Orbi WiFi 7 RBE973

R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update


R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

For some unknown reason, the automatic firmware update did not work on my R8000P router, and I found that I was one version behind at  So I manually updated to  After the update, I found that I was having DNS problems on multiple devices.  These problems persisted for weeks.  I tried specifying different DNS servers, away from my ISP's servers, but the situation did not improve.  So, I downgraded the firmware back to, and the DNS problems went away.


Has anybody had a similar experience?

Message 1 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

quite a few people have posted issues like this across mulitple product lines. So don't feel alone. I'm sure netgear is working on it as we've seen it on multiple products. 

Message 2 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

Same here. Recently updated to V1.4.2.84_1.3.42. Ever since, I've been consistently getting failures that look like DNS failures. In web surfing, it takes multiple refreshes of the page before it actually connects, then everything is fine. This is glaringly obvious with my Google G Suite sites, which use CNAMEs and thus several DNS look-ups before you actually connect to an IP. My Thunderbird hasn't connected to GMail IMAP at all since the router update; Google tends to have lots of IPs and short DNS TTLs, so I'm guessing this is related. (Nothing has changed with my account or authentication settings to cause this to fail.)


The only addition I would make is that WiFi connected devices seem more susceptible to this than hard-wired devices. Some sites won't work at all if I'm on WiFi, but if I switch to a desktop with a physical cable to the router, the site works much more reliably. (It may still take several refreshes before I can load the site.)

Model: R8000P|Nighthawk X6S AC4000 Tri Band WiFi Router
Message 3 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

You'll need to downgrade back to what was working for you. 

@jtdarlington wrote:

Same here. Recently updated to V1.4.2.84_1.3.42. Ever since, I've been consistently getting failures that look like DNS failures. In web surfing, it takes multiple refreshes of the page before it actually connects, then everything is fine. This is glaringly obvious with my Google G Suite sites, which use CNAMEs and thus several DNS look-ups before you actually connect to an IP. My Thunderbird hasn't connected to GMail IMAP at all since the router update; Google tends to have lots of IPs and short DNS TTLs, so I'm guessing this is related. (Nothing has changed with my account or authentication settings to cause this to fail.)


The only addition I would make is that WiFi connected devices seem more susceptible to this than hard-wired devices. Some sites won't work at all if I'm on WiFi, but if I switch to a desktop with a physical cable to the router, the site works much more reliably. (It may still take several refreshes before I can load the site.)


Message 4 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

So my choices are a working DNS but massive security flaws, or increased security but DNS doesn't work?


Message 5 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

Is Netgear working on a solution?!  Has anybody heard?  I'm very dismayed that such a blatant and pervasive problem has gone unaddressed for many weeks.

Message 6 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

I know they're aware of the issue. And I've seen beta fixes for the R6400/R6700 that a Mod sent to a few users. 

So I have a feeling its in the works but they don't release any details on ETA's. 

Message 7 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

Can confirm that downgrading to V1.4.1.68_1.3.28 "fixes" the DNS issue. Fortunately, the security flaw V1.4.2.84_1.3.42 is supposed to fix requires access to the local LAN, so I guess we'll just have to live with that for now. (Of course, anyone who follows INFOSEC news knows there are ways around the "local LAN" issue. Just make sure everyone in your household/office knows to browse safely.)

Message 8 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

My plan is to install a pi-hole and use that for DNS. My current workaround of defining DNS hosts on each machine is silly.
Message 9 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

@kerryland Pihole works pretty nice. I've got one but its running in a docker container on my server. Love how much it blocks. 

Message 10 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

Any luck with this, Netgear? I've had several attempts to add this comment... This is my first and will be my last Netgear device. It would appear you cannot afford to hire reasonable talent. I mean, seriously, DNS issues in a router ?! You're kidding me right? Sounds like piston misfires in an engine. Would you buy a car from that manufacturer ?


Fix it !

Message 11 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

Several more months on and still no fix or new firmware update? For real? They can't even make a firmware version available that's between and This is not good. Is this model officially end of life and there will never be another firmware update or hotfix? Bueller?

Model: R8000P|Nighthawk X6S AC4000 Tri Band WiFi Router
Message 12 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

What do you mean between .68 and .84? There was probably nothing made or developed for release between those versions so if there was, was not mented for public use. 

For now, users should keep to v.68 or .v62 for now. Fixes and FW development doesn't happen over night. 


Message 13 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

68 came out over a year ago. 84 came out 6 months ago and the DNS issues have been getting reported since then. I don’t think 6 months = overnight or that it is unreasonable to expect at least some sort of hot fix to be made available within 6 months, especially when the issue directly impacts your ability to use the internet, which is kind of the main purpose of having a router. Having to use an insecure firmware version for 6 months as the only solution to continue to use this hardware is not a good look.
Message 14 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

Well it is what it is. I've seen some mfrs take 9 mths to a year to come out with new FW updates. You'll have to be patient. 


Message 15 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

New firmware was released this past week (v88). Installed it this morning and so far so good, no DNS issues/sites not loading. Will continue to monitor throughout the weekend, but hopefully it's been addressed and we can go back to being secure and functional!

Model: R8000P|Nighthawk X6S AC4000 Tri Band WiFi Router
Message 16 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

Yes,  I had similar DNS problems.


My solve/resolve tied back into ENABLING IPv6 under the advance settings.  See my thread below


Hope this helps you!



Model: R8000P|Nighthawk X6S AC4000 Tri Band WiFi Router
Message 17 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

Sadly I have already bought a competitors product because I couldn't wait any longer. Its amazing how much relief I feel
ps. This is my second attempt at this post (last time I mentioned a specific brand). I hope the moderators aren't banning statements like this.
Message 18 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

Yes,  I completely agree,   I had struggled for months on DNS this issue and almost gave up on my NG.



There has to be a quicker way to engage with NG DEVELOPERS on prioritizing with getting these issues resolved.  (Moderators, if you have any ideas or suggestions,  that would be great!) 


And a big Kudos to the expert moderators supporting this group, I appreciate all the help & solutions they offer!




Kerryland,  Thank you for responding with your comments!





Message 19 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

Subject: "Known DNS problems with solutions"

Summary: Several people reported DNS issued related to PROBE or non-response from websites

NG pending actions: NG engineer team is aware of the problem, they are working on it. It does take some time for development and testing. In meantime, users can try enabled IPv6 to see if this corrects the DNS problem or revert back FW to what was working.

Please be patient. 



Message 20 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

Downloaded new firmware to  V1.0.4.84-10.1.84 and now have the same issue on all three devices.  How do I get the "old" version installed?

I am a relative novice when it comes to wireless router set up.



Message 21 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

Did you try this version of FW?



Users can try enabling IPv6 to see if this corrects the DNS problem...

@canam2020 wrote:

Downloaded new firmware to  V1.0.4.84-10.1.84 and now have the same issue on all three devices.  How do I get the "old" version installed?

I am a relative novice when it comes to wireless router set up.




Message 22 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

Been running the FW for the past several days now. While the DNS issues were lessened, they were still present, and annoying enough that I was strongly considering dropping back down again to the previous FW that I knew "worked" ( That said, I saw FURRYe38's post about enabling IPv6 and, by George, that somehow worked. I'm not sure how it worked; my ISP seems hard set on sticking with IPv4, so I never bothered enabling it. But once I did, all of the random disconnects appeared to vanish. I'm curious to see if this somehow clears up a seemingly separate issue I've been having with one of my streaming services (or if it is, as I suspect, that the streaming service simply sucks).


This seems like an odd regression, to have this tied to the IPv6 toggle. The DNS service I use uses IPv4 addresses, so I don't see why this would make a difference. The most notable and obvious instances of DNS issues I encountered dealt with either (a) large services like Google or Facebook that have many servers and likely load-balance their domains across multiple IPs, or (b) CNAMEs that "redirect" from one domain to another. In the latter example, I have CNAMEs for a few of my domains that forward to Google services; these were often some of the main "victims" of the DNS issue and required several attempts to get the domain to resolve.

Message 23 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

Did you factory reset and setup from scratch after applying the latest v.88 FW and see if DNS issues are present with IPv6 disabled? 

What is the Mfr and model# of the Internet Service Providers modem/ONT the NG router is connected too?


Been monitoring my R7960P with v.88 loaded and no DNS issues yet however it's only been 12 hours..


Ya my ISP doesn't support IPv6 either. 

@jtdarlington wrote:

Been running the FW for the past several days now. While the DNS issues were lessened, they were still present, and annoying enough that I was strongly considering dropping back down again to the previous FW that I knew "worked" ( That said, I saw FURRYe38's post about enabling IPv6 and, by George, that somehow worked. I'm not sure how it worked; my ISP seems hard set on sticking with IPv4, so I never bothered enabling it. But once I did, all of the random disconnects appeared to vanish. I'm curious to see if this somehow clears up a seemingly separate issue I've been having with one of my streaming services (or if it is, as I suspect, that the streaming service simply sucks).


This seems like an odd regression, to have this tied to the IPv6 toggle. The DNS service I use uses IPv4 addresses, so I don't see why this would make a difference. The most notable and obvious instances of DNS issues I encountered dealt with either (a) large services like Google or Facebook that have many servers and likely load-balance their domains across multiple IPs, or (b) CNAMEs that "redirect" from one domain to another. In the latter example, I have CNAMEs for a few of my domains that forward to Google services; these were often some of the main "victims" of the DNS issue and required several attempts to get the domain to resolve.


Message 24 of 27

Re: R8000P - DNS issues after firmware update

Can confirm setting ipv6 to automatic fixes the issue for me...
After weeks of constantly fiddeling arround with my pihole, windows software/firewall and stuff...

I thought it was a user error....

Also my alexas multiroom does not bugging out after 20 minutes now.

Everything seems to work now. Pihole works and no more reloading webpages... since 1 hour it seems to work.

Message 25 of 27
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