Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

Re: R6080 firmware .0.52 update won't install (browser, Nighthawk, manual)


R6080 firmware .0.52 update won't install (browser, Nighthawk, manual)

Have been alerted by both iPhone Nighthawk app and browser access there is the firmware update available.  Tried the Nighthawk app first and it goes thru the process and eventually states it can't make a connection (when checking the router, the Internet LED light goes red, not green.) In order to restore router, have to manually unplug and plug back in. Using the browser method (Firefox), try to use the built-in firmware update and it too goes thru process and soon, it reports there is loss of internet connection and it cannot connect (and the router Internet LED goes out.) Try it manually by downloading and using the resulting .img file when prompted and it does the same: I can see a progress bar and then it too eventually reports there is a signal loss and the only way to restore is restart power. I have performed at least one update since owning the R6080 and the built-in browser access easily did the charm.


Observations: it seems the download occurs and then the router either reboots or goes off line but can't reconnect once the download occurs (at least, I think it's downloading all the way)  Not that this may matter but the Nighthawk app has a feature that can reboot the router and it comes right back on.  But when the "reboot" occurs during the update, the router will not reconnect.


iMac OS: 10.15.7

Router: R6080 (Firmware

Cable Modem: Netgear CM500

Model: R6080|AC1000 Dual Band WiFi Router
Message 1 of 10

Re: R6080 firmware .0.52 update won't install (browser, Nighthawk, manual)

When you're manually updating, are you hardwired into the router? 

And your logging into the router via the browser to do the manual update? 

What error does it give you? the router shouldn't say signal loss so I"m wondering if thats coming from your computer?


also, be very careful with unplugged/rebooting a modem during a firmware upgrade. Its a very good way to brick a router to do it when its in the midst of installing firmware. 

Message 2 of 10

Re: R6080 firmware .0.52 update won't install (browser, Nighthawk, manual)

sorry, meant unplugging/rebooting the *router*
Message 3 of 10

Re: R6080 firmware .0.52 update won't install (browser, Nighthawk, manual)

When you're manually updating, are you hardwired into the router? 

And your logging into the router via the browser to do the manual update? 

What error does it give you? the router shouldn't say signal loss so I"m wondering if thats coming from your computer?


also, be very careful with unplugged/rebooting a modem during a firmware upgrade. Its a very good way to brick a router to do it when its in the midst of installing firmware


Thanks for your input.  Responses to your questions:
Yes, when trying to update, I am hardwired to the router.  The path is cable>CM 500 modem>CAT5>R6080>CAT5>iMac. That's connected, right?
Yes, I am logging onto the router via the browser interface when doing a manual update.  Also doing the same if using the router's interface as it has an option to conduct a firmware update (which doesn't work.  I get the same results -- described below-- an the manual approach.)
It goes thru the progress bar and finishes.  It pauses and then reports connection lost and tells me to retry connecting by clicking a button (which I do numerous times.)  It cannot re-establish connection, even though it is powered on and nothing has changed physically.  If I watch my router when I attempt the manual approach, I can watch the progress bar proceed and see the Internet LED is green. When the progress bar is done, the Internet LED will go red. Slight pause and I get the connection lost message. I click the reconnect button many times and then I wait and wait and finally concede to the unplug/replug to restart the router.  Done this many, many times.
Yes, I am aware about bricking a router if unplugging when the update is in process (in fact, it warns you too.) It's only after I wait and wait do I re-start.  I don't know how to establish a connection when it tells me it's lost connection and the router Internet LED affirms this.  It's not like it has a magical reconnect button on the device.  Thanks!
Model: R6080|AC1000 Dual Band WiFi Router
Message 4 of 10

Re: R6080 firmware .0.52 update won't install (browser, Nighthawk, manual)

you could try installing the firmware to it using tftp. 

are you on windows? if so, follow this guide
just make sure you enable tftp

and here's a video walk through using a tftp client. Use the built in one for windows 10 though. the video is more of an example of how its done.

and if that doesn't work, you can try using nmrpflash

Message 5 of 10

Re: R6080 firmware .0.52 update won't install (browser, Nighthawk, manual)

Thanks but I would prefer a Netgear option rather than resorting to a third-party solution.  Netgear says it's options can perform an update, whether its their app, browser interface or even manally-- and as a customer, I'd like to believe them.  But if one has to go third-party, I guess that might be the direction to take.


BTW, I returned to the Nighthawk app to attempt the update and after a few minutes, I got the report back the update was successful.  (See screen cap.)  But once the app returned to the main Nighthawk screen, the update alert logo was still there. I checked the firmware status and it is still the same old firmware. 


To Netgear: using the title of a Monday Night Football segment "C'mon man!"




Message 6 of 10

Re: R6080 firmware .0.52 update won't install (browser, Nighthawk, manual)

tftp is built into windows. Netgear uses it all the time to push firmware to devices. 

Message 7 of 10

Re: R6080 firmware .0.52 update won't install (browser, Nighthawk, manual)

What about Macs?

Message 8 of 10

Re: R6080 firmware .0.52 update won't install (browser, Nighthawk, manual)

You can download a tftp client for mac's. Netgear doesn't make a tftp utility as there's already plenty on the market. Why reinvent the wheel>

Message 9 of 10

Re: R6080 firmware .0.52 update won't install (browser, Nighthawk, manual)

I have downloaded nmrpflash for mac and looking into what it might bring.  Just a shame one has to resort to a third party solution to install an update.  This should be a simple process and at the very least be able to be easily handled by an up-to-date Nighthawk app but no...

Message 10 of 10
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