else seems fine outside of this issue to my understanding though.

Message 535 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Aswitch when you think the issue is about to occur could you look in the router logs and see if there are any entries which appear strange to you please?
Message 536 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

The router I'm using is the XR450 on the latest dumaOS 3.0 beta


Some issues:


1. Everytime I log into the router the greeting message still pop up even though I have already skipped them in the past. For example clicking on the QoS tab brings up the "welcome" popup and even has a loading "applying settings" notification. Rebooting the router changes nothing, the behavior returns every time you log in.


2. I cannot disable QoS. If I check "disable qos" it will show the checkmark but if I swap to another page and return to the QoS page the checkmark is missing again which leaves QoS on.


3. QoS fully enabled will eventually break ipv6. Once I disable congestion control IPv6 never fails.


4. After flashing dumaos 3.0 there was an offline unnamed device in the device tree with an unfamiliar mac address. Clicking on it and selecting delete would produce an error and not delete the device. I was only able to remove this device by using the "remove offline devices" option in the hamburger menu.


5. The connection benchmark gave me all A+ even though the upload bufferbloat under load shot up to 106ms. Is this a bug or are your standards this low?


 On the more than a year old version devices would randomly show as offline and never return to online status unless you rebooted and then they went offline after a day or two again. This is the only thing fixed in dumaos 3.0.

Message 537 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

1. Is your browser setup to save cookies/cache?
2. What web browser/device are you using to access the interface and change settings?
3. We've fixed that for the next version
4. Was it that it can't be deleted because it appears to be online?
5. Most likely because the average ping was under a certain level, if it is one spike then it could be an anomaly.
Message 538 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

when is the next firmware update being released ?? @Netduma-Fraser 

Model: XR300|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 539 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

1. I think so? I tried Firefox normally, then Firefox incognito and finally Microsoft Edge(the chrome version). Same behavior in all tests.

2. Usually Firefox.

3. Great news.

4. No, it just says "script error". It was offline for sure though, I just tried deleting one of my offline wireless devices and it showed the same error.

5. Here's the connection benchmark I was talking about: https://imgur.com/a/kCT6FbB


Message 540 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Anton774 Don't have a precise date, basically when it's ready we will release it.

@Mistakes could you try on the Google Chrome browser and see if 1, 2 & 4 work better then? For Benchmark it is because the ping is under a certain amount, experiment with Congestion Control % using Always and see if you can limit the spike.
Message 541 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

I just installed chrome barebones no addons and retested. All issues still exist except for trying to delete individual offline devices. Now it shows "Uncaught ReferenceError: packageId is not defined" instead of "script error".


The "appying settings" pop up just by opening the QoS tab appears to be setting everything default except for the congestion control setting. I can change the QoS to per-device instead of the default per-application and that will also get reverted after applying, selecting a new tab and returning to thew QoS tab.

Message 542 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

A estimated time when we could be exspecting the update would be greatly appreaciated by the community @Netduma-Fraser 

Model: XR500|Nighthawk Pro Gaming Router
Message 543 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Mistakes did you do a factory reset after upgrading to 3.0?

@Anton774 When I give an estimate and it gets missed then people get frustrated. So in the interest of not giving anyone false hope, going forward I will only give an estimate if I am 99% sure we'll hit that time.
Message 544 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

@Netduma-FraserYes, I saw that suggested from the first XR500 beta threads on these forums. I did a factory reset before and after flashing dumaOS 3.0

Message 545 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

When you disable QoS, does it act like it is doing it? If you refresh on the page does it stay enabled or disabled?
Message 546 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)



I'll try to describe the events in order.


Log in > Click QoS tab > Welcome to QoS popup (applying settings pops up at the same time) > Click skip tour > Click the hamburger menu at the top left next to congestion control and select "disable QoS"> "disable all QoS features?" pops up > Click proceed and "applying settings" shows > disable QoS box is now checked > refresh page and "applying settings" shows up > Click the hamburger menu and see the check mark is now gone after refreshing the page.

Message 547 of 635
NetDuma Partner

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)

Message 548 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)



Were you able to reproduce this bug on an XR450 or do you think my unit is defective?

Message 549 of 635

Re: Issue reporting thread - POST NEW ISSUES HERE (V 2.63 running DumaOS 3.0.139)


@Mistakes wrote:


Were you able to reproduce this bug on an XR450 or do you think my unit is defective?


Message 550 of 635
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